Exercise 12. Answer the following questions — КиберПедия 

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Exercise 12. Answer the following questions

2018-01-04 324
Exercise 12. Answer the following questions 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. What is the NAVTEX?

2. What are the principal features of NAVTEX?

3. What priorities exit for NAVTEX messages?

4. What is the standard format of NAVTEX messages?

5. How is the transmitter identified?

6. In what way is the subject indicated?

7. How are the messages numbered?


Exercise 13. Translate the following NAVTEX message bearing in mind various indicators

LA 61

201355 UTC OCT 04




IN PSN 40 24 N – 022 47E ON 201430UTC



ETA 211105 UTC





Exercise 14. Complete the following text with the words given below, translate it from English into Russian

NAVTEX (Navigational Telex) is an international automated _____ direct-printing service for delivery of navigational and meteorological ____ and forecasts, as well as urgent marine ____ information to ships. It was developed to provide a, simple, ___ and automated means of receiving this information aboard ships at sea within approximately 370 km (200 nautical miles) off shore.NAVTEX stations in the U.S.are operated by theUnited States ___ Guard. There are no user ___ associated with receiving NAVTEX broadcasts.

Where the messages contain weather ____, an abbreviated format very similar to theshipping forecastis used.

NAVTEX is a ____ of theInternational Maritime Organization/International Hydrographic OrganizationWorldwide Navigation Warning Service(WWNWS). NAVTEX is also a major element of theGlobal ____ Maritime Safety System(GMDSS).International Convention for the Safety of ___ at Sea(SOLAS) mandated certain classes of vessels must carry NAVTEX, beginning August 1, 1993.

Low-cost, medium frequency, component, forecasts, safety, warnings, life, fees, coast, distress



Exercise 15. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English

1. НАВТЕКС - международная автоматизированная система передачи навигационных и метеорологических предупреждений и срочной информации в режиме узкополосного буквопечатания.

2. Служба использует специально выделенную для этих целей частоту 518 кГц, на которой береговые станции передают информацию на английском языке, распределив, во избежание взаимных помех, время работы каждой станции по расписанию.

3. НАВТЕКС является компонентом Всемирной службы навигационных предупреждений (ВСНП), принятой Резолюцией Ассамблеи А.419(ХI), и входит в состав ГМССБ.

4. В ВСНП весь Мировой океан разделен на 16 районов, в каждом из которых имеется страна, ответственная за сбор, анализ и передачу навигационной информации.

5. Сообщения со знаками А, В, D и L не могут быть исключены из печати.

6. Каждому сообщению НАВТЕКС в группе информации одного вида присваивается порядковый номер от 01 до 99.

7. Этот номер не обязательно относится к порядковой нумерации в других системах радионавигационных предупреждений.

8. По достижении номера 99 нумерация возобновляется с 01, но порядковые номера еще действующих сообщений не используются.

9. Номер 00 используется только для жизненно важных сообщений, таких как первоначальное сообщение о бедствии.

10. Сообщения с этим номером будут всегда распечатываться, если передача, содержащая такие сообщения, идентифицирована приемником как подлежащая приему.


Exercise 16. Match the following phrases

Навигационныепредупреждения Search and Rescue Information
Метеорологическиепредупреждения Pilot Service Messages
Ледовыесводки LORAN Messages
Информация по поиску и спасанию SATNAV Messages
Метеорологическиепрогнозы Meteorological Warnings
Сообщениялоцманскойслужбы OMEGA Messages
Сообщениясистемы ДЕККА No messages on hand
Сообщениясистемы ЛОРАН Special services – trial allocation
Сообщениясистемы ОМЕГА DECCA Messages
Сообщенияспутниковойнавигационнойсистемы Ice Reports
Сообщениядругихрадионавигационныхслужб Navigational Warnings
Специальныеслужбы (пробноераспределение) Meteorological Forecasts
Отсутствиесообщений Other Electronic Navaid Messages


Check yourself



1. What international direct-printing service promulgates MSI in English with an intended coastal water range of 200-400 miles (320-640 km)?

a) NAVAREA broadcasts. b) NOAA weather broadcast. c) HF facsimile. d) NAVTEX.


2. Which media are used to receive MSI?

a) NAVTEX. b) SafetyNET. c) HF NBDP. d) All of these


3. How many NAVAREAS are there in the world?

a) 4 b) 14 c) 16 d) 24


4. How can MSI be received if your NAVTEX receiver becomes inoperative or your vessel is out of reception range of a NAVTEX transmitting station?

a) MSI can be requested by sending a telex to the Coast Guard via INMARSAT.

b) MSI broadcasts are received also by INMARSAT SafetyNET, SITOR broadcasts on HF, or by tuning an HF SITOR receiver to 518 kHz.

c) NAVTEX's alternate HF frequency of 8414.5 kHz is usually an adequate substitute.

d) Reception of MSI is not necessary only if, in the master's prudent judgement, the safety of the vessel, its crew, or that of other vessels will not be jeopardized.


5. How is a NAVTEX receiver programmed to reject certain messages?

a) The transmitting station's two-digit identification can be entered to de-select reception of its broadcasts.

b) By selecting a message category's single letter (A-Z) identifier.

c) By entering the selcall of the transmitting station.

d) By pressing "00" in the transmitter's ID block.


6. Which one of the following message categories cannot be disabled by the GMDSS Radio Operator?

a) Navigational warnings. b) Meteorological. c) Search and Rescue information. d) All of these.


7. What does a NAVTEX receiver do when it runs out of paper?

a) The unit cannot operate, and all subsequent MSI broadcasts are missed until the paper is replaced.

b) It will give off either an audible and/or visual alarm.

c) The system will automatically change from receiving MSI by NAVTEX to receiving it by SafetyNET so that no messages will be lost.

d) All of these.


8. Which one of the following is the primary frequency that is used exclusively for NAVTEX broadcasts internationally?

a) VHF channel 16 when the vessel is sailing in Sea Area A1, and 2187.5 kHz when in Sea Area A2

b) 2187.5 kHz.

c) 4209.5 kHz.

d) 518 kHz.


9. What NAVTEX message category indicates two-digits number “00”?

a) Message will be repeated.

b) Hazard navigational warning

c) Search and Rescue information.

d) All of these.


10. Which one of the following NAVTEX questions is false?

a) NAVTEX is a single frequency SITOR system that transmits FEC broadcasts on 518 kHz.

b) A selective message-rejection feature of the receiver allows the mariner to receive only that safety information pertinent to his requirements.

c) NAVTEX is broadcast only in the local language of the coast station and adjacent NAVAREAs.

d) NAVTEX carries information relevant to all sizes and types of vessels within a region established for this service.


11. How is mutual interference among NAVTEX stations avoided?

a) Stations are limited to daytime operation only.

b) Transmitter power is limited to that necessary for coverage of assigned area.

c) Transmissions by stations in each NAVAREA are arranged in a time-sharing basis.

d) Both b and c.


12. How can reception of certain NAVTEX broadcasts be prevented?

a) Stations are limited to daytime operation only.

b) The receiver can be programmed to reject certain stations and message categories.

c) Coordinating reception with published broadcast schedules.

d) Automatic receiver desensitization during night hours.


13. What should a GMDSS Radio Operator do if a NAVTEX warning message is received but it contains too many errors for it to be usable?

a) Vital messages will be repeated.

b) Contact the NAVAREA coordinator and request a repeat broadcast.

c) The hurricane will be upon the vessel; they're in big trouble.

d) Listen to appropriate VHF weather channel for repeat warnings.


14. Which one of the following functions is not the responsibility of a GMDSS Radio Operator?

a) Replacement of the processor.

b) Replacement of fuses.

c) Self-diagnostic processor and printer tests.

d) Erasing stored message IDs.


15. Which one of the following statements is true?

a) The GMDSS Radio Operator can program the NAVTEX receiver to automatically reject any category of messages under the master's authority.

b) The GMDSS Radio Operator can program the NAVTEX receiver to reject all messages except navigation warnings, meteorological warnings, and search and rescue information.

c) The GMDSS Radio Operator can select the "None" option in the message category menu.

d) Upon entering a new NAVTEX station's broadcast range, the GMDSS Radio Operators enters the station's selfcall number.

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