The Future Perfect Continuous Tense — КиберПедия 

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The Future Perfect Continuous Tense

2017-10-16 511
The Future Perfect Continuous Tense 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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The Future Perfect Continuous Tense обозначает действие, которое начнется до определенного момента в будущем, будет продолжаться до него и во время: By the next August she will have been teaching English for 30 years.



1. Present Simple (Indefinite) Заполните предложения по смыслу глаголами из списка, которые нужно поставить в правильную форму: eat, close, play, get up, rain, live, drive, have, wash, teach, boil, eat, speak, cost, meet, go

1. Her new job is very interesting. She __________ a lot of people.

2. What temperature __________ water __________ at?

3. This coat is very expensive! It __________ a lot of money.

4. The City Museum __________ at 5 o’clock every evening.

5. What __________ this exotic animal __________?

6. Barbara is a lecturer. She __________ physics in Oxford University.

7. How many times a week __________ you __________ your hair?

8. She usually __________ breakfast at 8 a.m.

9. How many languages __________ they __________?

10. On Sunday I usually __________ very late as I don’t have to go to work.

11. Every Saturday he __________ to the stadium and __________ football.

12. __________ they __________ in the centre of the city?

13. In summer the children __________ a lot of fruit.

14. He is a good driver. He __________ very well.

15. It often __________ here in autumn.


2. Past Simple (Indefinite) Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму

1. The doctor __________ (tell) me to stay at home for several days.

2. John __________ (buy) some flowers for her birthday.

3. Yesterday the performance __________ (start) at 7.30 and __________ (finish) at 10 o’clock.

4. She __________ (not come) to the lesson. What __________ (happen) to her?

5. On Tuesday Tom __________ (fall) and __________ (break) his arm.

6. When he __________ (be) a child, he __________ (want) to be a singer.

7. I __________ (not see) anyone in the office.

8. The pupil __________ (forget) to do his homework the day before yesterday.

9. I’m sorry I’m late, I __________ (miss) the train.

10. Bill __________ (lose) his keys last week.


3. Future Simple (Indefinite) Заполните предложения по смыслу глаголами из списка, которые нужно поставить в правильную форму: work, borrow, remember, take, come, know, talk, have, take, become

1. It __________ him an hour to get to school.

2. My friend __________ a doctor in two years.

3. She __________ in the library when she graduates from the Institute.

4. The grandfather __________ his umbrella if it isn’t raining.

5. Tom and Ann __________ a long conversation. They haven’t seen each other for a long time.

6. I wonder what they __________ about.

7. He __________ any money from his friend. He got his salary yesterday.

8. They __________ the result in a week.

9. I __________ this day all my life.

10. __________ you __________ again next year?

4. Present Continuous Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму

1. Hurry up! The train __________ (come).

2. Ann, __________ you __________ (work) at the week-end?

3. Look! Peter __________ (swim) in the lake.

4. Please be quiet. We __________ (listen) to the radio..

5. It’s so warm outside! Why __________ Ted __________ (wear) a coat?

6. The child __________ (sleep) now.

7. The family __________ (sit) at the table and __________ (have) dinner.

8. The girl __________ (look) for her English textbooks.

9. The students __________ (prepare) for their exams.

10. It __________ (snow) hard.


5. Past Continuous Заполните предложения по смыслу глаголами из списка, которые нужно поставить в правильную форму: dance, watch, learn, do, wash up, ski, cook, make, speak, discuss, clean, lay, work

1. What __________ you __________ at 5 p.m.? - I __________ the room.

2. At that moment my teacher __________ over the telephone.

3. The mother asked her children not to make so much noise as the father __________ in the study.

4. Yesterday we __________ in the forest the whole day.

5. When I came to the party all the guests __________.

6. What __________ you __________ at the meeting yesterday?

7. While Jane __________, Ann __________ sandwiches.

8. I __________ English grammar all day long yesterday.

9. While my mother __________ dinner I __________ the table.

10. My brother asked not to disturb him as he __________ a war movie.

6. Future Continuous Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму

1. “I __________ (come) at 6 o’clock.” “Good, I __________ (wait) for you.”

2. “I can’t understand this article.” “I __________ (call) my son. He __________ (translate) it for you.”

3. This time next month I __________ (sit) on a beach.

4. You look frozen. Sit down by the fire and I __________ (make) you a cup of tea.

5. “That tree makes the house very dark.” “Very well, I __________ (cut) it down.”

6. “What __________ you __________ (do) when you grow up?” “I __________ (be) a pilot.”

7. “What __________ you __________ (do) at this time tomorrow?” “I __________ (play) football.”

8. My son __________ (be) in the fifth form next year. That means that he __________ (start) learning English.

9. Don’t ring her up at 9, she __________ (put) her children to bed. Ring up later.

10. My brother __________ (prepare) for his exam when I return.

7. Present Perfect Заполните предложения по смыслу глаголами из списка, которые нужно поставить в правильную форму: help, be, see, finish, go, have, happen, do, be, eat, see

1. I __________ you for ages. What __________ to you?

2. Sally’s car looks very old. How long __________ she __________ it?

3. Why __________ you __________ your homework? I told you it was necessary.

4. This organization __________ hundreds of disabled children.

5. __________ you __________ (ever) to India?

6. “Where’s Pamela?” “She __________ (just) to the exhibition.

7. If you __________ that film before, I advise you to see it.

8. I __________ Japanese food since 1995.

9. Ah, there you are at last! Where __________ you __________ all this time?

10. The pupils __________ the exercises yet.

8. Past Perfect Заполните предложения по смыслу глаголами из списка, которые нужно поставить в правильную форму: stop, work, expect, finish, write, do, see, build, be, know, receive

1. They __________ each other for 3 years before they got married.

2. Her letter was a wonderful surprise. I __________ to get it.

3. The workers __________ painting the floor when I arrived.

4. She said she __________ these animals before because she __________ (never) to the Zoo.

5. The Browns __________ their house by 2009.

6. They __________ a letter by the time their son was born.

7. He told them he __________ at a plant before the army.

8. She __________ the letter by 6 o’clock and the manager was angry.

9. The children __________ their homework before their parents came home.

10. It __________ raining by noon and we had to take our umbrellas.

9. Future Perfect Заполните предложения по смыслу глаголами из списка, которые нужно поставить в правильную форму: translate, finish, come, see, cook, lose, save, leave, be married, do

1. I __________ reading this book by tomorrow evening.

2. By next winter we __________ the necessary sum of money.

3. I __________ the article an hour before you come.

4. On March 7 they __________ for twenty-five years.

5. If I continue keeping to a diet I __________ 10 kilos by the end of the month.

6. The train __________ before we reach the station.

7. I hope you __________ home from school by 2 o’clock.

8. The mother __________ dinner by the time you come.

9. The pupils have too many exams. They __________ them by the time the teacher returns.

10. Come to my place at 8 p.m. I __________ this film by this time.



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