Physical examination of pregnant women — КиберПедия 

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Physical examination of pregnant women

2019-08-26 2239
Physical examination of pregnant women 4.50 из 5.00 4 оценки
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Many aspects of obstetric physical examination are unique.

The assessment of pregnancy should begin with a general examination of a pregnant woman. The general examination includes first of all the woman’ s height and weight. Then the body mass index (BMI) can be calculated, because some antenatal and perinatal complications are associated with a BMI less 20 and more 25. The thyroid gland and breast should also be examined. Auscultation of the heart sound and lungs is essential. Many detected conditions, such as a cardiac murmur, breast lumps and others may have significant implications on the course of her pregnancy and health. Sometimes more detailed examinations are indicated in a diabetic or hypertensive woman. The measurement of maternal blood pressure (BP) is of great importance in pregnancy.

An abdominal examination (palpation and auscultation) is another important step of physical examination of a pregnant woman. It may indicate the shape and size of the uterus. The uterine size is objectively measured and expressed as height. The highest point of the fundus of the uterus should be palpated. It is important because the number of fetuses may be determined. By palpation the pelvic presentation of the fetus is examined as well.

All the examination findings are necessary for understanding of a woman clinical condition. They should form the basis for further investigations if needed.


1. assessment - оценка

2. pregnancy - беременность

3. pregnant - беременная

4. height - рост

5. weight - вес

6. antenatal - утробный, до рождения

7. perinatal - перинатальный

8. thyroid - щитовидный

9. essential - необходимый, важный

10. murmur - шум (в сердце)

11. lump - зд. нарушение

12. significant - значительный, существенный

13. implication - зд. значение, смысл

14. to indicate - требовать, указывать

15. measurement - измерение

16. uterus - матка

17. shape - форма, очертание

18. fundus - дно

19. fetus - плод

20. to determine - определять

21. presentation - зд. предлежание

Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.

Акушерский физикальный осмотр; общий осмотр; должен включать; рост и вес; можно посчитать; осложнения; тон сердца; требуется; указывать на; размер матки; дно матки; также определяется; клиническое состояние женщины; основа для дальнейших исследований.

Ex.2 Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.

A pregnant woman; are associated; a thyroid gland; an implication; blood pressure; an abdominal examination; is measured; the highest point; presentation of the fetus; if needed.

Ex.3 Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.          

1. What does the general examination of a pregnant woman include?

2. What does BMI mean?

3. Is heart sound auscultation essential?

4. What detected conditions may have significant implication?

5. What is necessary for a diabetic or hypertensive woman?

6. What may abdominal examination reveal?

7. Why is it important to palpate the fundus of the uterus?

8. Why are all the examination findings necessary?



Labour is divided into three stages.

The first stage begins with onset of pains and ends with the full dilatation of the cervix. It is the stage of dilation. At this stage uterine contractions occur from time to time.

The second stage begins after full dilatation of the cervix and ends with expulsion of foetus.

The third stage begins after the expulsion of the foetus and ends with the expulsion of the placenta and membranes.

When the uterine contractions become more strongly the pregnant woman suffers of pains and discomforts very much. She fears for her baby and herself. An obstetrician may give some medicine or anesthesia to the woman, if it is necessary. A role of a midwife is very important at that time. She must be very attentive and polite to the woman, she must try to calm, support and help her. The midwife must remember that she is responsible for the health and life of the pregnant woman and her baby.


1. labour - роды

2. birth - роды

3. dilatation - расширение, раскрытие

4. contraction - мн.ч. схватки

5. cervix - шейка

6. expulsion - выталкивание, изгнание(плода)

7. foetus - утробный плод

8. placenta - детское место, послед, плацента

9. membrane - плева,оболочка, пленка

10. to deliver - родить; принимать (роды)

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