Максимальный балл– 58 баллов — КиберПедия 

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Максимальный балл– 58 баллов

2017-12-21 776
Максимальный балл– 58 баллов 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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33 балла и менее - «2» («неудовлетворительно»)

44 – 34 балла - «3» («удовлетворительно»)

55 – 45 баллов - «4» («хорошо»)

58 – 56 баллов - «5» («отлично»)




I.Complete the words and phrases using following words:

(tag, control, free, pass, seat, in, lounge, luggage, reclaim, bag)

1.Boarding 2.Baggage 3. Excess 4.Passport 5. Hand

II.Choose the right variant

When you arrive 1) in/at the airport, fill in the 2) landing/calling card and have your passport ready. First go to baggage 3) office/reclaim and collect your luggage. You can use 4 ) trolley/trolleybus to carry your luggage.

III. Make up sentences.

1. hand-carts drinks stewardesses some bring with

2. a folding each make passenger table can

3. boxes bring plastic dinner in special the stewardesses

4. part contain armchairs each of the cabin comfortable three

5. to pick up the plane speed begins

IV. Answer the questions:

1. What can passengers ask a stewardess for?

2. How can the passenger invite the stewardess?

3. What do the passengers do after they have passed all the formalities?

4. How many stewardesses show how to use individual means of saving?

5. What drinks do the stewardesses bring?

V. Замените предложение одним словом:

1. a person who organizes the guests’ staying at the hotel

2. light and small things which passengers take on board the plane

3. a place of ending a plane’s flight

4. a kind of air transport

5. people who travel by any kind of transport

VI. Do the test

1. You can see the column with a statue of Nelson in…

A) Piccadilly Circus B)Hyde Park C) Trafalgar Square

2. The London home of the Queen is …

A) Buckingham Palace B) Westminster Abbey C) Covent Garden

3. Big Ben is …

A)a palace B) a bell (clock) C) a square D) a church

4. The royal church is…

A)St. Paul’s Cathedral B) Henry VII Chapel C) Westminster Abbey

5. It is one of the most famous bridges.

A) Millennium B) Tower C) Buckingham

6. There are many banks and offices there.

A) Hyde Park B) The Tower C) The City

7. Who founded the capital of England?

A) The Romans B) The French C) The Spanish

8. What’s the name of English Queen?

A) Elizabeth II B) Maria III C) Anna IV

VII. Complete the dialogue using these words: change, colour, leather, pay, to try, a pair of, c ertainly, the price

At a Shoe Department

-What can I do for you?
- I’d like …dress shoes size 8.
- What …. would you like?
- Black or light brown.
- Do you want shoes in …or suede?
- In leather.
- Here is about your size. Would you like … on these shoes, please?
- They are quite comfortable. What’s …?
- 30 pounds.
- I guess I’ll take them. Where do I…?
- Is it cash?
- ….
- You can pay right here. Here’s your…. and receipt. Thank you. Come again.

VIII. Choose the correct answer

1. There was crying baby … board.
A)on B)in C)for D)over E)at

2. She has been waiting … the bus for two hours.
A)up B)for C)on D)in E)at

3. Don t forget to shake the snow … your coat.
A)from B)off C)at D)with E)in

4. Will you meet me … the airport?
A)over B)with C)at D)in E)under

5. I don t like to book … my little brother, he is very naughty
A)up B)for C)after D)at E)into

6. The lesson starts … five minutes. Hurry …
A)for/in B)on/up C)at/on D)in/up E)after/for

7. FBI stands … a Federal Bureau of Investigation”
A)in B)for C)out D)after E)up

8. If you miss the lessons, you will get … trouble.
A)over B)from C)onto D)into E)at

9. I don t read newspapers. I only looked it …
A)into B)up C)over D)in E)through

10. What sports do you go in …?
A)with B)by C)at D)over E)for

IX. Word Formation. Do the test.

1. Globalization is considered to wid … gap between the rich and the poor.

(-ary; -en; -fy; -ize)

2. The Chin … lunar New Year is the longest chronological record in history dating from 2600 BC.

(-al; -ist; -ant; -ese)

3.An … moral person or thing has low or corrupt moral standards, an amoral person or thing has no moral standards at all.

(-ir; -in; il; im)

4. It is easy to … interpret someone’s e-mail if it’s author has poor Grammatik skills.

(-dis; -un; -miss; -under)

5. To win an argue … with an authority figure one should use a couple of strategies. (-hood: -dom: -ship: -ment)

6. British banks are making an attempt to … freeze the short-term money markets.

(-dis; -un; -miss; -under)

7. Bad weather often … pleases people.

(-dis; -un; -miss; -under)

8. Some iPhone cameras generate a green … tint while others not.

(-al; -able; -ish; -ic)

КГАПОУ «Кунгурский многопрофильный техникум»


Рассмотрено на заседании ПЦК Технологии деревообработки протокол № _ ___ от 2016г. Председатель Л.А. Лепихина     Утверждаю Зам. Директора по УР ____________________О.Ю.Долматова


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