Lesson 2. Selling and buying things on-line — КиберПедия 

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Lesson 2. Selling and buying things on-line

2017-11-21 1148
Lesson 2. Selling and buying things on-line 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Задание 1. Произнесите слова, обращая внимание на произношение ударных гласных:

a. search, log on, rate, site, share,save, way, surf, tax, card, credit, solve, chain

b. service, content, engine, e-commerce, software, hardware, item, access, feature, engineer, technical, generate, personalize, alert, deliver, purchase, user

c. provide, succeed, supplier, turnaround, opportunity, communicate, particular, procurement, account,

Задание 2. Используя словарь, изучите слова и их производные. Заполните таблицу, подразделяя слова на части речи, например:

Глагол (v) Существитель-ное (n) Прилагательное(adj) Наречие(adv)
procure procurement, procuration, procurator procurable  

1. communicate (v) – communication (n) – communicative (adj)

2. serve(v) – service (n)

3. use (v) – user (n) – useful (adj) – usefully (adv)

4. account (v) – account (n) – accountant (n) – accounting (n)

5. search (v) – search (n) – searcher (n) – searching (adj) – searchingly (adv)

6. tax (v) –taxation (n) – tax (n) – taxed (adj)

7. solve (v) – solution (n) – solving (adj)

Припомощисловарясоставьтеаналогичнуютаблицудлядругихслов: share, save, credit, technical, particular, engine, generate, site

Задание 3.Переведите словосочетания, обращая внимание на значение выделенных слов.

search engine, engineering materials, provider of services, supplied goods, software users, software engineer, personalized service, storage space, to meet customers’ needs, share opinions, distinctive features, customer- centered, multi-product needs

Задание 4. Переведите текст, обращая внимание на выделенные слова.

My name’s John, and I own a chain of sports shops. Last year, I started an e-commerce operation, selling goods over the Internet. We’ve done well. Visitors don’t have trouble finding what they want, adding items to their shopping cart and paying for them securely by credit card. Last year we had million unique (individual) users who generated 35 million hits or page views. That means our web pages were viewed a total 35 million times!

Задание 5. Вставьте слова ( даны ниже ), необходимые по смыслу.

The big place at the moment for a … is, of course, the Internet. Take John Pace. After an engineering degree and an MBA at Harvard, he worked for a while in a computer games company. But he always felt he was an … kind of guy. In 1997, he … an Internet site for cheap travel: flights, hotels, renting cars and so on. Johnobtained money for the investment in the … - … from friends’. Now the site has 300,000 customers, and Pace is very rich, with a big apartment in Manhattan and a house in the Bahamas. He doesn’t want to sell the company ashe has had offers from some big companies, but he wants to stay independent. John wants to … the business and do things his way. Unlike many entrepreneurs, he thinks he has the … skills to lead and inspire a large organization. He can see the day when he will be in charge of a large business … ’.

(start-up (2), entrepreneur, leadership, empire, entrepreneurial, founded, grow)

Задание 6. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.

1. E-commerce is going to be business-to-business with firms ordering the suppliers over the Internet.

2. The company aims to meet its customers’ multi-product needs.

3. You register and open an account and thenyou are given an email address.

4. Internet use is growing at a phenomenal rate each year.

5. The distinctive feature of Internet service is its interactive and personalized service.

6. Payments are made immediately by credit card and items are shipped out in just a few days.

7. Customer information is storedand customers are informed by e-mail about similar products.

8. Internet companies help customers create their own wish lists for gift giving.

Задание 7. Завершитепредложения, используяинформациютекста.

1. Company is customer-centered …

2. To be admitted to the Internet …

3. After entering your user name …

4. E-retailing may include …

5. Internet can help business people solve …

6. Internet …

7. Customers may share their opinions about …

a. products and services they are provided with.

b. the problems of goods delivery to the customers as well as communication problems.

c. is a great business opportunity.

d. You register and open an account.

e. which means giving customers what they need.

f. you can surf to and site in the World Wide Web.

g. a broad range of products such as: music, videos, DVDs, toys, electronics, and household goods.

Задание 8. Прочитайте текст и выполните следующие задания:

а. Найдите в тексте слова, о значении которых можно догадаться ( интернациональные слова). в. Выпишитеих и вспомните, какие производные ( или словосочетания) от этих слов вы знаете.

1. The Internet service provider or ISP is the organization that provides you with Internet access. You register and open an account. Then they give you an email address so that you can communicate by email with other users. Some ISPs have their own content – news, information and so on – but many do not. After you log on by entering your user name, you can surf to and site in the World Wide Web. If you are looking for a site about a particular subject, you can use a search engine like Google or Yahoo. When you have finished, remember to log off for security reasons.

2. E-commerce or e-tailing has even acted as a form of advertizing and increased level of business in our traditional bricks-and-mortar shops! Pure Internet commerce operations are very difficult. To succeed, you need a combination of traditional retailing and e-commerce: clicks-and-mortar. In this case, it has also helped the business people to solve the last mile problem, the physical delivery of goods to Internet customers: they just deliver from local stores!

3. Selling to the public on the Internet is business-to-consumer or B2C e-commerce. Some experts think that the real future of e-commerce is going to be business-to-business or B2B, with firms ordering the suppliers over the Internet. This is e-procurement. Business can also use the Internet to communicate with government departments, apply for government contract and pay taxes: business-to-government or B2G.

4. Mike Gore, the founder of Booksandstuff.com, began his career as a software engineer. In the mid-1990s, he saw that Internet use was growing at a phenomenal rate each year. He saw in this a great business opportunity. He relocated to Seattle, where there was a large pool of technicalknow-how and, since the company began in 1996, it has generated billions of dollars in profits. Booksandstuff’s customer base has grown to well over 30 million. The company has changed the way we do business. Booksandstuff’s company is customer-centered, which means giving customers what they need. Customers don’t have to travel to a bookstore – the store comes to them. Booksandstuff also aims to meet its customers’ multi-product needs. The company has now expanded to include a broad range of products including music, videos, DVDs, toys, electronics, and household goods. Booksandstuff saves on storage space as it has a very quick turnaround. Payments are made immediately by credit card and items are shipped out in just a few days. One of Booksandstuff’s distinctive features is its interactive and personalized service. Customers are invited to share their opinions about products and they can submit reviews of books and CDs. Customer information is stored and customers are alerted via e-mail about products similar to those they have purchased before. Booksandstuff even helps customers create their own wish lists for gift giving.

Задание9. Расположите информацию в порядке ее предъявления в тексте.

1. The future of Internet business is supposed to expand.

2. The combination of traditional retailing and e-commerce is most promising.

3. The story of an e-retailing company is a good example of the Internet opportunities.

4. The access to Internet is provided by a special server.

5. Some operation are to be made to communicate with other users.

Задание 10. Ответьтенавопросы, используя информацию текста.

1. What should you do if you want to get an access to Internet?

2. What are the opportunities of the Internet?

3. What information can Internet provide you with?

4. Do you consider Internet business profitable?

5. What was the key factor that has contributed to the success of Booksandstuff.com?

6. How did Booksandstuff.com avoid spending a lot of money on storage space?

7. How often do you use the Internet?Have you ever bought anything on-line?

8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online?

Задание 11. Подберитеопределенияк словамвлевойколонке.

1. Internet service provider 2. clicks-and-mortar 3. content 4. Google or Yahoo 5. e-procurement 6. a customer-centered company   a. news, information and so on b. a combination of traditional retailing and e-commerce c. the organization that provides you with Internet access. d. interactive and personalized servicing company e. a search engine f. firms ordering the suppliers over the Internet

Задание 12. Ознакомьтесь с некоторымирекомендациямиотносительнопокупки товара через интернет-магазин и заполните графы:

Before you buy: _______________________________

How to pay: __________________________________

Precautions: _________________________________

Where to go for help: __________________________

The Internet has expanded our choices of where and when to shop, but it also has its hazards. Here are some things that you should think about before becoming an Internet shopper.

It is safer to buy from reputable companies, so do a little research on the company before making your purchase. Check carefully all the contact details of the company. Look for the street address and landline telephone number; not just an e-mail address. Also, consider any extra costs – things like shipping costs and taxes – that you may have to pay and decide if it’s actually worthwhile buying on-line.

Generally, people payfor on-line goods with credit cards. Make sure that the site is secure. At the bottom of the page, you should see a small “s” – which stands for “secure” – along with the picture of a padlock. Make sure you keep copies of the order form and the acknowledgement notice that you receive.

When you buy on-line, you have the same legal rights as when you buy in a store. However, it is very important to read all the terms and conditions of the sale before you buy.

Always check your bank statement after making a purchase and make sure that only the amount that you paid has been deducted from your balance.

Each country has its own consumer affairs offices that should be able to advise you if you find that you have been cheated while shopping on-line. The most important thing to remember is “If in doubt, don’t buy”.

Задание 13. Прочитайте и прокомментируйте инструкцию по созданию вашего интернет – магазина. Что бы вы могли добавить к этой инструкции?

1. Prepare the appearance of your store – customize it.

2. Register your store in Internet directories.

3. Add categories for your items.

4. Receive payment and ship items.

5. Decide what to sell.


Задание 14. Прочитайте текст. Скажите, как отражены в тексты такие положения как: Beginner’sluck.Europe fights back.Computer trends. Дайтеоценкуосновнойидеитекста.

When analyzing the computer market worldwide it is useful to distinguish between sales of desk-top computers and portable laptop models. The major manufacturers perform very differently in different areas of the market; for example, A.B.I., the worldwide brand leader in desktop computers, ranks only fourth in laptop computer sales and has captures only nineteen per cent of the European market. The Crown Corporation has succeeded in penetrating the difficult European market and now has twenty-one per cent market share; in worldwide sales, however, Crown ranks second in laptop models and fourth in desktops.

A recent arrival on the scene, Unitec, has won a twenty-eight per cent slice of the European market and already stands at number five in the world market in both categories. The computer division of Marcus Industries ranks just below A.B.I. in the desktop best five and currently leads the world market in portable models; in spite of this, Marcus have captured only six per cent of the European sector.

The remainder of the European market is shared by a number of local manufacturers who are competing well in home markets but also do not figure largely on the international scene. The only one of these European companies to challenge the U.S. and Japanese makers abroad successfully is Contact Electronics who entered the top five in the laptop field this year and managed to outsell both A.B.I. and Unitec. Unitec’s main rival, Perry-Hamilton, still occupy third place in the desktop category, but are struggling to maintain their market share.

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