Заполните пропуски словами из списка. Каждое слово используется только раз — КиберПедия 

Адаптации растений и животных к жизни в горах: Большое значение для жизни организмов в горах имеют степень расчленения, крутизна и экспозиционные различия склонов...

Наброски и зарисовки растений, плодов, цветов: Освоить конструктивное построение структуры дерева через зарисовки отдельных деревьев, группы деревьев...

Заполните пропуски словами из списка. Каждое слово используется только раз

2017-12-10 785
Заполните пропуски словами из списка. Каждое слово используется только раз 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
Заказать работу

Английский язык


Высшее образование
в России и за рубежом


Методические указания для студентов первого курса всех технических специальностей

Уровень: Elementary

Часть 1



ББК 81.432.1-923

А 647



Составители: преп. Т.А. Богачева, ст. преп. Л.И. Ваштаева,
ст. преп. В.А. Ушакова, преп. Д.Я. Ярощук



Рецензенты: канд. пед. наук, доц. каф. ин. яз. ТФ НГТУ,
Т.П. Маковская, ст. преп. каф. ин. яз. ТФ НГТУ
Е. А. Рыжова


Работа выполнена на кафедре иностранных языков ТФ НГТУ



© Новосибирский государственный

технический университет, 2007



Пояснительная записка.................................................................................................... 3

Тема: Личная информация.............................................................................................. 5

Тема: образование в России и за рубежом.............................................................. 18

Тема: Жизнь в большом городе и экологические проблемы
больших городов.................................................................................................. 43

Тема: Наука и техника, выдающиеся ученые и их вклад
в развитие науки и исследований.................................................................... 54







Пояснительная записка

Настоящие методические указания предназначены для студентов, изучающих английский язык по учебникам «Английский язык для инженеров» и «Учебник английского языка для технических университетов и вузов». При составлении указаний авторы-составители преследовали цель помочь студентам освоить лексику изучаемых тем и грамматический материал, без которого невозможно формирование навыка устной монологической и диалогической речи в сфере бытовой и профессиональной коммуникации.

указания могут также использоваться при овладении такими видами речевых произведений, как: аннотация, реферат, тезисы, сообщения, частное письмо, деловое письмо, биография.

указания могут использоваться студентами и преподавателями для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы.



Список литературы

1. Speaking of the USA. A reader for discussion. Bertha C. Neustadt. Harper and Row Publishers, New York, 1991.

2. An Intermediate English Practice Book. S. Pit Corder. Longman Group Limited, London, 1997.

3. Modern English Grammar Practice. K.A. Solodushkina. Anthology Publishers, St. Petersburg, 2005.

4. English Language Teaching Catalogue. Pearson Longman, 2006.



Тема: Личная информация

Personal Information

Задание 1. Ура! Мы – студенты! Давайте познакомимся. Заполните анкету и обменяйтесь информацией.

Questionnaire (анкета)

What is your age?

For how many years have you studied English?

Do you enjoy English at the moment? (Be honest! Yes or No?)

Can anyone in your home speak English? (If the answer is 'yes', please give more information.)

Have you any family or friends in an English-speaking country?
(If the answer is 'yes', please give more information.)

What is your favorite color?

What is your favorite food?

Where do you go to eat out?

What is your favorite film?

What is your favorite TV program?

How often do you watch TV?

What is your favorite book or comic?

What is your favorite type of music?

Who is your favorite singer or musician?

Who is your favorite character in films, books, comics, or history?

Where do you usually watch your favorite films?

What are two things you like doing?

I like________ ing and_________ ing.

What are two things you hate doing?

I hate________ ing and________ ing.

What are two things you are good at?

I am good at_____________and_________________________________.

What are two things that you are bad at?

I am bad at___________ and_________________________________.

Now write a short text about yourself.

Грамматика: вопросы

Вопросы используются для получения различной информации, например:

Запрос информации: Where's the nearest post office?

Запрос разрешения: Is it OK if I leave work early tonight?

Вопрос-просьба: Could you pass me the salt?

Вопрос-предложение: Can I help?

Вопрос приглашение: Would you like to go out for dinner?

Вопрос-предположение: Shall we go to the cinema?

Вежливый вопрос (Showing friendly interest): How are your children?

Вопросы Да/Нет

Если be — единственный глагол в предложении, он помещается перед подлежащим предложения.

Утверждение: You were in my class last year.

Вопрос: Were you in my class last year?


Вспомогательный глагол обычно помещается перед подлежащим предложения.


Present continuous

You're working for IBM.

Are you working for IBM?

Past continuous

You were thinking about Jack again.

Were you thinking about Jack again?


Present perfect

She's been to Paris recently.

Has she been to Paris recently?

Past perfect

He'd already left when she arrived.

Had he already left when she arrived?


Present simple

He speaks English very well.

Does he speak English?


Past simple

She played football yesterday.

Did she play football yesterday?


Внимание! поскольку в утвердительных предложениях с простыми временами нет вспомогательного глагола, то для формирования вопроса используется вспомогательный глагол do.


Существует девять вспомогательных модальных глаголов: can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, must. Их мы помещаем перед подлежащим предложения.

can You can swim.

Can you swim?

will She'll be here tomorrow.

Will she be here tomorrow?

Открытые вопросы

В открытых вопросах используются вопросительные слова when, where, who, why, how, which, what и whose. Они помещаются в самом начале вопроса.

Do you smoke? How much do you smoke?

Are you going? When are you going?

Has he gone? Where has he gone?

Are you tired? Why are you tired?



Вопросы к подлежащему

Если вопросительное слово является подлежащим предложения, do, does или did не используются:

Утверждение: Mark Chapman shot John Lennon in 1980.

Вопрос к подлежащему: Who shot John Lennon?

Так обычно задаются вопросы, начинающиеся с who, но также и с which и what.

Which company bought Rolls Royce in 1998?

What happened next?

Вопросы, оканчивающиеся предлогом

У многих глаголов может быть зависимый предлог. Этот предлог помещается в конце предложения.

He spent all his money on whisky and beer.

What did he spend all his money on?

Задание 2. Прочитайте диалог. Определите типы вопросов. Составьте диалог по образцу приведенного ниже диалога. Задайте все типы вопросов.

Interview with Jade Jagger

(I = Interviewer; JJ = Jade Jagger)

I: Could you tell us a little bit about yourself?

JJ: Sure.

I: First of all, where were you born?

JJ: I was born in London, but I've got dual nationality because my mother's from Nicaragua.

I: Do you still live in London?

JJ: No, I'm living in Ibiza now.

I: Oh, really? How long have you been there?

JJ: Not long. I moved from London with my two daughters, Assisi and Amba, about six months ago.

I: Are you happy there?

JJ: Yeah, very happy. We love the outdoor life. Also, my mother's a Spanish speaker and I feel more comfortable in a Latin country.

I: Have you made any new friends?

JJ: Yeah, I've made lots of new friends here. A few English, but my two best friends are Argentinean and Spanish.

I: What do you do for a living?

JJ: I'm a painter, but I've recently started a jewelry business with a friend, and that takes up most of my time. I also do some modeling when I need the cash!

I: And what do you do in your free time?

JJ: Well, with a business and two young children I don't have much free time, but I love reading and listening to music.

I: What sort of music do you like?

JJ: All sorts: pop music and classical.

I: Do you ever listen to the Rolling Stones?

JJ: No, never, but don't tell my father.

I: How often do you see your parents?

JJ: Not very often. My mother is in New York and my father's often on tour. But we all love big family get-togethers.

I: You've obviously traveled a lot. What's your favorite place in the world?

JJ: That's a difficult question because I've been to so many amazing places, but I think Brazil is my favorite. The children love it too.

I: Finally, can I ask one last question - who chose your name?

JJ: I think my father chose it. My mother wanted me to have a Spanish name.

Friends for life

Часть 1

Words and Phrases

To rent a house Снимать жильё
To put an add Поместить объявление
To hit off with sb Поладить с кем-л.
To move in Въезжать в квартиру
To have a lot in common Иметь много общего
To share a house Проживать в одном доме
To fall out a couple of times about sth Пару раз поссориться из-за чего-л.
To worry about sth/sb Беспокоиться о чём-л./о ком-л.
To get a job Получить работу


Production assistant помощник организатора художественных выставок
To get involved in sth Заинтересоваться чем-л.
To earn much/little Зарабатывать много/мало
To get a lot of satisfaction from sth Получать большое удовольствие от чего-л.
To spend time on sth Тратить время на что-л.
To come down вернуться после окончания курса из университета домой, закончить университет
(not) to have very much to talk about 1. Иметь разные интересы 2. иметь мало такого, о чём можно поговорить

Задание 3. Прочитайте текст 1 и текст 2. Найдите в текстах ответы на утверждения a; b; c.

Перескажите тексты 1 и 2, используя активную лексику. Составьте аналогичные рассказы друг о друге. Насколько совпадает то, каким вы сами видите себя и каким вас видит ваш друг.

  1. Тина и Уильям познакомились во время учёбы в университете. Три года спустя, журналисты студенческого журнала попросили их принять участие в исследовании: сколько людей продолжают поддерживать отношения после колледжа. Верны или не верны следующие утверждения?

a. У Тины и Уилла были схожие интересы во время учёбы в университете.

b. Они выбрали похожую карьеру по окончании учёбы.

c. У них похожий образ жизни.

  1. Прочитайте, что они говорят о своей дружбе, и проверьте свои догадки.


TINA: I first met Will when I was looking for someone to share the house I was renting. I put an advertisement in the local student newspaper and he was one of the people who answered it. When we met, we hit it off straightaway and I told him he could move in. Living with Will was fun. We soon found out that we had a lot in common and quickly became close friends. We always had really good discussions about everything that was important to us at the time: politics, the environment, literature and other less important things like cooking. We also liked the same music and that's important when you're sharing a house. We fell out a couple of times about the housework. Will thinks I'm untidy but I think life's too short to worry about things like that. When we graduated three years ago, we went our separate ways and since then our lives have been very different. I went back to my hometown and got a job as a production assistant for art exhibitions. I like my job because I'm helping young people to get involved in the arts. I'm living with my parents because I'm not earning very much. Will thinks I'm crazy because money is very important to him now, but I get a lot of personal satisfaction from my job. He's earning a lot of money, but he doesn't have time to spend with his family and his friends. I don't see him very often now. When he comes down for the weekend we have a laugh, but our lifestyles are so different now that we don't have very much to talk about.

Перескажите текст, используя активную лексику

Часть 2

Words and Phrases

to click straightaway сразу же сойтись характерами
to have attitude to иметь отношение к чему-л./кому-л.
to argue about sth спорить/ссориться из-за ч.-л.
Virgo Дева (знак зодиака)
to be opposite to быть полной противоположностью
to have to work long hours быть вынужденным работать часами
to enjoy sth
  1. получать удовольствие от ч.-л.;
  2. нравиться (о чём-л.)
to earn salary зарабатывать деньги
to be ambitious
  1. быть амбициозным/тщеславным;
  2. быть целеустремлённым
to get to the top of profession добиться самых высоких результатов в своей профессии
to enjoy spending money on … любить тратить деньги на ч.-л.
to work hard много работать
to have a holiday
  1. быть на каникулах;
  2. считать ч.-л. праздником
it means that это значит, что
to drift apart/to fall out разойтись
anyway в любом случае

WILL: Tina and I got on very well together at university. When we first met, we clicked straightaway and we ended up sharing a house for nearly three years. We had the same attitude to the important things in life and the only thing we argued about was the housework. I'm a Virgo so I'm very tidy whereas Tina's the opposite. I don't think she ever found out where we kept the vacuum cleaner!

When I left university, I moved to London and got a job in a finance company. I have to work long hours and I don't really enjoy what I'm doing but I earn a very good salary. I'm very ambitious and I want to get to the top of my profession. I enjoy spending money on CDs, clothes, a nice car and going out to good restaurants. Tina's working really hard as well, but she's not earning much. I don't understand why she's doing it. I think she's having a holiday - it seems very idealistic to me. Anyway, it means that our lifestyles are very different now so we've drifted apart. We haven't fallen out or anything. We still talk on the phone and when I go down to visit her we have a laugh. I know she'll always be there for me.

(Adapted from The Independent, 9 April 1998)

Задание 4. Давайте поговорим о семье, используя приведенный ниже образец.

Meet the Taits

Charlie Tait and Willie Tait are identical twin brothers. Charlie is married to Lisa, and Willie is married to Dawn. Lisa and Dawn are sisters. Both couples have got three children. Charlie and Lisa have got one son and two daughters. Kevin is 16. Kylie is 13, and Claire is 6. Willie and Dawn have got two sons and one daughter. Michael is 16, Scott is 1, and Becky is 5. The two families live next door to each other in Newcastle.

Задание 5. Прочитайте следующие ситуации и объясните, кто есть кто в этих семьях.

1. Charlie is my father. Lisa is my mother. I’ve got two sisters called Kylie and Claire. Who am I? (Kevin)

2. Charlie is her uncle. Lisa is her aunt. She’s got two brothers. Who is she?

3. Dawn is his sister-in-law. Michael and Scott are his nephews. He’s got one niece. Who is he?

4. Kevin, Kylie and Claire are our cousins. Willie and Dawn are our parents. We’ve got a little sister called Becky. Who are we?

5. Kevin is their nephew. Kylie and Claire are their nieces. They’ve got two sons and а daughter. Who are they?

Задание 6. Заполните пропуски, используя a\an; in\for.

a) My mother is a nurse. She works ______ a hospital.

b) My father is ___ engineer. He works ______ a big construction company.

c) My cousin is _____ DJ. He works _______ a night club.

d) My friend is ___ secretary. She works _____ an office.

e) My uncle is ____mechanic. He works ____ his father.

Задание 7. Покажите фотографию своей семьи. Используйте в разговоре слова из рамки.

does, Has doesn’t hasn’t isn’t Does Is


Например: Who are the people in the picture?

B: This is me with my brother. А. Oh. … he live near here?
A: Oh, he’s nice. … he married? В. No, he …. He lives in Russia, actually.
B; No, he …. He is single. А. Oh, … this your father?
А.… he got a girlfriend? В. No, that’s my boyfriend.
В. No, he …. А. Oh, sorry.
А. Oh. What … he do?  
В. He is an engineer.  

Задание 8. Дайте краткий ответ, используя соответствующий вспомогательный глагол.

Например: Are you a student of NSTU? Yes, I am. / No I’m not.

a) _____ you got a part-time job? Yes, ____ No, _____

b) _____ you work in an office?

c) _____ your grandfather retired?

d) _____ your father got an interesting work?

e) _____ your mother speak English?

f) _____ you play the piano?

g) _____ your grandmother live near you?

Задание 9. Спросите друга, как он\она познакомились со своими лучшими друзьями.

1. How did they meet?

2. What was their first impression of them?

3. What do they like about them?

4. What don’t you like about them?

5. What do they have in common?

6. How do they differ?

7. Why did they become such close friends?

8. Will they be friends for life?

9. What do they look like?

  1. What are they like as persons?
  2. What special talents and abilities do they have?
  3. What’s their job?
  4. What is their family like?
  5. What are their hobbies and interests?
  6. What do they do and what do they talk about when they are together?

Задание 10. Какой человек ваш лучший друг? Какими качествами он/она обладает?

Какими качествами, по вашему мнению, обладаете вы?

Фразовые глаголы


Some of us seem to be infinitely kind, while others seem to (1)… down on everyone around them. Some of us never forget an argument, while others (2)… up and forgive easily. As we (3)… up, our personality develops and we find that we (4)… on with certain people more than others. Who we are seems to have a large genetic element, but is also influenced by those who (5) … us up. If we (6) … up to our parents or other family members, we may want to be like them. On the other hand, if our parents seem to (7) … us down all the time and we (8)… out with them a lot, then perhaps we will develop quite different personalities.

Задание 11. Каким бы вы хотели стать? Какова ваша цель в жизни? Что нужно сделать, чтобы добиться поставленной цели?


Задание 12. Заполнитепропуски словами, данными в рамке.

●exactly ●can see ●right ●really think so

Alex: What would you like to be famous for?

Sue: Oh, I don't know. It would be great to be famous as a singer.

Alex: Do you (1)? That just means that you've got a good voice. I'd rather be well known for a great scientific discovery.

Sue: I (2)your point. That way, everyone would know how intelligent you are. But being a pop star is so glamorous!

Alex: I suppose you're (3) in a way. Pop stars drive big cars and have luxurious houses. But they can't do ordinary things, like going to the super­market.

Sue: (4) ! Who wants to do ordinary things? I want to do amazing things, like winning an Oscar!

Alex: It would be nice to win an Oscar. I don't think it'll happen, though.

Sue: Well, I'm glad we agree on one thing, at least!

Задание 13. Ответьте на вопросы: Каковы плюсы и минусы известности? Хотите ли вы стать знаменитостью? Если да, то в какой сфере деятельности? Если нет, то почему? (Сформулируйте ваши ответы на английском язык.е)

Задание 14. Прочитайте предложения ниже. Отметьте утверждения, с которыми вы согласны.

  Agree Agree up to a point Disagree
Everybody wants to be famous.
Famous people have an easy life.
You have to be good-looking to be famous.
Famous people are more intelligent than others.
You can be famous without being rich.
People change when they become famous.

Задание 15. Согласны ли вы с этими утверждениями? Обоснуйте свою точку зрения,

используя выражения из диалога.

Задание 16. Разыграйте диалог в аудитории.

Задание 17. Выберите правильный ответ. Запомните различия между близкими по значению словами.

Тема: Образование в России и за рубежом



Определённый артикль и абстрактные существительные.

Абстрактные существительные в английском языке не имеют артикля, если они используются в общем смысле, например:

She loves music. Она любит музыку (музыку вообще; любую музыку),

но употребляются с определённым артиклем, если их значение ограничивается конкретным случаем, например:

a) Health is more important than wealth.

Good health is the right of every man.

Public health in England is of a high standard.

но: The health of the community is of high importance.

The health he has enjoyed for the last three years is due to the climate.


b) Art is long, life is short.

Modern art is difficult to understand.

но: The art of Picasso.

The art of painting.

The art of the XVII century.

Задание 20. Ниже приведены пары предложений. Подставьте артикль там, где он необходим.

1) …Industry is the basis of our economy.

…Industry of Sheffield is steel-making.

2) She likes … modern literature.

She does not like … literature of the XVIII century.

3) …Beauty is only skin-deep.

We were admiring … beauty of the night.

4) … Intelligence of these students is very high.

It requires … high intelligence to understand the problem.

5) … Public education must be rapidly extended.

… Education of little children is very important.

6) In mathematics … accuracy is essential.

I cannot judge … accuracy of your calculations.

7) Water is necessary to … life.

… Life of these insects is very short.



Предлоги времени

after после; после того как
before до; раньше; перед
during в течение; во время; в продолжение
at в определённый момент времени (точное время)
for в течение; на определённую дату, срок
in в указанный год, месяц, время суток, промежуток времени; через указанный определённый промежуток времени
by к какому-л. моменту времени
from с определённого момента времени
since с определённого момента начала действия, которое всё ещё продолжается
on/upon по завершении предшествующего события; в такой-то день недели (название дня недели)
from…until с определённого момента до определённого момента
till/until до; до того как; пока не


Задание 21. Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами.


1. I will meet you there … six o’clock sharp.

2. The lesson will be over … five minutes.

3. He has been waiting there … five o’clock.

4. The swallows gather and leave England … the autumn.

5. The family are all gathering again … Christmas.

6. I can’t tell you … the moment but if you will wait I’ll let you know … a few minutes.

7. It has been the same old story ever … he was a little boy.

8. I’m sorry I can’t come as I have an appointment … Thursday … 2.30. He still comes to see me… time to time.

9. I wonder if you could get it done … tomorrow.

10. She called the police immediately, but … the time they arrived the thief was miles away.

11. The house should be finished … next month.

12. He is in bed … the last week.

13. He has been living in this new house … some two weeks.

14. Everybody buys his new hat … Easter.

15. They may arrive … any time now.

16. She always goes to visit her granny … Saturdays.

17. The contract expires … December 6th.

18. It always gets cool here … the evening.

19. I shall be at home from 6 p.m. … 9 p.m.

20. They come to visit us … time to time.


Задание 22. Запомните предлоги местоположения, а также движения и направления, используя их графическое представление; составьте короткие английские предложения с этими предлогами.

Предлоги местоположения

Текст 1

Student Profile

Задание 23. Прочитайте текст. Кто его автор? Какие аспекты деятельности колледжа упомянуты в тексте? Можно ли то же самое сказать о вашем учебном заведении?

Karalin Vinakurova

My name is Karalin Vinakurova and I am from Belarus, Russia. I am in my third year of study at Intercollege in Nicosia, Cyprus; I am majoring in Business Administration. I found out about Intercollege from a friend in Russia, who studied Certified Accounting here a few years ago, and is now earning a high salary in the auditing department of an offshore company.

I am very satisfied with Intercollege and especially with the lecturers. The advantage of being in such an international location is that we have teachers from many counties, and so we can get exposure to many different viewpoints. For example, I have instructors from England, America, and of course Cyprus. Intercollege offers lots of variety and flexibility. I like the way it is structured; I can select the teachers and the time schedule of class that I prefer and the subjects that will be most helpful for my future career. The level of the classes is just what I expected from a university and the library and computer labs help me get my work done. Just like Intercollege, Cyprus is a safe, quiet, friendly environment. With the mountains and the Mediterranean Sea nearby, we can combine fun and sunbathing with studying.

Текст 2.

Students say…

Задание 24. Прочитайте, что студенты говорят о своём месте учёбы. На чём они особо акцентируют внимание? Как вы думаете, что это за люди? В каких странах находятся эти университеты? Чем отличаются последние два отзыва от остальных?

Задание 25. Опросите друг друга; используйте понравившиеся выражения из монологов.


…about the University of Iowa

Paul Hughes:

“I’ve had tons of leadership opportunities through my fraternity, and I’ve met a lot of people I otherwise wouldn’t have met. The best part was that I got to know people from all over the country right off the bat my first year.

It might sound overwhelming when you hear there are 30,000 students here. When you get involved, you get to know so many people. I run into people I know all the time on campus.

There’s stuff for everyone here — whether you’re into sports or the performing arts.”


Greg Scott, Mechanical Engineering Major:

“It is very friendly here. That's the first thing I noticed on my campus visit. Iowa has all sorts of diverse groups on campus, so you can learn from people who come from different backgrounds and cultures — the kinds of things you can't always learn from classes and books.”


Arielle Hardré, Biology and Pre-Medicine:

“I volunteer at University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics. I have big plans to work in the medical field, in the area of neuroscience. Because of my time here, I’ll be able to take much more than just the medical know-how with me to save lives.”


Lisa Dorado, Biomedical Engineering Major:

“My favorite place to hang out on campus is the engineering building because it is like a home—you get to know all the people who hang out there, it's a nice place to study or just take a nap, there are several computer labs, most of my classes take place there, the research lab where I work is there, they have lockers, showers, everything — and we get 24-hour access. I have had several opportunities to get to know professors outside of class. I think that it is a good idea to talk to professors about things unrelated to school once in a while too, because it helps you remember that they are normal people like you and me. There are a lot of ways to get involved in activities so that you can meet all sorts of people. I am a Spanish interpreter and patient guide at the Iowa City Free Medical Clinic, a researcher in
M.L. Raghavan's Cardiovascular Biomechanics Laboratory, I'm training to drive for Cambus, and I volunteer at University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.”


…about Napier University

Suzanne Waugh, BEng (Hons) Multimedia Systems:

“Napier has proven itself with graduates it has produced and the kinds of jobs they’ve gone into. Napier is a lot more informal than traditional universities and does things in a modern way — it’s really relaxed. The facilities here are really good — I wouldn’t have expected that. The Kilby Centre has made a big difference; you’re never without a computer. There’s lots of digital equipment too. I’m really enjoying my programme. The knowledge I gained from my work placement has been invaluable. It was a year of life experience which I’d never had because I came straight from school to university.”

Ian Wollard, BSc (Hons) Product Design Engineering:

“For the kind of job I want to do, this degree was perfect; It’s hands-on and the lecturers seem to know what they’re talking about. They have good links with industry. We cover a lot of science on the programme and a lot of art too, so it’s using science in a creative way. We get to choose modules, so you can choose something fun, or something that will increase your skills base and help you get a job. Napier has all up-to-date equipment, the facilities are really good, there’s pretty much everything you could want. It has the double impact of doing a great course in a great city.”

Задание 26. Прочитайте интервью. Дайте свои ответы на эти же вопросы. Разыграйте интервью в аудитории.

Name: Sarah Lamb

Home town: Leeds

What inspires you?

Money! And accomplishing goals.

What's your big dream?

To become a multi-millionaire and own an Aston Martin.

What makes you happy?

Being successful, earning lots of money, going out and having a laugh with mates, singing and FAIRER (the Women's Engineering Society of which I'm the co-ordinator).


Name: Neil Turner

Course: BSc (Hons) Computing & Information Systems

Hometown: York

What inspires you?

The University is full of interesting and helpful people, both staff and students, and I think this inspires me.

What's your big dream?

Probably to work in a high-paid job for a big IT company in a relatively senior position, and have a big house somewhere. But at the moment I'm just concentrating on my degree.

Задание 27. Совершенствуем навыки презентации

Для начала вы должны знать следующее:

1. Что такое презентация?

2. Какие цели преследует презентация?

3. Что делает презентацию эффективной? (От чего зависит эффективность презентации?)

4. Перечислите основные части презентации.

Ниже приведена информация из рекламного проспекта. Вам нужно сделать презентацию, чтобы привлечь новых клиентов. Вы очень заинтересованы в продаже своих услуг. Убедите потенциального клиента в том, что ваша кампания — лучшая на рынке. Добавьте любую информацию, какую посчитаете нужной, например историю компании, настоящую деятельность, перспективы развития, и т.д.


SCHOONER SAILS: Schooner Thomas E.Lannon. Gloucester, Massachusetts (978) 286-6634, www.schooner.org

A vacation story: Our sail on the Schooner Thomas E.Lannon was more than a boat ride; it was relaxing and enjoyable history lesson. In addition to the capable captain and the crew, The Lannon brought a master storyteller and historian onboard.

A journey back in time. The historian told us a story about fishermen who had lived in Gloucester, the oldest fishing port in America. He also told us the history of The Lannon. Eleventh generation American boat builder Harold Burnham built her in Essex in 1997 and called her after his grandfather. Her design came from a schooner called Nocomis, built there in 1903.

Group Charters. – Group rates for 30 or more people. – Private, corporate and school group charters available. – Birthdays, graduations, weddings, company outings and meetings. – Book a trip on The Lannon for your next family or office get-together. It’s a great place for a party. – Reservations are strongly advised. – Gloucester Coast Guard certified to carry 49 passengers.



В своей презентации используйте следующие «сигнальные средства»:

  Introducing the topic Let me start by... First of all, I’ll... I’d like to begin by...   Giving an example A good example of this is... To illustrate this point...  
  Reaching the end of the point I’ve told you about... We’ve looked at... That’s all I have to say about...   Dealing with questions I’ll deal with this later, if I may... I’ll come back to this question later in my talk... I won’t comment on this now...


  Moving on to another point Let me turn now to... Let's move onto... Let's look now at...   Summarizing/conclusion I'dlike to sum up now... Let me summarize briefly what I've said... If I can just sum up the main points...
  Developing/ analyzing Let's look at this in more detail... What does that mean for us?   Sequencing Firstly...secondly...thirdly...lastly... First of all...after that...finally... To start with... later...to finish up...

Письмо: Оформление конверта

Выучите, как пишется адрес на конверте.

Оформите конверты:

а) другу,

б) своим родителям,

в) родственникам,

г) зарубежным друзьям по переписке.

Напишите почтовую открытку:

а) своим родителям,

б) родственникам,

в) зарубежным друзьям по переписке.

Изучите оформление делового письма. Сравните с письмом другу. Чем они отличаются?

Потренируйтесь в написании деловых и неофициальных писем.


Почтовая открытка

Прочитайте отрывки из писем и скажите, кому они адресованы и по какому поводу.

а) You will see from the enclosed copy of the statement that, on 3 November, ₤43.00 was debited from my account under the description ‘Direct Debit’. I did not and have never authorized such a direct debit.

б) I try to tell you how much you mean to me when I’m with you, but, somehow, we’re enjoying ourselves so much just doing things and being together that I never actually get round to stating the obvious — I love you.

в) Thank you so much for your assistance in obtaining the library card. I am now getting on with the book as fast as I can and will make sure to send you a copy once it is published.

г) Thank you so much for the delicious dinner. The haddock was incredible. I hope the stain came out of the tablecloth!

д) On 20 August I received my Visa bill, including the figure of 93.65 but not including any of the refund. I must now pay this full amount or I will be charged interest. This is clearly an unsatisfactory state of affairs.

е) Would it be possible to establish a zebra crossing just in front of the school? Or, if not, would it be possible to place a traffic inspector at the junction at that time in the morning in order to supervise the traffic? This would surely be a sensible precaution given the circumstances.

ж) Hey, I’m writing to tell you how I miss you. Hope we’ll see during the vacation.

з) All right then. You get the booze, I get the snack. See you on picnic on the lawn.



А. Деловое письмо





Б. Письмо другу

Dear Jim, How are you? Thanks for the letter. I’d be glad to have your new books but it won’t be easy getting them here. I think the best thing will be to send them over with some friends of mine who are coming to visit me next week. Trouble is they can’t carry too many. Looking forward to hearing from you. Love, Julie


Openings and Closings


Выучите фразы

  Formal/Neutral Informal
Name Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms Jackson Dear Maggie Hi/Hello Maggie Maggie, … (или без имени)
Previous contact Thank you for your email of… Further to your last email… I apologize for not getting in contact with you before now. Thanks for your email. Re your email, … Sorry I haven’t written for ages, but I’ve been really busy.
Reason for writing I am writing in connection with… I am writing with regard to… In reply to your email, here are… Your name was given to me by… We would like to point out that… Just a short note about… I’m writing about… Here’s the … you wanted. I got your name from… Please note that …
Giving information I’m writing to let you know that… We are able to confirm that… I am delighted to tell you that… We regret to inform you that… Just a note to say… We can confirm that… Good news! Unfortunately, …
Attachments Please find attached my report. I’m sending you … as a pdf file. I’ve attached… Here is the … you wanted.
Asking for information Could you give me some information about…? I would like to know … I’m interested in receiving/finding out … Can you tell me a little more about…? I’d like to know… Please send me…
Requests I’d be grateful if you could… I wonder if you could… Do you think I could have…? Thank you in advance for your help in this matter. Please could you… Could you …? Can I have …? I’d appreciate your help on this.
Promising action I will… I’ll investigate the matter. I will contact you again shortly. I’ll … I’ll look into it. I’ll get back to you soon.
Offering help Would you like me to…? If you wish, I would be happy to… Let me know whether you would like me to… Do you want me to …? Shall I …? Let me know if you’d like me to…
Final comments Thank you for your help. Do not hesitate to contact us again if you require any further information. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. My direct line is… Thanks again for … Let me know if you need anything else. Just give me a call if you have any questions. My number is …
Close I am looking forward to… (+ing) Give my regards to… Best wishes Regards Looking forward to … (+ing) Best wishes to … Speak to/See you soon. Bye (for now)/All the best.


Напишите письма

а) другу в США; поздравьте с праздником;

б) родителям в России; расскажите о своих успехах в учёбе,

в) деловым партнёрам за рубежом; уточните детали соглашения.

Расположите фрагменты делового письма в правильном порядке.
Запишите правильный вариант.

  Mary Bates Sales Manager
  Yours sincerely
  hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions.
  you if you can give us some idea of the quantity you are thinking of
  selling very well.
  from the printers. I will send it to you under separate cover as soon as
  catalogue and price list. We are pleased to hear of your shop’s interest
  Dear Mr Wilson


  Mr J. Wilson Manager Brighton Sports 10 Putney Street Brighton BN3 6FE
  I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
  ordering. Our terms of payment are one month after receipt of invoice. Don’t
  You asked about a quantity discount. We will be happy to discuss this with
  possible. Please note our new line of children’s water toys which has been
  in stocking our products. Unfortunately, the new catalogue is not yet back
  Thank you for your letter of 3 May 1996 enquiring about our new sales
  19 May 1996
  Sea Star Sports Articles 100 Hayward Road, London NW2 4HF tel/fax: 0171-886 6789


Задание 29. Прочитайте следующие тексты. Найдите специальность, наиболее близкую вашей. Изучите текст и подготовьте презентацию вашего факультета.

BEng/BEng (Honours)

Electronic & Computer Engineering

Entry: 220 UCAS points, from Higher, Advanced Higher, Intermediate 2, A Level, AS Level or equivalent qualifications. Irish Leaving Certificate at 400 points or equivalent

Typical: SQA Higher: Must include Standard Grade Credit Maths and a minimum of 3 Highers. GCE A Level: Must Include GCSE Maths and a minimum of 3 AS Levels


This practical programme is concerned with the analysis of computer systems and how these systems interface with external equipment. The programme provides you with an opportunity to develop a complete understanding of computer systems including embedded systems, their specification, design and testing. In addition to studying the computer hardware, you will develop proficiency in programming and software design. A typical project in stage 3 might be 'The Design of an Audio Aid for the Blind' or 'Building an Intelligent Microprocessor-Based Toy'. Transfer to other programmes in our Engineering suite is possible.

What you study

Stage 1: Creative Engineering, Creative Science, Professional Skills, Maths, Computer Engineering, Engineering Science, Electronic Engineering, Elective.

Stage 2: Industrial Management, Mechatronics, Engineering Design, Maths, Control Measurement & Instrumentation, Electrical Engineering, Electronic Devices & Circuits. Elective.

Stage 3: Engineering Applications, Electronic Systems, Computer Systems, Engineering Economics, Group Assignment, Industrial Work Placement (Honours), Individual Project (Degree).

Stage 4: Honours Project, Professional Engineering, Electronic Design (Digital & Analogue), Embedded Processor Systems, Microelectronic Design (ASICs & FPGAs), Digital Signal Processing & Data Communications, Advanced Assignment.

Work placement

Twenty-week supervised work experience.

Careers/further study

Electronic Design Engineer, Electronic Test Engineer, Computer Support Engineer.

Degrees at Napier

What you study

Stage 1: Professional Skills, Creative Engineering, Creative Science, Maths, Computer Engineering, Engineering Science, Electrical Engineering Principles, Elective.

Stage 2: Engineering Design, Mechatronics, Industrial

Management, Maths, Mechanics, Thermofluids, Materials & Manufacturing, Elective.

Stage 3: Engineering Applications, Materials, Manufacturing Systems, Case Studies in Engineering Economics, Group Assignment, Industrial Work Placement (Honours) or Individual Project (Degree).

Stage 4: Honours Project, Advanced Energy Systems, Mechanics, Dynamics, Professional Engineering, Advanced Assignment.

Work placement

Twenty-week supervised work experience

Careers/further study

Career opportunities for graduates are excellent, with the demand for qualified people currently outstripping supply in Scotland. Starting salaries are upwards of £20,000 a year. Transfer to other programmes in the Engineering suite is possible.

BSc (Honours and Pass)

(in collaboration with the Department of Computer and Information Sciences)


The two disciplines are studied equally during the first two years, but the flexible nature of this joint degree then allows students in Years 3-4 to take up to two-thirds of their classes in either Mathematics or Computer Science. Honours graduates who opt for a sufficient number of computing classes may seek accreditation from the British Computer Society.

Career Opportunities

Mathematicians with accompanying computing skills are eagerly sought after by employers. Recent graduates have found employment as business analysts with ScottishPower, and also in the IT sector as consultants with Detica Ltd.

MEng BEng (Honours)


Year 1: Focuses on fundamental Mathematics, Engineering Science (including Computing and IT) and Business and introduces hands-on training and experience of engineering through visits and seminars. Students are supported academically and pastorally by a group tutorial system.

Year 2: Completes the study of Mathematics and Engineering Science, continues Business Studies and introduces the core Technology subjects appropriate to the degree programme. A project-based laboratory class supports the technology subjects.

Year 3: Consolidates knowledge and understanding of the key Technology and Business subjects, introduces course-specific design and case studies and incorporates an integrated laboratory programme.

Year 4 (BEng): Provides the professional-level education and training in the Technology areas relevant to each course while offering a measure of subject choice reflecting the interests and aptitudes of the individual student. A major individual project provides opportunities for personal professional development as well as demonstrating knowledge, understanding and learning ability in a chosen Technology area.

Year 4 and 5 (MEng): Provide an integrated education and training to professional level in the relevant Technilogy areas and in Business Studies. Option choices allow both a broadening and a deepening of knowledge in a student’s chosen interests.

A major individual project in Year 4 and a major group project in Year 5 facilitate personal and professional development, the demonstration of knowledge and the application of learning, management and teamwork skills.

Independent learning skills, communication skills and teamwork are nurtured over the duration of the courses through a programme of individual and group assignments, dissertations and projects, requiring written and oral reporting.

Students in all the Electronic degrees study Analogue and Digital Electronic Circuits and Systems from the outset and learn to programme electronic devices at an early stage in the course.

In the later years, students have compulsory classes in subjects such as the Internet and Home Gateways and Mobile Communications, as well as a full range of optional modern electronic/computing classes that form a compulsory element of other degrees.

Case studies, individual and group projects in Years

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