Now complete these questions. — КиберПедия 

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Now complete these questions.

2017-11-22 368
Now complete these questions. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Did Raigul use to eat meat? Yes she did, but now she eats fish.


5. white bread? __________________ Yes he did, but now he eats brown bread.

6. tinned fruit? _____________________ Yes she did, but now she eats fresh fruit.

7. tap water? ______________________ Yes she did, but now she drinks bottled water.


Now complete these sentences.

Raigul didn’t eat fis h, but she does now.

Samat drinks tea now, but he didn’t use to drink it.


8 Zhanat _____________ butter, but she does now.

9 Saule eats fresh fruit now, but she____________________ it.

10 Aigul drinks bottled water now, but she_________________ it.




1. Abyl won a lot of money on the lottery last year.

Look at the following pictures and say what Abyl used to do and what he does now.


Example: Abyl used to live in a small house, but now he lives in a big house.



Last year Now live/small houselive/big house   go to work/by bus go to work/by car   spend holidays/at a camp – site spend holidays/travelling eat /at home eat out    





Work in pairs. Look at pictures A and B. A describes what people used to do in their free time fifty years ago and B describes what people do in their free time nowadays. Ask and answer questions using the phrases in the box.




Example: --- Did people use to watch TV fifty years ago?

--- No, they didn’t.


Watch TV, dress differently, talk to each other a lot, go out at night much, spend more time together, travel by plane



Using the pictures above, complete the text below.


Life was different fifty years ago. People 1) ………………….. (not/have) the things we have nowadays. First of all, they 2)…………………………… (not/watch) TV and they 3) …………………( talk) to each other a lot.

Nowadays, people 4) ……………………… (not/talk) to each other much because they 5)……………………. (spend) a lot of time watching TV. Fifty years ago, people 6)…………………………… (dress) differently. For example, women 7)…………………… (wear) longer dresses and men usually 8)……………………. (wear) a suit and a tie on Sundays …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



At the airport

Work in pairs as student A and student B. You are going to role – play the following situation:


A: You are a customs and immigration officer at an airport and you must check students’ passports, to get the following information. Here are some questions that you might want to ask. Fill in the blanks with the country name they are visiting.

a. Welcome to _________. May I see your passport?

b. Where are you coming from?

c. What is the purpose of your visit?

d. How long are you planning to stay?

e. Where will you be staying?

f. Is this your first time to ________?

g. Do you have anything to declare? Enjoy your stay.


Name Nationality Last country visited Purpose of visit Intended length of stay Location of stay Anything to declare (Y/N) First time (Y/N)

B: You are an exchange programme student visiting a foreign country to study. Answer the immigration officer’s questions giving information about yourself and the purpose of your visit.




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