H. F. Oettgen, L. J. Old, J. H. Farrow, F. T. Valentine, H. S. Lawrence, and L. Thomas — КиберПедия 

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H. F. Oettgen, L. J. Old, J. H. Farrow, F. T. Valentine, H. S. Lawrence, and L. Thomas

2017-11-27 208
H. F. Oettgen, L. J. Old, J. H. Farrow, F. T. Valentine, H. S. Lawrence, and L. Thomas 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Five patients with advanced breast cancer were treated with pooled dialyzable transfer factor from healthy adult donors. The period of treatment ranged from 21 to 310 days, the total dose from 20 to 257 ml. Transfer factor did not elicit inflammatory or hypersensitivity reactions or detectable formation of antibody to itself, nor any hematological or biochemical abnormalities or other side effects. Three patients became responsive (by skin test) to tuberculin and/or streptococcal antigens. Marked partial regression of the breast cancer, lasting 6 months, was observed in one patient.

Эффект диализатного трансфер фактора у больных раком груди

Пятеро больных с продвинутым раком молочной железы пролечено трансфер фактором, полученным в виде диализата, от здоровых доноров. Период лечения составил от 21 до 310 дней в дозах от 20 до 257 мл.

Осложнений в виде воспалений или реакций гиперчувствительности или образования аутоантител не наблюдалось, не было также гематологических или биохимических нарушений или каких-либо других побочных эффектов.

У трех больных появился кожный ответ к туберкулину или к стрептококковому антигену, заметный частичный регресс рака молочной железы выявлен у одной больной через 6 месяцев.


1:Ann Thorac Surg. 1984 Aug;38(2):140-5. Related Articles, Links

Transfer factor in the treatment of carcinoma of the lung.

Kirsh MM, Orringer MB, McAuliffe S, Schork MA, Katz B, Silva J Jr.

From 1976 to 1982, 63 patients with carcinoma of the lung underwent curative pulmonary resection, mediastinal lymph node dissection, and postoperative mediastinal irradiation when indicated. After operation, the patients were randomized by cell type and stage of disease into two groups. Beginning 1 month postoperatively, Group 1 patients (N = 28) received 1 ml of transfer factor that had been extracted from the blood of normal individuals. Subsequent doses were administered at 3-month intervals. Group 2 patients (N = 35) served as controls. There were no significant differences between the two groups with respect to age, sex, extent of resection, histological cell type, or stage of disease. Twenty of the 28 treated patients were alive and free from disease from 7 to 77 months after treatment, whereas 17 of the 35 control patients were free from disease. The 1-year survival for Group 1 was 84% and for Group 2, 81%. The 2-year survival was 78% for Group 1 and 46% for Group 2 (p = 0.045). The survival rates by stage of disease were as follows: Stage I, 15 out of 17 or 88% in Group 1 and 15 out of 23 or 65% in Group 2 (p = 0.097); Stages II and III, 5 out of 11 or 45% in Group 1 and 3 out of 12 or 25% in Group 2 (p = 0.304). The results of the study suggest that the administration of transfer factor to patients who have undergone pulmonary resection for carcinoma of the lung can have a significant impact on the prolongation of life.

Publication Types:

· Clinical Trial


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