Переведите в письменной форме абзацы 2, 4, 6. — КиберПедия 

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Переведите в письменной форме абзацы 2, 4, 6.

2017-10-21 506
Переведите в письменной форме абзацы 2, 4, 6. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Заполните пропуски соответствующей формой глагола to be, to have.

1. This boy … my brother. 2. … this their office? 3. There … a lot of toys under the table. 4. There … two chairs and a table in his study. 5. When do you usually … dinner. 6. She … a lot of work to do last week.


Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами по смыслу, где это необходимо.

1. How did you get … there? 2. Don’t go … that room, please. 3. Go … the blackboard, please. 4. When does your son come … home? 5. He is going … write … me … a week. 6. When do you usually get … the office? 7. They often give … me books to read. 8. Mary, give these books … Jack, please. 9. They returned … home in the evening. 10. I lived near my office last year. I always walked … there.


5. Заполните пропуски прилагательными в соответствующей степени сравнения:

1. Is it (dark) in our room than in theirs? 2. February is (short) month of the year. 3. That book is difficult for you. Take this one. It’s (easy). 4. Are you (young) than your sister? 5. This is (interesting) film I have ever seen. 6. It was (good) day of my life. 7. What is (short) way to Westminster Abbey?

6. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя модальные глаголы can, must, may, should, have to и их эквиваленты. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. You … not smoke in the dining- room. 2. Little children … go to bed early. 3. Mary … to make a very important decision. 4. … you come to my place tomorrow. 5. If you are ill, you … consult a doctor. 6. They … learn the new words regularly. 7. I don’t know exactly if we … come at 6 o’clock.

8. Children … to play in the garden tomorrow. 9. You … open the window, it’s hot here. 10. … you speak English five years ago?


7. Напишите предложения в вопросительной, а затем в отрицательной форме и переведите их на русский язык:

1. My aunt was very depressed last Sunday.

2. I have been living in St. Petersburg since childhood.

3. She has been ill for two weeks.

4. My sister spent a lot of money yesterday.

5. He had written a letter by 5 o’clock yesterday.



Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.

1. We already (to cover) about ten miles when Peter suddenly exclaimed: “Here is the station!” 2. He (to be) here five minutes ago, but you (to be) out. 3. We could not go out because it (to rain) hard since early morning. 4. She (to teach) at our school for twenty years now. 5. Ring me up as soon as (to come) home.


  1. Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами по смыслу, где это необходимо.

1. London is the capital … Great Britain. 2. The embankments … the Neva are faced with granite. 3. It is clear … me that you don’t know your lesson. 4. My birthday is … the ninth of July. 5. He was devoted … his friend. 6. I explained … the teacher that by the end … the lesson I had not finished the translation … the text and that’s why I had not handed it … him.



  1. Переведите на английский язык.

a. ножка стола

b. ножом

c. нарисовано моим братом

d. слушайте меня

e. через час

f. по улице

Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в нужном времени.

1. Рабочий день моего дяди начинается рано утром. 2. Если я не помогу ему, он не напишет контрольную работу завтра. 3. Я только что была у зубного врача и чувствую себя намного лучше. 4. Моя бабушка готовит обед с двух часов. 5. Где Нина? – Она уже два часа дома. 6. Они уже десять лет живут в Нью-Йорке.


Вариант 4


1. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на следующие вопросы:


1. Who earns the most?

2. Why do Tesco’s employ older people?

3. How long has Cathy been flying balloons?

4.What is Terry’s philosophy on life?


Tom Hopperton is one of 1,200 over-65s working for the supermarket, Tesco. He’s been working there for fifteen months. Before that he was a plumber for thirty years.

Tom skates about five miles a day around the store fetching things for customers who realize that they’ve forgotten something only when they’ve reached the checkout till. He earns 4.50 pounds an hour.

“ I just love the job. I help the customers, so they’re usually very nice to me. I’ve always liked meeting people. And it keeps me fit. I can’t sit at home doing nothing. I’d just die. I have to keep busy. Time goes really quickly. Every day is different. “

Tesco’s made the decision to employ people of all ages. It sees the advantages of older workers who are more calm authoritative when they are dealing with customers.

“ When I saw this job advertised, I didn’t believe they’d give it to me, “ says Tom. “ I went in to see them because I thought they would be put off by my age if I just phoned. I wanted them to see that I am very lively for my age.”

For 25 years Terry Cemm was a policeman, but for the last seventeen years he has been walking up and down five miles of beach every day, looking for things that might be useful to someone. Terry’s a beachcomber.

Nearly everything in his cottage has come from the sea – chairs, tables, even tins of food. What’s the most unusual thing he has ever found? “ A barrel of beer just before Christmas. That was nice, “ he remembers. He finds lots of bottles with messages in them, mainly from children. They all get a reply if there is an address in the bottle. Shoes? “ If you find one, you’ll find the other the next week,” he says.

But does he really make a living? “Half a living,” he replies. I barter with a lot of things I find, and I have my police pension. But I don’t actually need money. My life is rich in variety.”

Terry seems to be a very happy man. “You have to find a way to live a simple, honest life. People spend all their lives chasing things they don’t really need. There’s so much waste.”

“Some people say I’m mad,” says Terry. “But there are a lot more who’d like to do what I do.” Look at me. I’ve got everything that I could possibly want.”

Cathy Moorhead has only ever had one job. She has never wanted to do anything but be in a hot air balloon, going where the wind takes her, listening to the birds, and watching deer and small animals below her.

And she gets paid for it, about 25,000 pounds a year. “I’ve been flying balloons since I was 10, and I have done it professionally for twelve years. I fly between 10 and 20 passengers in different balloons.” The flights usually last an hour, and they go early in the morning or just before sunset. “The trips are always mystery tours,” she says. “I never know where we’re going to land.”

She starts work about 6 a.m., and works anything from 15 hours a day to nothing, if the weather is bad. “We can’t fly if it’s too windy, if visibility is poor, or if it’s raining. The balloon gets too heavy and the passengers get wet.” What’s the best thing about the job? “The job itself. I love being out in the countryside and I hate routines. So this is heaven for me.”



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