Underline the correct word (word-combination) after checking with a dictionary. — КиберПедия 

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Underline the correct word (word-combination) after checking with a dictionary.

2017-11-27 295
Underline the correct word (word-combination) after checking with a dictionary. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. The form to be filled in when asking for a job, membership, etc is – an advertisement – an application form – a notice.

2. If someone is advanced in rank or position, they are - employed– motivated - promoted.

3. An extra payment beyond the usual, necessary or expected is - a bonus - an insurance - a prize.

4. The body of people working for a business or service is - a board – a committee – personnel.

5. A short written statement of one's education, past employment, used when applying for a new job is - a biography - a reference – a resume.

6. An unfilled position or job in an office, industry, etc is - an appointment – a post – a vacancy.

7. A worker whose job requires no special training is - a subordinate – a trainee - an unskilled worker.

8. If someone works at different times, e.g. days one week and nights the next week they do (have) - flexi-time – overtime work - shift-work.

9. To make journeys carrying messages is – to do paperwork - to run a company – to run errands.

10. An area of work such as law, medicine or teaching for which you need special training and education is - a career - a position – a profession.

11. The most important person in a large company is - a chief executive - a manager –– a supervisor.

12. To send away from employment is – to dismiss – to hire – to retire.

13. Someone having an eager desire for success is – ambitious - punctual – self-motivated.

14. To be in charge of something means - to be responsible for something - to fix as a price – to get a pay rise.

15. The one who gives advice is – a counsellor – a dealer - a promoter.

16. Many different small pieces of work are – extra work - odd jobs – part-time work.

17. A business activity begun by two or more people or companies working together is – a career centre - an industrial enterprise - a joint venture.

18. People addicted to their work are - employees – recruiters - workaholics.

19. The one in charge of managing an enterprise or business is – a manager – a personnel officer - a supervisor.

20. People employed to assist in the day-today affairs of running a business or organization are – co-workers – a crew - staff.

Match the words below with the corresponding definitions.

1. applicant a) an ability

2. authority b) the long-term plan for your professional life

3. career c) the one who is being trained for a job

4. competence d) a person that you work for

5. employer e) a person who applies for a job

6. to hire f) to give employment to someone

7. leave g) the power to give orders

8. to rank h) to need

9. to require i) to put in order of importance

10. trainee j) time allowed to be spent away from work

Explain the meaning of the following compounds. Give their Russian equivalents.

breadwinner; chairman; craftsman; database; flexi-time; freeloader (inf); job-hunter (inf); high-ranking; labour-force; long-term; low-qualified; pay-day; pay-sheet; self-confident; self-fulfillment; shift-work; wage-earner; workload; workmanship; work-mate; work-shop.


Using a dictionary make up nouns from the following verbs according to the model. Give their Russian equivalents.

apply application applicant











Write the opposites to the following adjectives.

able; advanced; ambitious; attentive; beneficial; careful; certain; commercial; creative; decent; easy; experienced; favourable; flexible; gifted; honest; important; industrious; professional; punctual; relaxed; reliable; resourceful; responsible; right; satisfied; self-confident; skil(l)ful; successful; useful; valuable; well-mannered.


Fill in the blanks with a suitable verb. Use it in the correct tense and aspect form.

Appoint (v) / hire (v)

Mind: to appoint - choose someone for a position or job.

to hire - to hire a person for a particular purpose, not for a long period of time; otherwise they are appointed;

1. If the divorce is inevitable, I think you should … a good lawyer first of all. 2. He was … chairman of the committee. 3. We’ve got some information that they have already … a man. 4. She's been … Sales Director to run overseas sections. 5. They … some people to work in the garden last summer. 6. They are not … any new people at the moment. 7. In 1989 he was … managing director. 8. The President has … a new Minister of Culture. 9. We are planning to... an advertisement company to sell our new product. 10. They have decided to... a new teacher for their son.

Fill in the blanks with a suitable noun. Use it in the plural where necessary.

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