Build up the image of a good teacher — КиберПедия 

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Build up the image of a good teacher

2017-12-09 191
Build up the image of a good teacher 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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All professions are needed, all profession are important. Any school can’t manage without a good teacher. Good teacher should know how to organize classwork in more efficient and right way, using a lot of different and interesting materials, to fire children with genuine enthusiasm, get them involved into work. Insistence, but justice (Настойчивость, но справедливость) – these words can be applied to an image of a perfect teacher, who makes the students work hard and sets high standards. Good teacher is always friendly and helpful to his pupils. I think the good teacher must have such qualities as Empathy, Open to Change,(You know there is a place for tradition but there is also a place for new ways, new ideas, new systems, and new approaches.) Creative, Sense of Humour, Sociable, Respectful, kind-hearted, Passion(You are passionate about what you do)., Willing to Learn(желание учиться)(You are willing to learn from other teachers AND your students.) Good teacher knows his students as individuals. Each person is unique

A good teacher knows that no one can be a good teacher to every student every day, but she continues to try – knowing that if she can be a good teacher to every student many days that she has been successful. Good teacher should be flexible. Not everyone learns at the same pace(темп) or in the same way. There may be some students who can pick up on an idea or concept very quickly, there are some that need more time and one on one tutoring, and then there are some who may never understand. A good teacher knows that sometimes you have to slow the pace down for those who don't quite understand yet keep it interesting enough for those who already do.


23. Ukrainian way of life and Ukrainian traditions. Discuss why it’s so important to preserve traditions of your motherland.


Traditions are like the heart of a nation's culture. They determine(определяют) the way people live; the languages they speak, the religions they follow, the values they hold, the relationships they keep, the foods they eat, the clothes they wear, the building they have made and much much more.

Food is an important part to the Ukrainian culture. Special foods are used at Easter, as well as Christmas, that are not made at any other time of the year. At Christmas time, for example, kutia, a mixture of cooked wheat groats, poppy seeds, and honey, and special sweet breads are prepared.

Ukrainians prefer to eat at home, leaving restaurants for special occasions. Meal times are from 7:00 to 10:00 A.M. for breakfast, from 12:00 noon to 3:00 P.M. for dinner or lunch, and from 5:00 to 8:00 P.M. for supper. The main meal of the day is dinner, including soup and meat, fowl, or a fish dish with a salad


Holidays always held a special place in the lives of Ukrainians

One of the most important Ukraine traditions is connected with rushnyk which is a kind of a towel with embroidery. It was mostly used on weddings, the more rushnyks were on the wedding, the more respectful it seemed. It was presented to the fiancé by the parents of the fiancée, in that way they expressed their consent to the marriage. A fiancée embroidered the rushnyk which was presented to her fiancé herself. One of them was a special wedding rushnyk, the couple stood on it during the ceremony.


One more Ukrainian tradition is connected with winter holidays. Christmas in Ukraine is celebrated on 6-7th of January. The preparation of a special holiday table usually began long before the Christmas. The most important dish is kutya, it is cooked of wheat, honey, nuts, etc. During all winter holidays till the Epiphany kutya must be on the table. After the dinner children brought kutya to their godparents while adults were preparing for the church service. But in the evening began the most cheerful part of a holiday, young unmarried girls were telling fortune by different means. Another important Christmas ritual is carol-singing; children went from house to house singing special Christmas songs "kolyadki" and got candies and different food for that.


One of the most fairy-tale and poetic Ukrainian tradition is the celebration of Ivana Kupala which is held on the 7th of June. Young men and girls made the effigies of mythological creatures which were drowned or burnt at the end. The meaning of such ritual is unknown. Magical meaning had a ritual of jumping over the fire; if you jumped successfully you will be happy all the year but if not— misfortunes will occur. At night the bravest ones were trying to find a flower of fern in forests but it was believed that a flower was guarded by devildom, in case you find it, you will get a glut of wealth.


Ukraine is rich in traditions and rituals, most of them are mystical and mysterious. in West Ukraine you can feel the atmosphere of a holiday best of all because the majority of traditions are preserved there.


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