A brief history of the Internet — КиберПедия 

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A brief history of the Internet

2018-01-05 186
A brief history of the Internet 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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In 1958, the United States Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) had the idea of linking a small number of computers together so that their programming facilities could be shared by their users. The resulting computer network was called the ARPANET and it was used by experts. As this network expended, however, it began to experience problems in transferring the ever increasing volume of information, or data, which was being generated. By the 1960s, the controllers of the network had solved the problem by breaking up the information to be transferred into packets that could be routed to the destination computer. The process was known as packet switching.

By the 1970s, the ARPANET had grown further to include the computers situated in a large number of universities and scientific establishments. These computers, however, had different operating systems running different programming languages. It was essential that before any machine could be connected to the network it could be programmed to obey a common set of rules for the transmission and reception of data. These rules became known as protocols.

There were two main uses of the ARPANET at this time: one was Telnet which enabled scientist to run their programs and more powerful computers located elsewhere, and the other was e-mail. E-mail allowed scientists an efficient and easy way of communication and this soon meant that e-mail dominated the use of the network.

Also in the 1070s, a user-friendly operating called UNIX allowed writing software and building simple modems that enabled their computers to link up through the telephone network. Thus, anyone with the appropriate equipment could access the databases and facilities of the ARPANET through telephone lines. As a result, a user’s information network, called USENET, was established.

By the early 1980s, USENET groups and individuals were making so much independent use of the ARPANET that the operators relinquished control and allowed the system to become the Internet. The Internet is an interconnection of networks, which are linked together by backbones.


programming facilities – программные средства

packet switching – пакетная коммутация

scientific establishments – научные учреждения

reception of data – получение данных

powerful – мощный

software – программное обеспечение

to relinquish – оставлять, отказываться

backbone – основная, главная магистраль


Устная тема: COMPANY'S PROFILE – Компания, в которой я работаю

Цель: Описать тип, структуру, специализацию, стратегию и политику проводимую компанией. Указать основные вехи в истории развития компании. Использовать материал в заданиях I и II.

I Прочитайте и переведите текст (устно), содержащий информацию о типах и структуре компаний. Выучите слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом и используемые для описания деятельности компаний. Пользуйтесь материалом в заданиях I и II для выполнения задания III.

Текст А


to be involved in – участвовать

to operate in – работать, функционировать

a range – ряд, диапазон, ассортимент

manufacture/ manufacturer/ to manufacture производство, производитель, производить

production/producer/ to produce – производство, производитель, производить

primary industry – добывающая промышленность

secondary industry – производственный сектор

tertiary industry – непроизводственный сектор экономики, предоставляющий услуги

mining companies – добывающие компании

provide services - предоставлять услуги

multinationals – международные, транснациональные компании

subsidiary – дочерняя компания

Companies are involved in many activities for example buying, selling, marketing and production. They operate in a range of different industries such as information technology, telecommunication, film and car manufacture.

There are 3 main types or groups of companies belonging to three different sectors of economy: primary, secondary and tertiary industry. The companies which belong to the primary sector of industry are mining companies they only collect or extract raw materials that exist in nature, for example oil/gas/coal/gold extracting companies. The companies belonging to the secondary sector of industry are manufacturers producing goods, for example automobiles, computers, clothes, food products. The companies which don’t produce goods but provide services (such as: trade, banking, insurance, traveling, educational institutions) belong to the tertiary sector of industry.)

Many well- known companies are multinationals which operate in a number of countries and have a complicated structure. They are usually parent or holding companies which own other companies or parts of companies. These companies are called subsidiaries.


II a) Прочитайте краткие сообщения о деятельности компании.


1. DHL is an international air-express carrier. It delivers packages and documents round the world.

2 British Airways is an international airline which carries over 28 million passengers each year.

3 Sony is a Japanese company, specializing in producing consumer electronics.

4 Shell Oil is an oil drilling company.


b) Дайте письменные ответы на поставленные вопросы.

1. Is the company multinational?

2 Does it have any subsidiaries abroad? If you know, say how many.

3. What sector of industry does the company refer to?


c) Пользуйтесь следующими фразами-клише для описания деятельности компании:

1 The company is multinational. It operates in 20 countries.

2. The company specializes in/ concentrates on producing cars.

3 The company started/set up subsidiaries in China and India.

4. Mining/oil drilling/ oil extracting company

5. The company provides/offers services such as…….



a) Прочитайте и переведите тексты (устно), содержащие информацию об истории развития компании. Выучите слова, выделенные жирным шрифтом и используемые для описания ключевых событий. В данном случае используются “sequencers” т.е. слова, указывающие на последовательность событий:

first first of all firstly
second secondly
then after that afterwards next
lastly finally now/ today


experience – опыт

the key dates – ключевые/основные даты

events - события

own – владеть

to merge/ merger – образовывать путем слияния/ слияние

to take over – захватывать, вступать во владение чужим имуществом

headquarters – головной офис

to launch – запускать, начинать производить

to expand – расширяться

to run the company/monitor – управлять компанией

competition/competitors/ competes with – конкуренция/ кокурент/конкурировать

Personnel or Human Resources Department – отдел кадров

Research and Development (R&D) – научно-исследовательский отдел

established – авторитетный, заслуживший доверие

the Board of Directors – совет директоров


Company History

Companies often include details about their history in order to show that they are established and have experience in their field. In their marketing literature and reports the include information about the founder, the key dates and events


First of all Vaclav Laurin and Vaclav Klement produced bicycles and then small motorcycles.

Then, in 1905, Laurin and Klement’s company started to produce motor vehicles. They merged with Skoda in 1925. Afterwards Skoda produced quality and famous motor vehicles, including the “Hispano-Suiza”. Then, after the war, when communists took control over Czechoslovakia, Scoda launched into production basic and functional vehicles. Next Volkswagen obtained a 30% share in Skoda and full management control of the company. Skoda was taken over by Volkswagen. Now Skoda is 70% owned by Volkswagen.


c) Пользуйтесь следующими фразами-клише для описания основных моментов в деятельности компании, определивших ее рост и развитие (задание III):

1 The founder of the company was ….

2. The company was founded/established/set up/ started ……..

3. The company set up new divisions/ department/ subsidiaries/ research laboratories…..

4. The company is located in China. The company’s headquarters are located in Moscow, Russia

5. The company launched a new product…..

6. to expand production, market, the range of products

7. The president runs the company. The company is run/headed by the Board of Directors ….

8 The companies merged

9 One company took over/acquired another company

10 The company has many competitors/ competes with …….

11. The company usually consists of seven departments: a. Marketing b. Public Relations

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