News in Brief 9 (World Events) — КиберПедия 

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News in Brief 9 (World Events)

2018-01-14 538
News in Brief 9 (World Events) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. United Nations peacekeepers called for NATO air strikes as the Bosnian Serbs tightened the noose round Sarajevo. The UN's chief negotiator vetoed the request.

2. For the first time in 75 years, a British government minister held formal talks with Sinn Fein, the IRA's (The Irish Republican Army) political wing.

3. After months of demonstrations and political uncertainty, the Italian government signed a deal with trade unions to overhaul the pension system. This was the last and most difficult item on the agenda of Lamberto Dini's stop-gap government.

4. In a second round of local elections, Italy's Democratic Party of the Left and its allies won nearly 90% of seats contested. Members of the humiliated Freedom Alliance criticized their leader for running too personal a campaign.

5. And in Britain, the Labour Party had its best-ever local-election results. The Conservatives lost nearly half the 4,000 seats they were defending.

6. Early results from the general election in the Philippines pointed to successes for supporters of the current President. Police said that 38 people were killed during the campaign.

7. The Australian government, forecasting an unexpected budget surplus for the next year, announced cuts in government spending and higher company taxes, plus a sale of assets, including the government's half share in the Commonwealth Bank.

8. Details of a supplementary budget to pay for earthquake reconstruction in China were announced by the government. The package proposes new spending of $32.6 billion. Most of the money will be spent on repairing earthquake damage, and some on strengthening elevated motorways in the rest of the country. The package also contains some soft loans for businesses hurt by the earthquake.

9. The Aum Shinrikyo sect, suspected of a poison-gas attack on the Tokyo metro may have tried out the gas on sheep on a farm in Australia, investigators believe.

10. John Deutch was confirmed as the new director of central intelligence with cabinet-level status. His job is to shake up the CIA and restore morale at the same time.

11. Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said he would recommend abolishing or greatly reducing funds for every United Nations agency except UNICEF. This, he claimed, would save America $200m a year.

12. An oil workers' strike in Brazil was declared illegal. The union said it would advise workers to stay out. Rail workers joined many others in nationwide public-sector strikes against constitutional reforms. Unabashed, the government went ahead with privatization plans.



Тема 7. Participle Constructions (cntnd)




1. The key having been lost, they could not enter the office.

2. The job done, I was able to take a week's holiday.

3. We stopped for a few minutes, with our guides continuing to pack the equipment.

4. Given the inflation rate does not exceed 2% per month the GDP growth could be considered realistic

5. The progress of the reform being slow, the government is determined to continue supporting the needy population.

6. There being no additional foreign financing, the domestic resources had to be relied on.

7. There being a good wind that day, we could practice surfing.

8. Breakfast over, he went to his office.

9. They were walking again, with Hugh calmly smoking again

10. The loans were granted by the commercial banks, the central bank strictly monitoring the situation.

11. The focus was made on the quality of goods, the productivity still falling behind.

12. The exchange rate being fixed, the population has all reasons to keep their savings in the local currency.

13. Weather permitting, the expedition will start tomorrow.


1. Having established the reasons we can proceed with our regular work in this matter.

2. When studying market economy we have to understand that business enterprise is the very heart of private property and market relationships.

3. Unless otherwise stated we shall consider only economies in transition as opposed to the advanced economies.

4. Everybody is innocent until proven guilty

5. Working on this project we found out a lot of interesting things.

6. Considered in isolation the examples does not seem to be that convincing.

7. Having completed the preparation, he took a short break.

8. Having been refrigerated, the melon was very good to eat.

9. Working on this project we found out a lot of interesting things

10. Being taught by a well-known musician, the boy made great progress in music.


Задание 4. Prepared Translation

From the news press 9

18. Представитель ООН: серьезная инициатива Представитель ООН Александр Иван-ко назвал серьезной инициативой призыв лидера боснийских сербов Радована Ка­раджича к взаимному прекращению враж­дебности и немедленным мирным перего­ворам с мусульманской стороной. Он вы­ступил в субботу на пресс-конференции в Сараево. По словам Иванко, призыв Ка­раджича станет темой переговоров в Пале командующего силами ООН в Боснии ге­нерала Руперта Смита и лидеров босний­ских сербов. Ранее вице-президент Бос­нии иГерцеговины, мусульманин Эйюн Ганич отверг предложения Караджича о прямых переговорах до принятия им мир­ного плана международной «контактной группы» Переводческие решения 1.... призыв... к взаимному прекращению враждебности... 18. US Spokesman: Serious Initiative The UN spokesman, Alexander lvanko, said that the call made by the Bosnian Serb leader, Radovan Karadzic, for both sides to stop hostilities and hold immediate talks is a serious initiative. He was speaking on Saturday to a news con­ference inSarajevo. According to Mr lvanko, the call made by Mr Karadzic will be the subject of talks to be held in Pale between the Commander of UN Forces in Bosnia, General Rupert Smith, and the leaders of the Bosnian Serbs. Earlier, the Vice President of Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Moslem Eijup Ganic, turned down Mr Karadzic's proposal for direct talks until he accepts a peace plan proposed by the in­ternational «contact group». Translator's Decisions 1.... the call for both sides to stop hostilities...
19. Гринпис требует вывести токсичные отходы Международная экологическая орга­низация «Гринпис» обратилась к прави­тельству Франции с требованием немед­ленно вывезти с российской территории высокотоксичные отходы французских предприятий. Опасный груз—около 1000 тонн—был отправлен в Россию в 1994 году под видом кобальто-никелевого шла­ма для переработки. Еще в марте прошло­го года «Гринпис» потребовал от правите­льства Франции принять меры для вывоза токсичных отходов из России. Однако сей­час токсичный груз по-прежнему находит­ся в России на неприспособленных для его хранения складах Санкт-Петербурга. Переводческие решения 1.... обратилась к правительству Франции... 2.... под видом... ... по-прежнему находится в России 19. Green Peace: Remove Toxic Waste The international environment organi­zation «Green Peace» has requested the French government to remove immediately highly toxic waste of French origin from Russia's territory. A hazardous load of about 1000 tons was dispatched to Russia in 1994 under the guise of cobalt-nickel slurry for reprocessing. As early as last March Green Peace demanded that the French government take measures to re­move its toxic waste from Russia. How­ever, the load is still in Russia, stored in unsuitable premises in St.Petersburg. Translator's Decisions ... has requested the French government...... under the guise of...... is still in Russia...  
20. Землетрясение на Дальнем Востоке России Землетрясение силой 5 баллов по шкале Рихтера зарегистрировано вчера в Петропавловске-Камчатском (Дальний Восток). Как сообщили «Интерфаксу» в пресс-службе министерства РФ по чрез­вычайным ситуациям, жертв и разруше­ний нет. Подземные толчки силой до 4 баллов в эпицентре ощущались в тот же день в районе озера Байкал в Восточной Сибири. Жертв и разрушений нет. Переводческие решения 1.... землетрясение силой 5 баллов... 2.... как сообщали Интерфаксу... 3.... в районе озера Байкал...   20. Earthquake in Russian Far East An earthquake measuring Force 5 on the Richter scale was yesterday recorded in the town of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy in the Russian Far East. An official state­ment, released to Interfax by the Emer­gencies Department of the Russian Fed­eration, said that there were no casualties or damage. After-shocks registering up to Force 4 at the epicenter were felt on the same day inthe vicinity of Lake Baikal in Eastern Siberia. Again there were neither casualties nor damage. Translator's Decisions 1.... an earthquake measuring Force 5... 2.... an official statement, released to Interfax... 3.... in the vicinity of Lake Baikal...  

Задание 5. Interview

Interview with Mexico's President at his office in Los Pinos (Mexico City)


Q: Выполнена ли ваша программа реформ?

A: Now the big challenge is to apply the reform well, and I think that is happening. It will take some time before people and political parties themselves fully absorb the new rules. We still have more reforms to complete in the Federal District [Mexico City], but I would say that, electorally speaking, we now have model legislation and mode' institutions. I don't have anything to do with the electoral authorities, and yet only a few months ago the federal government, for practical purposes, was responsible for organizing elections in this country.


О: Удовлетворены ли вы развитием экономики в стране?

A: We were able to overcome — I would say in record time — a major crisis. Our economy grew more than 5 percent in 1997 and will grow likewise for the next several years.


Q: Однако, как представляется, средний класс пока еще не ощущает на себе преимуществ оздоровления экономики.

A: No matter how bad they feel, they certainly feel much better than they did two years ago.

Q: Две другие причины недовольства населения — коррупция политиков и проблема наркотиков. Так ли это?

A: Here, drugs have become an issue because people feel that our sovereignty is threatened from abroad either by drug lords or by pressure from other countries to implement certain policies related to drug trafficking. Regarding corruption, people do want that to be over. But people recognize that during my government, with hard decisions and hard facts, we have proven we are fighting corruption.


Q: Вы активно использовали армию для борьбы с наркотиками. Как вам удается предотвратить связанную с наркобизнесом коррупцию в армии?

A: The only way we can guarantee that the army is not infected by drug traffic is by applying the law every time there is a case in which the military is involved in crime. What we did with General Rebollo is proof we will not stop at any circumstances to apply the law, [Gutierrez, Mexico's drug czar, has been charged with accepting bribes from a drug lord.]

Q: Есть ли опасность того, что Мексика все-таки станет новой Колумбией?

A: I hope we will be successful at stopping drug trafficking and persuading [traffickers] to go somewhere else. I'm not so optimistic about what will happen with drug trafficking as a global phenomenon.



Задание 6. Note Taking

К о н т р о л ь н ы е т е к с т ы

на абзацно-фразовый перевод и/или перевод с листа (ПСЛ) на рус/англ язык

Poland may be rethinking its new border rules Jerzy Kropiwnicki says his Centre for Strategic Studies (CSS) estimated that trade at open-air markets has fallen by 50% this month, after Poland imposed tighter checks on the documents small traders use to enter the country from the East. "The main reason for the fall are longer administrative processes required to get an invitation to Poland," he told a news conference in the central city of Lodz, home of one of the country's largest such markets. He said the markets' sales of goods to foreigners made jobs for 100,000 to 120,000 people in Poland and were very important to regional economies. Tens of millions of foreigners come to Poland each year, many to shop. But a new law on foreigners took effect on December 27, which forces people from Russia and Belarus to show authentical documents that they have been invited by a resident or have paid-up accommodation vouchers, and have visas. As queues formed at the border in the new year, Russia and Belarus, the countries chiefly affected, complained to Poland of the changes and the way they were carried out.  


Задание 7. Text for written translation

Доктрина Монро ((президент Америки 1817—1825)


Америка считает между своими великими людьми одного человека, который не освободил ее от чужеземного ига (как Вашингтон), не содействовал к утверждению ее гражданской и политической свободы (как Франклин, Адамс, Джеферсон), не освободил негров (как Линкольн), а произнес только с высоты президентского кресла, что Америка принадлежит американцев, - что всякое вмешательство иностранцев в американские дела Соединенные Штаты сочтут за оскорбление. Доктрина Монро, отражающая принципиальное положение американской политики, впервые прозвучала 2 декабря 1823 года. В ней говорилось, что дальнейшие попытки Европейских государств колонизировать земли американского континента или вмешиваться во внутренние дела провозглашенных штатов будут рассматриваться США как акты агрессии, требующие вмешательства Америки. (Доктрина Монро очень часто сводится к фразе “Америка для американцев”, хотя именно эти слова в оригинальном тексте не произносились). В доктрине Монро излагалась идея, что Западное полушарие больше не может восприниматься как объект территориальных притязаний Европейских государств, и что Соединенные Штаты, в свою очередь, не намерены вмешиваться ни в дела существующих европейских колоний, ни в зону интересов европейских стран. Доктрина появилась в тот момент, когда многие страны Латинской Америки были близко к достижению независимости от Испании, и Соединенные Штаты Америки надеялись, что никакая другая Европейская держава не станет претендовать на владение бывшими испанскими колониями. Формально, доктрина появилась в ответ на Российский указ 1821 года, в котором отстаивались территориальные права России на северные земли и запрещалось нероссийским кораблям приближаться к берегам этих территорий.





Задание 1. Мнемотехника

1.1. переведите услышанную цифру с изменением (+1; +2; -10; -1).



            20 47      





1. Ложечка моя желобовыгибистая, да с переподвыподвертом.

2. Four furious friends fought for the phone.


3. Стоит гора посреди двора. На дворе - трава, на траве - дрова. Не руби дрова на траве двора!

4. How much pot, could a pot roast roast, if a pot roast could roast pot


5. Свинья белорыла, тупорыла, полдвора рылом изрыла.

6. If Kantie can tie a tie and untie a tie, why can't I tie a tie and untie a tie like Kantie can.

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