Technological processes control automated systems — КиберПедия 

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Technological processes control automated systems

2018-01-07 1233
Technological processes control automated systems 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Automation is the system of manufacture perform­ing certain tasks, previously done by people, by machines only. The sequences of operations are controlled auto­matically. The most familiar example of a highly auto­mated system is an assembly plant for automobiles or other complex products. The term automation is also used to describe non-manufacturing systems in which automatic devices can op­erate independently of human control. Such devices as automatic pilots, automatic telephone equipment and automated control systems are used to perform various operations much faster and better than could be done by people.

Automated manufacturing had several steps in its development. Mechanization was the first step necessary in the development of automation. The simplification of work made it possible to design and build machines that resembled the motions of the worker. These specialized machines were motorized and they had better production efficiency. Industrial robots, originally designed only to perform simple tasks in environments dangerous to human work­ers, are now widely used to transfer, manipulate, and position both light and heavy work pieces performing all the functions of a transfer machine. In the 1920s the automobile industry for the first time used an integrated system of production. This method of production was adopted by most car manufacturers and became known as Detroit automation.

The feedback principle is used in all automatic-con­trol mechanisms when machines have ability to correct themselves. The feedback principle has been used for centuries. An outstanding early example is the fly ball governor, invented in 1788 by James Watt to control the speed of the steam engine. The common household ther­mostat is another example of a feedback device.

Using feedback devices, machines can start, stop, speed up, slow down, count, inspect, test, compare and measure. These operations are commonly applied to a wide variety of production operations. Computers have greatly facilitated the use of feedback in manufacturing processes. Computers gave rise to the development of numerically controlled machines. The motions of these machines are controlled by punched paper or magnetic tapes. In numerically controlled ma­chining centre, machine tools can perform several dif­ferent machining operations. More recently, the introduction of microprocessors and computers have made possible the development of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacture (CAD and CAM) technologies. When using these systems a designer draws a part and indicates its dimensions with the help of a mouse, light pen, or other input device.

2. Define the main idea of the text:

1. Automated control systems

2. Automated manufacturing

3. Using feedback devices

4. The introduction of microprocessors and computers


3. Questions to the text:

1. What was the first step in the development of automaton?

2. What were the first robots originally designed for?

3. Was the first industry to adopt the new integrated system of production?

4. What is feedback principle?

5. What do the abbreviations CAM and CAD stand for?

6. In the 1920s the automobile industry for the first time used an integrated system of production, didn’t it?

4. Put the following sentences logically in the right order according to the text:

1. The feedback principle has been used for centuries.

2. In the 1920s the automobile industry for the first time used an integrated system of production.

3. These operations are commonly applied to a wide variety of production operations.

4. When using these systems a designer draws a part and indicates its dimensions with the help of a mouse, light pen, or other input device.

5. Automated manufacturing had several steps in its development.

6. The term automation is also used to describe non-manufacturing systems in which automatic devices can op­erate independently of human control.

5. True or false:

1. Automation is the system of manufacture perform­ing certain tasks.

2. Such devices as automatic pilots, automatic telephone equipment and automated control systems are used to perform various operations much lower and worse than could be done by people.

3. The simplification of work made it impossible to design and build machines that resembled the motions of the worker.

4. This method of production wasn’t adopted by most car manufacturers and didn’t become known as Detroit automation

5. An outstanding early example is the fly ball governor, invented in 1788 by James Watt to control the speed of the steam engine.

6. The introduction of microprocessors and computers have made possible the development of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacture (CAD and CAM) technologies.

7. Computers didn’t give rise to the development of numerically controlled machines.

6. Choose the right preposition:

1. The most familiar example... a highly auto­mated system is an assembly plant for automobiles.

1. in 2. of 3. at

2. Automated manufacturing had several steps... its development.

1. at 2. in 3. under

3. In the 1920s the automobile industry... the first time used an integrated system of production.

1. before 2. after 3. for

4. This method of production was adopted... most car manufacturers and became known as Detroit automation.

1. for 2. by 3. into

5.... numerically controlled ma­chining centre, machine tools can perform several dif­ferent machining operations.

1. behind 2. in 3. to

6. The motions of these machines are controlled... punched paper or

magnetic tapes.

1. by 2. to 3. at

7.... the drawing has been completed the computer auto.

1. for 2. after 3. of



1. Read and translate the text:

Automation of processes

A process control or automation system is used to automatically control a process such as chemical, oil refineries, paper and pulp factories. The PAS often uses a network to interconnect sensors, controllers, operator terminals and actuators. The PAS is often based on open standards in contrast to a DCS (distributed control system), which is traditionally proprietary. However in recent times the PAS is considered to be more associated with SCADA systems. PAS is the lowest level of automation, while MES (manufacturing execution system) is considered to be directly positioned above a PAS. Process automation involves using computer technology and software engineering to help power plants and factories in industries as diverse as paper, mining and cement operate more efficiently and safely. Major blocks of PAS are: microprocessors, micro controllers and microcomputers, multiprocessors, LANs, SCADA, RTU (remote terminal units) and analog and digital I/O modules.

In the absence of process automation, plant operators have to physically monitor performance values and the quality of outputs to determine the best settings on which to run the production equipment. Maintenance is carried out at set intervals. It is generally results in operational inefficiency and unsafe operating conditions. Process automation simplifies it with the help of sensors at thousands of spots around the plant that collect data on temperatures, pressures, flows and so on. The information is stored and analyzed on the computer and the entire plant and each piece of production equipment can be monitored on a large screen in a control room. Plant operating settings are then automatically adjusted to achieve the optimum production. Plant operators can manually override the process automation systems when necessary.

Factory owners want their equipment to deliver the highest output with as little production cost as possible. In many industries including oil, gas and petrochemicals, energy costs can represent 30 to 50 percent of the total production cost. In process automation, the computer program uses measurements to show not only how the plant is working but to simulate different operating modes and find the optimal strategy for the plant. A unique characteristic of this software is its ability to "learn" and predict trends, helping speed up the response time to changing conditions. The software and controls regulate equipment to run at the optimum speed that requires the least energy. They also ensure the consistency of quality, meaning less energy is wasted producing products that turn out to be defective, and they forecast when maintenance is needed so less time and energy is spent stopping and restarting equipment for routine inspections.


· oil refineries – нефтеперерабатывающие заводы

· PAS – автоматизация технологических процессов

· DCS – распределенная система управления

· SCADA – диспетчерское управление и сбор данных

· Maintenance – техническое обслуживание

· LAN – локальная вычислительная сеть


2. Answer the questions:

1. Why is used a process control or automation system?

2. What is the PAS?

3. What are the major blocks of PAS?

4. How is carried maintenance?

5. Process automation simplifies it with the help of sensors at thousands of spots around the plant, doesn’t it?

6. Is the information stored and analyzed on the computer or in the control room?

7. Why do the software and controls regulate equipment?


3. True or False:

1. In many industries including oil, gas and petrochemicals, energy costs can represent 40 to 70 percent of the total production cost.

2. The information is stored and analyzed on the computer and the entire plant and each piece of production equipment can be monitored on a small screen in a control room.

3. A unique characteristic of this software is its ability to "learn" and predict trends, helping speed up the response time to changing conditions.

4. They also ensure the consistency of quality, meaning less energy is wasted producing products that turn out to be defective, and they forecast when maintenance is needed so less time and energy is spent stopping and restarting equipment for routine inspections.

5. Major blocks of PAS are: microprocessors, micro controllers and microcomputers, microprocessors, LANs, SCADA, RTU (remote terminal units) and analog and digital I/O modules


IV вариант

1. Read the text:


Drawing consists of pulling metal through a die. One type is wire drawing. The diameter reduction that can be achieved in one die is limited, but several dies in series can be used to get the desired reduction.

Sheet metal forming

Sheet metal forming (штамповка листового металла) is widely used when parts of certain shape and size are needed. It includes forging, bending and shearing. One characteristic of sheet metal forming is that the thickness of the sheet changes little in processing. The metal is stretched just beyond its yield point (2 to 4 percent strain) in order to retain the new shape. Bending can be done by pressing between two dies. Shearing is a cutting operation similar to that used for cloth.

Each of these processes may be used alone, but often all three are used on one part. For example, to make the roof of an automobile from a flat sheet, the edges are gripped and the piece pulled in tension over a lower die. Next an upper die is pressed over the top, finishing the forming operation (штамповку), and finally the edges are sheared off to give the final dimensions.


Forging is the shaping of a piece of metal by pushing with open or closed dies. It is usually done hot in order to reduce the required force and increase the metal's plasticity.

Open-die forging is usually done by hammering a part between two flat faces. It is used to make parts that are too big to be formed in a closed die or in cases where only a few parts are to be made. The earliest forging machines lifted a large hammer that was then dropped on the workpiece, but now air or steam hammers are used, since they allow greater control over the force and the rate of forming. The part is shaped by moving or turning it between blows.

Closed-die forging is the shaping of hot metal within the walls of two dies that come together to enclose the workpiece on all sides. The process starts with a rod or bar cut to the length needed to fill the die. Since large, complex shapes and large strains are involved, several dies may be used to go from the initial bar to the final shape. With closed dies, parts can be made to close tolerances so that little finish machining is required.

Two closed-die forging operations are given special names. They are upsetting and coining. Coining takes its name from the final stage of forming metal coins, where the desired imprint is formed on a metal disk that is pressed in a closed die. Coining involves small strains and is done cold. Upsetting involves a flow of the metal back upon itself. An example of this process is the pushing of a short length of a rod through a hole, clamping the rod, and then hitting the exposed length with a die to form the head of a nail or bolt.


Basic Principles of Welding

A weld can be defined as a coalescence of metals produced by heating to a suitable temperature with or without the application of pressure, and with or without the use of a filler material.

In fusion welding a heat source generates sufficient heat to create and maintain a molten pool of metal of the required size. The heat may be supplied by electricity or by a gas flame. Electric resistance welding can be considered fusion welding because some molten metal is formed.

Solid-phase processes produce welds without melting the base material and without the addition of a filler metal. Pressure is always employed, and generally some heat is provided. Frictional heat is developed in ultrasonic and friction joining, and furnace heating is usually employed in diffusion bonding.

The electric arc used in welding is a high-current, low-voltage discharge generally in the range 10-2.000 amperes at 10-50 volts. An arc column is complex but. broadly speaking, consists of a cathode that emits electrons, a gas plasma for current conduction, and an anode region that becomes comparatively hotter than the cathode due to electron bombardment. Therefore, the electrode, if consumable, is made positive and. if nonconsumable, is made negative. A direct current (dc) arc is usually used, but alternating current (ac) arcs can be employed.

Total energy input in all welding processes exceeds that which is required to produce a joint, because not all the heat generated can be effectively utilized. Efficiencies vary from 60 to 90 percent, depending on the process: some special processes deviate widely from this figure. Heat is lost by conduction through the base metal and by radiation to the surroundings.

Most metals, when heated, react with the atmosphere or other nearby metals. These reactions can be extremely detrimental to the properties of a welded joint. Most metals, for example, rapidly oxidize when molten. A layer of oxide can prevent proper bonding of the metal. Molten-metal droplets coated with oxide become entrapped in the weld and make the joint brittle. Some valuable materials added for specific properties react so quickly on exposure to the air that the metal deposited does not have the same composition as it had initially. These problems have led to the use of fluxes and inert atmospheres.

In fusion welding the flux has a protective role in facilitating a controlled reaction of the metal and then preventing oxidation by forming a blanket over the molten material. Fluxes can be active and help in the process or inactive and simply protect the surfaces during joining.

Inert atmospheres play a protective role similar to that of fluxes. In gas-shielded metal-arc and gas-shielded tungsten-arc welding an inert gas — usually argon—flows from an annulus surrounding the torch in a continuous stream, displacing the air from around the arc. The gas does not chemically react with the metal but simply protects it from contact with the oxygen in the air.

The metallurgy of metal joining is important to the functional capabilities of the joint. The arc weld illustrates all the basic features of a joint. Three zones result from the passage of a welding arc: (1) the weld metal, or fusion zone, (2) the heat-affected zone, and (3) the unaffected zone. The weld metal is that portion of the joint that has been melted during welding. The heat-affected zone is a region adjacent to the weld metal that has not been welded but has undergone a change in microstructure or mechanical properties due to the heat of welding. The unaffected material is that which was not heated sufficiently to alter its properties.

Weld-metal composition and the conditions under which it freezes (solidifies) significantly affect the ability of the joint to meet service requirements. In arc welding, the weld metal comprises filler material plus the base metal that has melted. After the arc passes, rapid cooling of the weld metal occurs. A one-pass weld has a cast structure with columnar grains extending from the edge of the molten pool to the centre of the weld. In a multipass weld, tins cast structure may be modified, depending on the particular metal that is being welded.

The base metal adjacent to the weld, or the heat-affected zone, is subjected to a range of temperature cycles, and its change in structure is directly related to the peak temperature at any given point, the time of exposure, and the cooling rates. The types of base metal are too numerous to discuss here, but they can be grouped in three classes: (1) materials unaffected by weldmg heat, (2) materials hardened by structural change, (3) materials hardened by precipitation processes.

Welding produces stresses in materials. These forces are induced by contraction of die weld metal and by expansion and then contraction of the heat-affected zone. The unheated metal imposes a restraint on the above, and as contraction predominates, die weld metal cannot contract freely, and a stress is built up in the joint. This is generally known as residual stress, and for some critical applications must be removed by heat treatment of the whole fabrication. Residual stress is unavoidable in all welded structures, and if it is not controlled bowing or distortion of the weldment will take place. Control is exercised by welding technique, jigs and fixtures, fabrication procedures, and final heat treatment.

Read the text

Technological processes control automated systems

Automation is the use of control systems and information technologies to reduce the need for human work in the production of goods and services. In the scope of industrialization, automation is a step beyond mechanization. Whereas mechanization provided human operators with machinery to assist them with the muscular requirements of work, automation greatly decreases the need for human sensory and mental requirements as well. Automation plays an increasingly important role in the world economy and in daily experience.

Technological processes control with use of automated systems includes the solution of the following main objectives: processes` parameters control (temperature and pressure in the apparatuses, content and quality of liquids and gases, etc.); alarm system (warning, preventing) of the parameters` values deviation beyond the permissible limitsо; blocking (inhibiting) of improper equipment switching; equipment protection in emergency situations (switching off, the placement into a safe mode).

Production processes automation begins with the definition of problem which determines the level (degree) of the specific object automation, such as process installation. Hereby determines the direction of all future work, its scope and cost of expenditures, in particular, the acquisition and implementation of automation. The important thing in solving of the automation problem is the selection of the control system, i.e. determination of the degree of people's participation in the management, use of automatic devices, computer equipment.

Automation has had a notable impact in a wide range of industries beyond manufacturing. Telephone operators have been replaced largely by automated telephone switchboards and answering machines. Medical processes such as primary screening in electrocardiography or radiography and laboratory analysis of human genes, sera, cells, and tissues are carried out at greater speed and accuracy by automated systems. Automated teller machines have reduced the need for bank visits to obtain cash and carry out transactions. In general, automation much has been responsible for the shift in the world economy from industrial jobs to service jobs in the 20th and 21st centuries.

2. Answer the questions:

1. What is the automation?

2. Why do we need automatic devices?

3. What tasks do technological processes control?

4. Do production processes of automation begin with the definition of problem?

5. What is the important thing in solving of the automation problem?

6. Automated teller machines have reduced the need for bank visits to obtain cash, haven’t they?

7. What is the next step of development after the automation?

8. How can automation affect the level of unemployment?

9. Why are automated systems better than human being?


3. True or false:

1. Automation is the use of control systems and information technologies to increase the need for human work in the production of goods and services

2. Automation doesn’t play an increasingly important role in the world economy and in daily experience.

3. Automation of production processes begins with the formulation of the problem.

4. Automation increases the need for human sensory and mental requirements.

5. Telephone operators have been replaced largely by automated telephone switchboards and answering machines.

6. Automated teller machines have reduced the need for bank visits to obtain cash and carry out transactions.

7. In general, automation much hasn’t been responsible for the shift in the world economy from industrial jobs to service jobs in the 20th and 21st centuries.

4. Choose the right preposition:

1. Automation plays an increasingly important role … the world economy and … daily experience. (on, in, at)

2. Medical processes such as primary screening... electrocardiography or radiography and laboratory analysis … human genes, cells, and tissues are carried out. (of, out, in).

3. The important thing... solving... the automation problem is the selection...the control system. (at, for, of, in).

4. Automation greatly decreases the need... human sensory and mental requirements as well. (of, for, since)

5. Technological processes control... use of automated systems includes the solution of the main objectives. (with, in, of)



II вариант

1. Read the text:


Automation is the system of manufacture perform­ing certain tasks, previously done by people, by machines only. The sequences of operations are controlled auto­matically. The most familiar example of a highly auto­mated system is an assembly plant for automobiles or other complex products. The term automation is also used to describe non-manufacturing systems in which automatic devices can op­erate independently of human control. Such devices as automatic pilots, automatic telephone equipment and automated control systems are used to perform various operations much faster and better than could be done by people.

Automated manufacturing had several steps in its development. Mechanization was the first step necessary in the development of automation. The simplification of work made it possible to design and build machines that resembled the motions of the worker. These specialized machines were motorized and they had better production efficiency. Industrial robots, originally designed only to perform simple tasks in environments dangerous to human work­ers, are now widely used to transfer, manipulate, and position both light and heavy work pieces performing all the functions of a transfer machine. In the 1920s the automobile industry for the first time used an integrated system of production. This method of production was adopted by most car manufacturers and became known as Detroit automation.

The feedback principle is used in all automatic-con­trol mechanisms when machines have ability to correct themselves. The feedback principle has been used for centuries. An outstanding early example is the fly ball governor, invented in 1788 by James Watt to control the speed of the steam engine. The common household ther­mostat is another example of a feedback device.

Using feedback devices, machines can start, stop, speed up, slow down, count, inspect, test, compare and measure. These operations are commonly applied to a wide variety of production operations. Computers have greatly facilitated the use of feedback in manufacturing processes. Computers gave rise to the development of numerically controlled machines. The motions of these machines are controlled by punched paper or magnetic tapes. In numerically controlled ma­chining centre, machine tools can perform several dif­ferent machining operations. More recently, the introduction of microprocessors and computers have made possible the development of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacture (CAD and CAM) technologies. When using these systems a designer draws a part and indicates its dimensions with the help of a mouse, light pen, or other input device.

2. Define the main idea of the text:

1. Automated control systems

2. Automated manufacturing

3. Using feedback devices

4. The introduction of microprocessors and computers


3. Questions to the text:

1. What was the first step in the development of automaton?

2. What were the first robots originally designed for?

3. Was the first industry to adopt the new integrated system of production?

4. What is feedback principle?

5. What do the abbreviations CAM and CAD stand for?

6. In the 1920s the automobile industry for the first time used an integrated system of production, didn’t it?

4. Put the following sentences logically in the right order according to the text:

1. The feedback principle has been used for centuries.

2. In the 1920s the automobile industry for the first time used an integrated system of production.

3. These operations are commonly applied to a wide variety of production operations.

4. When using these systems a designer draws a part and indicates its dimensions with the help of a mouse, light pen, or other input device.

5. Automated manufacturing had several steps in its development.

6. The term automation is also used to describe non-manufacturing systems in which automatic devices can op­erate independently of human control.

5. True or false:

1. Automation is the system of manufacture perform­ing certain tasks.

2. Such devices as automatic pilots, automatic telephone equipment and automated control systems are used to perform various operations much lower and worse than could be done by people.

3. The simplification of work made it impossible to design and build machines that resembled the motions of the worker.

4. This method of production wasn’t adopted by most car manufacturers and didn’t become known as Detroit automation

5. An outstanding early example is the fly ball governor, invented in 1788 by James Watt to control the speed of the steam engine.

6. The introduction of microprocessors and computers have made possible the development of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacture (CAD and CAM) technologies.

7. Computers didn’t give rise to the development of numerically controlled machines.

6. Choose the right preposition:

1. The most familiar example... a highly auto­mated system is an assembly plant for automobiles.

1. in 2. of 3. at

2. Automated manufacturing had several steps... its development.

1. at 2. in 3. under

3. In the 1920s the automobile industry... the first time used an integrated system of production.

1. before 2. after 3. for

4. This method of production was adopted... most car manufacturers and became known as Detroit automation.

1. for 2. by 3. into

5.... numerically controlled ma­chining centre, machine tools can perform several dif­ferent machining operations.

1. behind 2. in 3. to

6. The motions of these machines are controlled... punched paper or

magnetic tapes.

1. by 2. to 3. at

7.... the drawing has been completed the computer auto.

1. for 2. after 3. of



1. Read and translate the text:

Automation of processes

A process control or automation system is used to automatically control a process such as chemical, oil refineries, paper and pulp factories. The PAS often uses a network to interconnect sensors, controllers, operator terminals and actuators. The PAS is often based on open standards in contrast to a DCS (distributed control system), which is traditionally proprietary. However in recent times the PAS is considered to be more associated with SCADA systems. PAS is the lowest level of automation, while MES (manufacturing execution system) is considered to be directly positioned above a PAS. Process automation involves using computer technology and software engineering to help power plants and factories in industries as diverse as paper, mining and cement operate more efficiently and safely. Major blocks of PAS are: microprocessors, micro controllers and microcomputers, multiprocessors, LANs, SCADA, RTU (remote terminal units) and analog and digital I/O modules.

In the absence of process automation, plant operators have to physically monitor performance values and the quality of outputs to determine the best settings on which to run the production equipment. Maintenance is carried out at set intervals. It is generally results in operational inefficiency and unsafe operating conditions. Process automation simplifies it with the help of sensors at thousands of spots around the plant that collect data on temperatures, pressures, flows and so on. The information is stored and analyzed on the computer and the entire plant and each piece of production equipment can be monitored on a large screen in a control room. Plant operating settings are then automatically adjusted to achieve the optimum production. Plant operators can manually override the process automation systems when necessary.

Factory owners want their equipment to deliver the highest output with as little production cost as possible. In many industries including oil, gas and petrochemicals, energy costs can represent 30 to 50 percent of the total production cost. In process automation, the computer program uses measurements to show not only how the plant is working but to simulate different operating modes and find the optimal strategy for the plant. A unique characteristic of this software is its ability to "learn" and predict trends, helping speed up the response time to changing conditions. The software and controls regulate equipment to run at the optimum speed that requires the least energy. They also ensure the consistency of quality, meaning less energy is wasted producing products that turn out to be defective, and they forecast when maintenance is needed so less time and energy is spent stopping and restarting equipment for routine inspections.


· oil refineries – нефтеперерабатывающие заводы

· PAS – автоматизация технологических процессов

· DCS – распределенная система управления

· SCADA – диспетчерское управление и сбор данных

· Maintenance – техническое обслуживание

· LAN – локальная вычислительная сеть


2. Answer the questions:

1. Why is used a process control or automation system?

2. What is the PAS?

3. What are the major blocks of PAS?

4. How is carried maintenance?

5. Process automation simplifies it with the help of sensors at thousands of spots around the plant, doesn’t it?

6. Is the information stored and analyzed on the computer or in the control room?

7. Why do the software and controls regulate equipment?


3. True or False:

1. In many industries including oil, gas and petrochemicals, energy costs can represent 40 to 70 percent of the total production cost.

2. The information is stored and analyzed on the computer and the entire plant and each piece of production equipment can be monitored on a small screen in a control room.

3. A unique characteristic of this software is its ability to "learn" and predict trends, helping speed up the response time to changing conditions.

4. They also ensure the consistency of quality, meaning less energy is wasted producing products that turn out to be defective, and they forecast when maintenance is needed so less time and energy is spent stopping and restarting equipment for routine inspections.

5. Major blocks of PAS are: microprocessors, micro controllers and microcomputers, microprocessors, LANs, SCADA, RTU (remote terminal units) and analog and digital I/O modules


IV вариант

1. Read the text:

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