Good in any season 4. How it all started2. A wide entertainment choice 5. A special day at Disneyland3. Tickets and prices 6. Growing popularity — КиберПедия 

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Good in any season 4. How it all started2. A wide entertainment choice 5. A special day at Disneyland3. Tickets and prices 6. Growing popularity

2017-12-10 486
Good in any season 4. How it all started2. A wide entertainment choice 5. A special day at Disneyland3. Tickets and prices 6. Growing popularity 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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A. Disneyland is the name of a great entertainment industry. The first theme park in Los Angeles was planned by Walt Disney to be a special place for children and parents. Walt Disney first thought about a special park for entertainment, a Mickey Mouse park, when he was playing with his own children in the backyard. He thought that it would be wonderful to arrange a recreation park for the whole family.


B. Disneyland was placed outside the city. Originally it was planned for people who had their own cars. However, two months after the opening the number of visitors was more than a million people. Two years later it increased to ten million. It became obvious that a railroad was absolutely necessary to deliver the park visitors. Nowadays they can get to Disneyland by railroad, coach, shuttle or by their own car like in good old times



C. In Disney dreamland children can meet a life-size Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck, visit Cinderella’ castle and travel in a magic spaceship. Attractions include pirate adventures and historical scenes. Besides, visitors can stay in comfortable hotels, buy souvenirs or watch a musical show. There are several restaurants on the territory so anyone can enjoy their meal in their favourite Disney characters’ company.



D. Every child would be happy to celebrate the birthday with the Disney characters. Anyone can do it at Disneyland! No matter how old they are turning – there are no age limits. There is no need to provide any document to prove your date of birth. All visitors need to do is to ask for a “birthday button” and the characters will treat them as their dearest guests.


E. Disneyland accepts visitors all the year round - this has its pluses and minuses. Summer opening hours are the longest of the year but it’s the busiest time: it’s hot and crowded. Christmas brings great decorations but in January a lot of rides are closed for repairs. Planning the trip, the visitors should keep it in mind that at weekends there are much more people than on week days.


Текст A B C D E


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The Eiffel Tower

Tourists visiting Paris never miss its main landmark, the Eiffel Tower. The most visited monument in the world, the tower took its name after its creator, Gustave Eiffel, a talented engineer and architect. He was born in Dijon, France in 1832. His mother owned a coal business and was quite an influential figure. Due to her money, but not only, Eiffel got a very good education. In 1855 he graduated from the College of Art and Manufacturing in Paris. After graduation, Eiffel specialized in metal construction, most notably bridges. After he had gained experience, he set up his own company and designed several bridges in France and Portugal. His railway bridges were really impressive – they were cleverly designed and contributed a lot to the development of the railroads and their safety.

As his career advanced, Eiffel moved away from bridgework. In 1879 he created the dome for the astronomical observatory in Nice, France. Soon Eiffel was offered a job as an engineer for the Statue of Liberty construction. The project had been started by another famous engineer, Eugène Viollet-le-Duc, who unexpectedly died in 1879. Eiffel created a new support system for the statue, developed its iron construction, and successfully completed the project. The Statue of Liberty was first constructed in Paris to make sure there were no faults. Then it was taken to pieces and delivered to America as a gift from the French nation.

Gustave Eiffel had a brilliant portfolio of outstanding constructions, however, he is best known for the Eiffel Tower. Located in Paris, it became the symbol of the city that inspires love and romance.

The Eiffel Tower was built for the Universal Exhibition of 1889. It remained the highest construction for forty years. To get to the top, visitors can either use the staircase or go by the elevator. Naturally, there are many adventurers who try to get to the top without any elevator. Mind that the number of the steps from the ground level to the platform on the top is 1710!

The tower of 324 metres high was constructed in record time – in 2 years, 2 months and 5 days. Surprisingly, when it was built, it was not well-received by the French. They considered it vulgar and extreme and said it spoiled the romantic image of the city. It should also be mentioned that at first the Eiffel Tower was meant as a temporary structure – it was scheduled to be turned down in 1909.

Luckily, it never happened. People all over the world fell in love with the tower that provides a bird's eye view of the city.



Gustave Eiffel was born into a well-to-do family.


1) True 2) False 3) Not stated







Gustave Eiffel was the brightest student in the College of Art and Manufacturing.


1) True 2) False 3) Not stated







At the beginning of his career, Gustave Eiffel focused on bridges.



1) True 2) False 3) Not stated






Gustave Eiffel refused to take part in the Statue of Liberty project.



1) True 2) False 3) Not stated







Gustave Eiffel considered the Eiffel Tower his best creation.



1) True 2) False 3) Not stated







When the Eiffel Tower was built, all the people of Paris approved of its design.



1) True 2) False 3) Not stated








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