Example: He asked his friend, “Can I help you?’ — КиберПедия 

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Example: He asked his friend, “Can I help you?’

2018-01-29 293
Example: He asked his friend, “Can I help you?’ 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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He asked his friend if he could help him.



1. She said to me, “I don’t know what to do”.

2. He said to her, “I am studying medicine at the University”.

3. I asked him, “Have you got a watch?’

4. She said to her mother, “Have a rest, please.”

5. They asked the manager, “Where will we meet?’



VI. Переведите тексты письменно.



Water Transport of Siberia



The length of navigable river and lake waterways of Russia is about

146.000km, a considerable part of them being in Siberia. Most of Siberian rivers

belong to the sea basins of the Arctic Ocean. The rivers are ice-bound for 5 months

in the south and 8 months in the north.

Rivers can be used for navigation or timber-floating (rafting) for a distance

0f 100.000 km. A convenient geographical position of the rivers makes it possible

to build large trans-shipping ports in the junction of railways and waterways.

A considerable amount of oil, gas and timber is transported up the Irtish and

the Ob. Cargo-handling in this basin is concentrated in the main ports:

Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tumen, Tomsk, Nizhnevartovsk and Tobolsk. Different kinds

of cargo (timber, construction materials, grain) arrive here; coal, raw materials,

metals are dispatched.

90% of all the transportations fall on the Yenisei, the Angara and the Baikal

Lake. Sea vessels go up the Yenisei to the port of Igarka. The Yenisei river fleet

exports and imports a great amount of cargo to the Trans-Siberia railway.

Krasnoyarsk river port with powerful mechanized piers carries out transshipment

of cargoes: oil products, coal, cement, machinery, food-stuffs, etc.

The total length of navigable waterway of the Lena River with its tributaries

is 7000 km. The Lena is a connecting link with the remote Northern regions.



Water Transport Projects



Each form of transport has its sphere of application. Technical and economic

features determine the scale of passenger and cargo traffic. The navigation quality

of the inland waterways transport is a key technical and economic approach. The

sphere of utilization of water transport determines the problems of the navigation

regularity, transportation means, possibilities of mixed traffic, etc.

Measuring the economic benefits of transport projects is more difficult then

measuring their economic costs. There are some reasons for this. First, some


benefits are difficult to express in monetary terms. Then, many benefits are

indirect, such as the stimulation to the economy from improved transportation.

The most important benefits from transport projects include reduced

operating expenses to the users of the new facilities, lower maintenance cost, fewer

accidents, saving in time for passengers and vessels, increased comfort and

stimulation of economic development.

The most direct benefit from a new or improved transport facility is the

reduction of transport costs. The first step is to estimate the future use of facility.

Transport costs vary according to the transportation distance, kind of transport,

type of cargo, variations in the economic situation, etc. The shipping rates (зд.

тарифы на перевозки) are very sensitive to changes in economy.



VII. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя лексику

изученных текстов.



1. Большинство рек Сибири впадает в Северный Ледовитый океан.

2. Навигация на сибирских реках ограничена из-за сурового климата.

3. Какие грузы перевозятся по рекам Сибири?

4. Речные порты имеют современные грузообрабатывающее оборудование.

5. Водный транспорт Сибири обеспечивает доставку грузов в отдаленные

северные районы.

6. Преимуществом водного транспорта является низкие эксплуатационные


7. Эффективная работа водного транспорта обеспечивает развитие




Грамматические контрольные задания №3



Для выполнения контрольного задания №3 необходимо проработать

следующие разделы грамматики английского языка:

1. Причастие I, Причастие II (формы, функции, особенности перевода).

Независимый причастный оборот.

2. Герундий (формы, функции, особенности перевода).

3. Инфинитив (формы, функции, особенности перевода). Инфинитивные


4. Типы придаточных предложений.

5. Три типа условных предложений.


Внимание! Каждый вариант контрольного задания №3 включает выполнение

грамматических упражнений и текстов по специальности.

Тексты для перевода выбираются студентами в соответствии со

специальностью (Смотреть шифры и название специальности в

разделе «Тексты для перевода»).


Вариант I



I. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на причастия.



1. Reading the text he wrote out many new words.

2. Having read the book I learnt a lot.

3. A man talking to clients is our manager.

4. You can get recommended books in the library.

5. When asked she did not say a word.

6. The room being dark, I could not see him.

7. They moved to a new flat, the house being near the park.


II. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на герундий.



1. I apologize for being so awkward.

2. There was no chance of winning.

3. He gave up smoking a year ago.

4. They are interested in developing a new project.

5. We appreciate your helping us.



III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на инфинитив.



1. To walk in the garden was very pleasant.

2. The problem is to find a good specialist in this field.

3. The text to be translated is difficult.

4. To understand the rule better I read it several times.

5. She is known to be honest and kind.

6. I want you to stop worrying.

7. They are likely to have lost the way.

8. He was the first to cross the finish line.


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