Thank you for your outstanding work. Bonus checks will be distributed next week. — КиберПедия 

Архитектура электронного правительства: Единая архитектура – это методологический подход при создании системы управления государства, который строится...

Адаптации растений и животных к жизни в горах: Большое значение для жизни организмов в горах имеют степень расчленения, крутизна и экспозиционные различия склонов...

Thank you for your outstanding work. Bonus checks will be distributed next week.

2017-12-22 1975
Thank you for your outstanding work. Bonus checks will be distributed next week. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
Заказать работу


Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в действительном или страдательном залоге.

Our new house … in a year.

В- will built

В+ will be built
В- will be building


Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в действительном или страдательном залоге.

This picture … 150 years ago.

В- painted

В+ was painted

В- was painting


Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в действительном или страдательном залоге.

The best chocolate … in Switzerland.

В+ is produced

В- produces
В- was producing


Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в действительном или страдательном залоге.

The text … by the students now.

В+ is being translated

В- is translating

В- translate


Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в действительном или страдательном залоге.

The client... for you for 2 hours already.

В- will be waited

В- was being waited

В+ has been waiting



Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в действительном или страдательном залоге.

By the end of the next month she... in this company for 5 years.

В- had worked

В- is working

В+ will have been working



Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в действительном или страдательном залоге.

By the end of the last week he... all his exams.

В- was passed

В+ had passed

В- waspassing


Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в действительном или страдательном залоге.

The telegram... by 2 o`clock tomorrow.

В- will send

В+ will have been sent

В- wassent


Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в действительном или страдательном залоге.

A film about London... in Room 9 from 3 till 5 o`clock yesterday.

В+ was being shown

В- showed

В- wasshowing


Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в действительном или страдательном залоге.

The secretary … the letters from 10 till 11 tomorrow.

В- will be answered

В+ will be answering

В- answered


Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в действительном или страдательном залоге.

They … their work by 7 o`clock in the evening.

В- finish

В+ will have finished

В- will be finished


Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в действительном или страдательном залоге.

The new railway line … by the end of 1997.

В- constructed

В+ had been constructed

В- hadconstructed


Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в действительном или страдательном залоге.

The policeman stopped her because she... the street in the wrong place at that moment.

В+ was crossing

В- will have crossed

В- wascrossed


Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в действительном или страдательном залоге.

How many reports... already… this month?

В- will, prepare

В+ have, been prepared

В- are, preparing


Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в действительном или страдательном залоге.

When we got to the station, the train … already….

В+ had, left

В- is, leaving

В- was, left


Выберите соответствующую форму инфинитива.

Can anybody … how to use the computer?

В- to show

В+ show

В- to be shown


Выберите соответствующую форму инфинитива.

Jack is in his garage. He must … his car.

В- to repair

В- be repaired

В+ berepairing


Выберите соответствующую форму инфинитива.

I am sorry… to meet you at the station yesterday.

В- to forget
В+ to have forgotten
В- forget


Выберите соответствующую форму инфинитива.

He doesn`t like … a lot of questions by the journalists.
В+ to be asked

В- ask

В- toask


Выберите соответствующую форму инфинитива.

He remembers … this project at the conference last year.

В- to be seeing

В+ to have seen

В- see


Выберите соответствующую форму инфинитива.

She hoped … by her friends.

В- help

В+ to be helped

В- tohelp


Выберите соответствующую форму инфинитива.

He may... in the garden now and doesn`t hear the bell.

В- to work

В+ be working

В- have been worked



As he is very tired, he may … in his room.

В- to sleep

В+ be sleeping

В- beslept



Выберите соответствующую форму инфинитива.

… English books in the original is a real pleasure for him.

В- Read

В+ To read

В- To have been read


Выберите соответствующую форму инфинитива.

Let us … in the library to prepare for the exam.

В- to stay

В+ stay

В- to have stayed


Выберите соответствующую форму инфинитива.

I am happy … you at the conference yesterday.

В- to be met

В+ to have met

В- meet


Выберите соответствующую форму инфинитива.

Do you hate... by anybody early in the morning?

В- phone

В+ to be phoned

В- tohavephoned


Выберите соответствующую форму инфинитива.

What is more pleasant: to give or … presents?

В- give

В+ to be given

В- tobegiving


Выберите соответствующую форму инфинитива.

The child likes … fairy tales by the granny.

В- read

В+ to be read

В- toread


Выберите соответствующую форму инфинитива.

Jane doesn`t know Russian well enough … to you.

В+ to speak
В- to have been spoken
В- speak


Выберите соответствующую форму причастия.

He usually has breakfast… a newspaper.

В- read

В+ reading

В- having been read


Выберите соответствующую форму причастия.

The books… by this author are always read with interest.

В+ written

В- writing

В- having written



Выберите соответствующую форму причастия.

We came up to the … girl and asked where her mother was.

В- having cried

В- cried

В+ crying


Выберите соответствующую форму причастия.

The girl … the report now is our postgraduate student.

В- having made

В+ making

В- made


Выберите соответствующую форму причастия.

… for her in the hall for an hour, he became angry.

В- waited

В- being waited

В+ having waited


Выберите соответствующую форму причастия.

Can you show me the … text?

В- having translated

В- translating

В+ translated


Выберите соответствующую форму причастия.

... his work, he went home.

В+ Having finished

В- Being finished

В- Finished


Выберите соответствующую форму причастия.

The exercises… by the students were difficult.

В+ done

В- doing

В- having done


Выберите соответствующую форму причастия.

While...the street, you should first look to the left and then to the right

В+ crossing

В- being crossed

В- having crossed


Выберите соответствующую форму герундия.

He insisted on … at home in such weather.

В+ staying

В- being stayed

В- having stayed


Выберите соответствующую форму герундия.

The child enjoys … for a walk by his grandfather.

В- taking

В+ being taken

В- having taken


Выберите соответствующую форму герундия.

She is thinking of … her job.

В- being left

В+ leaving

В- having left


Выберите соответствующую форму герундия.

He is proud of … all the exams well last month.

В- being passed

В+ heaving passed

В- having been passed


Выберите соответствующую форму герундия.

Shehates … intherain.

В+ walking

В- having walked

В- being walked


Выберите соответствующую форму герундия.

Mother doesn`t like the idea of … to Moscow next week.

В- being gone

В- having gone

В+ going


Формулировка ТЗ. Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в условном предложении.

If I were you, I … learning English.


should start

will start


Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в условном предложении.

If he visited London, he … to the British Museum first.


would go



Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в условном предложении.

If she were free today, she … you with the work.


would help



Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в условном предложении.

You … the exam easily if you spent more time on studies.


would pass




Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в условном предложении.

If they … more information, they would find the right decision.



would get



Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в условном предложении.

If my friend … at my office, we should meet every day.



will work



Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в условном предложении.

If my father … early, we should watch the match together.



would return


Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в условном предложении.

If you… your resume last week, we should have invited you to the job interview.


had sent

would send


Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в условном предложении.

If he had had enough skill and knowledge, they… him a position of the manager.


would have offered

will offer


Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в условном предложении.

If she … two foreign languages, she would have found a job more easily.

would have studied

had studied



Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в условном предложении.

If she … the exhibition last month, she would have seen the latest models of equipment.

would visit

had visited



They would go to the library if they… no classes.

will have




Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в условном предложении (реальное условие).

He will buy this book if he …it in the shop.

would find




Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в условном предложении (реальное условие).

If all the documents are ready in time, the secretary… them by telex.





Выберите соответствующую форму глагола в условном предложении (реальное условие).

I shall not take part in the conference if I … finish my report.

will not finish

do not finish



Выберите реплику для телефонного разговора…

– Hello, Mr. Smith`s office. Can I help you?

В+ Could I speak to Mr. Smith, please?

В- See you later.

В- I am glad to see you.



Выберите реплику для телефонного разговора…

– Who`s calling, please?

В- One moment.

В- How are you?

В+ This is Ivanov.



Выберите реплику для телефонного разговора…

– Mr. Smith is not in the office now. Can I give him a message?

В+ No, thank you. I`ll phone him again.

В- Ivanov calling.

В- See you tomorrow.



Выберите реплику для телефонного разговора…

– Could I speak to Mr. Smith, please?

В+ Just a minute, please.

В- Can I help you?

В- Seeyousoon.



Выберите реплику для телефонного разговора…

– Is that Mr. Smith`s office?

В- What a pleasure!

В- Thank you. I am fine.

В+ Sorry. You`ve got the wrong number.



Выберите реплику для телефонного разговора…

– Could you put me through to Mr. White?

В+ Just a moment. Will you hold on, please?

В- Mr. White`s office. What can I do for you?

В- Just a minute. What about 11 o`clock?


Выберите реплику для телефонного разговора…

– Can I speak to Mr. White, please?

В- Not so bad, thank you.

В+ I am putting you through.

В- Seeyoutomorrow.


Выберите реплику для телефонного разговора…

– I`d like to speak to Mr. White.

В- How are you?

В+ I`m afraid, he is not here at the moment.

В- Thank you for your visit.


Выберите реплику для телефонного разговора…

– I am calling to make an appointment with Mr. Jackson for tomorrow.

В+ Will 5 o`clock suit you?

В- See you later. Bye.

В- Glad to meet you.


Выберите реплику для телефонного разговора…

– I would like to make an appointment with Mr. Smith for Friday. Is it possible?

В+ I`m afraid not, because he will be away till Saturday.

В- I`m afraid not, because we have no specialist of this kind at the office now.

В- I`m afraid not, because your price is quite high.



Выберите реплику для диалога...

– Good morning, Mr. Voronin. Sorry. I`m a bit late.

В+ Never mind.

В- I don`t think we have met before.

В- Glad to have met you.



Выберите реплику для диалога…

– How are you getting on?

В- On the train.

В+ Not bad, thank you.

В- Glad to hear it.



Выберите реплику для диалога…

– Did you have a good trip?

В- The plane is due to depart at 7 p.m.

В+ Yes, it was quite nice.

В- Thank you for coming.



Выберите реплику для диалога…

– Could we meet at our office at 11 on Friday?

В+ I think it will be all right.

В- My best regards.

В- I`ll see if he is in.


Выберите реплику для диалога…

– It was very kind of you to show us round the factory.

В+ That was a pleasure.

В- My best regards.

В- Nothing serious.


Выберите реплику для диалога…

–We would like to visit your laboratory. Is it possible?

В- We`d prefer to receive your documents tomorrow.

В+ No problem. We can easily arrange it.

В- It`s all right. He will come in 10 minutes.


Выберите реплику для диалога…

– Could you give us the program of the conference?

В- We can make an appointment for Friday. Is it convenient for you?

В- We can arrive in 5 days. Is it convenient for you?

В+ We can send it by e-mail. Is it convenient for you?


Выберите реплику для диалога…

– Could we meet tomorrow morning? What about 11 o`clock?

В+ It suits me well.

В- My best regards.

В- I`ll see if he is in.



Выберите реплику для диалога…

– Could I meet you at your office on Monday to discuss the program of the conference?

В- Oh, I`m sorry, we cannot give you a discount of 5 per cent.

В+ Oh, I`m sorry, I`m very busy on Monday. How about Tuesday morning at 10 o`clock?

В- Oh, I`m sorry, we don`t have your documents. Can you send them by fax?



Выберите реплику для диалога…

– I won`t be able to keep my appointment tomorrow.

В- Not bad, thank you.

В+ It`s a pity.

В- Never expected to meet you here.


Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок...

We learnt from FarmexSpA of Rome that you are producing for export hand-made carpets in a variety of colours. There is a steady demand here for carpets of high quality and although sales are not particularly high, good prices are obtained.

Would you please send us a copy of your carpet catalogue, with details of your prices and terms of payment? We would find it most helpful if you could also supply samples of the various colours in which the carpets are supplied.

B+ an inquiry letter

B- an offer

B- a memo

B- a letter of application


Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок...

We have seen your advertisement in the Business Weekly Journal, and we shall appreciate it if you will send us more detailed description of your products.

We would be grateful if you will send us your new catalogues for the latest model of refrigerator. If you can guarantee prompt delivery and can quote really competitive prices we shall be able to place an order with you for 250 refrigerators.We should also like to know the discounts that you provide.

B+ an inquiry letter

B- an offer

B- a letter of application

B- aresume


Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок…

We saw your women’s dresses and suits in your October catalogue. The lines you showed would be most suitable for our market.

Would you kindly send us your quotation for spring and summer clothing that you could supply to us by the end of January next?

We would require 2,000 dresses and suits in each of the sizes 10-14, and 500 in sizes 8 and 16. Please quote c.i.f. Chicago prices.

B+ an inquiry letter

B- an offer

B- a letter of application

B- a resume



Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок…

We were impressed by the selection of sweaters that were displayed on your stand at the "Menswear Exhibition" that was held in Hamburg last month.

We are are looking for a manufacturer who could supply us with a wide range of sweaters for the teenage market. Will you please send us your current catalogue and price-list?

As we usually place very large orders, we would expect a quantity discount in addition to a 20% trade discount off list prices.

B+ an inquiry letter

B- an offer

B- a resume

B- a letter of application



Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок…

For a number of years we have imported electric motors from the United States. We wish to extend the present range of models and would be glad if you could supply us with electric motors of different models. Please send us your current catalogue and price-list for the most popular models.

As we usually place very large orders, we would expect a quantity discount of 5%.

B+ an inquiry letter

B- an offer

B- a resume

B- a letter of application


Определите, к какому виду делового письма относится отрывок…

We thank you for your enquiry of 30 January for our machines Type PR-30 and offer you to make an order with us. We enclose our detailed quotation.

Our machines are manufactured to the highest standards and are marketed all over the world. With this letter we are enclosing catalogues which illustrate the full range of machines we produce.

In case of an order for more than 10 machines we would offer you a discount of 5 per cent. We hope to receive your order soon.

B- an inquiry letter

B- a letter of application

B- a resume

B+ anoffer



Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок…

We would like to introduce ourselves as one of the largest manufacturers of pumps in France. We are enclosing catalogues with our products. We are ready to offer you a wide range of pumps we manufacture.

If you are interested in our pumps we are ready to supply you with any model you require on profitable terms.

We hope to hear from you soon and we look forward to discussing this matter in detail with you at any convenient time.

B- an inquiry letter

B- a letter of application

B- a resume

B+ an offer


Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок…

We are pleased to receive your enquiry, and to hear that you liked our range of sweaters. Enclosed you will find our summer catalogue and price-list quoting prices c.i.f. London.

We can offer the quantity discount you asked for which would be 5% off prices for orders over $2,000, but the usual allowance for a trade discount in Italy is 15%.

B- an inquiry letter

B+ an offer

B- a memo

B- a letter of application


Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок…

We learn from your letter that you are interested in electric motors of German manufacturer and enclose our illustrated catalogue and price list. We can offer you all motors of the present range. A copy of our illustrated catalogue is being sent to you today together with the detailed description of the most popular models we manufacture.

We hope you will send us a trial order so that you can test our products against the facts.

B- an inquiry letter

B+ an offer

B- a memo

B- a letter of application


Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок…

We welcome your letter of 23 March and thank you for your interest in our products. A copy of our illustrated catalogue is being sent to you today with samples of some of the colours we regularly use for our carpets. We are ready to offer you a full range of our products for immediate delivery.

Unfortunately, we cannot send you all kinds of samples but the carpets we can offer you are of the same high quality.


B- an inquiry letter

B+ an offer

B- a memo

B- a letter of application



Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок…


From: Tony Brown, Personal Manager

Subject: General staff meeting

Date: 25 September 2009

There will be general staff meeting at 10.00 a.m. on 5 October 2013 in the conference room 561 (on the 5th floor). Paul Paddington, Director General, would like to make a speech. Those unable to attend, please, let me know before 3th October.

B+ a memorandum (memo)

B- an offer

B- a resume

B- a letter of application


Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок…

To: Ms Aldington

Mr Fletcher

From: Michael Miller

Subject: International conference

Date: 5 December 2009

I attach a copy of a letter of 16 November to Director from Michael Owen, Director of the 21st Century Trust, asking for suggestions for participants at the international conference. Please, set out your criteria for the sort of people the Trust is looking for, and make certain suggestions for persons.

B- an offer

B- a resume

B+ a memorandum (memo)

B- a letter of application


Расставьте слова или сочетания слов в документе так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки:

...: Ms Jackson


...: International conference


I attach a copy of a letter of 23 November to Director from Michael Owen, Director of the 21st Century Trust, asking for suggestions for participants at the international conference. Please, set out your criteria for the sort of people the Trust is looking for and make certain suggestions for persons.


П1 To

П2 James Miller, Personal Manager

П3 Subject

П4 7 December 2009


Расставьте слова или сочетания слов в документе так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки:

To: …

…: Tony Brown, Personal Manager

Subject: General staff meeting

…: 25 September 2009


There will be general staff meeting at … on 5 October 2009 in the conference room 561 (on the 5th floor). Paul Paddington, Director General, would like to make a speech. Those unable to attend, please, let me know before 3th October.



П2 From

П3 Date

П4 10.00 a.m.



Расставьте слова или сочетания слов в документе так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки:

…: Marketing Department Staff

From: …

…: Customer Presentation

Date: …

The Marketing presentation you prepared last week to show our new
product line was exceptional! Your enthusiasm, sales strategy, and product knowledge were impressive and sealed the deal with Mr. Lockhart.

П1 To

П3 Subject

П4 April 18, 2013




Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок…

1. The Subject.

The Sellers undertakes to sell and the Buyers to buy on conditions FOB Moscow the following equipment: 30 drills model DT-054.

2. Prices and Total Value.

The total value of the equipment, spare parts, tools, technical documentation and services amounts to 8,400 $. The prices are firm and subject to no alteration.

3. Terms of Payment

Payments are to be effected within 30 days of the date of receipt by the Buyers of the following documents for collection: Seller's invoice and complete set of «clean-on-board» Bills of Lading.

B- an enquiry letter

B- a resume

B+ a contract

B- a letter of application


Определите, к какому виду документов относится отрывок…

3. Terms of Payment.

The total amount of 20,400 $ shall be paid in US dollars by the Bank of Moscow, the Russian Federation, to the Middle Bank, the UK, London.

4. Time of Delivery.

The delivery of the equipment shall begin in 3 month and shall be completed in 10 month from the date of signing of the Preliminary Acceptance Protocol.

B+ a contract

B- a letter of application

B- an enquiry letter

B- a resume


Выберите сочетание слов, соответствующее заголовку данного пункта контракта...

15% advance payment of the total value shall be made within 30 days of the effective date.

85% of the total value shall be paid in accordance with the Credit Agreement between the MoskovskyNarodny Bank, the Russian Federation, Moscow and the Middle Bank, United Kingdom.

В+ Terms of payment

В- Subject of the Contract

В- Packing and Marking

В- Terms of delivery


Выберите сочетание слов, соответствующее заголовку данного пункта контракта.

The Sellers have sold and the Buyers have bought on the conditions f.o.b. London, the complete equipment, technology and technical documentation of the refinery plant NTF-125 in full conformity with the technical characteristics and in complete scope of supply specified in Appendix N 1.

В- Terms of payment

В+ Subject of the Contract

В- Termsofdelivery


Выберите сочетание слов, соответствующее заголовку данного пункта контракта…

The packing of the goods to be delivered under the present Contract shall ensure its safety during both railway and marine transportation as well as during transshipment when the usual handling of the cargoes is observed.

The goods to be delivered shall have the following marking:

- Made in Russia
- The port of loading
- Order Number
- Case Number
- Net and Gross Weight
- Contract No.
- Port of destination.

В- Terms of payment

В+ Packing and Marking

В- Terms of delivery


Раздел 1

Блок А

ВЫБОР [8.1.1]


If a judge finds a verdict of guilt, … is sentenced to jail or payment of fine.

В- the paralegal

B+ the accused

B - the attorney

B- the charged

ВЫБОР [8.1.2]

2. Выберите соответствующий вариант.

Как называется мировой судья?

В + JusticeofthePeace

В - solicitor

В - magistrate

B - Attorney of the Defense

ВЫБОР [8.1.3]


A person who allocates capital with the expectation of a financial return is called …

B - merchant

B - banker

B + investor

B - distributor

ВЫБОР [8.1.4]

Выберите соответствующий вариант.

In the Greco-Roman world … s typically did not have high social status, though they may have enjoyed great wealth

B + merchants

B - consultants

B - accountants

B - stocktraders

ВЫБОР [8.1.5]


Irving Fisher once was called "the greatest … the United States has ever produced".

B + economist

B - marketing director

B - Product Analyst

B - investor

ВЫБОР [8.1.6]

Выберите соответствующий вариант.

In Canada, public … in most provinces are called Crown Attorney or Crown Counsel

B - plaintiffs

B - defendants

B - paralegals

B + prosecutors

ВЫБОР [8.1.7]

Выберите соответствующий вариант.

A … is a legal practitioner who traditionally deals with any legal matter in court in some jurisdictions

B - jury

B - advocate

B - Justice of peace

B + solicitor

ВЫБОР [8.1.8]

Выберите соответствующий вариант.

… are appointed or elected from the citizens of the jurisdiction in which they serve, and are usually not required to have any formal legal education in order to qualify for the office.

B - prosecutors

B + justices of the peace

B - bailiffs

B - coroners

ВЫБОР [8.1.9]


… sell goods and services from individuals or businesses to the end-user, that makes an integrated system called the supply chain.

B - analysts


B + retailers

B - personalmanager

ВЫБОР [8.1.10]


Tax specialists may work for companies or the …

B + Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

B - World Trade Organization (WTO)

B - Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI)

B - Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

ВЫБОР [8.1.11]


… examines trends that exist during the international exchange of goods and services

B - merchant

B + foreign trade analyst

B - bankrupt

B - accountant

ВЫБОР [8.1.12]


A … is a person or entityaccused of a crime in criminal prosecution or a person or entity against whom some type of civil relief is being sought in a civil case.

B - attorney

B + defendant

B - witness

B - barrister

ВЫБОР [8.1.13]


In the courts of England and Wales … are also known as justices of the peace

B + magistrates

B - members of the Supreme Court

B - sheriffs

B - public prosecutors

ВЫБОР [8.1.14]


Justices of the peace and district judges (formerly known as …) permanently employed by the Ministry of Justice.

B - solicitors

B + stipendiary magistrates

B - paralegals

B - attorneys-at-law

ВЫБОР [8.1.15]


… is generally the most senior person corporation officer or administrator in charge of managing a for-profit organization

B + chief executive officer

B - merchant

B - retailer

B – tradesman


ВЫБОР [8.1.1]

Заголовкомданноготекстаявляется …

As long as criminal behavior continues, the need for prosecuting lawyers will also continue. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics cites the lawyer profession as the backbone of the legal system. While sufficient education and training exists amidst a plethora of law universities, more education is required to become a prosecutor. The District of Columbia (DC) bar notes that a special disposition is required for successful prosecuting work.

Beginning with the right mindset is the first requirement to become a prosecutor. "The State of Criminal Justice 2006" notes that being a prosecutor isn't merely about winning cases, but about proactively seeking justice outside the courtroom as much as within. The potential or practicing prosecutor must acknowledge the full scope of the job, including advocating for policy changes and educating fellow prosecutors.

After graduating law school and obtaining a law license, prosecutors may work in a variety of offices. These range from the United States Attorney's Office, the Department of Justice, offices of local district attorneys and state attorneys and enforcement facets of regulatory agencies, according the DC bar.

Therefore, requirements for becoming a prosecutor differ among these offices, with each potentially requiring a particular focus. An example of this is the computer crime section of the Department of Justice, requiring a keen interest and aptitude in information technology and computers.

Generally, though, most positions require at least one year of postgraduate legal experience and a two-to-three year commitment to the hiring law office. Additionally, many offices require a background check and drug test.

В + Requirements to become a prosecutor lawyer

В - The State of Criminal Justice.

В - American judicial system.

В - District of Columbia legal bar.

ВЫБОР [8.1.2]

As long as criminal behavior continues, the need for prosecuting lawyers will also continue. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics cites the lawyer profession as the backbone of the legal system. While sufficient education and training exists amidst a plethora of law universities, more education is required to become a prosecutor. The District of Columbia (DC) bar notes that a special disposition is required for successful prosecuting work.

Beginning with the right mindset is the first requirement to become a prosecutor. "The State of Criminal Justice 2006" notes that being a prosecutor isn't merely about winning cases, but about proactively seeking justice outside the courtroom as much as within. The potential or practicing prosecutor must acknowledge the full scope of the job, including advocating for policy changes and educating fellow prosecutors.

After graduating law school and obtaining a law license, prosecutors may work in a variety of offices. These range from the United States Attorney's Office, the Department of Justice, offices of local district attorneys and state attorneys and enforcement facets of regulatory agencies, according the DC bar.

Therefore, requirements for becoming a prosecutor differ among these offices, with each potentially requiring a particular focus. An example of this is the computer crime section of the Department of Justice, requiring a keen interest and aptitude in information technology and computers.

Generally, though, most positions require at least one year of postgraduate legal experience and a two-to-three year commitment to the hiring law office. Additionally, many offices require a background check and drug test.


Содержанию данного текста соответствует предложение …

B - United States Attorney's Office is the main judicial body in the USA.

B - All offices require a background check, drug and alcohol tests.

В +After finishing law school and gaining a law license, a prosecutor may work in a wide range of offices.

B - Nowadays less education is required to become a prosecutor.

ВВОД [8.1.3]

As long as criminal behavior continues, the need for prosecuting lawyers will also continue. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics cites the lawyer profession as the backbone of the legal system. While sufficient education and training exists amidst a plethora of law universities, more education is required to become a prosecutor. The District of Columbia (DC) bar notes that a special disposition is required for successful prosecuting work.

Beginning with the right mindset is the first requirement to become a prosecutor. "The State of Criminal Justice 2006" notes that being a prosecutor isn't merely about winning cases, but about proactively seeking justice outside the courtroom as much as within. The potential or practicing prosecutor must acknowledge the full scope of the job, including advocating for policy changes and educating fellow prosecutors.

After graduating law school and obtaining a law license, prosecutors may work in a variety of offices. These range from the United States Attorney's Office, the Department of Justice, offices of local district attorneys and state attorneys and enforcement facets of regulatory agencies, according the DC bar.

Therefore, requirements for becoming a prosecutor differ among these offices, with each potentially requiring a particular focus. An example of this is the computer crime section of the Department of Justice, requiring a keen interest and aptitude in information technology and computers.

Generally, though, most positions require at least one year of postgraduate legal experience and a two-to-three year commitment to the hiring law office. Additionally, many offices require a background check and drug test.


Заполнитепропусквпредложениисогласнотексту « Some crime sections requires from prosecutors aptitude in information… » (сущ., ед. ч.).

B + technology


As long as criminal behavior continues, the need for prosecuting lawyers will also continue. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics cites the lawyer profession as the backbone of the legal system. While sufficient education and training exists amidst a plethora of law universities, more education is required to become a prosecutor. The District of Columbia (DC) bar notes that a special disposition is required for successful prosecuting work.

Beginning with the right mindset is the first requirement to become a prosecutor. "The State of Criminal Justice 2006" notes that being a prosecutor isn't merely about winning cases, but about proactively seeking justice outside the courtroom as much as within. The potential or practicing prosecutor must acknowledge the full scope of the job, including advocating for policy changes and educating fellow prosecutors.

After graduating law school and obtaining a law license, prosecutors may work in a variety of offices. These range from the United States Attorney's Office, the Department of Justice, offices of local district attorneys and state attorneys and enforcement facets of regulatory agencies, according the DC bar.

Therefore, requirements for becoming a prosecutor differ among these offices, with each potentially requiring a particular focus. An example of this is the computer crime section of the Department of Justice, requiring a keen interest and aptitude in information technology and computers.

Generally, though, most positions require at least one year of postgraduate legal experience and a two-to-three year commitment to the hiring law office. Additionally, many offices require a background check and drug test.


Ответомнавопрос «How many of postgraduate legal years experience is necessary to become a prosecutor?» согласноданномутекстуявляется … (числительноезаписатьцифрами).

B + 1



As long as criminal behavior continues, the need for prosecuting lawyers will also continue. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics cites the lawyer profession as the backbone of the legal system. While sufficient education and training exists amidst a plethora of law universities, more education is required to become a prosecutor. The District of Columbia (DC) bar notes that a special disposition is required for successful prosecuting work.

Beginning with the right mindset is the first requirement to become a prosecutor. "The State of Criminal Justice 2006" notes that being a prosecutor isn't merely about winning cases, but about proactively seeking justice outside the courtroom as much as within. The potential or practicing prosecutor must acknowledge the full scope of the job, including advocating for policy changes and educating fellow prosecutors.

After graduating law school and obtaining a law license, prosecutors may work in a variety of offices. These range from the United States Attorney's Office, the Department of Justice, offices of local district attorneys and state attorneys and enforcement facets of regulatory agencies, according the DC bar.

Therefore, requirements for becoming a prosecutor differ among these offices, with each potentially requiring a particular focus. An example of this is the computer crime section of the Department of Justice, requiring a keen interest and aptitude in information technology and computers.

Generally, though, most positions require at least one year of postgraduate legal experience and a two-to-three year commitment to the hiring law office. Additionally, many offices require a background check and drug test.


Закончитепредложениесогласнотексту «Being a prosecutor also means a proactive seeking justice outside the …».

B + courtroom


As long as criminal behavior continues, the need for prosecuting lawyers will also continue. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics cites the lawyer profession as the backbone of the legal system. While sufficient education and training exists amidst a plethora of law universities, more education is required to become a prosecutor. The District of Columbia (DC) bar notes that a special disposition is required for successful prosecuting work.

Beginning with the right mindset is the first requirement to become a prosecutor. "The State of Criminal Justice 2006" notes that being a prosecutor isn't merely about winning cases, but about proactively seeking justice outside the courtroom as much as within. The potential or practicing prosecutor must acknowledge the full scope of the job, including advocating for policy changes and educating fellow prosecutors.

After graduating law school and obtaining a law license, prosecutors may work in a variety of offices. These range from the United States Attorney's Office, the Department of Justice, offices of local district attorneys and state attorneys and enforcement facets of regulatory agencies, according the DC bar.

Therefore, requirements for becoming a prosecutor differ among these offices, with each potentially requiring a particular focus. An example of this is the computer crime section of the Department of Justice, requiring a keen interest and aptitude in information technology and computers.

Generally, though, most positions require at least one year of postgraduate legal experience and a two-to-three year commitment to the hiring law office. Additionally, many offices require a background check and drug test.


Используйтеглаголвсоответствующейформедействительногозалога «As long as criminal behavior continues, the need for prosecuting lawyers … … (to continue)».

B + will continue


ВВОД [8.1.7]

As long as criminal behavior continues, the need for prosecuting lawyers will also continue. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics cites the lawyer profession as the backbone of the legal system. While sufficient education and training exists amidst a plethora of law universities, more education is required to become a prosecutor. The District of Columbia (DC) bar notes that a special disposition is required for successful prosecuting work.

Beginning with the right mindset is the first requirement to become a prosecutor. "The State of Criminal Justice 2006" notes that being a prosecutor isn't merely about winning cases, but about proactively seeking justice outside the courtroom as much as within. The potential or practicing prosecutor must acknowledge the full scope of the job, including advocating for policy changes and educating fellow prosecutors.

After graduating law school and obtaining a law license, prosecutors may work in a variety of offices. These range from the United States Attorney's Office, the Department of Justice, offices of local district attorneys and state attorneys and enforcement facets of regulatory agencies, according the DC bar.

Therefore, requirements for becoming a prosecutor differ among these offices, with each potentially requiring a particular focus. An example of this is the computer crime section of the Department of Justice, requiring a keen interest and aptitude in information technology and computers.

Generally, though, most positions require at least one year of postgraduate legal experience and a two-to-three year commitment to the hiring law office. Additionally, many offices require a background check and drug test.


Слово license в данном тексте может быть переведено как … (ед.ч., им.п.)

B + лицензия


Раздел 2

Блок А

ВЫБОР [9.1.1]


At the …, the man was formally charged with the crime.

B - amendment

B + arraignment

B - jury box

B - law

ВЫБОР [9.1.2]

Выберите соответствующий вариант.

When a lawyer approaches the bench, it means he want to the judge off the …

B - verdict

B - witness

B + record

B - law


ВЫБОР [9.1.3]

Выберите соответствующий вариант.

The man was found guilty and was … to three years in prison.

B - voted

B - charged

B + sentenced

B - proclaimed

ВЫБОР [9.1.4]

Выберите соответствующий вариант.

The case resulted in a … because some of the evidence was false.

B + mistrail

B - parole

B - verdict

B - subpoena

ВЫБОР [9.1.5]

Выберите соответствующий вариант.

The boy was arrestedand … with arson.

B - guilty

B + charged

B - followed

B - swornin


ВЫБОР [8.1.6]


At the end of the …, the robbers were found guilty.

B - court room

B + trial

B - bench

B - well

ВЫБОР [9.1.7]

Выберите соответствующий вариант.

The lawyers hope they can solve the problem at a …

B + pre-trial hearing

B - prosecutor

B - felony

B - cross-examination


ВЫБОР [9.1.8]


If aperson lies under …, he or she risks being charged with perjury.

B - promise

B - parole

B - evidence

B + oath


ВЫБОР [9.1.9]

Выберите соответствующий вариант.

When a person is on the witness stand, he is ….

B - off the record

B - honoured

B + sworn in

B - interrupted


ВЫБОР [9.1.9]


A company may have unregistered employees without a written contract and pay them …

B - credit cards

B - bank deposits

B - taxation

B - black salary


ВЫБОР [9.1.10]


… involves under- or overvaluing invoices to disguise the movement of money.

B + trade-based laundering

B - bank fraud

B - currency exchange

B - financial thoughtcrime


ВЫБОР [9.1.11]


Corporate … aim to generate large amounts of money by hostile takeovers of large inefficient companies.

B - finance

B - tax

B - raids

B - ownership


ВЫБОР [9.1.12]

Выберите соответствующий вариант.

SinceMr. Green is being charged with negligence, it may his business

B - negotiate

B - accuse

B - resolve

B + jeopardize

ВЫБОР [9.1.13]

Выберите соответствующий вариант.

refers to financially motivated nonviolent crime committed by business and government professionals

B - money laundering

B + white-collar crime

B - industrial espionage

B - franchise fraud


ВЫБОР [9.1.14]


Greenhill LTD was accused in industrial espionage. The wanted to steal their competitors' …

B - mortgage

B - death penalty

B + trade secret

B - identitytheft

ВЫБОР [9.1.15]

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