Контрольная работа № 11 «Изобретения, которые потрясли мир» — КиберПедия 

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Контрольная работа № 11 «Изобретения, которые потрясли мир»

2018-01-28 1303
Контрольная работа № 11 «Изобретения, которые потрясли мир» 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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A fax machine is one of the latest inventions of the man. You’ll hear the explanations of how it works.

Listen to the recording. Mark the statements 1-5 with T if the information is TRUE and with F if the information is FALSE


1. A fax machine sends the original sheet of paper.  
2. The piece of paper is put inside the machine in small pieces.  
3. The fax machine sends signals to another fax machine over the phone.  
4. The machine scans the page with ink.  
5. The message is sent word by word.  



One of the most important inventions was the thermometer.

Read the text and mark the statements 1-5 with T if the information is TRUE and with F if the information is FALSE




1. The first thermometer was invented by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit. ____

2. Only alcohol and later mercury were used in thermometers. ____

3. There are three types of thermometer’s scales. ____

4. In Russia, we use the Centigrade scale. ____

5. Kelvin and Celsius scales are similar, as the size of one degree Kelvin is the same as the size of one degree Celsius. ____


III. For questions 1-6, read the text below.

Use the words in the capitals to form new words that fit the same numbered space in the text


Tomas Edison’s most famous (1) _____ (INVENT) is probably the light-bulb; his favourite though was the phonograph. The phonograph, he said, would (2) _____ (PLACE) shorthand typists and it would be used to teach languages. He believed that a phonograph and a clock would (3) _____ (ACTUAL) say what the time was. He thought that people would send phonographic records instead of letters and that they would record the voices of their children and the last words of the dying. Edison also believed that people would listen to (4) _____ (WORLD, FAME) musicians on phonographs in their own homes.

People have forgotten the (5) _____ (LARGE) Edison’s invention, but it was actually the (6) _____(EARLY) kind of record or cassette player.



IV. Read the text about SARS (птичий грипп) and do the task below





For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer A,B or C fits best each space.


Inside your head there is a remarkable organ, the brain. You use it to understand and remember things that (1) _____ around you.

The brain is soft and spongy. It (2) _____ of billions of tiny parts called cells. Three coats of membranes (3) _____ the brain.

The brain sometimes (4) _____ the busiest communication center in the world. The brain (5) _____ your body functions and keeps all parts of your body working together. Thousands of messages from all parts of the body (6) _____ to and from the brain. Messages (7) _____ to the brain by sensory nerves. Special places, or centers, on the brain receive sensory messages from all parts of the body. When messages (8) _____ by centers, the brain (9) _____ them.

All day long your muscles and your brain (10) _____. By the end of the day they (11) _____. Then your brain and your muscles (12) _____ to relax. As you sleep, the big muscles in your body relax.


1. A. are happened B. are happening C. happens
2. A. is made up B. makes up C. made up
3. A. is covered B. covered C. cover
4. A. is called B. has called C. calls
5. A. is controlled B. controlled C. controls
6. A. send B. are being sent C. has sent
7. A. are carried B. was carried C. carried
8. A. are received B. will be received C. will receive
9. A. is interpreted B. interpreted C. interprets
10. A. are worked B. is worked C. are working
11. A. have been tired B. are tired C. are being tired
12. A. are started B. started C. start



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