Complete the sentences with the positive form of the verb. — КиберПедия 

Наброски и зарисовки растений, плодов, цветов: Освоить конструктивное построение структуры дерева через зарисовки отдельных деревьев, группы деревьев...

Автоматическое растормаживание колес: Тормозные устройства колес предназначены для уменьше­ния длины пробега и улучшения маневрирования ВС при...

Complete the sentences with the positive form of the verb.

2017-11-21 664
Complete the sentences with the positive form of the verb. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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  • Kate didn’t go to Los Angeles, she __________ to Chicago.
  • We didn’t meet our teacher, we ________ our school principal.
  • She didn’t leave last Sunday, she _________ last Tuesday.
  • He didn’t write a composition, he __________ an email.
  • The concert didn’t begin at 7.00, it ____________ at 7.30.
  • They didn’t buy a computer, they _____________ a new TV set.



C. Famous firsts


Use the questions as a guide to tell about Walt Disney.

  • What is the most famous cartoon character?
  • What is the full name of Walt Disney? When was he born?
  • He sold his first sketches at the age of 14, didn’t he?
  • Where did his brother live?
  • Where did they start Disney Brothers studio?
  • When and where did Mickey appear?
  • What films did they make during 1932-1937?
  • When did Walt Disney die?


Look at the poem. It is a translation of A. Pushkin’s poem. Do you recognize it? What is it?


The storm wind covers the sky
Whirling the fleecy snow drifts,
Now it howls like a wolf,
Now it is crying, like a lost child,
Now rustling the decayed thatch
On our tumbledown roof,
Now, like a delayed traveller,
Knocking on our window pane.


Now look at the original variant and read it. Which column is translated into English?


Буря небо мглою кроет

Вихри снежные крутя

То как зверь она завоет

То заплачет как дитя

То по кровле обветшалой

Вдруг соломой зашумит

То как путник запоздалый

К нам в окошко постучит.


Буря небо мглою кроет

Вихри снежные крутя

То как зверь она завоет

То заплачет как дитя

Выпьем, добрая подружка

Бедной юности моей,

Выпьем с горя, где же кружка?

Сердцу будет веселей.


Work in pairs. Ask your partner for the missing information to fill in the gaps and read about Alexander Pushkin. Open Spotlight on Russia, p. 9, and complete the tasks there.


Student A:

Alexander Pushkin was born in ___________ on 6th June1799. From a young age his ________ taught him all about Russian folktales and traditions. Alexander wasn’t a good student, but he loved to read and spent many hours in ____ ____________ ___________. He wrote his first poem at the age of ___ and published his first poem at 15.

His work was very different from the other writers at the time and that often got him into _________ with the tsar and the government. For example, one of his most famous plays, _________ ___________ was only published years after he wrote it for political reasons.

After marrying a beautiful young girl called __________ ___________ in 1831 he continued to write. Millions of people consider his novel, Eugeny Onegin, his poem, the Bronze Horseman and his drama, The Stone Guest, to be masterpieces.

Alexander Pushkin was only ___ when he died. He played a great part in “The Golden Age of Russian Literature”. He’s Russia’s greatest poet and national pride.

Student B:

Alexander Pushkin was born in Moscow on _____ ______. From a young age his nurse taught him all about _____________ _________ ______ ______________. Alexander wasn’t a good student, but he loved to _______ and spent many hours in his father’s library. He wrote his first poem at the age of 8 and published his first poem at ___.

Hi work was very different from the other writers at the time and that often got him into trouble with the ______ and the ____________. For example, one of his most famous plays, Boris Godunov was only published years after he wrote it for __________ _____________.

After marrying a beautiful young girl called Natalya Goncharova in ______ he continued to write. Millions of people consider his novel, Eugeny Onegin, his poem, the Bronze Horseman and his drama, The Stone Guest, to be masterpieces.

Alexander Pushkin was only 37 when he _______. He played a great part in “The Golden Age of Russian Literature”. He’s Russia’s greatest poet and national pride.


Culture Corner and English in Use


1. Read the text called “The man of steel”. Read the sentences and mark them T – for true sentences and F – for false sentences. If the sentence is false – correct it.


  • A blue uniform, red trunks, red boots and a long red cape – is a special set of clothes for Spiderman. ____
  • Superman is more powerful than the train. ____
  • Two strong friends from Cleveland created Superman in 1933. ____
  • Superman’s parents sent him to Earth to conquer (захватить) it. ____
  • He was Superman because of his unusual abilities. ____
  • He is a symbol of American dream. ____


Translate the sentences into English.

  • Чем я могу вам помочь? - _______________________________________
  • Как он (чемодан) выглядит? - ______________________________________
  • Я бы хотел вам сообщить о потере моей сумки. - __________________________________________________________________
  • Это кожаная сумка? - ____________________________
  • А эти сумки вам знакомы? - ________________________________



Module 7. Now and then

A. In the Past



  • beautiful
  • deserted
  • quiet
  • clean
  • ugly


  • I like small towns. The air is clean and fresh there.
  • The main street of the city is very beautiful. There are lots of nice buildings and decorations.
  • There are ten hot ugly buildings in the world – buildings that are not beautiful.
  • Lots of European towns are very small, peaceful and quiet.
  • There are several deserted towns. People don’t live there anymore.


2. It is Manezhnaya Square – in the heart of Moscow. It has changed greatly. There was a road on the place where there’s a huge underground mall nowadays. The Hotel Moskva is renovated now; it is a new building of the hotel. There are beautiful pedestrian lanes and lanterns which make the place very romantic and a favourite place for young people to meet and hangout.




The monument is to people who tried to save others and died themselves and to those who suffered from the explosion.



  • I play ed tennis on Mondays.
  • My friends went to the library yesterday in the afternoon.
  • Last month my parents and I went to a classical music concert.
  • I watch ed cartoons last evening.
  • Kate want ed to go to Mineral Park when she was a child.



  • Did people live in Mineral Park? – Yes, they did.
  • Was there a school in the town? – Yes, there was.
  • Did people work in the mines? – Yes, they did.
  • Did people like to spend their free time at work? – No, they didn’t.
  • Were people unhappy there? – No, they weren’t.
  • Did the government evacuate the city (Chernobyl) after explosion? – Yes, it did.



  • The movie started at 17.15 and finished at 19.00.
  • When my mom was a child, she wanted to be a teacher.
  • It rained yesterday, but today it is sunny.
  • I will never forget my summer trip to London, I really enjoyed it.
  • The accident happened two days ago.


B. Halloween Spirit


m w o r r i e d s
t i r e d       t
e   s c a r e d r
x     e         e
c   b o r e d   s
i         a     s
t           b   e
e             l d
d p u z z l e d e


  • worried-озабоченный, взволнованный
  • tired-уставший
  • scared-испуганный
  • bored-скучающий
  • puzzled-озадаченный
  • stressed-напряженный
  • excited-взволнованный, возбужденный
  • miserable-несчастный




Кошелек или жизнь Trick or treat
Было очень поздно, и мы очень устали It was very late and we were tired
Дом казался пустым The house looked empty
Нам было страшно We were scared
Огромное существо A huge creature
Непослушный Naughty
Стучать Knock at




Present Past Russian
Be Was/ were Быть
Have Had Иметь
Decide Decided Решать
See Saw Видеть
Say Said Говорить
Get Got Получать
Hear Heard Слышать
Fall Fell Падать
Think Thought Думать
Teach Taught Учить, обучать
Meet Met Встречать
Build Built Строить
Buy Bought Покупать
Catch Caught Ловить
Do Did Делать



  • Kate didn’t go to Los Angeles, she went to Chicago.
  • We didn’t meet our teacher, we met our school principal.
  • She didn’t leave last Sunday, she left last Tuesday.
  • He didn’t write a composition, he wrote an email.
  • The concert didn’t begin at 7.00, it began at 7.30.
  • They didn’t buy a computer, they bought a new TV set.



C. Famous firsts




  • Mickey Mouse
  • Walt Elias Disney was born on December 5th 1901.
  • No, he didn’t. He sold his first sketches at the age of 7.
  • His brother lived in California.
  • In their uncle’s garage.
  • Mickey appeared in 1928 in the first sound cartoon Steamboat Willie.
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo and Bambi
  • He died in 1966.




Буря небо мглою кроет

Вихри снежные крутя

То как зверь она завоет

То заплачет как дитя

То по кровле обветшалой

Вдруг соломой зашумит

То как путник запоздалый

К нам в окошко постучит.



Student A:

  • Where was Pushkin born?
  • Who taught him?
  • Where did he spend many hours reading books?
  • When did he write his first poem?
  • What did his work cause?
  • What is the title of the play published years after he wrote it for political reasons?
  • What was the name of his wife?
  • When did he die?


Student B:

  • When was Pushkin born?
  • What did his nurse teach him?
  • What did he love to do?
  • When did he publish his first poem?
  • Who did he have problems with?
  • Why was his play Boris Godunov published years after he wrote it?
  • When did he get married?
  • What happened to him when he was 37?


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