VI. Give derivatives of the verbs. — КиберПедия 

История развития хранилищ для нефти: Первые склады нефти появились в XVII веке. Они представляли собой землянные ямы-амбара глубиной 4…5 м...

Семя – орган полового размножения и расселения растений: наружи у семян имеется плотный покров – кожура...

VI. Give derivatives of the verbs.

2018-01-13 238
VI. Give derivatives of the verbs. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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To govern, to remove, to spread, to deliver, to produce, to cut, to shrink, to treat, to operate.


VII Define the part of speech and analyze suffixes in the words.


Cutter, shrinkage, removal, automatic, circular, complicated, heating, steaming.



a) antonyms of the words in the text:

to decrease, simple, old-fashion, uneven

b) synonyms of the words in the text:

to differ, exactness, to lay out, to make, to fit.


IX. Translate into Russian without a dictionary.

1. Cutting on the open means that the piece goods are laid on the cutting tables in full width.

2. Cutting in the fold refers to the laying of the goods doubled lengthwise on the table.

3. Narrow goods are always cut on the open.

4. Cutting on the open requires a team of cutters working together from opposite sides of the table.

5. Cutting in the fold can be performed by a single cutter.


X. Answer the following questions.


1. What has made cutting more complicated?

2. What must the cutter know in order to get good results?

3. What kinds of cutting do you know?

4. What do we mean by cutting “on the open”?

5. How do you understand cutting “in the fold”?


XI Read and remember:

1. innovations – инновации

2 automatic – автоматизированный

3. to be controlled – контролировать

4. manual oper­ation – ручная работа

5. automatic spreader – автоматический распределитель

6. cutting table - стол для раскроя

XII Read the text and define the main idea of it:



Electronic cloth cutting and laying-up


Some innovations in cloth cutting and laying-up have been done in the sewing industry. An electronic spreader and electronic cutter are known to be in use in the sewing industry. Let us see how they work.

These units make cutting and spreading completely automatic and could almost do away with manual oper­ation. The machines work on a photo-electric principle. The electronic cloth cutter is controlled by three cells, for left, right and horizontal control. It travels above the cutting table and automatically cuts out a pattern and shuts itself off.

The electronic cloth cutting machine also includes a closed-circuit television camera that will permit multi-machine monitoring. The machine has variable speeds and can handle all straight-knife operations. The automatic spreader can lay 2000 yards an hour. The spreader carries at an average 10 rolls of material and lays down coloured fabric in areas of the table designated by photo cells, according to command on a keyboard.

You could turn the machine on when you left for the night, and in the morning all your cutting would be done.


XIII. Translate into Russian paying attention to provided (that).

1. Cutting may be done successfully provided that each ply lies perfectly flat and without tension.

2. It will be well done provided that one chooses the proper type of machine and grade of sharpening.

3. Cutting for mass production will be increased proportionally provided that more than one layer of fabric is fed.

4. We shall save a lot of time and materials provided we use modern cutting machines.

5. Cutting layers can be made higher provided that the pile is wider and more stable.


XIV. Give Russian equivalents to the word combinations.

Hand operated cloth spreading machines, electrically-operated cloth drill, a rotary knife, a straight knife, a band knife, straight knife cutting machines, a high speed circular knife, a typical cycle time for cutting.



XV. Change the sentences using the Absolute Participial Construction according to the model.

Model: When the work had been finished we went home. – The work having been finished, we went home.


1. As the new synthetic fabrics had been introduced, cutting became more complicated.

2. As many cutting machines were invented, the process of cutting became easier.

3. If an electronic spreader is used, all operations can be done automatically.

4. After cutting machines had been applied in this shop, we saved much time and material.

5. As the student knew English well, the examination did not last long.


Unit 12 Garment finishing


I. Answer the questions.

1. What is the main purpose of pressing?

2. What do we mean by pressing?


II. Guess the meaning of the word pressing and its derivatives:

underpressing and offpressing.


III Read and remember the following words:

1. finishing - отделка, конечная обработка, доводка

2. pressing - разглаживание

3. ironing - глажение, утюжка

4. crease - складка, сгиб, отутюженная складка брюк

5. lint - пух, пушинка

6. sliding - скользящий

7. to apply - применять

8. to stand - быть устойчивым, прочным; устоять

9. a cloth-brush - щетка для одежды

10. improvement - улучшение

IV Read and remember the following phrases:

1. wrong side - изнанка

2. to be done - быть сделанным

3. process of sewing - процесс шитья

4. to fit the body - подгонять по фигуре

5. synthetic materials - синтетические материалы

6. successful results - успешные результаты

V. Read and translate the text:


II. Scan the text using the vocabulary given below and render it into Russian.




The idea of pressing off is to give the final finish to the garment. One should not confuse pressing with ironing. Fabrics are pressed during the construction of a garment to form crease lines, to flatten seams and folds and to shape the garment to fit the body. Before pressing one should use a cloth-brush to remove lint or dust from the fabric.

Everybody knows pressing to be divided into two processes: underpressing and offpressing. Underpressing operations are done during the process of sewing; offpressing means the final pressing for the improvement of the fit and the attractiveness of a garment.

Pressing is done by means of pressing machines, while ironing is made with a sliding motion of the iron. We know pressing to be done on the wrong side of the fabric. Different fabrics need different treatment, especially care should be taken of synthetic materials. Exactly the right amount of heat must be applied to obtain successful results. Cotton and linen can stand quite a high temperature, although linen requires special care. Only a moderately warm iron should be used on silks and synthetics. One should better keep in mind all the rules of pressing.


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