Put in this / that / these / those. — КиберПедия 

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Put in this / that / these / those.

2018-01-07 562
Put in this / that / these / those. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Why am I living in... country?

2. Get me... box from the table.

3. … potatoes taste burnt!

4. What was... noise?

5. Who are... people over there?

6. Come... way, please.

7. Isn't... weather great?

8. Did you hear... rain in the night?

9. Tell her to stop... shouting.

10.... was a nice meal - thanks.

11. Who said...?

12. Why did she marry... idiot?

13. Do it... way, not like....

What has this man got in his suitcase? Put in some or any.

1. He's got... clothes.

2. Has he got … cameras?

3. He hasn't got … cameras, but he's got... watches.

4. He hasn't got … videos.

5. He's got … money.

6. Has he got … perfume or cigarettes?

7. He's got … perfume, but he hasn't got... cigarettes.

Affirmative / negative: choose the right word.

1. I can't find (some / any)butter, but we've got (some / any)margarine.

2. Emma has got (some / any)old pictures of the house to show us.

3. I haven't got (something / anything)to wear to the party.

4. There aren't (some / any)buses on Sunday.

5. Helen brought me (some / any)beautiful roses from her garden.

Questions: Choose some / any / somebody / anybody / something / anything.

1. Did you meet... interesting at the party?

2. Can I offer you... wine?

3. Shall we listen to... music?

4. Have you got... children?

5. Is there... I can do?

6. Would you like... to help you?

7. Do you know... German?

Choose the right word.

1. Have you got (some / any)time free on Wednesday afternoon?

2. There's (something / anything)strange about the way Pete's acting today.

3. Nobody can find out (something / anything)about when the exams will be.

4. Is there (something / an thing)we should bring to the meeting?

5. (Some / Any)of Laura's friends were at the party last night.

6. Shall I bring you (something / anything)to read while you wait?

7. I had three sets of house keys, and I can't find (some / any)of them now.

8. Hardly (some / any)of the smaller cars have enough leg room for Jill.

9. Do you know if (some / any)of the Morrises are coming on Sunday?

10. Can I get you (some / any) coffee? I've just made (some / any).

11. She refuses to have (something / anything)to do with her family now.

12. I haven't done (some / any)revision for the exam, I know I'll fail.

13. If there's (some / any)soup left, could you put it in the fridge, please?

14. I doubt that there's (something / anything)we can do now.

15. Never trust (someone / anyone)who has a perfectly tidy desk.

16. Helen can ride a bike without (some / any)help now.

17. Has Eve got (some / any)brothers or sisters, do you know?

18. Harriet has got (some / any)beautiful jewellery, but she never wears it.


1. 1.Her; 2. It; 3. him; 4. his; 5. her; 6. Hers; 7. He; 8. us; 9. yours; 10. its;
11. me; 12. She; 13. ours; 14. mine; 15. his.

2. 1. She; 2. We; 3. It; 4. He; 5. They.

3. 1. My; 2. My; 3. your; 4. your; 5. my; 6. His; 7. Our; 8. His; 9. Our; 10. her; 11. her; 12. Their.

4. This belongs to me. This is my coat. This is mine.
  This belongs to you. This is your money. This is yours.
  This belongs to him. This is his car. This is his.
  This belongs to her. This is her office. This is hers.
  This belongs to us. This is our house. This is ours.
  This belongs to them. This is their dog. This is theirs.
  Who does this belong to? Whose bike is this? Whose is this bike?

5. 1. yours, hers; 2. Whose, ours; 3. your, Its; 4. his, her; 5. their; 6. our, theirs; 7. my, mine.

6. 1. me; 2. her; 3. him; 4. us; 5. it; 6. them; 7. you; 8. me.

7. 1. this; 2. that; 3. these; 4. that; 5. those; 6. this; 7. this; 8. that; 9. that; 10. That; 11. that; 12. that; 13. this, that.

8. 1. some; 2. any; 3. any, some; 4. any; 5. some; 6. any; 7. some; any.

9. 1. any, some; 2. some; 3. anything; 4. any; 5. some; 6. somebody.

10. 1. any; 2. something; 3. anything; 4. something / anything; 5. Some; 6. something; 7. any; 8. any; 9. any; 10. some, some; 11. anything; 12. any; 13. some / any; 14. anything; 15. anyone / someone; 16. any; 17. any; 18. some.

11. 1. anybody; 2. some; 3. some; 4. any; 5. anything; 6. somebody; 7. any.


Именем существительным называется часть речи, которая обозначает предмет и отвечает на вопросы: кто? что?

Образование множественного числа существительных

а) Множественное число образуется путем добавления окончания -s:

cat cats (кот – коты)

film films (фильм – фильмы)

б) Если имя существительное оканчивается на буквы -ch, -s, -ss, -sh,
-x, -z, то множественное число образуется при помощи окончания -es:

box - boxes (коробка – коробки)

в) Если существительное оканчивается на согласную , то оно заменяется на i + es:

city cities (город – города)

party parties (вечеринка – вечеринки)

г) При образовании множественного числа, слова, которые оканчиваются на букву -f, изменят ее на -v:

leaf leaves (лист – листья), wife wives (жена – жены).


a manmen (мужчинамужчины)

a womanwomen (женщинаженщины)

a childchildren (ребенокдети)

a footfeet (стопастопы)

a toothteeth (зубзубы)

a mousemice (мышьмыши)

д) Следующие существительные в английском языке употребляются только в единственном числе:

news (новость – новости), advice (совет – советы), knowledge (знание – знания).

е) Следующие существительные имеют одинаковую форму в единственном и множественном числе:

a sheep sheep (овца – овцы), a deer – deer (оленьолени).

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