Which part of the skeleton is the most important? — КиберПедия 

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Which part of the skeleton is the most important?

2019-09-17 930
Which part of the skeleton is the most important? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Which part of the skeleton is the most important?

-The most important part of the skeleton is the backbone.

What classes do the naturalists divide all the animals into?

-the naturalists divide of the all animal into two classes: vertebrates and invertebrates

What do the bones of the body include?

-The bones which form the body include the bones of the head, the bones of the trunk, the bones of the lower and upper limbs.

Where is the skull? What do the bones of the head include?

  -At the upper end of the backbone. Inside the skull there is the brain. The bones of the head include the bones which make up the box-like structure, the skull, and freely movable bone which forms our lower jaw.

What do the bones of the trunk include?

 -The bones of the trunk include the spinal column, the ribs and the breastbone.

Which organs do the ribs protect?

 -Ribs protect the lungs, heart and organs of the mediastinum

How does the wrist work?

-the wrist does flexion, extension movements

How many bones are there in the framework of the wrist and hand?

-we have twenty-seven bones in the framework of the hand and wrist alone.



II. The Cardiovascular System. Blood.

What is the cardiovascular system? What does it include?

- The cardiovascular system is the system of blood circulation. The cardiovascular system includes the heart, the arteries, the veins and the capillaries of the human body.

2. What is the center of the circulatory system?

        -The center of the circulatory system is the heart.

3. How many chambers does the heart have?

        - The heart is a hollow muscle which has four chambers: two ventricles and two auricles.

  4. What do the left and the right heart do?

      -The right heart receives blood from the veins and pumps it into the lungs.                    From the left heart the well-oxygenated blood moves into the aorta.

5. Name two valves in the heart.

  -Tricuspid valve. The mitral valve.

 6. Which types of vessels do you know?

   - Types of vessels are arteries, veins, capillaries.

7. What is the blood?

     - The blood is a red fluid, which clots when escapes from a blood vessel.

8. Which types of blood cells do you know?

     -Erythrocytes (or red blood cells) provide oxygen to tissues, lymphocytes form our immune system, and leucocytes (or white blood cells) defend the organism from infection.


           III. The Respiratory System. Respiration.

Why is respiration so important?

- It is important, because it sustains life, and interruption of breathing causes death.

What gases are involved in breathing?

- Breathing includes two main gases: oxygen and carbon dioxide.

What parts of the respiratory system does the air pass on its way to the alveoli?

- Air is breathed through the mouth or nose into the oral cavity, or pharynx. It then passes through the voice box, or larynx, into the windpipe, or trachea.

Describe the mechanism of breathing.

- Respiration consists of rhythmically repeated inhalations and exhalations. An inhalation involves a contraction of muscles, an expansion of the lungs.

Inhalation is followed by exhalation. The muscles relax, the lungs become compressed.

What is inhalation/exhalation?

- Respiration consists of rhythmically repeated inhalations and exhalations. An inhalation involves a contraction of muscles, an expansion of the lungs. Inhalation is followed by exhalation. The muscles relax, the lungs become compressed.

How many respiratory movements do the people do?

- An adult makes 16-20 respiratory movements per minute, children make more movements.

7. When does increased respiration occur?

       - increased breathing is possible with exercise and some diseases.


IV. The Structure and Function of the Digestive System.

Where is the largest cavity of the body situated?

- The abdomen is the largest cavity of the body.

What organs does the abdominal cavity contain?

- The organs of the abdominal cavity are the liver, the gall-bladder, the stomach, the intestines, the pancreas, the spleen, the kidneys and the bladder.

Why is the liver so important?

- The liver is important, because it secretes bile which participates in the digestive process and has a defensive function.

What does the gall-bladder serve for?

- The gall-bladder lies beneath the right lobe of the liver and serves as a bile reservoir.

What is digestion?

- Digestion is the breakdown of food into smaller components that can be absorbed into the bloodstream.

What is the urinary system?

- The urinary system is the system which excretes the largest part of the waste products of the body.

Where is urine formed?

- The urine is formed in the kidneys from.

What does urine consist of?

- The wastes are excreted as urine, which is normally composed of approximately 96 per cent water, plus urea and various salts.



                           VI. Our University

When was the BSMU founded?

- Bashkir State Medical University was founded in 1932.

Which part of the skeleton is the most important?

-The most important part of the skeleton is the backbone.

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