Критерии оценивания конкурса «Письмо» (Writing) — КиберПедия 

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Критерии оценивания конкурса «Письмо» (Writing)

2018-01-14 322
Критерии оценивания конкурса «Письмо» (Writing) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Языковая компетенция Коммуникативная компетенция Социокультурная компетенция
1. лексическая насыщенность и объем: 5 баллов 2. грамотность: 10 баллов 3. связность и логичность: 5 баллов 4. соответствие ситуации: 5 баллов 5. умение оформить письмо: 5 баллов


Процедура проведения конкурса устной речи (Speaking)


Во время выполнения устного задания участник не может выходить из аудитории, где проводится конкурс. Для проведения конкурса пары участников формируются организаторами методом жеребьевки.

В каждой аудитории для проведения конкурса находятся два члена жюри.

Распределение обязанностей между членами жюри при проведении конкурса:

Член жюри №1: проведение беседы с участником конкурса и заполнение протокола ответа (прилагается),

Член жюри №2: заполнение протокола ответа.

Члены жюри могут поочередно выполнять обе функции.

Все инструкции участникам даются на английском языке.

Преподаватели начинают вести беседу и задают каждому участнику 2-3 вопроса для того, чтобы снять напряжение, расположить их к беседе и подготовить к выполнению устного задания олимпиады.

Время, отводимое на данный этап задания, 1 – 2 минуты.

Первый этап — монологическое высказывание по предложенной теме. Члены жюри сообщают участникам конкурса основную информацию о первом задании. Участники высказываются по очереди. Длительность ответа каждого участника — 2 - 3 минуты.

Второй этап — диалогическая речь в виде беседы участников друг с другом. Длительность беседы — 5 -7 минут. Члены жюри могут задавать наводящие вопросы по мере необходимости, могут остановить беседу, если она начинает выходить за обозначенные рамки.

Максимально отводимое время на пару участников для выступления составляет 10 –12 минут. При нечетном количестве участников вместо последней пары одновременно проходят собеседование три участника.

Ответы участников оцениваются двумя экспертами в соответствии с прилагаемыми критериями (см. Критерии оценивания конкурса устной речи). Максимальное количество баллов – 30 баллов.

Критерии оценивания конкурса «Устная речь» (Speaking)

  1. фонетика и интонация: 5 баллов 2. грамотность: 5 баллов 3. лексическое оформление: 5 баллов   4. умение прокомментировать: 5 баллов 5. умение аргументировать: 5 баллов 6. умение реагировать на вопросы и реплики собеседника: 5 баллов



Use of English

Task 1

For questions 1–10, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).










9. ADD

10. WIDE


I am always 0 dubious whenever futurologists tell us how we will be living several years from now. Their 1______ of jet-pack travel and robot maids came to nothing. More recently we were promised the 2_______ office, 3 _______television and the end of high-street shopping. In some cases, they are wrong because 4 ____ progress has been slower than anticipated.

Airplanes, for example, are barely more 5 _______than they were fifty years ago. In others, the experts have 6______ the number of things that must go right before an 7________changes our lives. It takes more than just one bright idea – thorough 8 _____is needed when developing a new product. In 9_____, social and psychological factors determine whether or not a new product or service will be 10 _______adopted.


Task 2.

For questions 11–20, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Luxurious rose-scented soaps, a 0 __A mint after dinner – you needn’t have 11___ aromatherapy to understand the therapeutic powers of essential oils. These magical liquids, extracted from a range of aromatic plants, offer a truly holistic therapy, because they work on both body and 12___. When you put soothing oils in your evening bath to help you relax, you are recreating rituals that are thousand of years old. Hippocrates 13____ that the secret of health was an aromatic bath and scented massage every day. Cleopatra bathed in jasmine, while other Egyptians blended oils to 14___ as medicines. In Shakespearean Britain, women spread rosemary and lavender on floors to 15___ and purify rooms.

Now it has been 16___ in various scientific studies that many of these essential oils have powerful antiseptic and anti-bacterial uses. A recent Australian report found that tea tree oil was the only substance to kill all the types of antibiotic-resistant bacteria tested. Therapists know that tea tree oil can treat minor wounds. It seems that every essential oil 17___ of hundreds of chemicals, all with potential healing and medicinal properties. When an oil is inhaled, these chemicals enter the body’s system and bloodstream. Compared to drugs, the oils’ 18___ are fairly weak, but this in itself makes the oil safe 19__. For this reason, aromatherapy is often introduced as treatment 20___ conventional medicine, to complement mainstream medical practices.

0 A strong B spicy C hot D sharp
11. A experimented B tasted C tried D checked
12. A brain B head C thinking D mind
13. A claimed B communicated C evaluated D expressed
14. A make B use C do D set
15. A wash B remove C destroy D cleanse
16. A appeared B presented C shown D pointed
17. A. contains B consists C comprises D composes
18. A results B conclusions C effects D issues
19 A reliefs B recipes C repairs D remedies
20 A. between B alongside C next D together



Use of English


Task 1


Use of English



Task 1


Task 2





Items 1 - 10 are based on episode 1. You will hear someone giving her opinion about whether it is possible to judge people by their appearance. For items 1-7 decide whether the statements are TRUE (A), FALSE (B) or the statement is NOT STATED on the tape (C).

  1. The pilot met the speaker’s friend as she arrived at the airport ……………
  2. The speaker thinks it’s in human nature to judge people by their appearance. …………….
  3. The speaker thinks people’s faces and clothes are a reliable guide to their character. ……………
  4. Those people who look like our friends are always sympathetic to us. ……………
  5. We lack time to study people we communicate with. ……………
  6. All people can equally easily change their appearance. ……………
  7. We should ask other people to help to create new images. …………….


For items 8-10 choose the best answer A, B, C or D.


8. Why did her friend have a flight?

A to make some notes about a politician

B to meet with a politician

C to try a new plane

D to interview a pilot of the plane


9. Why did the presenter get into a difficult situation?

A because she spent all her money

B because the pilot didn’t arrive

C because she got into the wrong airport

D because she thought the pilot should be a man


10. What story does she remember?

A she didn’t like her teachers at school

B she disliked her teacher’s hairstyle

C she had long hair for three weeks at school

D it was prohibited to wear long hair at school


Items 11 - 20 are based on episode 2. You will hear part of a radio program about memory. For questions 11- 16 decide whether the statements are TRUE (A) or FALSE (B).


11. People’s memory is usually lost when they are old. ………………….

12.It is important to continue cognitive processes if you want to

keep good memory. …………………

13. Changing your way can’t stimulate your brain. ………………….

14. Thinking more carefully you get more blood to your brain. …………………

15. Choosing the same place for your things will prevent you from loosing them. ………………..

16. Some associations can be helpful to learn something new. ………………..


For items 17 -20 choose the best answer A, B or C.

According to the speaker:

17. Experts say playing chess

A is especially useful for elderly people

B helps you to stimulate your brain

C is the same as doing puzzles



18. The presenter states that

A physical exercise almost every day is necessary

B playing tricks develops your memory

C aerobic exercises can’t replace intellectual exercises


19. If you want to improve your memory,

A you can eat more chocolate

B you should take photos of places and people you see

C you should give up bad habits


20. If you want to succeed in a meeting

A it’s advisable to practise your speech in a relaxed atmosphere

B you should create a similar atmosphere while practicing a speech

C you should write a speech beforehand



Total time: 35 minutes









Episode 1
  A B C  
  A B C  
  A B C  
  A B C  
  A B C  
  A B C    
  A B C    
  A B C D  
  A B C D  
  A B C D  
Episode 2  
  A B  
  A B  
  A B  
  A B  
  A B  
  A B  
  A B C  
  A B C  
  A B C  
  A B C  








5. A

6. B

7. C

8. B

9. D

10 B





15. A

16. A

17. B






Part I


1.1. Read the text and put the paragraph headings in the correct place (A, B or C):


A Be someone else!

B No limits

C Making connections


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