Read the text below attentively and translate it. — КиберПедия 

Особенности сооружения опор в сложных условиях: Сооружение ВЛ в районах с суровыми климатическими и тяжелыми геологическими условиями...

Автоматическое растормаживание колес: Тормозные устройства колес предназначены для уменьше­ния длины пробега и улучшения маневрирования ВС при...

Read the text below attentively and translate it.

2017-12-22 1787
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In studying engineering processes an engineer who is to build a machine must select suitable materials for each machine member.One must know the characteristics of engineering materials. These are as follows: strength, stiffness, ductility, toughness, elasticity, fatigue re­sistance, shock resistance, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, hard­ness resistance, frictionalqualities, machinability, casting and forging properties. They depend upon the chemical composition and the phys­ical structure of the material.

From the point of tonnage produced and used, iron is the world's most common metal, followed in turn by copper, zinc, lead and alu­minium.

Cast iron is a general term applied to iron-carbon alloys contain­ing more than 1.7 per cent of carbon. Cast iron without the addition of alloying elements is weak in tension and shear, strong in compression and has low resistance to impact. It is obtained from the cupola furnace where pig iron is re-melted in contact with coke. Grey c ast iron has the carbon present in the free or graphite state and is soft, easily machined, and only moderately brittle. White cast iron has most of the carbon in the combined state and is therefore hard and brittle. Malleable cast iron is made by heating white iron castings for a period of several days in airtight pots filled with an oxide of iron.

Steel is a ferrous material with a carbon content from 0.1 to 1.0%. Semisteelis a name to a metal made by melting 20 to 40% of steel scrap with cast iron in the cupola. Steel castings are more expensive but strong­er and tougher.

Wrought ironis quite ductile and can be easily rolled, drawn, forged and welded. It has high resistance to corrosion. The carbon content is generally less than 0.1 % and the material must contain not less than 1% of slag.

Cast steel normally contains about 0.5% of carbon, and is used to replace cast iron when castings of considerable strength are required. Forged steel is steel that has been hammered, drawn, pressed or rolled in the process of manufacturing a particular part.


2. Learn the vocabulary:

suitable— подходящий, соответствующий

member -- элемент, конструкция

strength - сопротивление

ductility— эластичность, ковкость, тягучесть

toughness — прочность, вязкость

fatigue— усталость

resistance— сопротивление, устойчивость

stiffness - жесткость

shock— сотрясение, удар, толчок

wear - износостойкость

frictional— фрикционные

casting— литье, отливка

lead— свинец

cast-iron— чугун

carbon— углерод

tension— упругость

shear— сдвиг, срез, срезывающее усилие

impact — сопротивление удару

cupola— вагранка

furnace— топка

pig— болванка

coke— кокс, коксовать

moderately — умеренно

brittle— хрупкий, ломкий

malleable — ковкий, тягучий

airtight— герметичный

pot— резервуар

semisteel — сталистый чугун

wrought— кованый, обработанный давлением

iron— сварочная сталь

ductile - ковкий

roll— прокатывать

draw —вытягивать

forge— ковать

weld— сваривать

slag— шлак

tonnage— тоннаж

to be hammered — быть выкованным

to select suitable materials — выбрать соответствующие материалы

machine member — станочный элемент

strength — сопротивление материалов

fatigue resistance — усталостная прочность

shock resistance — прочность на сотрясение

frictional qualities — фрикционные качества

in turn by — по очереди

to be weak in tension and shear — слабый в упругости и в срезывающем усилии

to be remelted in contact with coke — переплавляться во взаимодействии с коксом

easily machined — легко обрабатываемый

wrought iron is quite ductile — сварочная сталь вполне тягучая (ковкая)

to be used to replace — применяется, чтобы заменить


3. Find the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations:

Engineering processes; machine member; casting and forging properties; strong in compression; in the free or graphite state; moderately brittle; in the combined state; when castings of considerable strength are required; forged steel.

4. Translate into English:

Mашиностроительные процессы; кованая сталь; свойства отливки и ковки; станочный элемент; когда отливка значительной крепости необходима; в смешанном состоянии; крепкий на сжатие; умеренно ломкий; в чистом или в графитовом состоянии.


5. Answer the following questions:

1. What must an engineer who is to build a machine select?

2. What are the characteristics of engineering materials?

3. What do they depend upon?

4. What is the most common metal?

5. What are the properties of cast iron?

6. What is cast iron obtained from?

7. What is grey cast iron?

8. What is white cast iron?

9. What is steel?

10. How is semisteel made?

11. What can you say about wrought iron?

12. What does cast steel normally contain?

13. What is forged steel?


6. Find the correct statements:

1. An engineer must select... for each machine member.

a) a plant;

b) a workshop;

c) suitable materials.

2. One must know... of engineering materials.

a) the tonnage;

b) the structure;

c) the characteristics.

3. The characteristics of engineering materials depend upon.

a) their weight;

b) their colour;

c) the chemical composition and their physical structure.

4. Steel is a ferrous material with a carbon content from...

a) 0.2 to 2.0%;

b) 0.3 to 3.0%;

c) 0.1 to 1.0%.

5. Cast steel normally contains about... of carbon.

a) 1.5%:

b) 0.75%;

c) 0.5%.


1. Complete the sentences using the appropriate variants:

1. Cyst iron is a general term applied to...

2. Cirey cast iron lias the carbon present in the... or... state.

3. White cast iron has most of the carbon in the... state.

4. Malleable cast iron is made by heating... for a period of several days in air- tight pots filled with an oxide of iron.

White iron casting; free; graphite; iron-carbon alloys; combined.


2. Translate into English:

1. Свойства машиностроительных материалов следующие: сопротивление, жесткость, ковкость, прочность, эластич­ность, усталостная прочность, прочность на сотрясение, на коррозию и т. д.

2. Эти свойства зависят от химического состава и физичес­кой структуры материала.

3. Чугун без добавления сплавов слабый на упругость и на срезывающем усилии.

4. Серый чугун содержит углерод как в чистом, так и в гра-, фитовом состоянии



1. Read the text below attentively and translate it:

Some metals are mined inthe native state. Among these are gold, silver, platinum, mercury, tinand copper. Even in the native metals, however, there is considerable foreign material, such as rock, gravel, sand and other impurities, which require removal.

Most of the metals, however, arc found in the earth in oxide form. This oxide which may be mined with commercial profit is called ore. Ores of different metals are put through various refining processes to obtain the pure metal.

The more common impurities in iron ore are silica, titanium, and phosphorus. The ores which contain the smallest amounts of these impurities are the most valuable. Much silica and titanium are undesirable. Phosphorus and sulphur are undesirable too because of their adverse effect on iron and steel.

2. Learn the vocabulary:


native— самородный, чистый

foreign — инородный

material— вещество

gravel— гравий

impurity— примесь

removal— удаление

oxide – окись, окисел

profit –выгода

silica - кремнезем

titanium – титан

phosphorus –фосфор

ore - руда

amount - количество

undesirable — нежелательный

sulphur— сера

adverse - вредный, неблагоприятный

effect - действие, эффект

purity— беспримесность (проба)

to be mined — добывать (ся)

native state — самородное состояние

there is considerable foreign material — есть значительное количество

инородного вещества

other impurities — другие примеси

require removal — требуют удаления (очищения)

to be put through various refining processes — пропустить через различные очистительные процессы,

to obtain the pure metal — получить чистый металл

the most valuable — самый ценный

to be undesirable — быть нежелательными.

3. Find the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations:

There is considerable foreign material; to be mined in the native state; commercial profit; of their adverse effect; require removal; are put throughvarious refining processes; the most valuable; to obtain the pure metal; other impurities; contain the smallest amounts.

4. Translate into English:

пропускают через различные очистительные процессы; коммер­ческий доход; самый ценный: добываться в самородном состоянии; получить чистый металл; другие примеси; из-за их вредного дей­ствия; содержит самое малое количество; требует очищения (удале ­ ния); имеется значительное количество инородного вещества.


5. Answer the questions:

1. What state are some metals mined in?

2. What do a lot of native metals contain?

3. What do impurities in the native metals require?

4. What are ores of different metals put through?

5. What form are most of the metals found in the earth?

6. Which ores are the most valuable?


6. Find the correct statements:

1. Some metals are mined in the...

a) pure state;

b) native state.

2. Even in the native metals there is considerable…

a) pure material;

b) foreign material.

3. Ores of differen metals are put through…

a) water;

b) various refining processes.

4. The ores which contain the smallest amounts of these impurities are...

a) the most undesirable;

b) the most valuable.

5. The more common impurities in iron ore are...

a) gravel and sand;

b) silica, titanium and phosphorus.


6. Complete the sentences using the appropriate variants:

1. Even in the native metals, however, there is considerable... such as rock, gravel and so on.

2. The impurities require...

3. Ores of different metals are put through... to obtain the pure metal.

4. The ores which contain... of these impurities are the most valuable.

5. Phosphorus and sulphur are... too because of their... effect on iron and steel.

Adverse; removal; undesirable; various refining processes; foreign material; the smallest amounts


7. Translate into English:

1. Даже в самородных металлах имеется много инородных веществ.

2. Примеси следует удалять из металлов.

3. Многие металлы находятся в земле в форме окиси.

4. Платина требует незначительного очищения.

5. Железо и сталь, которые производятся на нашем заводе, высоко беспримесны.




Metals are the fundamental materials used in the metal working and machine-building industries.

Benchwork consists of various technological operations, which include marking-out, chiselling, straightening, bending metals, cutting them with the hack saw or shears, filing, drilling, riveting, scraping, lapping, soldering, tinning, etc. The aim of all operations is to give a piece of metal the required shape, dimensions and surface quality. There are jobs requiring additional operations, such as scraping, grinding, lapping and finishing when thin layers of metals are removed from the detail being produced.

Mechanics (or bench workers) of machine-building enterprises perform many types of jobs. They make special tools, fixtures and some parts of machines, match one part to another and assemble the whole mechanism. When necessary, they do soldering jobs and machine repair work.

The operators fulfil one or several definite operations, while the skilled workers distributed in groups or teams and sometimes concentrated in special shops (depending on the nature of the work) perform mostly manual work, as, for instance, assembling. Groups or teams and special shops usually consist of tool makers, assembly, set­up, repair mechanics and other grades of workers.

In any industry possessing machines, mechanisms, Fixtures and various devices made of metal, mechanics are absolutely necessary.


2. Learn the vocabulary:

bench — верстачный/волочильный станок

marking-out— разметка

chiselling — рубка

straightening— правка, рихтовка

bending — гибка

cutting— резка

shears— ножницы

filing — опиловка

riveting — клепка (креаление болтами)

scraping - соскабливание, шабрение, обтеска

lapping — притирка

soldering — пайка

tinning — лужение

dimenensions— размеры, величина

finishing - окончательная отделка, чистовая обработка, чистовая затирка

fixture - зажимное приспособление, неподвижная(закрепленная) деталь

to match— подгонять, подбирать, крепить

to assemble— собирать

hack saw — ножовка

tool maker — слесаре-и нструментальпик

repair mechanic — слесарь-ремонтник


3. Find the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations:

fundamental materials; consists of various technological operations; cutting metals with the hacksaw; to give metal the required shape; layers of metals; to remove from the workpiece; to match one part to another; to fulfil definite operations; to perform manual work.

4. Translate into English:

состоит из различных технологических операций; удалять с детали, основные материалы; придавать металлу необходимую (требуемую) форму; выполнять ручную работу; выполнять оконченные операции; слои металла; резка металла ножовкой; кренить одну деталь к другой.


5. Answer the questions:

1. What operations does bench work consist of?

2. What is the aim of all operations?

3. What jobs require additional operations?

4.What are the operations to remove the layers of metal from the

detail being produced?

5. What do mechanics make and match?

6. What work do the operators fulfil?

7. What is assembling?

8. Where are mechanics needed?


6. Find the wrong statements and correct them:

1. With the help of such additional operations as scraping, grinding, lapping and finishing metal is removed from the detail.

2. The operators perform manual work.

3. The aim of all technological operations is to give a piece of metal the required shape, dimensions and layers of metals.

4. Special shops consist of operators.


7. Translate into English:

1. Металлы используются в металлообрабатывающей и машиностроительной промышленности.

2. Такие операции как гибка, рубка, опиловка, сверление и т. д. придают металлу необходимую форму и размеры.

3. Шабрение, шлифовка, притирка и чистовая обработка снимают слои металла с детали.

4. Слесари изготавливают инструменты, зажимные приспо­собления и детали станков.

5. Высококвалифицированные рабочие выполняют ручную работу.

6. Они скрепляют летал и и собирают целый механизм.



1. Read the text below attentively and translate it:

Metal chiselling. This operation may be manual or mechanized. Hand chiselling is hard work and takes up much time. It can be made easier when mechanized with the aid of a pneumatic hammer.

Straightening. This operation is being performed when bench workers receive bent or twisted blanks of metal, the elimination of these defects of the blanks is called straightening. Metal can be straightened either mechanically (with the aid of straightening rolls, presses or other devices) or manually, by using hand hammers.

Bending operations are applied when making many articles from sheet, llat and round steel Workpicces are bent to a definite radius or to a rounded up angle,

Filing is i he process of removing a layer ol inctal Iron» u workpiece with (iitting tool called a tile.

Drilling is an operation of making boles in a solid piece of material by means of cutting tool known as a drill,

Baring is the operation of increasing the diameter of ли existing «ий» with a drill.

By riveting we understand the operation of fastening two or more parts with rivets. Rivets are cylindrical metal rods, with heads. They are «employed for fastening parts, metal plates, bars, which are not to be subjected to disassembly.

Lapping is a refined process which is applied in facing up external and internal surfaces of parts, cylindrical, flat, formed, requiring great precision and extremely fine quality of face finish. It is performed with a special tool, called a lap. It is one of the most accurate methods.

By scraping is understood the operation of accurately finishing the surface of a workpiece by removing a very thin layer of metal with a cutting tool called a scraper.

Tinning is a protective coating of tin or solder applied to the surface ofmetais. Soldering is the process of permanently joining two parts with special aioys, known as solders.

2. Learn the vocabulary:

pneumatic пневматический

hammer — молоток

straightening рихтовка

elimination — устранение

bi nilliiy — сгибание

filing – опиловка

hole — отверстие

drilling — сверление

voltil – твердый

holing – расточка

inriing – клепка

lapping — притирка

scraping – шабрение

limiing — лужение, покрытие оловом

tin – олово

solder — паяльник

soldering — пайка

alloy — сплав

Word combinations for connecting reading:

metal chiselling — рубка металла

soft soldering — пайка мягким припоем


3. Find the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations:

takes up much time; twisted blanks of metal; making articles from»heet; theprocess of removing a layer of metal; increasing the diameter of a holer the operation of fastening parts with rivets; the operation of finishing the surface; the process of joining two parts.


4. Translate into English:

увеличение диаметра отверстия; скрепление деталей заклеп­ками; чистовая обработка поверхности; процесс соединения двух деталей; занимает много времени; процесс удаления (снятия) слоя металла; витые (скрученные) металлические заготовки; изготов­ление изделий из листового железа.


5. Answer the questions:

1. When doesn't metal chiselling take up much time and can be made easier? When is straightening performed?

2. What is bending?

3. What operation is the hole made of?

4. What purposes are rivets employed for?

5. What is lapping?

6. How is the process of permanently joining two parts called?


6. Complete the sentences choosing one of the appropriate variants:

1. Mechanized metal chiselling is made with the aid of...

a) hand hammer;

b) file;

c) pneumatic hammer.

2. The elimination of bent or twisted blanks of metal is called...

a) drilling;

b) tightening;

c) straightening.

3. When making bending operations workpieces... to a definite radius.

a) are drilled;

b) are bored;

c) are bent.

4. Drilling is an operation of...

a) flat surfaces of parts;

b) making holes;

c) joining parts.

5.... are employed for fastening parts.

a) solders;

b) scrapers;

c) rivets.

6. The operations of removing metal from a workpiece are...

a) tinning and lapping;

b) scraping and drilling;

c) scraping and filing.

8) …is used after drilling.

a) filing;

b) boring;

c) soldering.


7. Find the wrong statements and correct them:

1. Filing is the process of removing a layer of metal with a scraper.

2. Drilling is the operation of increasing the diameter of a hole with a drill.

3. Lapping is applied in flat and cylindrical parts.

4. Bending operations are employed for fastening part and making articles from sheet.

5. The process of permanently joining two parts is riveting.


8. Translate into English:

1. Ручная рубка занимает много времени.

2. Опиловка — это процесс снятия металла с летали напиль­ником.

3. С помощью рихтовки удаляют дефекты в изогнутых ти­товках.

4. Шабрение — это обработка поверхности детали шабером.

5. Расточка — это увеличение диамсгра ранее высвесленных отверстий.

6. Для скрепления металлических брусков применяют мешь лические прутья — заклепки.




1. Read the text below attentively and translate it:

The machining of metals is the process of removing chips from the metal parts. These processes include turning, planning, shaping, drilling, boring, reaming, sawing, broach-ing, milling and grinding. They have been greatly developed since the development of the steam engine. Machining operations lie at the basis of all modern industrial produc-tion. In the design of a modern machine of any type are reflected the latest developments of practically all the other engineering industries. Л horizontal milling machine, shown in Figure, may be used as an example. Six chief hard materials are used in machining as cutting tools. These are diamonds, carbon, tool steel, high-speed steel, stellite Carbides and abrasive materials.

The strict distinction between the operations of drilling and boring is that the first initiates a hole, while the second enlarges one already existing. Reaming is the operation enlarging a machined hole to accurate size with a smooth finish. The sawing of materials is an important operation too.

Broaching is a machining method in which one or more cutters (broaches) with a series of teeth are pushed or pulled across a surface to machine that part to the desired shape. The broach has a number of successive teeth of increasing size which cut in a fixed path. Grinding is the only method of cutting such materials as hardenedsteel. Grinding is performed with a rotating abrasive wheel. Cylindrical, internal, surface and centreless grinders are common types.


2. Learn the vocabulary:

cultivating – обработка

remove | — удалять, снимать

chip — стружка

turning – крашение, обточка, токарная обработка

planning – строгание

stuping — придание формы

drilling — сверление

boring — расточка

reaming — развертывание, раззенкование

sawing — пиление, распиловка

broaching — протяжка, прошивка

milling — фрезерование, измельчение

grinding — дробление, шлифовка

steam — паровой

engine — двигатель, машина

basis — основа, база

production — производство

design — проектировать, предназначать

to reflect — отражать

development — развитие

engineering — техника, машиностроение

diamond — алмаз

carbon — углерод

satellite — стеллит

carbide — карбил

abrasive — шлифующий, абразивный

distinction — раишчис, шлмчис

lo initiate – начинай, ознакомить

hole — отверстие

to enlarge — увеличить.

accurate — точный, тщательный

size — размер

smooth — гладкий, плавный

switer — фреза, режущий инструмент

broach — фреза, режущий икс фумонг

series — серия

to puch — толкать

to pull — тянуть, тащить

surface — поверхность

shape— форма

lartkned— закаленный

rotate— вращать

fed— колесо

iritnul— внутренний

moving chips — снятие стружки

team engine — паровой двигатель (машина)

cutting tools — режущие инструменты

accurate size — точный размер

with a rotating wheel — вращением колеса

drilling initiates a hole — отверстие начинается со сверления

stellite carbides — стеллитные карбиды


3. Find the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations:

the machining of metals; lie at the basis; arc reflected developments; abrasive mateiials, enlarging a hole; to accurate pure the sawing of materials; a machining method; with a series of teeth; it pulled across a surface; the desired shape; to machine a part; a hardened steel; an abrasive wheel; tool steel.


4. Translate into English:

лежат в основе; метод обработки; тянутся через поверхность; отражены достижения; абразивное колесо; пиление материалов; (серией зубьев; желаемая форма; закаленная сталь; инструменальная сталь; обрабатывать деталь; до точного размера; увеличивать отверстие; точное отличие; обработка металлов; шлифовать материалы.


5. Answer the questions:

1. What is the machining of metals?

2. What machining operations do you know?

3. What lies at the basis of all modern industrial production?

4.What are the main hard materials used in machining as cutting tools?

5. What is the difference between drilling and boring?

6. What is reaming?

7. What is broaching?

8. What is grinding used for?

9. What is grinding performed with?


6. Complete the sentences choosing one of the appropriate variants:

1.The machining processes have been developed since the development of...

2. Diamonds, carbon, tool steel, high-speed steel, slelllite carbides, and abrasive materials are...

3. The strict distinction between the operations of …is that the first initiates a hole.

4. Broaching is a... in which cutters are pushed or pulled across a … to machine the workpiece to the desired shape.

5. Grinding is performed with a …

6. Machining operations... of all modern industrial production.

7... is the operation which enlarges a hole to accurate size with a smooth finish.

machining method... surface; the steam engine; lie at the basis; reaming; drilling and boring; hard materials; rotating abrasive wheel.


7. Translate into English:

1. В процессе обработки металлов удаляется стружка с детали.

2. Обработка металлов лежит в основе производства.

3. В проектировании машин отражаются все достижения ма­шиностроения.

4. Отличие между сверлением и расточкой состоит в том, что при сверлении отверстие просверливается, а затем увели­чивается при помощи расточки.

5. Развертывание увеличивает отверстие до нужного размера.

6. Протяжка придает детали необходимую форму.

7. Шлифовка выполняется при помощи вращения абразив­ного колеса.


Accidents lo people in industrial enterprises are called industrial traumatism (injury). They occur when workers have not acquired the requisite lor skill and lack the necessary experience in handing tools and equipment. Accidents are also caused through neglect of safety rules and regulations in the factories and training workshops.

The purpose of safety engineering is to prevent accidents and to create such conditions of work in industry which will ensure maximum productivity of labour.

When taking up new duties or when first going to work at any in­dustrial enterprise each worker is obliged to acquaint himself thorough­ly with, and to master the safety instructions.




3. Орловская И.В. Учебник английского языка для технических университетов и вузов. М.: МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2006. 447 с.

4. Ощепкова В.В., Шустилова И.И. О Британии кратко. М.: «Иностранные языки» «Оникс», 2001. 224 с.

5. Удальцова Э.Д., Минкин С.И. Английский язык для поступающих в вузы. Смоленск: «Русич», 2000. 464 с.

6. Dooley Jenny, Evans Virginia. Blockbuster III. Express Publishing, 2005. 152 p.

7. Klementieva T., Shannon J. Happy English III. Обнинск: «Титул», 1999. 242 с.

8. Sharova N.A. The British Isles: countries, people, traditions, culture. Voronezh: Voronezh State University, 2004. 144 p.


Список имен собственных


Volgodonsk Institute of South-Russian State Technical University - Волгодонский институт Южно-Российского государственного технического университета

Hermitage [′hə:mitidз ] - Эрмитаж

Tretyakov Gallery [ ′tretјakov ′gæləri]-Третьяковская галерея

The Kremlin [kremlin ] - Кремль

Chaikovsky Museum [ mјu′ziə ] - Mузей им. Чайковского

The Academy of Sciences [ə′kedimi əv ′sainsiz ] - Академия наук

Red Square [red ′sqεə ] - Красная площадь

St. Basil’s Cathedral [sənt ′bæzlz kə′Өidrel ] - собор Василия Блаженного

Mausoleum [ ֽmo:sə′liəm ] - Мавзолей

State History Museum - Государственный исторический музей

The Tsar Bell [′za: ′bel ] - царь-колокол

The Tsar Cannon [′za: ′kænən ] - царь-пушка

The Bell Tower of Ivan [aivn] the Great - колокольня Ивана Великого

Armoury [′a:məri ] - арсенал, склад оружия

The Kremlin Palace of Congresses [′pæləs] - Кремлевский Дворец съездов

The Lenin State Library - Государственная библиотека им. Ленина

The Pushkin Art Museum - Музей изобразительных искусств им. Пушкина

The Andrey Rubliov Museum of Ancient [′ein∫ənt] Russian Art - Музей древнерусского изобразительного искусства им. Андрея Рублёва

The Museum of Revolution - Музей Революции

a Politechnical Museum - Политехнический музей

The Bolshoi Theatre - Большой театр

The Maly Theatre - Малый театр

The Moscow Theatre of Satire [′sætaiə] - Московский театр сатиры

Mime and Jesture Theatre [′maim ′dзəst∫ə ] - Театр мимики и жестов

The Capitol [ ′kæpitl ] - Капитолий

The Capitol Hill [′kæpitl ′hil ] - Капитолийский холм

The White House - Белый дом

George Washington’s Museum - Музей им. Дж. Вашингтона

The Lincoln Memorial [′linkəln mə′moriəl ]- мемориал Линкольну

The Jefferson [′dзefəsən ] - мемориал Джефферсону

National Art Gallery - Национальная галерея искусств

National History Collection - Национальная историческая коллекция

The Museum of History and Technology - Музей истории и техники

Pennsylvania Avenue [ֽpensil′veinјə ′ævinјu:] - Авеню Пенсильвания

Westminster Abbey [′westminstə ′æbi ] - Вестминстерское Аббатство

Westminster Palace [′westminstə ′pælis ] - Вестминстерский Дворец

House of Parliaments [′hauz əv ′pa:ləmənts] - здание Парламента

Trafalgar Square [trə′fælgə ′skwεə ] - Трафальгарская площадь

Nelson’s Column [′nelsnz ′koləm ] - Колонна Нельсона

Tower Bridge [′tauə ′bridз ] - Тауэрский мост

Royal Academy of Arts [′roiəl ə′kædəmi ] - Королевская Академия искусств

Shakespeare Memorial Theater [∫eiks′piə mi′mo:riəl ] - Театр им. Шекспира

Regent’s Park [′ridзənt ′pa:k] - Риджент Парк

St. Games Park [′sənt ′dзeimz ′pa;k] - Парк св. Джеймса

Hyde Park [′haid ′pa;k ] - Гайд Парк

EU, European Union – Европейский союз


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