The Structure of Social Interaction — КиберПедия 

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The Structure of Social Interaction

2017-10-16 436
The Structure of Social Interaction 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Because society is an organized system, it is not surprising that social interaction is patterned. Society is, after all, built on countless interactions among individual human beings, and human beings have the capacity to act with almost infinite variety. In the absence of social patterns, people would indeed find social life confusing. Culture provides guidelines for human behaviour in the form of values and norms.

To illustrate, consider the familiar setting of an American college classroom. Entering the classroom, students could do almost anything – begin to sing or throw a football around the room-but, guided by the social norms that apply to that setting, they routinely take their seats, perhaps talking quietly among themselves, and await the arrival of the professor. Even though professors are defined as being in charge of the class, they too are bound by cultural norms, so they begin to teach from a position at the front of the room while facing the class.

Certainly, the behaviour of each student and teacher is partly unique; yet social behaviour in one American classroom is remarkably like that in any other. In spite of personal differences, individuals who enter the classroom behave like “professors” or “students”. This fact is clearly evident to people who return, after many years, to a school they once attended. The school is now filled with unfamiliar faces, but the social patterns remain much the same. In other words, even though different people come and go from this setting, the social structure of classroom behaviour persists over time. In the same way, although every family is composed of different individuals, the behaviour of “mothers”, “fathers”, “brothers”, and “sisters” is also largely patterned according to cultural norms.

Exercise 7. Choose the right answer.

1. What is every society built on?

a) social statuses;

b) interactions among human beings;

c) political parties;

d) mutual understanding.

2. In what form does culture provide guidelines?

a) money and capital;

b) traditions and customs;

c) moral and ethics;

d) values and norms.

3. What social norms are applied in class?

a) singing;

b) playing football;

c) taking one’s seats;

d) talking to your neignbour.

4. What remains the same in every institution with the course of time?

a) its director;

b) social patterns;

c) students;

d) sportsground.

5. Why can we find some similarities in every family?

a) because of cultural norms;

b) because of its size;

c) because of family traditions;

d) because of ascribed statuses.

Exercise 8. Fill in the gaps using the words given below, and translate the sentences into Russian.

welfare opportunities depends influence attaining

available determined occupied ascribed attached

1. There are far more … now for school-leavers than there were 50 years ago.

2. It is vital that food is made … to the famine areas.

3. The number of staff we can take on will be … by how much money we’re allowed to spend.

4. This national fund pays for … benefits such as unemployment and sickness pay.

5. The rest of the time was … with writing a report.

6. In the UK, packets of cigarettes come with a government health warning … to them.

7. We need to identify the best ways of … our objectives/goals.

8. I might go to the cinema tomorrow – it … what time I get home from work.

9. Christopher hoped to exert his … to make them change their minds.

10. After years of research, scholars have finally … this anonymous play to Christopher Marlowe.

Exercise 9. Match the verbs on the left with the nouns on the right. Make up sentences with the phrases you’ve got.

1. to refer to a) methods;
2. to have b) to do smth;
3. to adopt c) an effort;
4. to become d) in charge of;
5. to make e) a document;
6. to be built f) the advantages of;
7. to provide g) on sand;
8. to illustrate h) available;
9. to be i) control over the affairs;
10. to be bound j) guidance;


Exercise 10. Write an essay on one of the given topics.

1. What is a Social Status?

2. Statuses in Different Societies.

3. Social Mobility and Social Status.

Unit 8.


Warm up

Exercise 1. Match the English words on the left with their Russian equivalents on the right. Learn the words by heart.

1. attitude a) обязательство;
2. obligation b) взаимодействовать;
3. behavior c) ожидание;
4. to observe d) взаимоотношение;
5. to interact e) одобрять, поощрять;
6. experience f) наблюдать;
7. to encourage g) отношение;
8. expectation h) поведение;
9. performance i) опыт;
10. relationship j) выступление, действие.



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