The complex sentence with an adverbial clause of purpose — КиберПедия 

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The complex sentence with an adverbial clause of purpose

2019-08-07 504
The complex sentence with an adverbial clause of purpose 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Clauses of purpose generally express the purpose of the action, which is stated in the main clause. The verb-predicate in the subordinate clause is in the subjunctive mood as it expresses a planned but not a real action. Adverbial clauses of purpose are introduced by conjunctions that, so that, lest, so as, so, in order that, for fear that.

Exercise 1. Translate the sentences into English using adverbial clauses of purpose.

1. Я отказалась от приглашения, чтобы провести вос­кресенье с вами. 2. Они ехали с закрытыми окнами, чтобы сын не простудился. 3. Он отошёл в сторону, чтобы всем было видно, что написано на доске. 4. Я ушла в свою комнату, чтобы мне никто не мешал заниматься. 5. Займите место в первом ряду, чтобы лучше слышать оратора. 6. Она сказала, что будет сопровождать их обоих, чтобы ни у кого не было причины жаловаться.

Exercise 2. Analyze the moods of the verbs in bold type and answer the following questions.

1. What moods are used in adverbial clauses of purpose?

2. Is the sequence of tenses observed in adverbial clauses of purpose?

1. Mr. Fox and I hold an open house for all the members of the staff so that the new men can meet everyone else. (Wil­son). 2. I will not make a noise lest I should disturb you. (Poutsma). 3. They drove with both windows closed so that the Vicar should not catch cold. (Maugham). 4. She took to pronouncing words carefully lest she say things like “goil” for “girl”. (Smith). 5. It means that we all have to get on the ground floor so that everyone starts even. (Wilson). 6. Moon kept jerking the table-cloth so that it all hung down her side and Sun hadn’t any and then she pretended she didn’t do it on purpose. (Mansfield). 7. I’m saving every cent I can out of your pay so that next year both of you will be back in school. (Smith). 8. They climbed down the three flights of stairs and crossed the back yard on tiptoe so that the snow would not come up over their rubbers. (Saxton). 9. I am coming back to England early this year and would like to meet the girl straightway so that I can marry before the end of the year. (Daily Worker). 10. We’d better exhume the body and make our own meas­urements... so that it may not be so easy for Mason to make any use of the tripod now that he has it. (Dreiser). 11. He would have liked to probe into his soul so that he might see in its nakedness the dreadful dismay of the unknown which he suspected. (Maugham).

Exercise 3. Open the brackets using the appropriate form of the verb.

1. What do you say, De Levis? D’you want every­body in the house knocked up so that their keys (to be tried)? (Galsworthy). 2. Judge not that you (to be) not judged. (Car­ter). 3. At your age I looked for hardship, danger, horror and death, that I (to feel) the life in me more intensely. (B. Shaw). 4. Miss Osyth turned and ran, she ran lest she (to be seen). (Bennett). 5. Of course, there may not be a va­cancy, and I don’t want to put another person out of her place that I (to step) into it. (Mulhollard).
6. Now here a form of receipt I’ve made out and you must get her to sign that so that there (to be) no possible mistake. (Priestley).

Exercise 4. Classify the subordinate clauses joined by the conjunctions that and so that into adverbial clauses of purpose or result. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. I got one of the bags of flour full in my face so that it burst all over my head. By the time I’d cleaned myself up mother was sitting in a corner. (Walsh). 2. I want you to understand that I didn’t install her there so that I could make love to her. (Priestley). 3. Oh, if it were only another night so that she could take his hands in hers... (Dreiser). 4. A pair of knee duck trousers and an old sweater made him a presentable wheel costume, so that he could go with Ruth on afternoon rides. (London). 5. “I sit alone that I may eat more,” said the Baron peering into the dusk. “My stomach requires a great deal of food.” (Mansfield). 6. “I wish to God, she’d say something really cheeky, he raged to himself, – so that I could report her and get her sacked.” (Maugham). 7. Shall we ring so that Thomas can clear these things? (Priestley). 8. He wished Hayward had been there so that he could ask him what he thought she meant, and what he had better do next. (Mau­gham).

Adverbial clauses of cause

Adverbial clauses of cause (or causative clauses) express the reason, cause, or moti­vation of the action expressed in the main clause or of its content as a whole.

Causative clauses may be introduced by the conjunctions as, because, since, so, that, lest, seeing (that), considering; or by the composite conjunctions for the reason that, in view of the fact that, in so far as (insofar as), by reason of.

Exercise 1. Write out the conjunctions used to join the adverbial clauses of cause and translate sentences 6–10 into Russian

1. “Oh! I dare say she is crying because he could no go out with Missis in the carriage,” interposed Bessi. (Ch. Bronte). 2. Write that you decline to support this scheme of hers as you hold it to be a dishonest scheme. (Wilde). 3. I think he saw the effect he had produced on me for some days afterwards he wrote and asked to come and see him. (Wilde). 4. We took our umbrellas, because we were afraid it would rain; for the barometer had been falling for some time. (Sweet). 5. Don’t say: “I arrived in Chicago.” Note “arrived at” is correct, for the reason that the city is regarded for the time being, as a mere point. (Baker).

Exercise 2. Translate the sentences into Russian paying attention to the word order in the adverbial clauses of cause and the conjunctions used.

1. Unused as I was to strangers, it was rather a trial to appear thus formally summoned in Mr. Rochester’s presence. (Ch. Bronte). 2. Besieged as she is by practical problems of all sorts, the mother today can hardly have the time to brood over the intricacies of the psychological relationship between mother and child. (Daily Worker). 3. She had be­come increasingly difficult; jealous of her stepdaughter June and making ceaseless plaint that he could not love her, ill as she was, and useless to everyone. (Galsworthy). 4. I can now conjecture readily that this streak of light was, in all likelihood, a gleam from a lantern, carried by some one across the lawn; but then, prepared as my mind was for hor­ror, shaken as my nerves were by agitation, I thought the swift darting beam was a herald of some coming vision from another world. (Ch. Bronte). 5. This state of things should have been to me a paradise of peace, accustomed as I was to a life of ceaseless reprimand and thankless fagging. (Ch. Bron­te). 6. It was far for me to go, weak and ill as I was. (Doyle).

Exercise 3. Translate the sentences into English using adverbial clauses of cause.

1. Я все эти дни не записывал впечатления, потому что писать не хотелось.
2. Раз уж вы настаиваете, мне придётся подчиниться. 3. Девочка, должно быть, серьёзно болела: она очень бледна. 4. Андрей решил, поскольку он нахо­дится здесь, он может, по крайней мере, зайти и догово­риться о встрече. 5. Возьмите
с собой плащ, так как баро­метр падает и небо покрыто тучами. 6. Ребёнка надо отдать в музыкальную школу, так как у него хороший слух.

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