IV. Choose the right variant. — КиберПедия 

История развития хранилищ для нефти: Первые склады нефти появились в XVII веке. Они представляли собой землянные ямы-амбара глубиной 4…5 м...

Механическое удерживание земляных масс: Механическое удерживание земляных масс на склоне обеспечивают контрфорсными сооружениями различных конструкций...

IV. Choose the right variant.

2017-11-27 406
IV. Choose the right variant. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. The train leaves ___ five minutes, hurry up.
a. at
b. on
c. in

2. I'm going to America ___ April.
a. at
b. on
c. in

3. He doesn't work ___ Sundays or Mondays.
a. at
b. on
c. in

4. In England the shops shut ___ 5:30.
a. at
b. on
c. in

5. She never feels very good ___ the morning.
a. at
b. on
c. in

6. She is starting work ___ June 4th.
a. at
b. on
c. in

7. What do you do ___ the evenings?
a. at
b. on
c. in

8. I can't sleep ___ night these days.
a. at
b. on
c. in

9. Where are you going ___ the summer?
a. at
b. on
c. in

10. I was born ___ 1966.
a. at
b. on
c. in

V. Choose the correct alternative.

They (sit) in the room when the taxi arrived.

A. sat C. were sitting

B. had been sitting D. had sat

2. He quickly forgot everything he (learn) at school.

A. learnt C. had been learning

B. was learning D. had learnt

3. I (talk) over the phone for a whole hour when the porter knocked at the door.

A. talked C. had been talking

B. had talked D. was talking

4. We (walked) along the forest for two hours when we saw a house.

A. walked C. had walked

B. were walking D. had been walking

5. The musician (play) the piano for a whole hour when we came in.

A. played C. had played

B. had been playing D. were playing

6. And I began writing to you instead of going to the seaside,as I (plan) before.

A. planned C. had planned

B. was planning D. had been planning

VI. Complete the table.

Base word Adjectives

Translation Positive meaning Negative meaning

beauty................................. beautiful X

brain................................. X brainless

care................................. careful careless

charm................................. X charmless

end................................. X endless*

faith................................. faithful faithless

harm................................. harmless harmful

home................................. homeless X

help................................. helpful helpless

hope................................. hopeful hopeless

pain................................. painless painful

peace................................. peaceful

penny................................. X penniless

power................................. powerful powerless

sleep................................. sleepless*

taste................................. tasteful tasteless

thought................................. thoughtful thoughtless

time................................. timeless X

use................................. useful useless


VII. Translate into English.

1. На его месте я бы не пропускал занятия. 2. Жаль, что я не вожу машину. 3. Как жаль, что сейчас не лето. Мы бы поехали на море, если бы было тепло. 4. Жаль, что я не знаю её адрес. 5. Будь я молод, я бы отправился с вами. 6. Что бы ты делал на моём месте?




Test 34.


I. Choose the best word or phrase a, b, or c.

(1) Harry’s birthday is _________________.

a) the twentieth of May b) May the twenty c) the twenty in May


(2) Would you like to pay ____ cash, or ____ credit card, madam?

a) by / in b) in / by c) with / with


(3) Did Kate Winslet _________________ a good speech when she won her Oscar for Titanic?

a) have b) say c) make


(4) A: Is your son named _________________ your father?

B: Yes, he was called David, too.

a) after b) with c) by


II. Fill the gaps with the correct form of the word.


The weekend

A It was Labour Day and Michael and Patty decided ________________ away for the last weekend of the summer. B On Saturday they _________________ to Bayside. Everything was terrible! The weather was cloudy and cool. The beaches were dirty with cups, cans, and bottles on the sand. C Because their motel was near the highway, it was very noisy and they were awake _________________ of the night.   D On Saturday evening they tried a French restaurant near their motel. Their table was near the kitchen and it was hot and noisy. The food was awful. Patty said, «I can cook ____________________ than this!» Michael was upset with the bill. It was $75. E Patty and Michael left on Sunday morning and drove to Surf City. What a difference! The weather was ____________________ and hot. The beach was sandy and white, and they were in the water all afternoon. F That evening they were happy with the Mexican restaurant near the motel. Their table was near the window, so they _________________ see the beach. The food was fresh and spicy, and the bill was only $37. GO DRIVE MUCH GOOD SUN CAN


III. Choose the best alternative.

Начало формы

1. If you are ___, you shouldn't apply for this job.
1 unexperienced
2 inexperienced

2. Начало формыEverybody thinks that John and his brother are ___ guys.
1 unpleasant
2 displeasant

Конец формы

3. Начало формыIt's quite ___ to please her.
1 impossible
2 unimpossible

Конец формы

4. Начало формыThis was one of the most ___ conferences I've ever participated in.
1 inorganized
2 disorganized

Конец формы

5. Начало формыJohn and Mary are ___ friends.
1 unseparable
2 inseparable

Конец формы

6. Начало формыOur society should punish ___ politicians.
1 unhonest
2 dishonest

Конец формы

7. Начало формыShe was fired because she was ___.
1 unefficient
2 inefficient

Конец формы

8. Начало формыWe couldn't understand why he made such ___ remarks.

Конец формы

9. Начало формыIt's ___ to shout at people in the street.
1 impolite
2 unpolite

Конец формы

10. Начало формыThat teacher feels awful when ___ visitors come to attend her class.
1 inexpected
2 unexpected

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