Why do the Chinese call the Yellow River in China “China’s Sorrow”? — КиберПедия 

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Why do the Chinese call the Yellow River in China “China’s Sorrow”?

2019-08-07 647
Why do the Chinese call the Yellow River in China “China’s Sorrow”? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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The Huang He, or Yellow River, in China is called “China’s Sorrow” by the Chinese themselves. Since long ago, flooding __________________ a serious problem.     BE







The __________________, most sorrowful flood on record happened in 1931. BAD







The waters began to rise in July, and by November of that year, more than 40,000 square miles had been flooded, __________________ 80 million people homeless.     LEAVE







A rabbit and a tortoise

Once there lived a rabbit and a tortoise. The rabbit challenged the tortoise to have a race with __________________. The tortoise agreed and they started the race.   HE







The rabbit ran __________________ than the tortoise, and in a few minutes he was near the crossing line. He couldn’t see the tortoise, so he decided to rest for a while till the tortoise arrived and then he would quickly cross the line. FAST







The rabbit lay down under a tree and soon he was asleep. When he awoke, he saw that the tortoise __________________ the line.   CROSS







The tortoise __________________ the match, showing that it’s more important to be steady and active than to be fast. WIN





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Camping tips

If you go camping for the first time, this advice may be quite useful. When you __________________ to take time off work or school for your camping trip, always add an extra week.   PLAN







When you get home from your ‘vacation’, you __________________ too tired to go back for a week after.   BE







Check the washing instructions before buying any clothes to be worn while camping. Buy only __________________ that read: “Beat on a rock in stream.”   THAT







The apple of love

Do you know that this is what the French call the tomato? Aztecs and Incas __________________ tomatoes as far back as in 700 AD.   GROW






Explorers __________________ from Mexico introduced the tomato into Europe, where it was first mentioned in 1556. RETURN







There are more than 10,000 varieties of tomatoes. Tomatoes __________________ in many food products, including, of course, tomato sauce (ketchup), pasta and pizza.   USE







Tomatoes are rich in vitamins A and C and lycopene. Cooked tomatoes have __________________ concentrations of lycopene than non-cooked tomatoes.   HIGH



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A visit to an artist

One day a woman went to visit a famous American artist. The charming old painter was in her late eighties, but she was full of life. She enjoyed __________________ her paintings.     SHOW





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The visitor __________________ with so much beauty.          IMPRESS





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“Oh!” cried the visitor. “What beautiful colours. I wish I could take them home!” “You will,” said the artist with a smile. “You __________________ on my brushes.”   SIT





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Finding a pen friend

A letter with a Dutch stamp on the envelope arrived at 43 Tudor Road, Oxford, the other day. It __________________ to Rose Stuart, an 11-year-old girl, who lived at that address.   ADDRESS





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When she opened it, she had a surprise. When Rose was on a seaside holiday in August, she wrote her name and address on a piece of paper, added the request, “Write to me”, put the paper in a bottle and __________________ it into the sea.   THROW





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In November, the bottle was picked up from the shore near a village in Holland by a 14-year-old boy. He opened it, found Rose’s message, and at once replied to it. He wrote that he had many books, most of __________________ about sea.   THEY





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He said he hoped that Rose __________________ to him. Now they are pen friends. WRITE





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Transport in Bangkok

Bangkok is known as the “Venice of the East”. Today, many of the canals have been filled in and paved over to make room for roads, but a massive network of waterways still crosses the city. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries Bangkok experienced __________________ influence.     EUROPE







As a result, the city __________________ shifted to a road-based transport system. SLOW







Over the last decade, Bangkok has evolved from a humid riverside city into a modern, rapidly growing Asian __________________ centre. Business travellers will appreciate the city’s growth in public transportation and its world-class airport.     COMMERCE







The capital's airport, which is located 25km east of the city centre, contributed greatly to Bangkok’s __________________.     DEVELOP







A modern, convenient elevated rail link connects the airport to the city in 30 minutes, helping __________________ avoid traffic jams.   VISIT







The city’s modern public transportation system is a __________________ of sky trains and underground subways. It has transformed the bustling city centre into a futuristic district of street-level roads, elevated roads and sky trains.   COMBINE




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Scottish inventions

Do you know how the refrigerator was invented? It is one of the most important __________________ of the Scots to the world.   CONTRIBUTE







If James Harrison (1816–1893), a Scottish immigrant to Australia, didn’t __________________ push ether gas into a metal tube, people might still be using boxes filled with blocks of ice to cool their food.   ACCIDENTAL





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The main problem was how to overcome the need for ice in the __________________ process.   REFRIGERATE







Ice had to be cut fresh from frozen lakes and stored inside an underground house until it was ready to be used as a __________________.     COOL







Australians had difficulty gaining access to __________________ ice since Australia does not enjoy that many lakes.   NATURE







Harrison’s discovery was beneficial the world over, but especially important for Australia because now it could export frozen meat to Europe. He even tried one such journey to Europe, but the ether had leaked during the voyage and ruined the entire cargo. Harrison went bankrupt but his legacy meant a huge __________________ to the Australian economy.   DIFFER






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Eastbourne is a large seaside town on the south coast of England. It has an estimated __________________ of 100,000 people.   POPULATE







The area has seen human activity since the Stone age and remained an area of small __________________ right up until the 19th century. The town then started to expand.   SETTLE







Eastbourne has the __________________ Eastbourne college which boasts of alumni such as the current head of the British Army. PRESTIGE







__________________ the town holds tennis competitions which bring in numbers of sportsmen and spectators. ANNUAL







Although Eastbourne has some industrial and trading businesses, the main income for the town is still __________________. The main focus of it is the four miles of the beach lined with a seafront of hotels and guest houses.     TOUR







As you see, it is __________________ to see and do everything in just one day, so plan your stay in Eastbourne for at least a few days. POSSIBLE





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St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day is an Irish holiday. It’s a __________________ festival of Irish culture on or around March 17.   GLOBE







It __________________ remembers St. Patrick, one of Ireland’s patron saints, who ministered Christianity in Ireland during the 5th century. Irish communities and organizations around the world, no matter where they are, give a tribute to this day. PARTICULAR







On St. Patrick’s Day many people wear an item of green clothing. The green colour is meant to __________________ Irish valleys and evergreen nature.   SYMBOL







Parties featuring Irish food and drinks that are dyed in green food colour are a part of this __________________.   CELEBRATE







It is a time when children can indulge in sweets and adults can enjoy some good time at a local pub. Many restaurants and pubs have __________________ decorations and offer Irish food or drink, which include Irish stew and potato soup as well as many other specialties.     BEAUTY







It’s a great day for both kids and grown-ups and an __________________ experience.   FORGETTABLE





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The spinner boom

Do you know about the spinner boom? Recently the spinner __________________ global. You can find them in toy stores, gas stations, online specialty shops. GO







The popularity of fidget spinners __________________ everyone by surprise. CATCH







A toy that everyone could play with was originally designed to calm hyperactive__________________help them focus better. It was also invented to help relieve stress and anxiety.   CHILD







Ironically, the gadgets that at first __________________ beneficial for focus have been banned from many schools because they distract children. A fidget spinner may help you focus, but it can also be a distraction when used too much. CALL







For most people fidget spinners are __________________ than beneficial. DISTRACTING







If the kids __________________ on a fidget spinner game or competition, they’re not paying much attention to anything else happening in the classroom. FOCUS







The future of spinners is in doubt. It’s difficult to predict what __________________ of spinners when the new school year starts.   BECOME






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Mount Everest

Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. Mount Everest attracts __________________from all over the world.   CLIMB







Since the first historic climb in 1953, more than 2000 people have__________________climbed Mount Everest. But it is always a challenge.   SUCCESSFUL







The members of expeditions have to be physically very fit. Without a special training period one can__________________fail to reach the summit.     EASY







A serious difficulty for __________________ undertaking expeditions is the climate. TOUR







Sometimes the weather makes it __________________ to go on with the climbing. The wind, the cold and lack of oxygen make people go back and give up. POSSIBLE







__________________is the most important issue for everyone involved in the business of mountain climbing. SAFE





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A portable air filter

No matter where you live and work, you are breathing in chemicals and pollutants. Some of them are __________________ than others and can harm our health.     DANGEROUS







A clever solution is to buy a portable air filter which creates a clean-climate bubble around __________________.   WE







The device __________________ in shops all over the world in the near future. APPEAR







The no-touch thermometer

You may think that the invention of the no-touch thermometer is a useless thing. Still, anyone who __________________ a sick child recently will disagree with you here.   HAVE







It can be a real problem to measure a baby’s temperature __________________ traditional methods.   USE







The __________________ no-touch thermometer was introduced in the 2010s. ONE







Once the device __________________ an inch from a patient’s forehead, it shows the result in 2.5 seconds. PLACE






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