Give Russian equivalents for the following word combinations. Use them in your own sentences. — КиберПедия 

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Give Russian equivalents for the following word combinations. Use them in your own sentences.

2018-01-04 189
Give Russian equivalents for the following word combinations. Use them in your own sentences. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Caudal part of the body, distal structures, anterolateral, trandverse plane, frontal section, midline, horizontal longitudinal axis, rostral direction, parasagittal sections.


5. Fill in missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the following.


Anterior and posterior parts, caudal, frontal section, vertical, horizontally, trunk, longitudinal, parallel, perpendicular, ventral, horizontal direction,, Head, vertebrates,.


1) Anterior refers to the horizontal longitudinal axis and designates the directions toward the….

2) The vertical direction toward the belly or the ground is ….

3) Medial refers to the … toward the sagittal midline of the body

4) Proximal and distal are for positions closer and distal to the … respectively.

5) The sagittal section is … and lies in the midline … of the body.

6) Sections that are … to the sagittal plane are termed parasagittal.

7) A transverse section cuts … to the main longitudinal axis and subdivides the body into ….

8) A … separates the body into dorsal and ventral parts.

9) The vast majority of … go through life with the long axis of the body oriented … to the substrate.

10) Synonyms for posterior term are ….


Render the following text in English.


Для более точного описания топографии и взаиморасположения отдельных органов все тело животного условно рассекают тремя взаимно перпендикулярными плоскостями.

Поперечные плоскости проводятся поперек тела животного, они разделяют тело на сегменты, из которых одни располагаются спереди, ближе к голове или краниально, а другие позади в сторону хвоста или каудально.

Дорсальные плоскости проводятся параллельно субстрату. Они делят все тело на верхние и нижние разделы, то есть дорсальные и вентральные соответственно. Горизонтальные плоскости делят конечности на сегменты, направление ближе к телу называется проксимальным, а участок отдаленнее от тела дистальным.

Срединная плоскость, проведенная перпендикулярно вдоль тела животного на две половины. Параллельно срединной линии можно провести множество сагиттальных плоскостей. Сагиттальная плоскость имеет две поверхности, обращенная внутрь медиальная и обращенная наружу латеральная.

Комбинировая в различных сочетаниях термины, можно на теле животного указать самые различные направления (дорсокраниальное, вентромедиальное и др.).


7. Topics for discussion.

1. Basic directions of the body.

2. Types of sections of the body.



Unit 2

External anatomy


Abdomen – живот, область живота

antebrachium (forearm) – предплечье

anus – анус, заднепроходное отверствие

brachium (arm) – плечо (лапа)

claw - коготь

crus (shank) – задняя лапа, голень

dorsum (back) - спина

femur (thigh) - бедро

manus - кисть

nictitating membrane – мигательная перепонка

palpebrae (sing., palpebra) (eyelid) - веко

pes – задняя лапа

pinnae (sing., pinna) –ушные раковины

scrotum - мошонка

urogenital aperture – мочеполовое отверстие

vibrissae (sing., vibrissa) (whisker) - вибрисы


The body of the mammal is covered almost entirely by hair (forming a thick coating of fur or pelage). Only the nose, lips, and thick pads of the feet are exceptions. The head and trunk are separated by a distinct neck, which allows considerable mobility of the head. Dorsally the trunk is termed the dorsum. Ventrally, it is subdivided into the thorax anteriorly and the abdomen more posteriorly. The pelvis is the region of the trunk associated with the hindlimb, just anterior to the elongated tail.

On the head note the pinnae, the mainly cartilaginous soft-tissue extension of the external ear. Upper and lower palpebrae guard the large eyes. A third eyelid, the nictitating membrane, lies on the medial part of the eye. In life, it can be drawn laterally over the eye. The nares are the external openings of the nose and are surrounded by a region of skin termed the rhinarium. The mouth is surrounded by lips. Vibrissae are stiff, tactile hairs or whiskers present mainly around the mouth and snout, but also over the eyes.

Each limb comprises three segments. In proximal to distal order, they are the brachium, antebrachium, and manus in the forelimb, and femur, crus, and pes in the hindlimb. Each digit, except digit 1 of the pes, ends in a retractable claw. The walking surface of the forepaws and hindpaws each have epidermal thickenings of the skin termed tori that act as pads during locomotion.

The anus, the posterior opening of the intestine, lies ventral to the base of the tail. The urinary and reproductive structures lie just anterior to the anus. In the male the scrotum is a sac-like projection that contains the testes. Anterior to it is the penis, which is probably retracted and thus not readily apparent. Its tip contains the common opening of the urogenital ducts. In the female the urinary and reproductive tracts open into the urogenital aperture.




1. Read the text and translate it into the Russian in writing.


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