Fill in the missing preposition. — КиберПедия 

Опора деревянной одностоечной и способы укрепление угловых опор: Опоры ВЛ - конструкции, предназначен­ные для поддерживания проводов на необходимой высоте над землей, водой...

Папиллярные узоры пальцев рук - маркер спортивных способностей: дерматоглифические признаки формируются на 3-5 месяце беременности, не изменяются в течение жизни...

Fill in the missing preposition.

2017-11-27 193
Fill in the missing preposition. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. The rapid development of industry in this region has a disastrous impact … the environment. 2. The south of England is beautiful but it can't be compared … the south of France for sunshine. 3. When the synthetic fabric is contrasted … the natural one, the difference is very apparent. 4. Our collection of wild animals reached such proportions that it took us all our time to cope... it. 5. We are familiar … the activity of this environmental group. 6. Travelling … foot is environmentally friendly and economical. 7. We have to reflect … our share in the relationship of the human with the universe. 8. This thought flew... my head. 9. I would like to live a year or two... the fresh air, close... nature. 10. Sometimes nature cannot cope... the human onslaught. 11. Man is just a part... an immense ecosystem. 12. The tourists were hypnotized … the beauty of the valley. 13. People tend to confide … the foot traveller. 14. They sat … the ground to have a short rest.

(by; in; in; of; on; on; on; on; through; to; with; with; with; with; with)

Translate the following sentences using your active vocabulary.

1. Иногда так хочется уехать из шумных, перенаселенных городов и скрыться в укромном месте, чтобы вдоволь насладиться тишиной и красотами природы. 2. Технический прогресс облегчил во многом жизнь человеку, но нанес огромный вред окружающей среде. 3. Мир, в котором мы живем, очень хрупкий. 4. У природы уходит не один год на то, чтобы залечить раны, нанесенные человеком. 5. Людям стоит почаще вспоминать, что они - всего лишь крошечная часть огромной экосистемы. 6. Путешествие пешком не только экономичный, но и наиболее безопасный для окружающей среды вид туризма. 7. Такой вид отдыха поможет вам понять, что вы вполне способны обходиться без многих вещей, к которым так привыкли: компьютера, телевизора, машины и т.д. 8. Для многих людей провести пару дней наедине с природой вдали от привычных удобств цивилизации – сложная задача. 9. Большинство людей понимают, что планета стоит на грани экологической катастрофы, но даже ради спасения жизни люди не прекращают эксплуатировать природные ресурсы. 10. Во многих промышленных зонах чистый воздух или чистая вода - это уже предметы роскоши, которые не купить ни за какие деньги.



Retell the text in the person

a) of Richard 's friend who backs up his idea. Start with the following: “At the very first moment I liked the idea of walking round Britain’s coastline. Besides it wasn’t a meaningless walk just for fun.” Express the approval of this action and reflect on the possible effects the 'Round Britain Walk' might have on other people.

b) of Richard’s friend who considers this idea to be just a whimsy. Start with the following: ‘From the very beginning I considered the idea of walking round Britain’s coastline to be a waste of time. There are much better and more efficient ways to solve environmental problems.’


Comment on the following statements from the text.

a) Walking is environmentally friendly and economical.


b) Travelling light is the very best.


c) We are just a tiny part of an immense ecosystem.


Discuss the following questions.

1. What are the main causes of environment pollution? 2. What are the consequences of water (air, soil) pollution? 3. Why are so many species of plants and animals on the verge of extinction nowadays? 4. Do you notice any substantial changes in the climate in the region where you live? What do you think are the possible reasons for them? 5. What natural disasters are very frequent in your region? What causes them? 6. What can be done to decrease the greenhouse effect and global warming? 7. What are the harmful effects of using pesticides in farming? 8. What natural resources is your region rich in? 9. Does the region where you live have rich flora and fauna? Is it rich in natural resources / water resources? 10. What can every person, local authorities, businessmen do to reduce pollution? 11. Do residents of the city where you live take action to solve the problems of sanitation? 12. Who takes care of the trees on your streets?



Speak about

a) the climate in the region where you live (describe such features as precipitation (осадки), an average temperature, humidity, etc);


b) the landscape of the region you live in;


c) the flora and fauna of the region you live in;


d) the main environmental issues in your region.


Say what may happen if

1. radioactive toxic wastes are not buried safely;

2. the global warming continues;

3. everyone starts using cars;

4. people cut down all forests;

5. people do not recycle waste;

6. people go on consuming natural resources at the same rate;

7. people do not change their attitude to nature.


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