Write a letter to Anna. Answer her questions and then ask three questions about her driving experience. Use active vocabulary where possible. — КиберПедия 

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Write a letter to Anna. Answer her questions and then ask three questions about her driving experience. Use active vocabulary where possible.

2018-01-07 204
Write a letter to Anna. Answer her questions and then ask three questions about her driving experience. Use active vocabulary where possible. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Exercise 3

Translate from Russian into English Topical Vocabulary 2

  1. Мне никогда не давалась математика. Я просто безнадежен.
  2. Я болел в прошлом семестре, и теперь мне приходится заниматься ночами, чтобы не отставать.
  3. Джим постоянно зубрит, никогда не прогуливает - и все равно постоянно отстает!
  4. Как ты думаешь, он хорошо учится? У него лучше с математикой, чем у тебя?
  5. Телевидение может принести много вреда (be harmful), но некоторые программы имеют настоящую образовательную ценность.
  6. Зубрежка ( use – ing form ) перед экзаменом превратилась в настоящий кошмар, но Джеки боялась провалит ь его и занималась ночи напролет.
  7. В прошлом году я сдала с блестящим результатом и рассчитывала (to expect) легко сдать экзамен в этом году – но не смогла. Я еле-еле проскочила.
  8. Я отстала и не понимаю, что мне делать.
  9. Мы познакомились (to meet), когда сдавали вступительные экзамены.
  10. В этом году у нас в расписании пять основных предметов и три дисциплины по выбору. А еще в школе есть множество кружков.
  11. Он получил оценку, которая не могла его удовлетворить, но все же (still), он сдал экзамен.
  12. Я знал все вопросы наизусть, но все равно сдал с трудом.
  13. Если ты не можешь понять формулу, просто выучи ее наизусть – это поможет.
  14. Он не понимал ни слова, просто повторял одно и то же (say smth over and over again) как попугай.
  15. Я даже не понимаю, какой экзамен мне придется сдавать в этом году.
  16. Он получил очень низкий балл за тест и просто не мог в это поверить.
  17. Послушай, прекрати прогуливать! Ты постоянно пропускаешь уроки! Неудивительно, что ты (No wonder, you…) отстал!
  18. Многие берут кредит (take out loans), чтобы оплатить обучение (to pay…).
  19. У тебя когда-нибудь был репетитор? У тебя теперь получше с английским?
  20. Я так занят (to be busy doing smth) подготовкой к экзаменам, что у меня есть время только на (for) основные предметы. Я забросил (to give up) все кружки и зубрю целый день, а иногда и ночи напролет!



Exercise 4

Write a reply to the following letter, answer George’s questions and ask three questions about his choice.

… Gosh, exams are coming and I have memory like a sieve! What do I do about it??? English words just keep slipping my memory – won’t stick, and I thought I was good at languages!

Do you think there is anything that could possibly improve my achievement? How do you learn words and expressions? What subjects are you the most hopeless at?

As for my news, I’ve decided to go to a vocational college instead of university after all…

Warm-up questions:

  1. Do you remember your first year at school? Did you have to study hard for class? Burn the midnight oil? Do a lot of cramming?
  2. Did you like your first teacher? Why? Was she strict/reasonably strict/permissive/ very kind?/ indifferent?
  3. What did you like best: primary, secondary or high school? Why? Where did you (do you) have to work harder?
  4. Can you think of any arguments in favour of school uniforms? Against them? Write them down.
  5. Does it matter what a teacher wears in the classroom?
  6. Do you think discipline in class is important? Do you think that discipline should be strict or lax? What encourages better academic achievement?


  1. What do you think is better – exams at the end of the year or continuous coursework assessment?
  1. Do you think extra-curriculum activities are important? Shouldn’t students just concentrate on schoolwork?
  1. At school students have to study both Humanities and Science. Do you think they should be allowed to choose their major and skip either Humanities or Science?


  1. Do you think that school should have only academic subjects on the curriculum? Should there be any vocational training at least for less capable students?


  1. What do you think is more effective – studying with a group, with a tutor or on your own? Why? Is competition between students a good thing?


  1. Some people say that school summer holidays are too long. Do you agree with it? Why are holidays important?


Statements for a composition:

  1. Standards of education today are lower than they used to be.

Read the composition and say whether you agree with its author. What arguments for and against the statement do you have? The introduction and conclusion here are missing and the author fails to explain why he cannot agree with his opponents. Complete the essay.

A great deal has changed since our parents were at school. Firstly, teachers who have a great effect on standards are better trained now than in the past. Secondly, schools have more money and better facilities these days. As a result, the standards of education have risen. Next, teachers have become more understanding and ready to help students today. They are less strict, which means that students can enjoy studying more and thus, learn more without cramming.


However, there are people who argue that lax discipline discourages students from studying hard and therefore the standards of education are falling. Besides, they believe that students nowadays do not put much effort in their work as they can find all the information on the Internet. (167 words)


  1. A warm homely atmosphere at school is much more vital than the knowledge you get there. No cramming will do you so much good as love and care.


  1. Some people say that cramming is good for nothing, and students should speak and express their opinions rather than memorize a lot of information. Others argue that opinions should be based on facts you’ve previously learned. What do you think?


  1. Some people say computers will eventually replace teachers, and students will study from home using the Internet and educational programmes. Others believe that a teacher is much more than a source of information, and no machine can substitute them. What do you think?



Many people believe that uniforms are better than casual clothes for children at school because they remind the children that they have to follow rules. Casual clothes ______________________ (not do) this. With all the children at school ______________________ (wear) the same clothes, children from richer families dress the same way as kids from less well-off families. A uniform also __________________________ (create) a feeling that everyone at the same school is part of the same community.

In the 1960s and 1970s, many schools in Britain __________________________ (stop) having a school uniform because of the expense for parents. Since then, however, a number of these schools _________________________ (bring) uniforms back. Their new uniforms are more __________________________ (comfort) and ______________________ (fashion) than uniforms _________________________ (be) forty years ago.


They are so popular that many of the head teachers at schools without uniforms ____________________________ (think) of _________________________ (bring) uniforms back there too.


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