Read the conversations and answer the questions below. Make up your own conversations using these models. — КиберПедия 

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Read the conversations and answer the questions below. Make up your own conversations using these models.

2017-11-22 591
Read the conversations and answer the questions below. Make up your own conversations using these models. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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I. The Student Service Center


1. What subject did John fail?

2. What advise did Bob give to John?

John: I’m having a terrible time in my Russian class. The mid-term test scores have been posted, and I failed dismally.

Ben.: Oh, I could help you in math or chemistry, but not in foreign languages.

John: I’m just at my wits’ end.

Ben: Why don’t you get a tutor?

John: A tutor?

Ben: Yeah, in the Student Service Center, they have lists of people who are willing to teach subjects they understand very well.

John: Do you think there would be anyone who could help me with my Russian?

Ben: Why not? There might be a Russian exchange student or a graduate student in the Russian department who needs spare cash.

John: Is it very expensive?

Ben: It doesn’t cost at all.

John: But you just said that a student who needs money...

Ben: I mean it doesn’t cost you anything at all. The Student Service
Center pays their tutors from some grant they get.

John: Wow! Maybe there’s hope for me after all. Thanks for the infor-mation.


2. Requirements for the Course


1. What kind of options are offered for the final exams?

2.What are the requirements for writing the research paper?

3. What option did Andrew choose as a final exam?


Andrew: Dr. Anderson, could you please clarify the requirements for this course? Some of us are a little bit confused about the final examination.

Dr. Anderson: Oh? Well, you have two options in this course. You can either take a final examination or you can write a research paper instead.

Andrew: Excuse me, Dr. Anderson. That’s the point I need you to clarify. What kind of research paper did you have in mind? An original study? А report? A book review, perhaps?

Dr. Anderson: A report. A summary really, based upon current research in the field.

Andrew: How long should the reports be?

Dr. Anderson: Length is really not important. I should think that it would take at least ten pages in order to develop the topic, however.

Andrew: And should we check the topic with you before we begin writing?

Dr. Anderson: You may, if you wish. But the only requirement is that it relate to current trends in United States foreign policy. Are you considering writing a paper, Andrew?

Andrew: I’m not sure. I think that I’d like to know a little bit more about the examination.

Dr. Anderson: All right. One hundred multiple-choice questions covering both the lectures and the outside readings.

Andrew: Didn’t you say that you would give us one hour for the examination?

Dr. Anderson: Yes, I did.

Andrew: I’m going to do the paper, then.

2*. Role-play the following situations:

1. You are interested in studying at one of the universities in the USA. Find the necessary information about the courses offered on the web-site Exchange opinions with your partner.

You are a member of the Russian students’ delegation visiting the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the USA. Ask for information about the Institute’s courses, degrees, tuition fee and functioning.

3.* Find on the Internet information about the prestigious universities mentioned in the text The System of Higher Education in the USA. Give a five-minute presentation for your group using tips given in the Appendix I.

4.* Find on the Internet information about the system of higher education in other English Speaking Countries. Make a short presentation for your group using tips given in the Appendix I.

5.*Make the project. Compare the US system of higher education to that one in Great Britain and Russia. The following table will help you:


Aspects of higher education Russia Great Britain The USA
1.Types of higher schools      
2.Qualifications for admission to higher institutions      
3.Duration of study      
4.Duration of term      
5.Methods of instruction      
6.Choosing of the subjects (compulsory, majors, elective)      
7. Method of assessment      
10. Tuition Fee      
11. Ouality of Education      



1. Listen to the text A University Degree on

Do the tasks given to this text.


Variant 1


1. Match the equivalents:


1. less

2. the most perspective

3. busier

4. more experienced

5. narrow

6. worse

7. the cheapest

8. later

9. the most complicated

10. the brightest


a. более занятый b. узкий c. хуже d. более поздний e. самый сложный f. самый яркий g. более опытный h. самый перспективный i. меньше j. самый дешевый


2. Fill in the gaps:

1. The professor __ a complicated experiments last week.

a) make b) was making c) was made d) made

2. English universities ___greatly from each other.

a) differs b) differ c) are differing d) were differing

3. Tomorrow at 9 o’clock they __ an exam in Higher Mathematics.

a) will be taking b)) will take c) make d) will be taken

4. New language courses __by our teachers these days.

a) are developing b) were developed c) are being developed d) are developed

5. What film __ when we came back?

a) watched they b) are they watched c) were they watched d) were they being watched

6. My friends _______the reasons of changing the major with their tutor the whole morning.

a) discussed b) was being discussing c) was discussed d) were discussing

7. The Open University _____in 1971.

a) was founding b) founded c) was founded d) is founded

8. On graduation from the community colleges American students __only an «associate degree».

a) are awarded b) are being awarded c) were awarded d) are awarding

9. They __ on their project in a week.

a) work b) will work c) will be working d) will be worked

10. Mr Brown ___a scientific report at the international at the moment.

a) was making b) made c) is making d) makes

3. Choose the appropriate translation of «it» from the list below:


A. именно

B он, она, оно, его, ее

C. не переводится

D.формальное дополнение

E. это


1. It is my best friend who speaks four foreign languages.

2. It is necessary to have a language certificate in order to study at one of the British universities.

3. He finds it useful to go to the south in summer.

4. This is a new textbook. Take it, please.

5. It is this college in the USA I want to continue my study.


4. Choose the appropriate translation of «one» from the list below:

A. один

B. заменитель существительного

C. не переводится


1. One should earn a certain number of «credits» to receive a degree at the end of four years of college in the USA.

2. We must do only one project.

3. The chance is too good a one to be lost.

4. One can have a good knowledge of many subjects to become a good specialist.

5. Last year I took part in various Russian conferences, but my brother took part in some international ones.



5. Choose the appropriate translation of «that (those)» from the list below:

A. что

B. который

C. именно

D. тот/этот

E. заменитель существительного.

F. то, что


1. Do you know those foreign students?

2. The aim of this project is that these inventions should be useful for many people.

3. It is the high qualification of future specialists that will determine the scientific and technological progress of any country.

4. The course of training for bachelors differs from that of the masters.

5. It was our professor that won the grant.

6. It is known that the good knowledge of Russian language for foreign students is the basis for the study of all subjects at the university.

7. Can you answer all those questions which the professor asked?

8. That the profession of an engineer requires a good training is a well-known fact.

9. There are many interesting articles in textbook, read those on your specialty.

10. The lesson that you taught last week was very interesting.

Variant 2


1.Complete the gaps with the words below:

a) less talented

b) more hard -working

c) boring

d) the farthest

e) further

f) the last

g) the most informative

h) better

i) more

j) the most frequent


1. All my friends say that this lecture is so ___.

2. It was ___ seminar I’ve ever attended.

3. Mr Harris was ___ to make report at the conference.

4. The scientists can’t continue their ___ research because of lack of financial aid.

5. Alex is ___ than his colleague.

6. This textbook is ___ than that one.

7. The more he collects data the ___ he becomes in his investigation.

8. It was __ journey he has ever been able to do in his life.

9. It was ___ question we’ve heard from our group mate.

10. This student doesn’t study very well but he is ….



2. Fill in the gaps:

1. What time ___you usually__to the Institute?

a) are going b) go c) do go d) will go

2. Our scientists always __ a great contribution to the development of world development science and technology.

a) make b) are making c) are made d) were making

3. Last semester he __ in Theoretical Mechanics.

a) was failing b) fails c) failed d) was fail

4. The department __ tests on new materials for two weeks.

a) do conduct b) will be conducting c) will conduct d) will be conducted

5. Why __ they still ____ the first report?

a) do discuss b) are discussing c) did discuss d) were discussing

6. We ____measurements and ____the data when our scientific adviser came.

a) made, recorded b) are making, are recording c) make, record d) were making, were recording

7. The students’ term papers __ by the teacher next week.

a) won’t be corrected b) won’t correct c) aren’t corrected d) don’t correct

8. Preparations for the final exam __ for a whole day yesterday.

a) are made b) were being made c) were made d) were making

9. Don’t enter the room! The students of the second year __now.

a) are being examined b) are examined c) were being examined d) are examining

10. A new task __ to me by professor every week.

a) is given b) is giving c) is being given d) give c) will give


3. Choose the appropriate translation of «it» from the list below:


A. именно

B он, она, оно, его, ее

C.не переводится

D. формальное дополнение

E. это


1. I find it useful to revise the material studied from time to time.

2. Look at this new hostel. It was built last year.

3. It is the intensive German language course that I am planning to register for.

4. Scientists think it is a good idea to force yourself to do new things.

5. It is common knowledge that B.A./B.S. is awarded after four years of study at the university.


4. Choose the appropriate translation of «one» from the list below:


A. один

B. заменитель существительного

C. не переводится


1. One must pass all exams well to get scholarship.

2. The general opinion was that this project wasn’t a successful one.

3. One book from this library attracted my attention.

4. I’ve found only one person with such unusual name.

5. One should mention that it’s a very controversial issue.


5. Choose the appropriate translation of «that (those)» from the list below:


A. что

B. который

C. именно

D. тот/этот

E. заменитель существительного.

F. то, что


1. It is known that the academic year is divided into two terms in Russian universities.

2. That Cambridge is one of the prestigious higher schools in the world nobody doubted.

3. It is this research laboratory that is equipped with the most expensive machine tools.

4. The higher education in Great Britain differs in many ways from that in other countries.

5. Do you know the name of that student who is speaking with the teacher now?

6. The questions that students discussed on the previous lesson were really of great importance.

7. That theory is combined with practical training is a very good tradition of our educational system.

8. Everybody knows that Professor Smirnov is the head of the biggest scientific center in our city.

9. One of the main problems of higher education in Russia is that graduates often cannot get a job on specialty.

10. That new sport center is very popular among students.


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