IX. Перескажите текст урока и воспроизведите диалог. — КиберПедия 

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IX. Перескажите текст урока и воспроизведите диалог.

2017-11-18 1106
IX. Перескажите текст урока и воспроизведите диалог. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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X. Поставьте вопросы на развитие содержания следующих предложений:

1. Mr. Petrov has gone on business. 2. All the passengers enjoyed their flight. 3. My friend went through the Customs at London airport. 4. Our plane landed at Sheremetievo airport at 11 p.m. 5. He had got instructions before he went abroad. 6. Last night I was at the theatre.


XI. Перескажите следующие тексты:

Once a sergeant was giving instructions to his soldiers how to jump out of a plane with a parachute.

A Soldier: What must I do if I find that the parachute doesn't open when I jump out?

Sergeant: Oh, that's all right. You just bring it back and we'll give you another one.

a sergeant сержант; а soldier солдат;

to jump прыгать; а parachute парашют

A train arrived at a border station. The passengers opened their suitcases and waited for the inspection of their things. One of the passengers had a lot of packets of cigarettes in his suit-case. He knew they were not duty-free and he decided to put all of them into his pockets. When his pockets were already full of cigarettes he asked a man at the window, "Will you please take some of these packets and put them into your pockets?" "Why don't you leave them in your suit-case?" asked the passenger. "They must be liable to duty and I wouldn't like to pay duty on them," answered the man. "All right, I'lltake the cigarettes but I shall not give them back to yon." "Why?" "I am a Customs official."

a train поезд; a boder station пограничная станция; an inspection осмотр;

a pocket карман; full полный; why почему; to pay платить


XII. Составьте диалоги на основе следующих ситуаций:

1. Mr. Brown arrived in Moscow on business. He flew to Moscow by TU-154. Mr. Brown felt well during the flight. The plane landed at Sheremetievo airport at 6 p.m. Mr. Petrov came to the airport to meet Mr. Brown. When they were going from the airport Mt. Petrov asked him about the flight.

2. Mr. Smirnov is going to Paris on business. He telephones the Intourist booking-office and asks when they have flights to Paris. The clerk says that there are flights to Paris every other day.

Then Mr. Smirnov books a seat for a plane for Friday and finds out that the plane takes off at 10 a.m. on Fridays. The clerk asks Mr. Smirnov to be at the airport at 10 o'clock.

every other day через день

3. When Mr. Krylov came to the Customs House he saw a lot of passengers there. They were all going through the Customs. The Customs official asked Mr. Krylov what things liable to duty he had. Mr. Krylov answered that his things were all duty free. He also said that all the things were for his own use.


XIII. Перескажите и закончите следующие ситуации:

Last year I was in Great Britain on business. I made two contracts with the British firms and in a few days was leaving London. I decided to fly to Moscow.

When I arrived at the airport there were a lot of passengers there. They were flying to different countries of the world.

After I had done some formalities I went to the Customs House...

to do formalities выполнять формальности

Mr. Smith, a British businessman, phoned me yesterday to say that he wanted to see me. He also said that he had some business points to discuss with me. I made an appointment with him and in an hour he was in my office. After the greetings he said...

a greeting приветствие


XIV. Составьте диалоги или ситуации, используя следующие слова и словосочетания:

1.Russia, different countries, to have business relations, representatives, to go abroad, to place an order, raw materials, manufactured goods;

2. to go abroad, by plane, to arrive, an airport, to go through the Customs, to register, to fill in, a declaration, to declare;

3. to arrive, an airport, in time, to take off, a passenger, to get on, a jet-liner, to join, a flight;

4. e-mail, to receive, to meet, a friend, to find out, the number of the flight, to get to, an airport.


XV. Выполните следующие задания:

1. Mr. Brown has arrived in Moscow on business. You have an appointment with Mr. Brown at the Ministry. Receive Mr. Brown at your office and speak to him about his flight from London to Moscow.

2. You are going to New Delhi on business. Telephone the Intourist booking-office and book a seat for a plane.

3. You are in London. You've got instructions to buy chemical equipment. Contact Mr. Scott and tell him what points you'd like to discuss with him. Make an appointment with him.

4. Your office is interested in buying computers. Meet a representative of Tailor and Co. and discuss the prices and the terms of delivery with him.


XVI. Сделайте сообщения на следующие темы:

1.Going abroad. 2. At the Customs House. 3. At the booking-office.




Grammar: 1.Дополнительные придаточные предложения,

вводимые союзом that и союзным местоимением what.

2.Дополнительные придаточные предложения,
вводимые союзами if и whether.

3.Прямая и косвенная речь.

4.Придаточные предложения причины.

Revision: 1.Дополнительные придаточные предложения.

2. Глаголы to say, to speak, to tell.


I. Дополнительные придаточные предложения, вводимые союзом that и союзным местоимением what

Если слово "что" является членом дополнительного придаточного предложения, то оно переводится союзным местоимением what и стоит под ударением в отличие от союза that, который не является членом придаточного предложения и поэтому часто опускается.

I don't know what he did yesterday. Я не знаю, что он делал вчера.

I know that he did this work Я знаю, что он сделал эту работу

yesterday. вчера.

I know he did this work yesterday. Я знаю, что он сделал эту работу


II. Дополнительные придаточные предложения, вводимые союзами if и


Дополнительные придаточные предложения, помимо союза that, союзных местоимений и наречий, могут также вводиться союзами if или whether.

Придаточные предложения, введенные этими союзами, соответствуют русским придаточным предложениям с частицей "ли".

I don't know if he has booked a seat for the plane.

I don't know whether he has booked Я не знаю, заказал ли он билет на

a seat for the plane. самолет.

He asked whether Mr. Sokolov would Он спросил, поедет ли г-н Соколов

go on business in August. в августе в командировку.

Примечание. Если имеются два однородных дополнительных придаточных предложения, то одно из них вводится союзом if, а другое — whether, и соединяются они союзом or.

Will you, please, ask the secretary if Mr. Nosov is still in or whether he has gone to the factory.

Спросите, пожалуйста, у секретаря, у себя ли г-н Носов или он уже уехал на завод.

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