State a part of speech of the following words. — КиберПедия 

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State a part of speech of the following words.

2017-10-16 233
State a part of speech of the following words. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Development, scholarship, comprehensive, successful, usually, practical, different, organization, comprise, constantly, survival, elementary.

Give 3 forms of the following verbs.

To play, to solve, to open, to receive, to provide, to get, to enter, to develop, to obtain, to have, to give, to work, to depend.

Read and translate the text A.


A higher school system plays an important role in the development of our country. Only highly-qualified specialists can solve the most complex problems facing our society. Knowledge, science and culture open the prospects for future.

The basic principle of the organization of national education in Russia is equal opportunities for all its citizens.

Residents of Russia of all nationalities have the right to education guaranteed by the Constitution. Primary (elementary) and secondary schools together comprise eleven years of studies. After finishing comprehensive school, lyceum or gymnasium graduates can go to the higher educational institution. One of the necessary qualifications for higher school is complete secondary education. Successful applicants at universities are usually admitted on the basis of entrance examinations records, interviews and their scores on the Tests. Entrance examinations differ depending on the choice of a higher school. Citizens can get higher education through the full-time, correspondent or evening departments. Those who study well receive scholarships. The Government provides state scholarships and grants for some students.

The academic year is divided into two terms, each ending in examinations. The students attend lectures and practical classes and have every opportunity to develop their talents and gifts. Sport is also an essential part of students’ life. In order to obtain practical experience all the students of higher schools have practical training at different enterprises, schools and offices. Every year thousands of graduates receive diplomas of higher education and start working in different branches of science, economy and production. Some of them enter postgraduate courses.

All higher schools in Russia are controlled by the state and the system of public education is being constantly improved. The higher school today doesn’t only give Knowledge to the students but develops their abilities to think creatively and to work productively.

Along with state higher schools existing in Russia many non-state institutions were opened. Thousands of young people who for some reason couldn’t enter any of the state educational establishments have got an opportunity to continue their studies and to get a higher education. Tuition in non-state institutes is not free of charge, it is rather expensive.

Nowadays Russia is going through a very difficult and at the same time a very important period of its historical development, a period of transition to a market economy. Large-scale reforms call upon large-scale changes. Political, economic and social restructing of society is taking place against a background of resource deficiencies: financial, energy, raw materials and many others. However, the most acute problem of all is the deficiency of intellectual resources and the lack of knowledge and skills required for survival of the market economy. So, the future of our country in many respects depends on the quality of education received by its citizens.

Match English and Russian equivalents.

1. to solve the problems a. общеобразовательная школа
2. equal opportunities b. качество образования
3. successful applicants c. поступать в аспирантуру
4. comprehensive school d. решать задачи
5. on the basis of e. абитуриенты успешно сдавшие вступительные испытания
6. entrance examinations records f. думать творчески
7. in order to g. результаты вступительных экзаменов
8. essential part h. равные возможности
9. to obtain practical experience i. на основе чего-либо
10 to enter postgraduate courses j. существенная часть
11. to think creatively k. для того чтобы
12. quality of education l. получать практический опыт

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