II. Translate the following and check it up. (Passive Voice in the Indefinite Group) — КиберПедия 

Архитектура электронного правительства: Единая архитектура – это методологический подход при создании системы управления государства, который строится...

История создания датчика движения: Первый прибор для обнаружения движения был изобретен немецким физиком Генрихом Герцем...

II. Translate the following and check it up. (Passive Voice in the Indefinite Group)

2017-10-16 913
II. Translate the following and check it up. (Passive Voice in the Indefinite Group) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. Кровяное давление этого больного было определено вчера. 2. На каких конгрессах были установлены все анатомические термины? 3. Как были обна­ружены возбудители этой болезни? 4. На какие группы делятся мышцы? 5. Нап­равление мышечного сокращения будет установлено экспериментально.

1. This patient's blood pressure was determined yesterday. 2. At what congresses were all anatomical terms established? 3. How were the agents of this disease found out? 4. What groups are muscles divided into? 5. The direction of the muscular contraction will be established experimentally.

III. Answer the following questions:

1. When and where were you born? 2. What is the temperature of the human body under normal conditions? 3. In what case does the temperature of the human body in­crease? 4. Where may a patient go to restore his health? 5. What does a number of mus­cular fibers form? (a band) 6. What must you do to be strong and healthy? 7. Which of the students of your group receives an increased stipend? 8. Why does he (she) receive an increased stipend? 9. Who are you by origin? 10. Is the hostel in which our students live near or far from the Institute?

Lesson 13. Lab. Work 17.

I. Translate the following and check up your answers:

A. 1. внутренние органы; 2. внутри сердечных камер; 3. пациент мужчина (женщина); 4. густая кровь; 5. переносить (передавать) болезнь; 6. расширенные кровеносные сосуды; 7. верхушка сердца; 8. волокнистая оболочка; 9. легочная система; 10. воротная вена

1. inner organs; 2. within the heart chambers; 3. the male (the female) patient; 4. thick blood; 5. to carry a disease; 6. dilated blood vessels; 7. the heart apex; 8. a fibrous coat; 9. the pulmonary system; 10. the portal vein

Б. 1. сокращения сердца; 2. у входа в левый желудочек; 3. отдельные позвонки; 4. легкое и печень; 5. грудная полость; 6. состоять из двух камер; 7. располагаться в околосердечной сумке; 8. клапаны предсердия; 9. толстые стенки левого же­лудочка; 10. заключаться в малом круге кровообращения

1. heart contractions; 2. at the entrance to the left ventricle; 3. separate vertebrae; 4. the lung and the liver; 5. the thoracic cavity; 6. to consist of two chambers; 7. to be located in the pericardium; 8. the valves of the atrium; 9. the thick walls of the left ven­tricle; 10. to be included in the pulmonary system

II. Translate the following and check up your answers.

(Past Participle)

1. Собрание, проведенное в нашей группе вчера, было очень интересным. 2. Больной мужчина, поступивший в больницу 15 июня, был в очень плохом состоянии. 3. Проведенный опыт показал важные результаты.

1. The meeting held in our group yesterday was very interesting. 2. The male patient admitted to the hospital on the 15th of June was in a very poor condition. 3. The experi­ment carried out showed important results.

III. Answer the following questions:

1. Where is the brain located? 2. What does the mitral valve separate in the left cham­ber? 3. How many lungs has a man? 4. What are the lungs separated by from each other? 5. Is the liver located in the left or in the right side of the human body? 6. What organ is included in the pericardium? 7. How many separate chambers are there in the human heart? 8. In what case may the tongue (язык) be covered with a thick coat? 9. When does the human heart dilate and contract? 10. Is the weight of the heart the same in the male and the female?

Lesson 14. Lab. Work 18.

I. Translate the following and check up your answers:

A. 1. емкость дыхания; 2. побледнеть; 3. покрывать легкие плеврой; 4. по верх­нему слою; 5. границы сердца; 6. грубая пища; 7. простираться во всех направ­лениях; 8. разнообразить диету; 9. соответствующая форма; 10. над уровнем пер­вого ребра

1. respiratory capacity; 2. to become pale; 3. to cover the lungs'with the pleura; 4. over the upper layer; 5. the heart borders=the borders of the heart; 6. heavy food; 7. to

extend in all directions; 8. to vary the diet; 9. a proper shape; 10. above the level of the first rib

Б. 1. дыхательный тракт; 2. младенец очень бледен; 3. жизненная емкость легк­их; 4. Закрыть глаза руками; 5. тонкий (толстый) слой; 6. определить границы печени; 7. тяжелый вес; 8. простираться вверх; 9. разнообразить методы лечения; 10. надлежащий цвет

1. the respiratory tract; 2. the infant is very pale; 3. the vital capacity of the lungs; 4. to cover the eyes with one's hands; 5. a thin (thick) layer; 6. to determine the borders of the liver; 7. a heavy weight; 8. to extend upward; 9. to vary the methods of treatment; 10.a proper colour

10. Use the necessary form of the participle of the verbs given in brackets:

1. The lung has the apex (to extend) some centimetres above the level of the first rib.

2. The two lungs (to separate) by the mediastinum are included in the thoracic cavity.

3. The heart chambers (to divide) by the septum form two separate parts. 4. The heart
(to contract) and (to dilate) all the time makes regular beats.

1. extending; 2. separated; 3. divided; 4. contracting; dilating HI. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the shape of the lungs? 2rWhat is the vital capacity of the lungs? 3. What colour are the lungs in adults? 4. Why is the right lung heavier than the left one? 5. Where does the apex of the lung extend? 6. Where are the posterior borders of the lungs located?

7. Why may a man become pale? 8. Whom do we call an infant? 9. What mark may you get if your answers are proper? 10. What do your classes at the Institute vary from your school lessons?

Lesson 15. Lab. Work 19.

I. Translate the following and check up your answers:

A. 1. откройте рот; 2. нижняя часть желудка; 3. обложенный язык; 4. тонкий кишечник; 5. по артериям; 6. измерять температуру; 7. пищеварительный тракт; 8. твердое нёбо; 9. слепая кишка; 10. в средней части пищевода

1. open your mouth; 2. the lower portion of the stomach; 3. a coated tongue; 4. the small intestine; 5. through the arteries; 6. to measure (to take) the temperature; 7. the alimentary tract; 8. the hard palate; 9. the ceacum; 10. in the middle portion of the esophagus

Б. 1. во рту 32 зуба; 2. верхняя часть желудка; 3. покажите мне ваш язык;

4. толстый кишечник; 5. через пищевод; 6. ниже ободочной кишки; 7. Болезни поджелудочной железы; 8. слюнные железы; 9. измерять длину; 10. Мягкая пища

1. there are 32 teeth in the mouth; 2. the upper portion of the stomach; 3. show me your tongue: 4. the large intestine; 5i through the esophagus; 6. below the colon; 7. the diseases of the pancreas; 8. salivary glands; 9. to measure the length; 10. soft food

II. Say instead of what words the substitutes "one", "ones", "that", "those" are used:

1. The right lung is heavier than the left one. 2. As a rule the bones of the lower extremities are longer than those of the upper ones. 3. The histologic structure of the hard palate is not the same as that of the soft one.

1. lung; 2. the bones; extremities; 3. the structure; palate

HI. Answer the following questions:

1. Where is the tongue located? 2. What cavity is the brain located in? 3. Is the liver located in the right upper part of the abdominal cavity under or above the diaphragm? 4. What organ is located in the lower and central portions of the abdominal and pelvic cavities? 5. Is the stomach located in the abdominal cavity under or above the diaphragm? 6. When was the discovery of the atomic energy made? 7. What is the exact number of
cervical vertebrae in the human body? 8. What work did the great Russian scientist Pirogov publish in 1851-1854? 9. Does Anatomy or Physiology describe the functions of the organs of the human body? 10. In case of what disease is the tongue coated?

Lesson 16. Lab. Work 20.

I. Translate the following and check up your answers:

A. 1. состоять из костей; 2. чувствовать боль в боку; 3. провести исследования; 4. ряд научных открытий; 5. меняться в весе; 6. хорошее состояние здоровья;

7. внутри брюшной полости; 8. реберный промежуток; 9. простираться над уровнем 5-го ребра; 10. задний отдел желудка

1. to be composed of bones (to consist of bones); 2. to feel pain in the side; 3. to carry Out researches; 4. a number of scientific discoveries; 5. to change weight; 6. a good con­dition of health; 7. within the abdominal cavity; 8. costal interspace; 9. to extend above the level of the fifth rib; 10. the posterior portion of the stomach

Б. 1, с каждой стороны груди; 2. число опубликованных научных статей; 3. направление волокон; 4. пучок нервов; 5. включить в статью новые данные; 6. меняться в цвете; 7. через стенки сосудов; 8. длинные трубки; 9. в середине туловища; 10. вместо того, чтобы расширяться

1. on each side of the chest; 2. the number of the published scientific articles; 3. the direction of fibers; 4. a band of nerves; 5. to include new findings into the article; 6. to vary in colour; 7. through the walls of the vessels; 8. long tubes; 9. in the middle of the trunk; 10, instead of dilating

Give the words of the opposite meaning;

1. natural; 2. to connect; 3. to find; 4. to live; 5. near; 6. strong; 7. origin; 8. thick;

9. outer; 10. the dilate; 11. an infant; 12. left; 13. light; 14. above; 15. the soft palate

1. artificial; 2. to separate; 3. tp lose; 4. to die; 5. far; 6. weak; 7. end; 8. thin; 9. inner;

10. to contract; 11. an adult; 12. right; 13. heavy; 14. below; 15. the hard palate

II. Translate the following:

(Passive Voice of the Indefinite Tenses)

1. Его здоровье было восстановлено после надлежащего лечения. 2. Окраска легких меняется с возрастом. 3. Будут ли новые научные изыскания в области строения тканей проведены в будущем месяце?

1. His health was restored after a proper treatment. 2. The colour of the lungs is changed with age. 3. Will new researches in the field of the structure of tissues be carried on next month?

(Present and Past Participles)

1. Легкое, состоящее из долей, покрыто плеврой. 2. Обложенный язык является симптомом какого-либо заболевания желудочно-кишечного тракта. 3. Печень, расположенная в правой верхней части брюшной полости, является самой боль­шой железой в организме человека. 4. Определяя строение любого внутреннего органа, мы лучше узнаем его функции.

1. The lung consisting of lobes is covered with the pleura. 2. A coated tongue is the symptom of some disease of the alimentary tract. 3. The liver located in the right upper part of the abdominal cavity is the largest gland in the human body. 4. Determining the structure of any inner organ we learn better its functions.

(The Functions of the Infinitive)

1. The students came to the dissecting-room to dissect a corpse. 2. To become a good surgeon you must know human anatomy well. 3. Andreus Vesalius was the first to de­scribe anatomy as an exact science. 4. Prof. P. F. Lesgaft studied the structure of the muscles to determine their nature.

1.... чтобы препарировать...; 2. чтобы стать...; 3.... кто описал...; 4.... чтобы определить....


Cycle II. Topic Questions

the skeleton

1. What kind of bones compose the skull? 2. What kind of bones does the trunk consist of? 3. What kind of vertebrae compose the neck? 4. What is the chest composed of? 5. How many ribs are connected with the breastbone on each side of the chest? 6. Which ribs are free? 7. What is each rib composed of? 8. What extremities are con­nected with the trunk by the pelvis? 9. What does the lower extremity consist of? 10. What connects the upper extremity with the trunk? 11. What parts is the upper extremity formed by?


1. What is the main part of the head and face called? 2. How many bones is the skull composed of? 3. What parts of the skull do all these bones form? 4. What are the bones of the skull connected with? 5. How are the bones of the skull connected together? 6. How many cavities are there in the skull? What cavities are they? 7. What is the large cavity of the skull called? 8. What organ is in the cranial cavity? 9. What is there in the orbits?


1. At what Congresses were the names Of all the muscles and all other anatomical terms established? 2. When was the Basel Nomina Anatomica introduced? 3. What ana­tomical terms are used in our country? 4. When were the universal anatomical terms of the Paris Nomina Anatomica established? 5. How many skeletal muscles is our body composed of? 6. How many per cent of the body weight do the muscles form in the adult? 7. What three basic groups of muscles do you know? 8. What are the muscles formed by? 9. What are the muscular fibers connected together by? 10. What main role do the muscles perform in the body?


1. Who was P. F. Lesgaft? 2. When was he born? 3. What Academy did he graduate from? 4. When was P. F. Lesgaft given the Degrees of Doctor of Medicine and Doctor of Surgery? 5. What field of science did Prof. P. F. Lesgaft work out first? 6. What is one of his main works called? 7. What basic groups did Prof. P. F. Lesgaft divide the muscles into? 8. What difference did Prof. P. F. Lesgaft establish between the static and dynamic muscles? 9. What Russian scientist continued Lesgaft's studies on static and dynamic muscles? 10. What did she determine by her experiments on animals?


1. Where is the heart located? 2. Where is the base of the heart located? 3. Does the heart consist of two separate or connected chambers? 4. What are the two separate cham­bers of the heart divided by? 5. What are the atria separated by from the ventricles? 6. What vessels dilate and contract simultaneously with the action of the heart? 7. What organ is included in the pericardium? 8. What is the weight of the heart? 9. What groups of vessels does the vascular system consist of? 10. What vascular system do the vessels carrying blood to and from the tissues of the body compose? 11. What system do the vessels carrying blood to and from the lungs compose?


1. What main organs of the respiratory system do you know? 2. Where are the lungs located? 3. What are the lungs separated by from each other? 4. What are the lungs covered with? 5. What is the weight of the lungs in the adult male? 6. What vital capacity have the lungs in the male and in the female? 7. How many lobes do the right and the left lungs consist of? 8. What colour are the lungs in infants? 9. What is the structure of the lung?


1. What vessel is the main one in the general system? 2. Where does, the aorta begin? 3. Where does the aorta extend? 4. What is the aorta called on its way from the fifth thoracic vertebra to about the level of the last thoracic one? 5. Where does the abdomi­nal aorta extend? 6. Where does the aorta finish? 7. What arteries is the aorta divided into at the border of the fourth lumber vertebra?


1. Where does the alimentary tract extend? 2. What does the alimentary tract consist of? 3. What important structures are there in the oral cavity? 4. Where is the stomach located? 5. What is the length and capacity of the stomach? 6. Where is the small intes­tine located and what is it composed of? 7. What is the large intestine divided into? 8. What gland is the largest one in human body? Where is it located? 9. What organ is located within the abdominal cavity on the lower surface of the liver? 10. What organ is located in the abdominal cavity under and behind the stomach?


1. What great scientists did much to study the structure of the human body? 2. In what century did anatomy become an exact science? 3. What and when did Seraphima Samoilova begin to study? 4. Why did S. Samoilova begin to study this particular struc­ture of the heart? 5. What conclusion did S. Samoilova come to? 6. What causes (pro­duces) the changes in the structure of the heart as a band of vessels? 7. What book did S. Samoilova include into all the findings of her research work? 8. When was this book published? 9. What does this book help surgeons to perform?

Lesson 17, Lab. Work 21.

I. Translate the following and check up your answers:

A. 1. затянувшаяся болезнь; 2. при физическом напряжении; 3. соблюдать курс лечения; 4. 72 удара в минуту; 5. выписать больного из больницы; 6. оп­ределить частоту пульса; 7. нагнетать кровь по сосудам; 8. зависеть от изменений; 9. направить кровь на анализ; 10. волна сокращений сердечной мышцы

1. a prolonged disease; 2. on physical exertion; 3. to follow a course of treatment; 4. seventy two beats per minute; 5. to discharge a patient from the hospital; 6. to deter­mine the pulse rate; 7. to pump blood through vessels; 8. to depend on the changes; 9. to send the blood for analysis^,! CLlhe-wave of contractions of the cardiac muscle

Б. 1. оценить роль желудочков; 2. продлить лечение; 3. определить частоту дыхания; 4. выбрасывать кровь из левого желудочка; 5. служить в качестве главного насоса; 6. и легкие и сердце; 7. значительные изменения в крови; 8. ле­гочный круг кровообращения; 9. зубец электрокардиограммы; 10. биться регу­лярно (ритмично)

1. to estimate the role of the ventricles; 2. to prolong the treatment; 3. to determine the respiratory rate; 4. to discharge out the blood from the left ventricle; 5. to serve as the main pump; 6. both the lungs and the heart; 7. considerable changes in the blood; 8. the pulmonary circulation; 9. the wave of the electrocardiogram; 10. to beat regularly

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