Герундий употребляется после глаголов — КиберПедия 

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Герундий употребляется после глаголов

2017-11-22 243
Герундий употребляется после глаголов 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1) to avoid – избегать

to enjoy – получать удовольствие

to excuse – извиняться

to forgive – прощать

to postpone- отложить

to fear – бояться

to forget – забывать

to prefer – предпочитать

to like – любить

to dislike – не любить

to hate – ненавидеть

to require – требовать

to need – нуждаться

to suggest – предлагать

to propose – предлагать

to mind – возражать


Example: Do you mind my opening the window?

Excuse my being late.


2) to give up – бросать

to go on – продолжать

to complain of – жаловаться

to suspect of – подозревать

to think of – думать

to insist on – настаивать

to agree to – соглашаться

to rely on – надеяться, полагаться

to thank for – благодарить

to succeed in – преуспевать

to feel like – чувствовать, хотеть

to look like – выглядеть

to depend on – зависеть

to look forward to – с нетерпением ждать

to be proud of – гордиться

to be fond of – любить, увлекаться

to be sure of – быть уверенным

to be tired of – устать

to be worth – быть стоящим

can’t help – не мог не…

to keep on – продолжать

to object to – возражать


Example: This concert is worth visiting.

I’m proud of your becoming a real man.

Упражнение 1. Переведите предложения, определите функцию герундия.

1. Be careful crossing the street. 2. Smoking is not allowed in this room. 3. He is fond of walking. 4. Swimming against the current was dangerous. 5. He enjoyed sleeping in the open air. 6. Their leaving be­fore the end of the concert attracted attention. 7. I insist on your an­swering them immediately. 8. He left the room without saying a word. 9. He stopped writing and looked up at me. 10. I have not much time for reading now. 11. He was fond of skiing in winter. 12. This student made good progress by working hard at the problem. 13. I enjoy studying with him. 14. He is tired of learning the new words.


Упражнение 2. Найдите герундий и переведите предложения.

1. I enjoyed reading this book. 2. Excuse me for coming so late. 3. I object to your crying so loud. 4. She went out without saying a word. 5. I am fond of reading. 6. It is no use waiting any longer. 7. But you keep on making mistakes. 8. She went on living in the country. 9. I wish you'd stop boasting. 10. She was sure of his coming in time.


Упражнение 3. Закончите следующие предложения, употребив герундий.

1. Go on.... 2. He stopped.... 3. He couldn't help.... 4. We all enjoyed... 5. Have you finished...? 6. You won't go without.... 7. The film is worth.... 8. She is fond of.... 9. The girl is rather good at.... 10. I don't mind....

(to read, to write, to laugh, to walk, to work, to say, to see, to paint, to dance, to open).


Упражнение 4. Определите форму герундия и его синтаксическую функцию.

1. The idea of studying English came to his mind when he was a boy. 2. The teacher insisted on learning new words every day. 3. I remember having read the “Book for Parents” at the Institute. 4. In spite of being almost not educated parents wanted very much to see their son well-educated. 5. There is no hope of our completing the translation soon. 6. His having received an excellent mark at the examination was quite un­expected. 7. Solving difficult problems is his favourite occupation.


Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения, определите форму герундия.

1. We were surprised at hearing that he had refused to take part in the scientific conference. 2. This student achived great results by working hard. 3. There are two solving this task. 4. Reading is his favourite occupation. 5. Every one now began listening to the receding of the topic. 6. He gave up smoking last year.


Упражнение 6. Переведите предложения, определите форму и функцию герундия.

1. This student made good progress by working hard at the problem. 2. He is tied of learning the worlds. 3. His name became known for his having developed a new system of education and upbringing of children. 4. The idea of studying English came to his mind when he was boy. 5. She insisted on learning new words every day. 6. I remember having read the book. 7.There is no hope of our completing the translation soon. 8. I remember having used this method before. 9. Solving difficult problems is his favourite occupation. 10. The idea of creating a stage rocket belongs to Tsiolkovsky. 11. His having received an excellent mark at the examination was quite unexpected. 12. By sending up first satellite we made the first step towards realizing space flights.


Упражнение 7. Употребите глаголы в скобках в форме герундия.

1. Do you think this film is worth …? (to see). 2. He insisted on … with my essay (to help). 3. His … an excellent mark in literature was unexpected (to receive). 4. We remember our … him about stutients' construction teams of our Institute (to tell).


Упражнение 8. Переведите предложения, употребив герундий.

1. Он любит чтение книг. 2. Лебедев перестал посещать занятия по русскому языку. 3. Вы думаете, эту книгу стоит читать? 4. Преподаватель знает, что студенты организуют вечер. 5. Он не мог не смеяться, глядя на нее. 6. Вы не возражаете, если я возьму эту книгу?


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