The Past Continuous (Progressive) Tense — КиберПедия 

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The Past Continuous (Progressive) Tense

2018-01-04 285
The Past Continuous (Progressive) Tense 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Характеристика действия   1. Действие происходило в момент совершения другого действия. 2. Действие происходило не в указанный момент, а систематически (как в случае с Past Simple), однако говорящий был явно недоволен тем, что кто-то совершал это действие. (Ср.: Мой приятель вечно терял свои ключи. My pal was always losing his keys) 4. Действие происходило не в указанный момент, а в более длительный период. Ср.: – Над чем вы тогда (т.е. не в указанную минуту, а в указанный период) работали? – Над новым проектом. – What were you working on? – On a new project.
Примеры словосочетаний-сигналов     - all the morning yesterday - from 2 until 5 o’clock last night - when you came at that time yesterday - at 5 o'clock yesterday
Формула образования was, were + V-ing
Утвердительное предложение The director was looking through the catalogues at two o’clock yesterday. Вчера в 2 часа директор просматривал каталоги. When you called me I was working. Когда Вы позвонили мне, я работал.
Отрицательное предложение The director wasn’t looking through the catalogues at two o’clock yesterday. Директор не просматривал каталоги в 2 часа вчера. When you me I was not working. Когда Вы позвонили мне, я не работал.
  Вопросительное предложение Was the director looking through the catalogues at two o’clock yesterday? Просматривал ли директор каталоги вчера в 2 часа? Were you working when I phoned you? Вы работали, когда я Вам звонил?

Exercise 1. Comment on the use of the Past Continuous Tense in these sentences. Translate them.


1. This time last year I was living in Brazil. 2. Was she working at 10 o’clock yesterday morning? 3. When Kate was watching TV, the phone rang. 4. We played ping-pong from two o’clock until four o’clock. 5. I was walking along Pennsylvania Avenue at 3 o’clock yesterday. 6. They were not studying at the university at that time. 7. She had poor health and was always complaining of headaches. 8. What were you doing the whole evening? 9. The children were playing while their mother was watching them. 10. Tom burnt his hand when he was cooking the dinner. 11. We were walking in the park when it started to rain. 12. Norman was working all day yesterday. 13. What was Martin doing when you stopped to give him a lift? 14. What were you doing yesterday at 8 p.m.? - I was writing a letter to our branch manager. 15. I found the money while I was shopping in the supermarket. 16. I was sitting in front of the fire when there was a knock at the door.



Exercise 2. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous Tense.

1. – What you (do) yesterday at 10.20 p.m.? – I (listen) to a play on the radio. 2. My wife and I (talk) about you the other day. 3. When I first met him he (study) painting. 4. – Who you (talk) to on the telephone as I came in? – I (talk) to Mr Smith. 5. Where he (live) when you saw him last? 6. I went into the garden to see what the boys (do). 7. The traffic made so much noise that I couldn’t hear what he (say). 8. John (work) all day yesterday. 9. He watched the children for a moment. Some of them (bathe) in the sea, others (play) in the sand. 10. One winter evening the old man and his wife (sit) by the fire. The old man (smoke) his pipe and (read) the paper. 11. John got off the train while it (go). 12. I (play) the piano when he came into the room. 13. She (live) in England when the war began. 14. He (walk) home when the rain began. 15. He hurt his foot while he (climb) the tree. 16. The car hit a tree while it (travel) at 60 miles an hour.



Exercise 3. Make these sentences a) negative and b) interrogative:

1. The students were working in the library all evening yesterday. 2. We were sitting for the examination from five till six. 3. At eight o’clock yesterday my roommate was watching a football match on TV. 4. I was having dinner when you rang me up. 5. Mary was always losing her gloves when she was a little girl. 6. My son was swimming and diving in the Black Sea all summer. 7. I was hurrying to the cafeteria when I met you. 8. Yesterday afternoon we were playing tennis at the stadium. 9. On Friday morning I was making an experiment at the laboratory. 10. At 7 o’clock yesterday evening we were still having a meeting at the office. 11. When Tom knocked at the door, Nancy was talking on the phone. 12. When the bell rang, the students were still writing a test. 13. I was walking to the office this morning when I saw an accident. 14. While I was working in the garden, I hurt my leg. 15. Professor Smith was working at his project all night. 16. We were waiting for you at 6 yesterday.



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