Рационально ли лечить или предотвращать СПИД с помощью токсичных антиретровирусных препаратов лекарства беременным женщинам, младенцам, детям, и кто-нибудь еще? — КиберПедия 

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Рационально ли лечить или предотвращать СПИД с помощью токсичных антиретровирусных препаратов лекарства беременным женщинам, младенцам, детям, и кто-нибудь еще?

2019-06-06 108
Рационально ли лечить или предотвращать СПИД с помощью токсичных антиретровирусных препаратов лекарства беременным женщинам, младенцам, детям, и кто-нибудь еще? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Хиральдо, Майкл Эллнер, Селия Фарбер, Барнетт J. Weiss,
Francis R. Buianouckas, Tom DiFerdinando, and Edward A. lib
Continuum (London) Summer 1999; 5(5): 38-52.

Краткие сведения

Лечение и профилактика СПИДа антиретровирусными препаратами базируется на единственном наборе хорошо известных убеждений: что СПИД является инфекционным заболеванием, вызванным вирулентным вирусом под названием ВИЧ; что ВИЧ принадлежит к семейству ретровирусов; что СПИД может поэтому лечиться антиретровирусными препаратами; что СПИД является передаваемым заболеванием, которое передается через жидкости тела, включая кровь, генитальные секреции и грудное молоко; что положительный результат так называемого "теста на СПИД" указывает на инфицирование ВИЧ; что человек, который положительно реагирует на" тест на СПИД", может предотвратить развитие СПИДа с помощью нескольких антиретровирусных препаратов; что потребление антиретровирусных препаратов предотвратит передачу ВИЧ от ВИЧ-позитивных беременных женщин их детям; что использование антиретровирусных препаратов безопасно и не имеет вредных последствий; и что поэтому рационально лечить и предупреждать СПИД антиретровирусными препаратами.

Однако ни одно из вышеперечисленных убеждений не может быть научно обосновано. Напротив, есть много научных фактов, указывающих на то, что: тесты, используемые для диагностики ВИЧ, чрезвычайно неточны; что быть ВИЧ-позитивным не означает, что человек заражен ВИЧ, так называемым "вирусом СПИДа"; что существует более 70 различных причин, не связанных с ВИЧ, чтобы иметь положительный результат на "тест на СПИД"; что передача и инфекционность СПИДа не являются реальными; что риск развития СПИДа после того, как он будет помечен как "ВИЧ-позитивный", неизвестен; что ВИЧ не является причиной СПИДа; что ВИЧ, возможно, даже не существует как вирус; что то, что называется "СПИД", является токсическим и пищевым синдромом; что все антиретровирусные препараты очень токсичны для человека; что антиретровирусные препараты могут сами по себе вызывать СПИД; и что беременные женщины, младенцы и дети особенно уязвимы к токсическому воздействию антиретровирусных препаратов.

Представленные здесь научные данные продемонстрируют, что раз и навсегда лечить или предотвращать СПИД с помощью токсичных антиретровирусных препаратов не только нерационально, но и неэтично и что это является нарушением Всеобщей Декларации прав человека.

Если, как утверждается, существует подлинная заинтересованность в том, чтобы сделать все возможное для наших собратьев, использование этих "лекарств от СПИДа" должно быть немедленно прекращено. Необходимо срочно пересмотреть всю инфекционную модель СПИДа.


Лечение и профилактика синдрома приобретенного иммунодефицита, СПИД, антиретровирусными препаратами исключительно базируется на следующем наборе хорошо известных убеждений:

  1. что СПИД является инфекционным заболеванием, что он вызван очень вирулентным вирусом, и что этот вирулентный вирус, который принадлежит к семейству ретровирусов, называется вирусом иммунодефицита человека, ВИЧ или просто "вирусом СПИДа" (1-7),
  2. что СПИД можно успешно лечить антиретровирусными препаратами (8-12),
  3. что СПИД является физически заразной болезнью,которая передается через жидкости тела, включая кровь, генитальные секреции, грудное молоко и т.д. (13-16), и, как следствие, считается, передается как гомосексуально и гетеросексуально, а также от матери к ребенку во время беременности или после рождения через грудное вскармливание (13-18).
  4. что положительная реакция на "тест на СПИД" указывает на инфицирование так называемым "вирусом СПИДа" или ВИЧ (2,19-22),
  5. что после положительной реакции на" тест на СПИД " у реагирующего человека, скорее всего, разовьется СПИД в какое-то совершенно неопределенное время в будущем (3,5,7,23,24),
  6. что человек, инфицированный "вирусом, вызывающим СПИД", может задерживать развитие СПИДа с помощью нескольких антиретровирусных препаратов (10,11,25-27),
  7. что использование антиретровирусных препаратов может предотвратить передачу ВИЧ от ВИЧ-позитивных матерей к их плодам (12,25,26), в результате чего во всем мире поощряется их использование для ВИЧ-позитивных беременных женщин (12,26-29),
  8. что антиретровирусные препараты безопасны, и что лишь в немногих случаях они вызывают некоторые легкие побочные эффекты (10,12,26,30), и таким образом продвигаются во всем мире для использования детьми (31), и
  9. that therefore it is absolutely rational and ethical to treat and to prevent AIDS with the use of antiretroviral drugs in pregnant women, children and anybody else (12,25,30-34).

However the above list of beliefs and assumptions, all of which collectively serve as the foundation for the infectious hypothesis of AIDS, have never been scientifically validated. On the contrary, there are many scientific facts indicating that these beliefs are not only unfounded but that the entire model of AIDS as an infectious condition must be reappraised immediately. The following comprehensive list of facts support our statement:

1. The tests used for the diagnosis of "HIV infection" are highly inaccurate.

The following scientific facts support the assertion that "the tests used in the diagnosis of HIV infection are highly inaccurate":

1.1. The definition of AIDS, as developed by the United States Federal Government’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, requires a positive result on the antibody test for HIV (35). This definition is accepted worldwide. The importance of HIV in this definition is so strong that, currently, many AIDS researchers, health care professionals and lay people, in following the lead of the United States Institute of Medicine, the National Academy of Sciences and most AIDS researchers now refer to "AIDS" as "HIV Disease" (1,4,6,23,36,37).

1.2. The tests that are used most frequently to diagnose HIV status are the ELISA "screening test", the Western blot "confirmatory test" and the PCR "Viral Load test" (19-22). In the United States the ELISA and Western blot tests, when done together, have become known as "the AIDS test". These tests supposedly detect antibodies against HIV. The "Viral Load" or PCR test is a genetic test that makes copies of small fragments of nucleic acids that, it is claimed, belong exclusively to HIV. These are the same tests that are used to check for HIV in mothers, infants, children, and in the population at large. The problem with all of these tests is that a positive HIV reaction does not guarantee that the person is really infected with HIV at all (38-47).

1.3. Currently, a positive result on "the AIDS test" - ELISA and Western blot antibody tests - is synonymous with HIV infection and the attendant risk of developing AIDS (19-22).

However, these antibody tests are neither standardized nor reproducible, with respect to HIV they are themselves meaningless because they mean different things in different individuals, they also mean different things in different laboratories and in different countries (38). They are interpreted differently in the United States, Russia, Canada, Australia, Africa, Europe and South America (48-53), which means that a person who is positive in Africa can be negative when tested in Australia; or a person who is negative in Canada can become positive when tested in Africa (54). The other problem is that the same sample of blood when tested in 19 different laboratories gets 19 different results on the Western blot test (55).

1.4. The Western blot antigens, proteins or bands - p120, p41, p32, p24/25, p17/18 - which are considered to be specific to HIV, may not be encoded by the HIV genome and may in fact represent human cellular proteins (38-40,46,56).

1.5. The only valid method of establishing the sensitivity and the specificity of a diagnostic test in clinical medicine is to compare the test in question with its gold standard. The only possible gold standard for the HIV tests is the human immunodeficiency virus itself. Since HIV has never been isolated as an independent free and purified viral entity (57), it is not possible to properly define the sensitivity or the specificity of any of the tests for HIV (38). Currently, the sensitivity and the specificity of the tests for HIV are defined not by comparison to purified HIV itself, but by comparison of the tests in question with the clinical manifestations of AIDS, or with T4 cell counts (38). "At present there is no recognized standard for establishing the presence and absence of HIV-1 antibody in human blood. Therefore sensitivity was computed based on the clinical diagnosis of AIDS and specificity based on random donors" (58). Since there is no gold standard for defining the specificity of the tests used for the diagnosis of HIV infection, all HIV-positive results for HIV infection must be considered false-positives.

1.6. There are abundant scientific publications explaining that there are more than 70 different documented conditions that can cause the antibody tests to react positive without an HIV infection (38-40,43,45,56). In other words, there are more than 70 scientifically acknowledged reasons for false positives when testing for HIV. This fact has been abundantly documented in the scientific literature.

1.7. Of course, it is shocking to find out that a diagnosis of HIV infection is based on tests that are not specific for HIV. However, the scientific evidence tells us that a person can react positive on the test for HIV even though he or she is not infected with HIV (38-40,43,47,56,59).

1.8. The pharmaceutical companies that make and commercialize the kits for these tests acknowledge the inaccuracy of them, and this is why the inserts that come with the kits typically state the following: "Elisa testing alone cannot be used to diagnose AIDS, even if the recommended investigation of reactive specimens suggests a high probability that the antibody to HIV-1 is present" (58). The insert for one of the kits for administering the Western blot warns, "Do not use this kit as the sole basis of diagnosis of HIV-1 infection" (60). The insert that comes with a popular kit to run viral load warns, "The amplicor HIV-1 Monitor test is not intended to be used as a screening test for HIV or as a diagnostic test to confirm the presence of HIV infection" (61). The problem is that not only most AIDS researchers, journalists and lay people but health care workers themselves do not know these facts about the tests because they do not have access to them. There likewise appears to be little or no concern on the part of the knowing faculty of institutions to communicate these facts to physicians, let alone the general public.

1.9. Since the viral load results are given in copies per ml of plasma (61) AIDS researchers, health care professionals, and lay people may think that they represent copies or counts of the virus itself (38,62-67). However, the Viral load test only makes copies of fragments of nucleic acids. It does not count HIV itself. A positive viral load test cannot be regarded as signifying the presence of the whole HIV genome, and therefore the test cannot be used to measure virus.

1.10. Results of the viral load test cannot be reproduced. This can be seen in the wide range of variability that is accepted in the quality controls set by the companies that make and commercialize the test kits. For example, Roche accepts low control having a variability between 880 and 7,900 copies per ml [Lot # 0034], and high control having a variability between 79,000 and 710,000 copies per ml [Lot # 0041] [Roche, Amplicor HIV-1 Monitor test Lot # 88618, expiration January 1999]. Most important of all, the problems with the lack of a gold standard for HIV infection also apply to the evaluation of the accuracy of the PCR or Viral load test (38,67,68). As a consequence, the specificity of the Viral load test for HIV has never been defined properly. Therefore, all viral load positive results are likewise potential false-positives for HIV.

1.11. People have the right to make informed choices (69-71). However, the right of informed choice implies a right to good information. There is no justification for the fact that most people have not been informed about the serious inaccuracy of the tests for HIV infection. Withholding or obscuring these facts is a serious breach of public trust, violating as it does a person’s right to informed consent when making decisions about their health care. The legal implications of this situation has been noted (72).

2. Being "HIV-positive" does not mean that a person is infected with "HIV".

The following scientific facts support the assertion that "being HIV-positive does not mean that the person is infected with HIV":

2.1. There are a growing number of scientific publications explaining in detail that the tests for HIV infection are not specific for HIV (38-40,73). There are many reasons other than a past or present HIV infection to explain why an individual reacts positive on these tests. In other words these tests can react positive in the absence of HIV (38-40,43-45,56).

2.2. Some of the conditions that cause false positives on the so-called "AIDS test" are: past or present infection with a variety of bacteria, parasites, viruses, and fungi including tuberculosis, malaria, leishmaniasis, influenza, the common cold, leprosy and a history of sexually transmitted diseases; the presence of polyspecific antibodies, hypergammaglobulinemias, the presence of auto-antibodies against a variety of cells and tissues, vaccinations, and the administration of gammaglobulins or immunoglobulins; the presence of auto-immune diseases like erythematous systemic lupus, sclerodermia, dermatomyositis and rheumatoid arthritis; the existence of pregnancy and multiparity; a history of rectal insemination; addiction to recreational drugs; several kidney diseases, renal failure and hemodialysis; a history of organ transplantation; presence of a variety of tumors and cancer chemotherapy; many liver diseases including alcoholic liver disease; hemophilia, blood transfusions and the administration of coagulation factor; and even the simple condition of aging, to mention a few of them (38-40,43,44,56).

2.3. It is interesting to note that all of these conditions that cause the "HIV tests" to react positive in the absence of HIV, are conditions which are present with varied distribution and concentration in all of the conventionally recognized AIDS risk groups in the developed countries, as well as in the vast majority of inhabitants of the underdeveloped world. This means that in all probability many drug users [including mothers], certain gay males, and some hemophiliacs in the developed countries, as well as the vast majority of inhabitants in most countries of Africa, Asia, South America and the Caribbean, who have positive reactions to the tests for HIV, may very well do so due to conditions other than being infected with HIV (38-40,56,74).

2.4. Further, it is well known that people with or at risk for AIDS have high levels of antibodies - immunoglobulins - as a consequence of having been exposed to significant quantities of a variety of foreign substances such as recreational drugs, semen, factor VIII, blood and blood components, sexually transmitted infections and other infections (38-40,75). All these substances are oxidizing agents that cause oxidative stress (73,76,77).

Recently one of us showed that all blood react positively on the ELISA test when run the test with neat or non-diluted serum (361). This can indicate that everybody has antibodies against what is supposed to be HIV. The ones that only react positively with straight or neat serum may have fewer amount of antibodies than the ones that continue reacting positively even when the serum is diluted 400 times (361), as it is usually run in the test (58). Since there is not scientific evidence that the ELISA test is specific for HIV antibodies, a reactive ELISA test at any concentration of the serum would mean presence of non-specific or polyspecific antibodies (361).

2.5. There is also a great deal of scientific data indicating the widespread presence of non-specific interactions between what are considered to be retroviral antigens and unrelated antibodies (38,78-80). It is then possible to conclude that the tests for HIV react positively in the presence of those antibodies; in other words, that a positive antibody test for HIV may be the result of previous antigenic over-stimulation, rather than a result of an HIV or any other retroviral infection (38-40).

2.6. Finally, it has been proposed that antibodies against HIV are surrogative markers for recreational drug use in the United States and in Europe (81,82).

2.7. Being "HIV-positive" - reacting positive on the tests for HIV - would then mean simply that the person has been exposed to many antigenic and toxic challenges, i.e., to many oxidizing agents (73). His or her immune system has been responding a lot to these immunogenic and immunotoxic challenges (77,83). The immune system of these "HIV-positive" individuals could eventually be debilitated - oxidized - after it has been over-stimulated, and therefore their risk for AIDS may be higher than those who are "HIV-negative" (75,77).

2.8. On the other hand, even if "the AIDS test" were able to detect antibodies to HIV, it would not be logical to say that the presence of those antibodies indicate an active infection. The presence of antibodies to any virus simply means humoral immune response to that virus and not necessarily that the virus is still active and pathogenic (74,84). One can have antibodies against many germs without those germs being active, pathogenically active or even present at all (84,85). In most instances, antibodies against viruses indicate immunity. This is the very basis of vaccination against viral diseases (74,84,86). Even if the tests were specific for antibodies against HIV, the question would then be the following: Why is it that only in the case of AIDS the presence of antibodies indicates the presence of disease, rather than protection against it?

2.9. There is no justification for the fact that both patients and the general public have had all of the preceding facts withheld from them. Without the merits and demerits of the tests for HIV, people cannot make informed decisions.


With this investigation, we want to honor the memory of Dr. Eduardo A. Verzini, MD, from La Plata, Argentina. Dr. Verzini died in May, 1998 of stress-related heart conditions after facing several years of court trials against him. He was accused of causing the HIV-positivity of some of his patients at "El Centro de Dialysis", a hospital for the treatment of kidney patients. Dr. Verzini was the Director of this hospital until it was closed by the Argentinean Health authorities, who argued that patients were infected with the "AIDS virus" there.

There is a huge amount of scientific documentation which shows that patients with renal insufficiency or in chronic dialysis programs - like Dr. Verzini’s patients - react positive in the tests for HIV due to their deteriorated health, rather than due to infection with HIV (351-360).

Dr. Verzini’s name is now added to the long list of people killed by the horrendous consequences of the belief that AIDS is an infectious and contagious condition.


We thank Tanya Milosevic, Srdjan Milosevic and Lucia Madrid for their generous help in checking and correcting the manuscript of this article.

This investigation was not financially supported by any grant. It was possible thanks to the effort of its authors.


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