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2017-12-11 495
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1. Chinese Railways lifted the maximum speed of passenger services to 140 kmh on seven key routes radiating from Beijing.

2. Some old steam locomotives are still being used on tourist routes in England, attracting a lot of foreign tourists.

3. The rail transport is a branch of industry playing a very important role in economical life of our country.

4. Having used aluminum instead of steel, the designers reduced the weight of the carbody.

5. Malaysia and Thailand, two of the most rapidly developing economies in southeast Asia, have great plans to upgrade and expand their railway networks.


Упр. 4. Причастие II

Перепишите предложения и переведите их. Подчеркните причастия.

1. A milk car is a specialized type of tank car designed to carry raw milk between farms and processing plants.

2. X 2000 high-speed trains introduced by Swedish railways in 1990 can run at a speed of 200 kmh on standard track.

3. When upgraded, the railway bridge will be used for the movement of heavy freight trains.

4. The first Siemens’s electric locomotive built in 1879 was so small that the driver straddled it like a horse but it could haul a train with 30 passengers.

5. The things left behind by passengers on the trains or at the stations are usually taken to the Lost Property Office.


Упр. 5. ТЕСТ

Выберите нужное причастие (Participle I orParticiple II)

1. Special signals ___ along the railroads help enginemen drive trains without accidents.

A. installing B. installed

2. It is impossible to stop quickly the train ___ at such high speed.

A. moving B. moved

3. The El Ferdan Railway Bridge ___ the Suez Canal is the world's largest drawbridge.

A. crossing B. crossed

4. The Talgo is the first successful European tilting train ___ in Spain in the 1950s.

A. developing B. developed

5. Carriage wheels, ___ over rail joints, produce the familiar sound “click-etty-click”.

A. passing B. passed


Упр. 6. Задайте разделительные вопросы к следующим предложениям.

1. A lot of passengers were waiting for the train arrival on the platform the whole hour.

2. Ingrid went with John to the railway station to see him off.

3. The 50 km Channel Tunnel consists of three tunnels: two for rail traffic and a central tunnel for services and security.

4. The porter will help you to carry your luggage to the bus stop.

5. Railways cause less air contamination than other modes of transport.

6. One of the first railway bridges in Great Britain called “Britannia” has survived to our days.


Упр. 7. (A) Прочитайте текст и устно переведите его. Выполните упражнения, данные после текста, письменно.


Orient Express


The Orient Express is a luxury Trans-European passenger train running from Paris to Constantinople (now Istanbul) for more than 80 years. It covered a route of about 2,740 km that included brief stopovers in such cities as Munich, Vienna, Budapest and Bucharest.

The Orient Express was built by the International Wagons-Lits(Sleeping Cars) Company founded by the Belgian businessman Georges Nagelmackers. The train made its inaugural run in 1883. During its first journey, the passengers traveled from Paris to the Bulgarian port of Varna by train and were then ferried by steamship across the Black Sea to Constantinople. By 1889, however, the entire trip was by rail.The journey time from Paris to Constantinople was just over 67 hours, as against more than 81 at the train's inauguration.

The Orient Express consisted of luxuriously furnished sleeping, restaurant and salon cars that housed smoking compartments and ladies' drawing rooms. With its Oriental rugs, velvet draperies, mahogany paneling, upholstered armchairs covered in Spanish leather, the Orient-Express was unmatched in luxuriousness and comfort. It was famous for its five course French meals as well as for its passengers, who were the elite of Europe's society, including royalty, diplomats or government officials. The glamour of the train also caught the imagination of numerous writers, among them Graham Greene and Agatha Christie, whose works helped to make it world-famous.

Its service was stopped by World War I but resumed in 1919, with the route running from Paris to Lausanne, then via the Simplon Tunnel to Milan, Venice, Belgrade and Sofia. The train was then called the Simplon–Orient-Express.

After 1945, the train lost their prestige. The luxurious Wagons-Lits cars were replaced by ordinary coaches. Though the Orient Express name survived, the train had little resemblance to the original. However, the 1930s style has been fully recreated by an American businessman, James Sherwood. In the late 1970s, he bought pre-war Wagons-Lits sleeping cars and restored them to their original state. Since 1982, the privately owned Venice-Simplon-Orient Express luxury train has run from London to Venice.


(B) Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих фраз.

1. пассажирскийпоездповышеннойкомфортности

2. короткаяостановка в путиследования

3. первыйрейс

4. перевозить на пароходе через Чёрное море

5. время в пути

6. мягкиекресла, обитыекожей

7. не имел себе равных по роскоши и комфорту

8. обеды из пяти блюд французской кухни

9. спальные вагоны повышенной комфортности заменили на обычные вагоны

10. купил спальные вагоны довоенной постройки и реставрировал их


(С)Ответьтенавопросыктексту. Ответыпереведите.

1. How many years did the Orient Express run from Paris to Constantinople?

2. What company were sleeping cars for the Orient Express built by?

3. When was the train launched?

4. Did the passengers travel all the way from Paris to Constantinople by train during its first run?

5. How many hours did it take the train to cover a route of about 2,740 km?

6. What cars did the Orient Express consist of?

7. What did salon cars house?

8. What was the train famous for?

9. When did the Orient Express lose its prestige?

10. What was done by an American businessman, James Sherwood to return to the Orient Express its good reputation?




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