General medical terminology общая медицинская терминология — КиберПедия 

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General medical terminology общая медицинская терминология

2019-07-12 402
General medical terminology общая медицинская терминология 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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ГЛ. настоящ.вр. 3 лицо ед.ч. – ГЛ + s

ГЛ. прошед.вр. – 2 форма или ГЛ + ed

ТЕМА 9      



       MEDICAL CARE PRACTICES                                         ЛПУ

medical office              частная практика, частная клиника
doctor’s office              частная практика, частная клиника
hospital (general, specialized)              больница (общего профиля,                  специализированная)
clinic                                                             клиника
dispensary                                                          диспансер
medical health center (women’s health center, family planning center)                                        медицинский центр
patient treatment center                                                    поликлиника
injury center                                                     травм. пункт
nursing home              дом престарелых, инвалидный дом
hospice                                                                хоспис
general hospitals:                           больницы общего профиля:
city hospital                                       городская больница
regional hospital                                      областная больница
rural hospital                                         сельская больница
emergency hospital                                                                  БСП
military hospital                                                           госпиталь
children hospital (regional children clinical hospital)                             детская больница (ОДКБ)
specialized hospitals:                     специализированные больницы:                                   
infectious diseases hospital         больница инфекционных заболеваний
oncology dispensary                            онкологический диспансер
psychiatric hospital                           психиатрическая больница
cardiologic center                                кардиологический центр
orthopedic neurology center       ортопедический неврологический центр
dermatological dispensary            кожно венерологический диспансер
TB dispensary                 противотуберкулезный диспансер



                 OF A HOSPITAL

inpatient department (IPD)                                                       стационар
outpatient department (OPD) (ambulatory care unit)                                                   амбулатория
emergency department (ED)     неотложное, отделения скорой помощи
emergency room (ER)      неотложное, отделения скорой помощи                        
accident & emergency department (A&E)      неотложное, отделения скорой помощи
critical care unit (CCU) отделение критической терапии    (реанимация)
intensive care unit (ICU) отделения интенсивной терапии (реанимация)
NICU (neonatal ICU)                            неонатальная реанимация
gastroenterology unit (gastrointestinal unit (GI)                                         гастроэнтерология
obstetrics (OB unit)                                  акушерское отделения
gynecology department (GYNE unit)                                                    гинекология
ophthalmology department (eye unit)           офтальмология (глазное отделение)
otorhinolaryngology department (ENT unit)                                              ЛОР отделение
pediatrics                                                       педиатрия
cardiology department                                                     кардиология
general surgery department                           отделение общей хирургии
ambulatory surgery (same (one) day surgery)                                 амбулаторная хирургия
neurosurgery department                                                 нейрохирургия
psychoneurology unit                                            психоневрология
nephrology department                                                     нефрология                                     
urology unit                                                         урология
proctology unit                                                    проктология
burns unit                                      ожоговое отделение
diagnostic testing and nuclear imaging                    диагностическое тестирование
X ray                                                рентгенология
radiology                                                      радиология
procedure room (treatment room)                                                   процедурная
dressing room                                                 перевязочная
examination room                                                      смотровая
doctor’s lounge                                                ординаторская
nursery                                                    сестринская
registration office                                                   регистратура
admitting office                                             приемный покой
room (ward)                                                             палата
scrub up room                                  гигиеническая комната
pre operating room                                         предоперационная
operating room (OR)                                                  операционная
post anesthesia care unit (recovery room RR)                   наркозная,  послеоперационная
(by) ambulance                           (на) машине скорой помощи
waiting room                                       зал ожидания, холл
laboratory (lab)                                                   лаборатория
pathology               патологоанатомическое отделение
pharmacy                                                             аптека
morgue                                                                 морг



1. intensive care                 a) ray

2. X                                     b) dispensary

3. doctor’s                      c) room

4. operating                        d) unit

5. TB                                 e) home

6. nursing                            f) office



1. ординаторская                      a) obstetrics

2. отделения скорой помощи   b) nursing home  

3. инвалидный дом                   c) doctor’s lounge

4. ожоговое отделение             d) ambulance

5. машина скорой помощи       e) burns unit

6. акушерское отделения         f) emergency room  




OR. ENT unit. IPD. ER. ICU. OB unit. CCU.




1. emergency department (ED)

2. gastrointestinal department

3. doctor’s office

4. ambulatory care unit

5. eye unit

6. ENT unit



  1. отделение больницы
  2. реанимация
  3. частная практика
  4. отделение скорой помощи
  5. процедурная
  6. палата



  1. There are many doctor’s offices for dental care in our town today.
  2. New women’s health center was opened in Vladimir not long ago.
  3. Students of our medical college usually practice in emergency hospital.
  4. Our orthopedic neurology center in Peganovo is famous all over the world.
  5. All children of Vladimir and region are treated in our regional children clinical hospital.
  6. Inpatient department (IPD) and outpatient department (OPD) are necessary for all units of a hospital.
  7. Cardiology department deals with severe diseases of cardiovascular system.
  8. Operations are made in the operating room and then patients stay in the recovery room.
  9.  Ambulatory Surgery sometimes is called Same Day Surgery.




Allergy and Immunology. Study, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders of the immune system, including allergy, immune deficiency, and autoimmune disease.

Anesthesiology. Use of anesthetic agents to prevent pain during surgical or other painful procedures, and procedures necessary to sustain life and health in anesthetized patients.

Colon and Rectal Surgery. Surgical treatment of disorders of the anus, rectum, and intestines, including enlarged veins around the anus, called hemorrhoids, benign growths called polyps, and colon cancer.

Dermatology. Diagnosis and treatment of disorders and diseases of the skin.

Emergency Medicine. Treatment of patients suffering from sudden, life-threatening injury or illness.

Family Practice. Comprehensive care of individuals of all ages on a long-term basis.

Internal Medicine. Nonsurgical diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the internal organs. Subspecialties of internal medicine include endocrinology, gastroenterology, hematology, and rheumatology.

Medical Genetics. Study, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of genetic disorders.

Neurological Surgery. Surgical treatment of the nervous system, including the nerves, brain, and spinal cord.

Nuclear Medicine. Use of radioactive substances to diagnose and treat disease.

Obstetrics and Gynecology. Diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the female reproductive system and management of pregnancy, labor, and childbirth.

Ophthalmology. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of the eyes. Includes correction of defective vision, drug therapy, and surgery of the eye.

Orthopedic Surgery. Diagnosis and surgical treatment of disorders of the bones, muscles, and associated structures, such as ligaments and tendons. Includes correction of skeletal malformations and treatment of broken bones and other injuries.

Otolaryngology. Study, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the head and neck, such as hearing problems, sinus infections, and cancer of the larynx.

Pathology. Study of the nature of disease and the changes it causes in the body, including structural and physiological changes that take place in cells, tissues, or organs. Pathologists do not usually treat patients.

Pediatrics. Study of the growth and development of children, as well as diagnosis and treatment of diseases in children.

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Treatment of disorders by physical means, such as heat, cold, and radiation, to restore function to damaged parts of the body.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Surgical treatment, usually of superficial parts of the body, to correct conditions that are disabling or disfiguring.

Preventive Medicine. Study and use of various measures to prevent disease, including immunization and public health controls.

Psychiatry and Neurology. Study of the mind and treatment of its disorders, as wells as diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nervous system.

Radiology. Use of X rays and various other forms of radiation in the diagnosis and treatment of disease.

Surgery. Use of manual and instrumental procedures called operations in the diagnosis and treatment of disease and injuries.

Thoracic Surgery. Surgery of the chest, including surgery of the heart, lungs, and chest wall.

Urology. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the urinary tract in females and the urogenital tract in males.







  1. What is the difference between general hospital and specialized hospital?
  2. What is the difference between obstetrics and GYNE unit?
  3. What is the difference between IPD and OPD?
  4. What is the difference between surgery department and ambulatory surgery?


  1. отделение
  2. больница
  3. неотложное отделение
  4. кардиоцентр
  5. поликлиника
  6. реанимация
  7. инвалидный дом
  8. операционная
  9. диспансер
  10. хирургия
  11. акушерское отделение
  12. сестринская
  13. частная клиника
  14. перевязочная
  15. палата
  16. машина скорой помощи


  1. 5 ЛПУ
  2. 10 отделений больницы
  3. 5 специальных помещений в каждом отделении



  1. Многие женщины лечатся (are treated) в гинекологическом отделении больницы.
  2. Офтальмологическое отделение имеет дело (deals with) с серьезными глазными заболеваниями.
  3. (There is) В каждой больнице есть кабинет диагностического тестирования.
  4. Больные покупают необходимые препараты в больничной аптеке.
  5. В нашем городе работают онкологический, психоневрологический, кожновенерологический и противотуберкулезный диспансеры.
  6. Благотворительные (charity) акции помогают домам престарелых и хосписам.
  7. Областная больница инфекционных заболеваний находится в п. Юрьевц.
  8. Машина скорой помощи отвозит (takes) больных в отделение скорой помощи.
  9. Все анализы больным делаются в клинических лаборатория.





US hospitals have many departments and can be organized in several different manners depending on if the hospital is government run (for veterans), private not-for profit, or for profit. But I will give you some words and examples that tend to be most universal.

Most hospitals have a Board of Directors and Administrator of the Hospital (who is a business man not a doctor). Then there are major like departments:

Finance Department with its lesser departments of accounting, admitting department, social services, business office, billing department. Administrator or Vice President of Nursing: with Staff Development, Quality Assurance, Medical Records, Nutrition Services, Dietary Services, Patient Education, and then the specific nursing specialty areas--- Medical-Surgical Nursing (this includes special floors in the hospital for surgery, medicine, orthopedics, urology, gynecology, rehabilitation, neurology), Adult Critical Care and Emergency Services, Maternal Child-Health (this is obstetrics and pediatrics nursing), Mental Health (this is psychiatric nursing). These are all departments. In nursing those who give patient care can be registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, and nursing assistants. On each unit there is also a unit secretary who does paper work and tries to keep charts and requisitions organized. Ancillary Services: Respiratory Therapists, Pharmacists, Dieticians also called nutritional support department, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Case Manager, Registered Radiology Technicians, patient transportation workers (they move the patients to various parts of the hospital in wheelchairs or on gurneys), laboratory technicians, phlebotomist, pastoral care (these is the spiritual/religious personnel).

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