Arrange the sentences of the last paragraph in the right order. — КиберПедия 

Археология об основании Рима: Новые раскопки проясняют и такой острый дискуссионный вопрос, как дата самого возникновения Рима...

Механическое удерживание земляных масс: Механическое удерживание земляных масс на склоне обеспечивают контрфорсными сооружениями различных конструкций...

Arrange the sentences of the last paragraph in the right order.

2017-10-16 425
Arrange the sentences of the last paragraph in the right order. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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5. Read the text again and find the words that mean the same as the following definitions.

a. a property of something that dictates its potential for change;

b. a fundamental force through which masses attract one another;

c. a means of transmitting a force at a distance;

d. light manifesting as a particle;

e. physical substance in general that everything in the world consists of;

f. a property that is equivalent to the number of atoms or amount of energy that something contains;

g. to be destroyed gradually by natural processes;

h. to move in continuous circles, going upwards or downwards;

i. a lift, pull or push, causing the motion of something to change;

j. a fundamental particle, three of which combine to make up protons and neutrons.


In pairs, discuss and write definitions for the following terms from the text. Use a dictionary to help you.









curve (n)

7. Fill the gaps with the new words:

Decay, boson, subatomic, mass, energy, muons, stable, magnet, curve, release, gravity


a. The __________ of a substance doesn’t change with temperature or location in space.

b. The__________ of light is transformed directly into electricity in photocells.

c. Ernest Rutherford was the first to suggest that radioactivity was the result of atomic __________.

d. Although simple harmonic motion is predictable and __________, adding even small extra forces can destabilize it and may precipitate catastrophe.

e. Not all__________ particles are charged, however.

f. Hold two__________ close to one another, you can feel them repel.

g. Every body has a centre of__________.

h. __________ are much heavier than electrons but lighter than taus.

i. The ball__________ through the air.

j. Intense heat is__________ in the reaction.

k. The Higgs__________ is called ‘God particle’.


Charge, infinitesimal, dominate, discrete, beam, spiral, track

a. If the gap is small compared with the distance between the waves then the rounded edges __________ the pattern and the transmitted wave may look almost semi-circular.

b. Using together Heiesenberg’s matrix mechanics and Schrodinger’s wave equation was fundamentally difficult because one was__________ and the other continuous.

c. Turn the quarks into antiquarks by flipping their__________, and you’ve made an antineutron.

d. On some surfaces the __________ of the particles became unstable, and they fell off the edge.

e. During the experiment the__________ traces of poison were found.

f. The time the __________ takes to travel to the Moon and back can be used to calculate the distance to the Moon.

g. The plane__________ down the ground.


Look at the four lettered spaces in the text (A),(B),(C),(D) that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage. Where would this sentence best fit?

The biggest difference between leptons and quarks is that leptons don’t have color charges, and therefore aren’t affected by the strong force.

9. Which of the sentences below expresses the summary of the text:

· Standard Model is a quite table of all elementary particles;

· Standard Model is an attempt to create a unified theory;

· Standard Model is a theoretical structure of interactions of all elementary particles.

Choose the phrase which could replace parts of these phrases.

A. Color charge has nothing to do

1. Isn’t connected with the light spectra;

2. Doesn’t have anything in common with colors of light;

3. Isn’t carried by light;

B. Fundamental forces are mediated

1. are influenced;

2. are suppressed;

3. are balanced;

C. fitting gravity comfortably into this framework

1. including gravity into Standard Model;

2. adding gravity to Standard Model;

3. making gravity suitable for the requirements of Standard Model.

For each set find one word mentioned in the text that will fit all sentences.


a) The anti-electron has its own name, position. It’s a___________of common knowledge.

b) ___________is made of atoms and atoms are made of electrons and quarks exchanging photons and gluons.

c) No___________ when particle and antiparticle meet, their motion in complex time cancels out and they combine into photon which has zero movement in time.


a) The fusion process is in ___________of powering the stars.

b) The biggest difference between lepton and quarks is that leptons don’t have color ___________.

c) The battery is on ___________.


a) The ___________of the transmitter of the next generation may increase by 20 per cent.

b) The movement of this asteroid is still beyond the ___________of vision.

c) Since W and Z bosons can’t move very far their ___________of the weak force is very small.


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