B. Put one verb in each sentence into the past perfect and the other into the past simple. — КиберПедия 

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B. Put one verb in each sentence into the past perfect and the other into the past simple.

2017-11-17 385
B. Put one verb in each sentence into the past perfect and the other into the past simple. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1.I _____ (not / laugh) at the joke because I _____ (hear) it before.

2. Tom _____ (do) the test before, so he _____ (find) it very easy.

3. Did you catch the train yesterday? – No, it _____ (already / leave) when we _____ (get) to the station.

4. We _____ (leave) the restaurant after we _____ (have) dinner.

5. When I found my wallet I _____ (discover) that somebody _____ (take) the credit cards out of it.

Exercise 2

Choose the correct tense.

1. Suddenly I realized that dictatorships … such overwhelming control over people's lives that they were called totalitarian.

(A) became

(B) had became

(C) has become

(D) had become


2. This year Mr. Black... yet the time to be qualified for the full pension.

(A) has not completed

(B) does not completed

(C) has completed

(D) had not completed


3. No sooner... the commission the case to Prime Minister than he understood that he had to change his decision.

(A) explained

(B) had explained

(C) has explained

(D) have explained


4. Everybody noticed how upset the secretary was. She... the documents of great importance.

(A) looses

(B) has lost

(C) lost

(D) had lost


5. A consumer, who... already enough items of a commodity, was not interested in getting more of it.

(A) bought

(B) has bought

(C) have bought

(D) had bought


6. They... the date of the conference in advance that’s why when planning our business trip we must accept this fixed date.

(A) fixed

(B) have fixed

(C) ‘d fix

(D) had fixed


7. Hardly Elizabeth... with the emergency, when she saw a pile of work on Mr. Bell’s desk.

(A) coped

(B) has coped

(C) had cope

(D) had coped


8. Sally... the letters and memos but the monthly bulletins were still untouched.

(A) already had typed

(B) had already typed

(C) typed already

(D) already typed


9. When the exporter... that the goods … the country the money is then paid to the exporter.

(A) proved … had already left

(B) had prove … had already leaved

(C) had proved … already left

(D) had to prove … have already leaved


10. Simon wasn’t at home when I phoned. He... out.

(A) had went

(B) had gone

(C) has gone

(D) gone


11. Mr. Brown was at the meeting when we arrived, but he... out soon afterwards to discuss the relationship between economic power and political power with us.

(A) had come

(B) came

(C) has come

(D) had came

Practice withthe Past Perfect Continuous

Ask yourself these questions when checking the Past Perfect Continuous.

What kind of action does the Past Perfect Continuous denote?

We couldn’t go out because it had been raining since early

We couldn’t find this letter in the “in” tray because Sally
had not been sorting
the letters for four days and
it was due to come the day before yesterday.

___ earlier past ____

George Duncan had been waiting foran hour, when Mr. Grant

__ past__

agreed to see him.

The consumers had been bargaining over prices for a long time
when the seller made a discount at last.

Bob Hardiman had been working for “Harper & Grant Ltd”
for 30 years when he had to leave the company.

Which tense is usually used with the verbs not admitting of the continuous form?

With the verbs not admitting of the Continuous the Past Perfect is the only tense possible.

The reception girl had seen the stranger for five minutes already

before that man noticed her.

Which tense do we usually use with non-terminative verbs?

With certain non-terminative verbs, such as to live, to work, etc. both the Past Perfect and the Past Continuous are used.

He said he had worked for twenty years. (The fact is emphasized).

He said he had been working for a long time without achieving

final results. (The process is emphasized).

Exercise 1

Complete the sentences using the correct tense.

1. Our group _____ (argue) the difference between economic power and political power for nearly 2 hours when we _____ (realize) that the interest for it _____ (go) down.

2. Before Alfred _____ (make) his speech about the judicial or legislative process, he _____ (discuss) his preliminary research with Dr. Grant and finally he _____ (decide) to alter his report.

3. I knew Prime Minister _____ (examine) the data provided by the Consultant company since he arrived. And now he _____ (be busy) with them as well, he is going to discuss the results with the specialists.

4. The spokesman _____ (argue) about the concept of ‘social order’ with Dr. Grant. for an hour, when he, all of a sudden, _____ (decide) to leave the office.

5. I _____ (know) about different explanations for a social order and what its real basis for several years before I _____ (make) a decision to study this aspect more thoroughly.

Exercise 2

Do it in English:

1. Долгое время я ценил мнение моего коллеги очень высоко, до того как я стал политологом и начал изучать связь между экономической и политической властью.

2. Мы обсуждали то, что механизм свободного рынка отражает и суммирует экономический выбор и все решения, принятые его участниками, в течение двух часов, когда нас неожиданно прервали.

3. Агенты не могли повлиять на принятие решения, потому что комитеты Конгресса играют ключевую роль при рассмотрении документов, представленных в Конгресс с давних времен.

4. Мистер Браун настаивал на своем в течение не­сколь­ких недель, когда, наконец, он понял, что никто не имеет власти решать за других или подменять их решение своим, никто не может назначать себя «голосом общественности».

5.Участники встречи обсуждали проблему диктатуры в течение двух часов, прежде чем они пришли к выводу, что обычно диктаторы захватывают власть силой, а население, которым они управляют «железной рукой», ненавидит их.


Ask yourself these questions when checking adjectives.

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