I. Replace the underlined words with a word that has a similar meaning. — КиберПедия 

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I. Replace the underlined words with a word that has a similar meaning.

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Учебно-методические материалы для студентов

IV курса специальности «Филология»



Нижний Новгород 2010

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета ГОУ ВПО НГЛУ.

Специальность: «Филология». Дисциплина: «Практический курс иностранного (английского) языка».

УДК 811.111 (075.8)

ББК 81.432.1 – 34=Англ

Т 75

Topical Vocabulary Study = Сборник заданий для изучения тематического словаря: Учебно-методические материалы для студентов IV курса филологического факультета. – Н.Новгород: Нижегородский государственный лингвистический университет им. Н.А.Добролюбова, 2010. – 37 с.

Предлагаемые материалы предназначены для совершенствования лексической стороны речи, а именно для расширения словарного запаса студентов и овладения активным тематическим словарем.


УДК 811.111 (075.8)

ББК 81.432.1 – 34=Англ

Т 75

Составитель К.Г. Голубева, канд. филол. наук, доцент

Рецензент А.Г.Калинина, канд. пед. наук, доцент




Пособие предназначено для студентов IV курса, обучающихся по специальности «Филология», и имеет целью способствовать формированию и развитию навыков чтения, говорения, письма в рамках тем, предусмотренных программой «Практический курс иностранного (английского) языка»: “Upbringing”, “The Teacher’s Profession”, “Education”, “Marriage and Family Relations”, “Youth Problems”.

Пособие состоит из 18 разделов, каждый из которых разделен на глоссарий и практическую часть, включающую упражнения, направленные на совершенствование лексической стороны речи.

Глоссарий обеспечивает расширение словарного запаса студентов за счет углубления знаний о парадигматических и синтагматических связях лексических единиц в системе языка (антонимия, синонимия, словообразование, сочетаемость, употребление предлогов, стилистическая принадлежность).

Активный словарь закрепляется при выполнении практических заданий, иллюстрирующих и тренирующих то, как тематические лексические единицы реализуется в речи, что облегчит их использование в дальнейшем ходе учебного процесса в творческих заданиях типа «Эссе», «Подготовленное высказывание», «Ролевая игра», «Интерпретация текста».






· to bring up – to care for a child, teaching him/her how to behave, until he/she is grown up. SYNS Raise, rear.

1. Note: to bring up or raise? When it is used in British English to talk about caring for a child, raise is slightly more formal than bring up.

2. Note: raise or rear? Raise is more often used to talk about children; rear is more often used to talk about animals.

· generation (the younger generation/the older generation) – all the people who were born at about the same time. SYN. Peer group -a group of people of the same age or social status.

Note: generation or peer group? Your generation is people who are nearer your age than your parents’ or your children’s ages. Your peer group includes the people of your own age that you actually know and are influenced by.

· indispensable – essential;too important to be without.

· to lead to/to result in – to cause a particular situation, to have sth as a result.

· lenient ['li:niənt] (leniency, noun ) – not as strict as expected when punishing sb or when making sure that rules are obeyed. Opp. strict, harsh.

· permissive -allowing or showing a freedomof behavior that many people do not approve of. SYN. indulgent (usually disapproving) –tending to allow sb to have or do whatever they want.

· negligent – failing to give sb enough care or attention, especially when this has serious results, (negligence, noun). SYN. careless.

· indifferent (indifference, noun) having or showing no interest in sb/sth

· to be the cause of -a person, event, or thing that makes something happen. SYN. to be the reason for.

Note: cause for concern, complaint – something that makes it right or fair for you to feel or behave in a particular way.

III. Write a word at the end of the line to describe each of these people.

1. Not strict in the way you punish someone or control their behavior.

2. So important or useful that it is impossible to manage without them.

3. Not taking enough care over something that you are responsible for.

4. Not caring about what is happening, especially about other people’s problems or feelings.

5. Important because it is necessary for life or for doing something.





· Compulsory -something that is compulsory must be done because someone in authority orders you SYN obligatory.

· Extra-mural ( заочный или вечерний ) – extra-mural courses, studies involve students from outside a particular college or university.

· Vocational (профессиональный) vocational training teaches you the skills you need to do a particular job.

· Elective courses – a course that you can choose to study because you are interested in it, while you are studying for a degree in a different subject.

· All-round (development) – good at doing many different things; including many different aspects, subjects or skills; with a wide range of skills or abilities. Noun all-rounder.

· Curriculum (to implement) – the subjects that are included in a course of study or taught in a school, college or university.

· Syllabus (to cover) – a list of the topics and books that students should study in a particular subject at school or college.

· To get knowledge across to sb. – tosucceed in communicating ideas, information to someone else.

UNIT 11.


· Commitment (обязательство) to sth., sb. (to be a big commitment) – the hard work and loyalty that someone gives to an organization, activity etc. or a promise to do something or to behave in a particular way.

· Marital fidelity (to sb.) loyalty to your husband, girlfriend etc.

· Affection ( for sb.) a gentle feeling of love and caring. Adj. affectionate.

· Infatuation – unreasonably strong feelings of love that you only have for a short time, especially for someone that you do not know very well.

· Spiritual affinity (for sb.) a strong feeling that you like and understand someone because you share the same ideas and interests.

· To split up with sb. – to end a marriage or relationship. SYNS to break up, to divorce,

· A marriage of convenience – a marriage that has been agreed for a particular purpose, not because the two people love each other. Opp. a marriage of love. Watch the preposition in the phrases: “a marriage of love/convenience.” But “to marry for love/convenience.”

· To fall short of/not to come up to one’s expectations – not to be as good or as successful as you expected.

· Inevitable (divorce) – certain to happen and impossible to avoid.

· To weigh much with sb. – to influence a result or decision. SYNS to affect, to influence, to impact on.

· To be a blow to/for sb. – a sudden problem or event which has a damaging effect on sb., causing sadness or disappointment.

· Family tensions – a situation in which people do not trust each other, or feel unfriendly towards each other, and which may cause them to attack each other.

· Incompatible – two people who are incompatible have completely different characters so that it is difficult for them to have a good relationship.


UNIT 16.


· Nihilism ['naiəlizәm] – the idea that all social and political institutions should be destroyed. Noun nihilist, adj. nihilistic.

· Frustration – the feeling of being annoyed, upset, or impatient, because you cannot control or change a situation, or achieve something.

· Drug-addiction (dependency) – the need to have something regularly because you are addicted to it. Adj. addictive.

· To abuse [ə'bju:z] (disapproving) to deliberately use something for the wrong purpose; to treat something, especially power or knowledge, as an opportunity to gain an advantage for yourself; to drink or take so much of something that it harms your health; to treat a person or animal in a cruel or violent way. Noun abuse [ə'bju:s].

· To smuggle – to take something or someone illegally from one country to another. Nouns a smuggler, smuggling.

· To blunt (the senses) – to make a feeling less strong.

· To hush up (sweep under the carpet) – to prevent the public from knowing about something dishonest or immoral.

· To combat – to take action in an organized way in order to oppose something bad or harmful. Noun combat.

To annihilate [ə'naiəleit] to destroy something or someone completely. Noun annihilation.

· Belligerent – very unfriendly or unpleasant. Noun belligerence, belligerency.

· Discontented (with) – unhappy or not satisfied with the situation you are in. Noun discontent.

· (To drink) to excess – to do something too much or too often, so that it may harm you.

· To take to drink – to start drinking a lot of alcohol regularly.

· To have a drinking bout – to have an attack or period of illness.

UNIT 17.


· The inferiority complex – a continuous worrying feeling that you are much less important, cleverer than other people. Adj. inferior. Opp. the superiority complex, adj. superior.

· Impairment – a physical or mental condition that means that a part of your body or brain does not work correctly. Adj. impaired. SYN disability.

· Anxiety [æŋ'zaiəti] the state of feeling nervous or worried; a worry or fear about sth. Adj. anxious.

· To be at risk – to be in a situation where you may be harmed. SYN to be vulnerable..

· To be prone (to psychiatric disorders) – likely to be affected by something unpleasant or to do something bad. People are typically prone to accidents, allergies, infection, depression, doubts, errors and failure. Things and places are typically prone to damp, fog, rotting and vandalism.

· To prosecute – to put somebody on trial for a crime in court. Noun prosecution.

· To rehabilitate [ֽri:ə'biliteit] to help somebody have a normal, useful life again after they have been very ill or in prison for a long time. Noun rehabilitation.

· Contagious – 1.a person who is contagious has a disease that can be passed to another person by touch; 2. a disease that is contagiouscan be passed from person to person by touch. SYNS infectious, catching (an infectious illness can be passed from one person to another, especially through the air you breathe).

· To violate (sanitary rules) – to refuse to obey or keep a law, principle or agreement; to disturb or not respect somebody’s peace or privacy. Noun violation.

· Unchecked – an unchecked activity, illness develops and gets worse because it is not controlled or stopped.

· To contract [kən'trækt] to begin to have an illness. SYN to catch.

· To test for – to get a particular result when a medical test is done on you.

· To undergo (a blood test) – to have something happen to you. People and things typically undergo tests and trials, medical procedures such as operations and examinations, and changes, transformation or metamorphosis.

· To transmit (the virus) to sb. – to pass something from one person to another. Transmit is used especially to talk about passing on diseases, infections and viruses, as well as information or thoughts and feelings. Noun transmission. SYN to infect (Watch the preposition: ‘to be infected with ”)

· To donate one’s blood – to allow doctors to remove blood in order to help somebody who needs it.

UNIT 18.


· A syringe [si'rindζ] – an instrument for taking blood from someone’s body or putting liquid, medicine etc into it, consisting of a hollow plastic tube and a needle.

· Disposable – intended to be used once or for a short time and then thrown away.

· Contaminated – water, food etc that is contaminatedhas dangerous or harmful things in it, such as chemicals or poison.

· Diagnosis [ ֽ daiəg'nəusis] – the discovery of exactly what is wrong with someone or something, by examining them closely.

· Blood transfusion – the process of putting blood form one person into another person’s body.

· To raise money (funds) – to collect money so that you can use it to help people.

· To launch (AIDS prevention campaigns) (especially business or journalism) to start a public activity that has been carefully planned. People in business typically launch an appeal, a bid, a campaign, an enquiry, an initiative, an investigation, an operation, a plan, a project or a programme.

· To safeguard against (to safeguard against AIDS) to protect something from harm or damage.

· To advocate (tough measures) (formal) – to support or recommend sth. publicly.

· Prophylactic [ֽprofi'læktik] – something used to prevent disease. Adj.prophylactic.

· Hygiene ['haidζi:n] – the study and practice of preventing illness or stopping it from spreading by keeping things clean. Adj. hygienic.




I. negligent, permissive, lead to, reason for, indispensable.

II. All are correct, all are correct (wrong), cause for (wrong), uninteresting (wrong), generation and age-group (wrong).

III. Lenient, indispensable, negligent, indifferent, essential.


I. coax, laughed it off, hit it off, reason with, mould.

II. He had her interests at heart. He did his best to reason with her. She didn’t know how to make a stand. She tried to talk him into joining the company. She laughed the situation off.

III. Moulding, put up with, coaxed, made a stand, hit it off.

Note: vigilante [ֽvidζi'lænti] – a member of an official group of people who join together to catch or punish criminals usually because they think the police are ineffective.


I. flexible, impartial, responsible, responsive, patient.

II. Correct: responsible, inconsiderate, patient, impartiality, resourceful.

III. Benevolent, is considerate, amiable, unbiased, be consistent.


I. adjusting, assertion, capture/captured, notified, detained.

II. An incentive, told off, reprimanded him, were summoned to, passed over.

III. Correct: for teaching, a further, put off camping, told the boys off, adjusting to.


I. maintain, took action, keep, forbidden, were taken in hand.

II. Not possible: outlawed, a firm action, forbid, discipline, take.



I. hinder, an official rap over the knuckles, aggravate, give her too much rope, gave in to the pressure, be too hard on Sam, lavished attention on the children, made a fuss, extract obedience through fear, take your irritation out on me.

II. Spoils, lavishes, fault, alienated, hampered.

III. Ove r indulged, spank ed, to smack, to temptation, are pampered, em bittered, on their students.


I. Her behaviour was inconsistent with her beliefs. Her parents were narrow-minded and intolerant. he’s unresponsive. She was resentful at having been left out of the team. I found him arrogant.

II. Resentful, irresponsible, callous, inefficient, intolerant.

III. Hostile, incompetent, peremptory, uninspiring, inconsistency.


I. wrongdoing, offence, gets out of hand, ruthlessly, run absolutely wild, delinquency, rebellious.

II. Immature, disrupted, bullying, mischievous, delinquents.

III. In breach, complacent, truant, tardy, delinquencies, talk back, disrespectful.


I. an adolescent, looks down on, persevering, stand up for, industrious, spoke up for, looked up to.

II. In self-defence, strive, stood, comply, inherent, withdraw, perseverance.

UNIT 10.

I. compulsory, getting his ideas across, elective, all-round, vocational.

II. Extramural, curriculum, syllabus, curriculum, get it across.

UNIT 11.

I. didn’t come up to, affection, split up, affect, blow, fidelity, are totally incompatible

II. convenience, come up, weighed, tensions, affect, blow, infatuation, commitment, inevitable, affinity.

UNIT 12.

I. obsessional, gullible, infatuated, alienated, trifled.

II. Squabbles, declaration, turn him round her little finger, fancy, prelude, romance, dancing attendance, liaisons.

III. A short courtship, row, dating, at first sight, worships, took a real fancy to, played fast and loose with his emotions, love affair.

UNIT 13.

I. spouse, proposed to her, walk out on, consent, beloved, to break off, deserted.

II. Off, out, to, for, to.

UNIT 14.

I. withstood, concessions, pull, homely, supportive.

II. In to, on, out, up, to, to, to.

UNIT 15.

I. crude, unscrupulous, was brought to his wife’s heel, peevish, aversion, submissive, has been cheating on him.

II. Treacherous, self-assured, quarrelsome, tyrant, unforgiving.

III. Fretting, alimony, withdraw, custody, sulking, ill-bred.

UNIT 16.

I. addictive, belligerent, discontented, drinking, nihilism.

II. Frustration, annihilate, hushed, addiction, smuggle.

III. Take to drink, abuse, combat, blunted, to excess.

UNIT 17.

I. impairment, catching, contracted, transmission, anxiety.

II. At, to,-, for, for.

III. Contagious, underwent, superior, unchecked, tested for, rehabilitating, transmitted, violated.

UNIT 18.

I. safeguard, diagnosis, contaminated, advocate, hygienic.

II. Transfusion, raising, prophylactic, launch, disposable.






Учебно-методические материалы для студентов

IV курса специальности «Филология»



Нижний Новгород 2010

Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета ГОУ ВПО НГЛУ.

Специальность: «Филология». Дисциплина: «Практический курс иностранного (английского) языка».

УДК 811.111 (075.8)

ББК 81.432.1 – 34=Англ

Т 75

Topical Vocabulary Study = Сборник заданий для изучения тематического словаря: Учебно-методические материалы для студентов IV курса филологического факультета. – Н.Новгород: Нижегородский государственный лингвистический университет им. Н.А.Добролюбова, 2010. – 37 с.

Предлагаемые материалы предназначены для совершенствования лексической стороны речи, а именно для расширения словарного запаса студентов и овладения активным тематическим словарем.


УДК 811.111 (075.8)

ББК 81.432.1 – 34=Англ

Т 75

Составитель К.Г. Голубева, канд. филол. наук, доцент

Рецензент А.Г.Калинина, канд. пед. наук, доцент




Пособие предназначено для студентов IV курса, обучающихся по специальности «Филология», и имеет целью способствовать формированию и развитию навыков чтения, говорения, письма в рамках тем, предусмотренных программой «Практический курс иностранного (английского) языка»: “Upbringing”, “The Teacher’s Profession”, “Education”, “Marriage and Family Relations”, “Youth Problems”.

Пособие состоит из 18 разделов, каждый из которых разделен на глоссарий и практическую часть, включающую упражнения, направленные на совершенствование лексической стороны речи.

Глоссарий обеспечивает расширение словарного запаса студентов за счет углубления знаний о парадигматических и синтагматических связях лексических единиц в системе языка (антонимия, синонимия, словообразование, сочетаемость, употребление предлогов, стилистическая принадлежность).

Активный словарь закрепляется при выполнении практических заданий, иллюстрирующих и тренирующих то, как тематические лексические единицы реализуется в речи, что облегчит их использование в дальнейшем ходе учебного процесса в творческих заданиях типа «Эссе», «Подготовленное высказывание», «Ролевая игра», «Интерпретация текста».






· to bring up – to care for a child, teaching him/her how to behave, until he/she is grown up. SYNS Raise, rear.

1. Note: to bring up or raise? When it is used in British English to talk about caring for a child, raise is slightly more formal than bring up.

2. Note: raise or rear? Raise is more often used to talk about children; rear is more often used to talk about animals.

· generation (the younger generation/the older generation) – all the people who were born at about the same time. SYN. Peer group -a group of people of the same age or social status.

Note: generation or peer group? Your generation is people who are nearer your age than your parents’ or your children’s ages. Your peer group includes the people of your own age that you actually know and are influenced by.

· indispensable – essential;too important to be without.

· to lead to/to result in – to cause a particular situation, to have sth as a result.

· lenient ['li:niənt] (leniency, noun ) – not as strict as expected when punishing sb or when making sure that rules are obeyed. Opp. strict, harsh.

· permissive -allowing or showing a freedomof behavior that many people do not approve of. SYN. indulgent (usually disapproving) –tending to allow sb to have or do whatever they want.

· negligent – failing to give sb enough care or attention, especially when this has serious results, (negligence, noun). SYN. careless.

· indifferent (indifference, noun) having or showing no interest in sb/sth

· to be the cause of -a person, event, or thing that makes something happen. SYN. to be the reason for.

Note: cause for concern, complaint – something that makes it right or fair for you to feel or behave in a particular way.

I. Replace the underlined words with a word that has a similar meaning.

1. The report stated that Dr Brady had been careless in not giving the patient a full examination.

2. Parents who are too indulgent spoil their children.

3. The bank designed an investment programme that will result in the creation of hundreds of new jobs.

4. The root cause of the crime problem is poverty.

5. Cars have become an essential part of our lives.

II. Cross out any words in italics which are not possible. All three may be possible.

1. He was brought up/raised/reared by his grandmother.

2. Mothers are sometimes less permissive/tolerant/indulgent towards daughters.

3. The reason for/pretext for/cause for his misbehavior was his parents’ rudeness.

4. Public opinion remained largely indifferent to/uninteresting in/unimpressed by the issue.

5. He started smoking because of peer-group/generation/age-group pressure.

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