Task V. The text contains a number of verb-noun partnerships. Match up these verbs and nouns to make collocations. Recall the contexts in which these combinations are used. — КиберПедия 

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Task V. The text contains a number of verb-noun partnerships. Match up these verbs and nouns to make collocations. Recall the contexts in which these combinations are used.

2018-01-13 268
Task V. The text contains a number of verb-noun partnerships. Match up these verbs and nouns to make collocations. Recall the contexts in which these combinations are used. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. award a. academic standards
2. apply b. duplication of effort
3. establish c. a certain level of income
4. submit d. undergraduate fees
5. attain e. a loan for maintenance
6. accept f. a degree
7. eliminate g. a wide array of services
8. offset h. an application
9. provide i. through UCAS
10. be entitled to j. a conditional offer

Task VI. Read the text and use the suggested words to fill in each of the blanks:

attend academic fees study bursary available loans full-time grants first-year

Nowadays student debt is spiralling because of increasing tuition (1) … and the use of some commercial (2) … at very high rates, a report commissioned by the British Government suggests.

More than half of the students questioned said that money worries had affected their (3) … performance. One in 12 full-time students had considered dropping out because of financial problems.

The direct cost of going to university for (4) … students had risen by almost 70% between 2005 and 2008, the report found. Concerns about debt nearly stopped a quarter of (5) … and almost a third of part-time students from going to university.

The President of the National Union of Students said: “It is not acceptable that a third of students have to base their decisions about which university to (6) … or which course to (7) … on the amount of financial support which will be (8) … to them. We need a national (9) … scheme, so that all financial support is based on how much a student needs it, not where they happen to be studying.”

The Minister for Higher Education said: “Higher education remains one of the best pathways to a rewarding career, and it is good to see that students recognise it as a good investment for their future. We firmly believe that finance should never be a barrier to good education. This is why we continue to make generous loans and (10) … available to students.”


Task VII. Provide evidence from the text to prove or disprove the following statements:

1. All British higher educational establishments are funded by the Government.

2. The Oxbridge universities which are amongst the world’s oldest universities are generally ranked at the top of all UK universities.

3. To become an undergraduate, a candidate makes one single application through Universities Central Admissions Service rather than to individual universities and colleges.

4. An unconditional offer implies that the candidate will be accepted by the university if he/she fulfils the requirements stated in the offer.

5. Once the applicant has received responses from all the institutions he/she applied to, he/she must respond by accepting up to two available offers.

6. Students are admitted largely on the basis of their performance in the examinations for the General Certificate of Secondary Education at the ordinary level.

7. In the UK a Bachelor’s degree can be obtained by a maximum of three years’ study at one of the institutions of higher education offering degree courses.

8. Students working for their Master’s and Doctor’s degrees are called postgraduates.

9. A Master’s degree normally is earned in two years, and a Doctor’s degree is completed after three years.

10. After graduation, students begin repaying their loans when their annual income exceeds a certain salary.

Task VIII. Complete the given sentences using the information from the text:

1. Although UK colleges and universities receive financial support from the State …

2. All higher educational establishments are responsible for …

3. Degree courses can last …

4. … is an official body in Britain which deals with people’s requests to study for degrees at colleges and universities.

5. An applicant should complete …

6. The principal examinations taken by secondary school-leavers …

7. When the university sends the candidate an offer …

8. The final decision on which institution the student will actually attend …

9. To finance their stay at a British university, British students …

10. The typical first degree offered at British universities …

Task IX. Read the text again scanning it for the information needed to answer the questions that follow:

1. What are the main types of higher educational establishments in the United Kingdom?

2. Why are Cambridge and Oxford universities considered to be the most prestigious of all higher educational establishments in the United Kingdom?

3. Is it true that British universities are autonomous and self-governing institutions?

4. In what way is the quality of higher education assured in the UK?

5. Imagine you are a secondary school pupil in Britain. You are planning to enter a university. What should you do to apply?

6. What information should a candidate submit to UCAS? What does UCAS do with the applicant’s papers?

7. Do all the students in the UK have to pay for their education?

8. What is the difference between undergraduates, graduates and postgraduates?

9. What are the general routes for the award of Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctor’s degrees?

10. What are the peculiarities of British students’ life?


Task X. Fill in the blanks with the necessary prepositions:

For many, higher education will have been (1) __ the cards (2) __ some time now, but for others this will be a new, exciting possibility. Either way, there’s a lot to be taken (3) __ account.

(4) __ a career point (5) __ view, a degree may be essential. The likely higher salaries, better future prospects and increased job satisfaction make it a crucial consideration. Indeed, surveys have calculated that over a career a graduate is likely to have an earning power (6) __ about £160,000 more than someone educated (7) __ A-level standard.

(8) __ addition, women gain more financial advantage (9) __ having a degree than men, while men (10) __ poorer backgrounds increase their earning potential more than those (11) __ more affluent homes. If you are certain (12) __ your future career, then a vocational degree directly related (13) __ a specific work area may be (14) __ you. Examples here are teaching, pharmacy and various engineering areas.

The studies may prove tough but the social life can be a real boon. It is an ideal opportunity to meet people (15) __ a wide range of backgrounds, to explore new interests, and to make new friends, many (16) __ whom will become lifelong. If you move away (17) __ home, you’ll become more independent. Another survey suggests that you are likely to enjoy better health as a graduate (more likely to exercise, less likely to smoke or be depressed), more likely to be more influential (18) __ the community, and to be more positive towards diversity and equal opportunities. Remember: there’s a niche (19) __ everyone (20) __ university, you don’t have to be the 100% party animal to have a great time.

Task XI. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Система высшего образования в Соединенном Королевстве начинается с основания в 12 в. Старейших университетов Оксфорд и Кембридж.

2. В 19 в. Появились так называемые «краснокирпичные» университеты, которые строились из кирпича, в то время как древние стены Оксфорда и Кембриджа были сооружены из камня. Эти университеты, в отличие от Оксбриджа, имели практическую, а не академическую направленность.

3. Заявления, составленные на основе характеристик, полученных от школьных учителей, и предполагаемых экзаменационных оценок, подаются через национальную Службу приема в университеты и колледжи.

4. Так как на момент подачи заявления результаты экзаменов еще не известны, любое предложение от университетов следует рассматривать как условное.

5. Основные формы занятий – это лекции, семинары и индивидуальные консультации с преподавателем.

6. Методика преподавания в Великобритании подразумевает не только заучивание как можно большего количества информации, но и самостоятельную исследовательскую работу.

7. Многие курсы дают возможность пройти производственную практику во время обучения. В этом случае общая продолжительность учебы возрастает на год.

8. Высшее образование в Британии многоступенчато. После второго курса выдается диплом, позволяющий работать по специальности, после третьего – присваивается ученая степень бакалавра. Дальнейшие программы считаются последипломными.

9. Обучение иностранных студентов ежегодно приносит в бюджет Великобритании несколько миллиардов фунтов стерлингов, а по количеству иностранных студентов страна занимает ведущие позиции, несмотря на то, что стоимость обучения одна из самых высоких в мире.

10. Современное британское образование дает квалификацию международного уровня и имеет высочайшее качество по широкому спектру предметов.


Task XII. Dwell on the similarities and differences between the educational systems of Britain and Belarus (Russia).


C. Follow-up Activities

Task XIII. Role-play the situations:

2. A Belarusian (Russian) student exchanges information about admission procedures in Belarusian (Russian) and British universities with his British friend.

3. You want to know the requirements for the course in History of Management. You find out that there are two options in the course: to take a final examination or write a research paper. Clarify the details and make up your mind.

4. A first-year student is discussing the classes he is taking during his first semester at the University with a senior student who is eager to give some useful advice.

Task XIV. Translate the following statements into English and prepare to discuss them expressing your support or disagreement:

1. Я знаю только то, что ничего не знаю. Сократ – древнегреческий философ (4-5 в. До н.э.)

2. Лучше совсем не знать чего-либо, чем знать плохо. Публилий Сир – древнеримский поэт (1 в. До н.э.)

3. Историю цивилизации можно выразить в шести словах: чем больше знаешь, тем больше можешь. Эдмонд Абу – французский писатель (1828-1885)

4. Ошибочно думать, что многознание есть достоинство. Важно не количество, а качество знания. Л.Н. Толстой (1828-1910)

5. Хочешь быть умным, научись разумно спрашивать, внимательно слушать, спокойно отвечать и переставать говорить, когда нечего больше сказать. Иоганн Лафатер – швейцарский писатель (1741-1801)


D. Optional Reading

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