Ways of interpreting stylistic devices in translation. — КиберПедия 

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Ways of interpreting stylistic devices in translation.

2017-12-09 907
Ways of interpreting stylistic devices in translation. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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A stylistic device - is the substitution of the existing names approved by long usage and fixed in dictionaries by new, occasional, individual ones, prompted by the speaker's subjective original view and evaluation of things. Main groups: 1Phonetic devices 2Lexical stylistic devices 3Syntactical stylistic devices 4Lexico-syntactical stylistic devices

PHONETIC STYLISTIC DEVICES: Onomatopoeia, Alliteration, Assonance, Rhyme, Graphon.

LEXICAL STYLISTIC DEVICES - Metaphor, Personification, Metonymy/ Synecdoche, Pun, Irony, Humour, Zeugma, Epithet, Oxymoron, Antonomasia, Allusion.

SYNTACTICAL STYLISTIC DEVICES - Rhetorical Question, One-member Sentences, Types of Repetition, Parallel Constructions, Inversion, Detachment, Ellipsis, Break in the Narrative, Represented speech, Polysyndeton, Asyndeton, Attachment.

LEXICO-SYNTACTICAL STYLISTIC DEVICES - Antithesis, Hyperbole, Climax/Gradation, Simile, Litotes, Periphrasis, Euphemism.

To enhance the communicative effect of his message the author of the source text may make use of various stylistic devices, such as metaphors, similes, puns and so on. Coming across a stylistic device the translator has to make up his mind whether it should be preserved in his translation or left out and compensated for at some other place.

Metaphors and similes though most commonly used in works of fiction are not excluded from all other types of texts. A metaphor and a simile both assert the resemblance between two objects or processes but in the latter the similarity is made explicit with the help of prepositions “as” and “like”.

Many metaphors and similes are conventional figures of speech regularly used by the members of the language community. Such figurative units may be regarded as idioms and translated in a similar way. As in the case of idioms their Russian equivalents may be based on the same image (a powder magazine-пороховойпогреб, white as snow-белыйкакснег) or on a different one (a ray of hope-проблескнадежды, thin as a rake-худойкакщепка). Similarly, some of the English standard metaphors and similes are rendered into Russian word for word (as busy as a bee-трудолюбивыйкакпчела), while the meaning of others can only be explained in a non-figurative way (as large as life-внатуральнуювеличину).

More complicated is the problem of translating individual figures of speech created by the imagination of the ST author. They are important elements of the author’s style and are usually translated word for word. Nevertheless the original image may prove unacceptable in the target language and the translator will have to look for a suitable occasional substitute. Consider the following example:

They had reached the mysterious mill where the red tape was spun, and Yates was determined to cut through it here and now. (St. Heym. “Crusaders”)

“Red tape” is usually translated as «бюрократизм, волокита», but bureaucratism cannot be spun or cut through. The translator had to invent an occasional substitute:

Ониупёрлисьвстенуштабнойбюрократии, ноЙейтствёрдорешилтутжепробитьэтустену.

A similar tactics is resorted to by the translator when he comes across a pun in ST. If the SL word played upon in ST has a Russian substitute which can also be used both literally and figuratively, a word-for-word translation is possible:

Whenever a young gentlemen was taken in hand by Doctor Blimber, He might consider himself sure of a pretty tight squeeze.

Когда доктор Блаймбер брал в руки какого-нибудь джентльмена, тот мог быть уверен, что его как следует стиснут.

In other cases the translator tries to find in TL another word that can be played upon in a similar way:

He says he’ll teach you to take his boards and make a raft of them; but seeing that you know how to do this pretty well already, the other … seems a superfluous one on his part.

Here the word “teach” is intended by the owner of the boards to mean “to punish” but the man on the raft prefers to understand it in the direct sense. The Russian equivalent «учить» does not mean “to punish” and the translator finds another word which has the two required meanings:

Он кричит, что покажет вам, как брать без спроса доски и делать из них плот, но поскольку вы и так прекрасно знаете, как это делать, это предложение кажется вам излишним.

Translation of such allusions is no easy matter. The translator has to identify the source and the associations it evokes with the SL receptors and then to decide whether the source is also known to the TL receptors and can produce the similar effect. He may find the allusion untranslatable even if the source is sufficiently popular. L.Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland” was many times translated into Russian and is much enjoyed both by children and adults in this country. However, the translator will hardly preserve the obvious allusion to the book in the following sentence:

The Tories were accused in the House of Commons yesterday of “living in an Alice in Wonderland world” on the question of nuclear arms for Germany.

Вчера в палате общин консерваторов обвинили в том, что они питают призрачные иллюзии по поводу ядерного вооружения ФРГ.

Some stylistic devices may be ignored by the translator when their expressive effect is insignificant and their reproduction in the target text would run counter to the spirit of TL. One of the oldest and most commonly used stylistic devices in English is alliteration. Many headings, strings of epithets and other phrases in English texts consist of words, which begin with the same letter. An Englishman seems to be very happy if he can call an artificial satellite “a man-made moon” or invent a headline like “Bar Barbarism in Bars”.

Repetition is a powerful means of emphasis. It adds rhythm and balances to the utterance it in TT. Repetition, however, is more often used in English than in Russian and the translator may opt for only a partial reproduction of the English long series of identical language units.

Term translation.

Translation is the transmittal of written text from one language into another. Although the terms translation and interpretation are often used interchangeably, by strict definition, translation Refers to the written language, and interpretation to the spoken word. Translation is the action of interpretation of the meaning of a text, and subsequent production of an equivalent text, also called a translation, that communicates the same message in another language. The text to be translated is called the source text, and the language it is to be translated into is called the target language; the final product is sometimes called the "target text."

Translation must take into account constraints that include context, the rules of grammar of the two languages, their writing conventions, and their idioms. A common misconception is that there exists a simple word-for-word correspondence between any two languages, and that translation is a straightforward mechanical process. A word-for-word translation does not take into account context, grammar, conventions, and idioms. The second half of the 20th century has seen the in-depth study of translation, which is sometimes called Theory of Translation, Science of Translation, Translation Linguistics, or even Translatology.

It has been claimed abroad that translation studies began in 1972 with Holmes’s paper presented at the Third International Congress of Applied Linguistics, “The Name and Nature of Translation Studies”. However, unfortunately, European and American scholars seemed to have been unaware of the achievements of the Russian school of translation studies. Works by V. Komissarov, A. Shveitser, A. Fedorov and many others confirmed the status of translation studies as a discipline of its own even in the 1950s.

The main concern of translation theory is to determine appropriate translation methods for the widest possible range of texts and to give insight into the translation process, into the relations between thought and language, culture and speech.

There are several aspects of this branch of linguistics:

- General theory of translation, whose object is general notions typical of translation from any language.

- Specific (or partial, in terms of Holmes) theory of translation that deals with the regularities of translation characteristic of particular languages - for example, translation from English into Russian and vice versa.

- Special (partial) theory of translation that pays attention to texts of various registers and genres.

There are two terms corresponding to the Russian word “перевод”: translation and interpretation. Those who discriminate between the terms refer the term ‘translation’ to the written text, and the term ‘interpretation’ to oral speech. However, the terms are polysemantic: to interpret might mean “to translate or discuss the meaning of the text” – an outstanding British translation theorist P.Newmark, for example, states that “when a part of a text is important to the writer’s intention, but insufficiently determined semantically, the translator has to interpret”. The term to translate is often referred to any (written or oral) manner of expression in another language.

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