The subordinate clauses of time and condition — КиберПедия 

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The subordinate clauses of time and condition

2018-01-05 1215
The subordinate clauses of time and condition 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Note 1: The Future Simple Tense is not used in adverbial clauses of time and condition after the conjunctions when, while, till, until, before, after, as soon as; if, unless, in case, on condition that, provided, etc. The Present Simple is used instead.

e.g. They will have dinner when he comes.

We’ll go out if the weather is fine.


Note 2: If the conjunctions – if – and – when – introduce object clauses, any tense form, including the Future Simple Tense is possible in them.

e.g. I haven’t got an idea when he will come back.

He doesn’t know if they will work on their own or not.

Study the table of the structure of the when-subordinate clauses.

I   You shall shan’t will won’t   do it when after before as soon as while till until he comes.     he doesn’t come.

Open the brackets. Put the verbs in the correct tense-form – Present Simple or Future Simple.

1. He (become) an architect after he (graduate) fromthe University. 2. I (have) to stop my daughter before she (get) into trouble. 3. The new President (make) any changes in the country’s policy when he (come) to power. 4. Mum (visit) you when the baby-sitter (arrive). 5. She (relax) after she (hear) the results of the interview. 6. My elder sister often (have) a strong headache when the weather (change).7. Tonight the old man (go) to bed as soon as the sun (set).8. He (not buy) a new car until the company (pay) him all the money it (owe) – быть должным – him. 9. The weather certainly (change) for the better after the rain (stop) and the sky (clear up).10. I (to stay) at home till she (to come). 11. Tom (take) a cold shower as soon as he (get) up. 12. After my friend (return) from her summer holiday, she (invite) me for a cup of tea. 13. When she (come), I (make) a cake for her. 14. George (meet) me at the airport when my plane (land) tomorrow.15. Many people (be happy) when this ugly war (come) to an end.

Do the back translation.

1. Мы пойдем в кино после того, как закончим нашу работу. 2. Когда я приду домой, буду отдыхать. 3. Перед тем, как он поедет Лондон, он позвонит вам. 4. Мы не будем обедать, пока ты не придёшь. 5. Как только я увижу Тома, я расскажу ему об этом. 6. Когда вы будете уходить, не забудь выключить свет. 7. Как только освобожусь, я позвоню вам. 8. Подождите, пока не придёт преподаватель. 9. После того, как я окончу школу, я поступлю в университет. 10. Перед тем как я поеду в Париж, я навещу вас. 11. Мы обсудим это после того, как ты вымоешь посуду. 12. Тебе понравится торт, как только ты его попробуешь. 13. Я все тебе расскажу, пока кто-то другой (someone else) не сделал это. 14. Он прибудет до того, как они уйдут.


Open the brackets. Don’t forget to use “will” in the objective subordinate clauses.

1. Today he (tell) you if he (play) chess with you on Saturday evening. 2. We (be) not sure if this friendship (last) long. 3. I wonder when he (return) my finest collection of records. 4. Many people believe that the time (come) when there (be) a universal parliament of the world. 5. The poor fellow (wonder) if the next mail (bring) better news from home. 6. I (not know) if the local people (be) friendly to my family in future. 7. The secretary (want) to know if the new Head (make) any changes. 8. The doctor can’t say now when the patient (recover). 9. Tell me if you (finish) your book in summer and when exactly you (do) it. 10. People standing on the bus stop (wonder) if it (stop) raining soon. 11. Nobody (know) if he (keep) his promise. 12. I wonder if he (be) late again. 13. My dressmaker (have) no idea when my wedding dress (be) ready.


Make it English.

1. Мы это обсудим, когда встретимся. 2. Они уезжают в Москву во вторник. 3. Я не уверен, идут ли они в отпуск. 4. Я позвоню тебе, как только приеду. 5. Саша и Ольга научатся говорить по-английски легко, когда будут в Лондоне. 6. Когда уходит их поезд? 7. Что вы делаете завтра вечером? 8. Когда мы завтра встречаемся? 9. Моя подруга прилетает сегодня. Я буду встречать её в аэропорт. 10. Самолёт улетает из Москвы в 3 часа дня. 11. Прогноз погоды сообщает, что завтра будет солнечно. 12. Завтра среда.


Study the table of the structure of the “if” - subordinate clauses.

I   You shall shan’t will won’t   do it if on condition provided (that) providing (that) in case he comes.
We will be late unless we hurry.

7. In this exercise you have to read a sentence and then write a new sentence with the same meaning. Use – unless – in your sentences.

e.g. You must study more or you won’t pass the examination.

You won’t pass your examination unless ( если не) you study more.

1. You must listen carefully or you won’t know what to do. You won’t know what to do (unless) …

2. We must hurry or we’ll miss the train. We will … (unless) …

3. You must speak very slowly or he won’t be able to understand you. He … (unless) ….

4. My salary must be increased or I’ll look for another job. I … (unless) …
5. She must apologize to me or I won’t forgive her. I … (unless) ….

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