The Parliament of the Russian Federation — КиберПедия 

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The Parliament of the Russian Federation

2017-11-22 1504
The Parliament of the Russian Federation 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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The Federal Assembly – the Parliament of the Russian Federation is the representative and legislative body of the Russian Federation. It consists of two chambers: the Federation Council and the State Duma. The Federation Council includes two representatives from each constituent entity of the Russian Federation and the State Duma consists of 450 deputies. The Federal Assembly is a permanently functioning body. The Federation Council and the State Duma sit separately. Their sessions are open, but they have the right to pass the decision to conduct closed sessions. Each chamber forms committees and commissions to hold appropriate hearings. Both chambers set up the Accounts Chamber to monitor implementation of the federal budget.

Federal laws adopted by the State Duma on the following issues must compulsorily be examined by the Federation Council:

- the federal budget;

- federal taxes and levies;

- financial, currency, credit and customs regulation, money emission;

- ratification and denunciation of international treaties of the Russian Federation;

- the status and protection of the state border of the Russian Federation;

- war and peace.

Federation Council also considers a set of other issues. In particular, it approves decisions on changes of borders between constituent entities and sanctions the introduction of martial law and a state of emergency. Without the Federation Council approval, military forces cannot be used outside the country. Within its competence, there is appointment and dismissal of the Prosecutor General and judges of the supreme body of the judicial branch, the deputy Chairman and half of the auditors of the Accounts Chamber. Additionally, the Federation Council has the right of final decision on the impeachment of the President and the announcement of new elections of the President.


The following is within the jurisdiction of the State Duma:

- consent to the appointment of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation by the President of the Russian Federation;

- deciding the issue of confidence in the Government of the Russian Federation;

- appointment and dismissal of the Chairman of the Central Bank, Chairman and half of the auditors of the Accounts Chamber, Commissioner for Human Rights;

- announcement of amnesty;

- bringing charges against the President of the Russian Federation for his impeachment.


The Executivepower is exercised by the government which consists of the Chairman of the Government (the Prime Minister), deputy chairmen and the federal ministers. The Chairman's candidate is appointed by the President with the consent of the State Duma. Should the selected candidate be rejected three times, the President appoints the Prime Minister himself, dissolves the State Duma and announces new elections. Additionally, the Chairman of the Government proposes to the President candidates for the posts of deputy chairmen and the other federal ministers.

The government presents a draft budget to be discussed by the State Duma and it provides its implementation and realization of financial, credit and monetary policies. It carries out measures to ensure the legality, rights and freedoms of the citizens, to protect property, public order and combat crimes. It ensures state security and the realization of foreign policy. The government ensures the implementation of a uniform state policy in the sphere of culture, science, education, social security, health and ecology.


Accounts Chamber Счетная палата

charge n обвинение

closed session закрытое заседание

combat crimes бороться с преступностью

Commissioner for Human Rights уполномоченный по правам человека

compulsorily adv обязательно

denunciation n расторжение (договора)

deputy Chairman помощник председателя

dismissal n увольнение, освобождение от работы

dissolve v распускать, прекращать деятельность

draft budget проект бюджета

implementation n осуществление, выполнение

levy n сбор (налогов); сборы

martial law 1военное положение; 2 закон военного времени

money emission денежная эмиссия, выпуск денег

monitor v контролировать, проверять

Prosecutor General Генеральный прокурор

regulation n 1 регулирование; 2 регламент; 3 упорядочение; credit regulation кредитное регулирование; currency regulation валютное регулирование; customs regulation таможенное регулирование; financial regulation финансовый регламент

social security общественная безопасность

state border государственная граница

state of emergency чрезвычайное положение (в стране)

treaty n договор

Reading tasks

A Answer these questions.

1 What kind of a functioning body is the Federal Assembly?

2 Are there clear limitations of competence in each chamber in the Federal


3 What chamber has the right to conduct closed sessions?

4 What chamber is responsible for the consideration of financial problems?

5 In what connection does the word "impeachment" appear in the text?

6 What does the text say about the insurance of state security?

Whose duty is it?

B Answer these “Whose – right – is – it” questions.

1 …to approve the President's appointment?

2 …to appoint the Accounts Chamber?

3 …to have the final decision on the impeachment of the President?

4 …to dissolve or decline the power of the Government or dissolve the State Duma?

C Choose the most suitable heading from the list A – G for each paragraph of the text. There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.

A. The structure of the Federal Assembly

B. The powers (competence) of the State Duma

C. The laws considered by the Federation Council

D. The appointment of the Chairman of the Government

E. The duties and powers of the government

F. The issues within the jurisdiction of the Federation Council

G. The procedure of no confidence in the government

D Decide which of statements a), b) or c) in the exercise below corresponds exactly to the meaning of the text and best completes each statement.

1 The Russian Parliament consists of…

a) one branch only

b) two chambers

c) several committees.


2 The Federation Council and the State Duma sit…

a) separately

b) together

c) with other governmental subcommittees.


3 Military forces cannot be used outside the country without the approval of…

a) the State Duma

b) the Federation Council

c) the President.


4 Appointment of the Supreme body of the judicial branch is within the competence of…

a) the Chairman of the Government

b) the Federation Council

c) the Treasury.


5 Charges against the President can be used by…

a) the government

b) deputy chairmen

c) the State Duma.


6 The Chairman’s candidate is appointed by…

a) the deputy Chairman

b) the Federation Council

c) the President.

E Read the articles of the Russian Constitution to define the rights and duties of thedeputies of the State Duma.

Article 97

1 Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached 21 years of age and who has the right to participate in elections may be elected deputy of the State Duma.


2 One and the same person may not be simultaneously a member of the Federation Council and a deputy of the State Duma. A deputy of the State Duma may not be a deputy of other representative State government bodies and local government bodies.


3 Deputies of the State Duma shall work on a professional permanent basis. Deputies of the State Duma may not be employed in State service or engaged in other paid activities, except for teaching and scientific and other creative work.

Article 98


1 Members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma shall enjoy immunity during the whole term of their office. They may not be detained, arrested or searched, except in the event of detention at the scene of a crime. They may not be subjected to personal searches, except in instances where this is provided for by federal law in order to ensure the safety of other people.


2 The issue of the removal of immunity shall be resolved by an appropriate chamber of the Federal Assembly upon submission of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.


Article 99


The Federal Assembly shall be a permanently functioning body.

The State Duma shall convene its first session on the thirtieth day after election. The President of the Russian Federation may convene a session of the State Duma earlier than this date.

Language focus

A Put different types of questions so as to get the following answers.

1 The Federal Council approves decisions on charges of borders between the constituent entities.

2 Yes, it is within the competence of the State Duma to appoint and dismiss the Chairman of the Central Bank.

3 No, the Chairman’s candidate is to be approved by the State Duma.

4 Should the selected candidate be rejected three times, the President appoints the Prime Minister himself.

5 Yes, a draft budget is to be discussed by the State Duma.


B Put the words in brackets into the appropriate form, using the passive where necessary.

Federal laws adopted by the State Duma 1) ______ (submit) within five days for examination by the Federation Council. A federal law 2) ______ (consider) to have been approved by the Federal Council if over a half of the total number of members of that chamber 3) ______ (vote) for it or if the Federation Council 4) _ _____ not ______ (examine) it within fourteen days. In the event that the Federation Council 5) ______ (reject) a federal law, the chambers may set up a conciliatory commission to settle differences, after which the federal law 6) ______ (reconsider) by the State Duma.

In the event that the State Duma 7) ______ (disagree) with the decision of the Federation Council a federal law 8) ______ (consider) to have been adopted if in the second vote not less than two thirds of the total number of deputies of the State Duma 9) ______ (vote) in favour of it. If the President of the Russian Federation 10) ______ (reject) a federal law within fourteen days of receiving it, the State Duma and the Federation Council 11) ______ (reconsider) that law in accordance with the procedure established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. If upon reconsideration the law 12) ______ (approve) in the previously adopted wording by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the total number of members of the Federation Council and of deputies of the State Duma, it must 13) ______ (sign) by the President within seven days and promulgated.

Vocabulary tasks

A Match these verbs and nouns as they occur in the text.


  carry out a state border
  appoint b a draft
  approve c closed sessions
  hold d the State Duma
  adopt e measures
  protect f decision
  dismiss g rights, freedoms, legality
  exercise h judges
  announce i hearings
  present j laws
  ensure k new elections
  dissolve l the Prime Minister
  conduct m power


B Choose one of the three topics the following words and phrases belong to.

Topic Words and phrases
  monetary a to retire  
    b proper way of handling money  
    c wealth of state  
  state security d calling to account  
    e guarantee of state  
    f money earning  
  impeachment g being pleased with  
    h saving money  


C Choose an appropriate word from the box to complete each sentence.

аctivity appropriate authorities means mentioned movement ownership property


Federal and local 1) ______ forma single system of the government's executive branch to control the previously 2) ______ issues and to pass the 3) ______ federal and local laws. In Russia they guarantee common economic area, the free 4) ______of goods, services, the financial 5) ______, the support of competition and the freedom of economic activity. They recognize and protect in an equal way the private, state, municipal and other forms of 6) ______. Land and other natural resources are used and protected in Russia as a basis of the life and 7) ______ of the people who live on those territories. Land and other natural resources can be in private, state, municipal and other forms of 8) ______.

D Which house of the Federal Assembly deals with…?

a) peace and war

b) announcing an amnesty

c) appointment and dismissal of the Accounts Chamber

d) ratification and denunciation of international treaties of Russia

e) appointment and dismissal of the Prosecutor General

f) decision on the impeachment of the President

g) federal taxes and charges

Over to you.

1 Compare Russia’s state power structure with that of Great Britain.


2 Speak on the differences between the responsibilities of the two houses of Russia’s Parliament.


3 Describe the system of government in Russia, including the following points:

● The Head of State (appointment, functions and powers, relationship with

other state bodies);

● The Legislature, the Executive (composition, functions and powers,

relationship with other state bodies).

4 Suggest any improvement to the state body structure which could lead to better execution of its laws.

5 Critically examine the role of the Chairman of the Government.

6 Discuss the position and power of the President of the Russian Federation.

7 Comment on the quotation and write a story that must begin with it:

“Even when laws have been written down, they ought not always to remain unaltered”. Aristotle.




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