Read the following telephone conversation in pairs. Act it out. — КиберПедия 

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Read the following telephone conversation in pairs. Act it out.

2017-10-16 183
Read the following telephone conversation in pairs. Act it out. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Nurse: Health Helpline, how can I help?

Patient: Yeah, I’m not feeling very well. I wonder if you might be able to help me…

Nurse: OK, sure. I’ll just need to ask you some questions… Now, what are your symptoms exactly?

Patient: Well, I’m just not feeling too good, in general… My stomach is a bit, you know… I’ve got a pain in my stomach.

Nurse: Right. Have you got a temperature, do you know?

Patient: I don’t think so… I haven’t checked… I haven’t got a thermometer.

Nurse: any headache or anything like that?

Patient: No, not really.

Nurse: Right, are you taking any medicine at the moment?

Patient: No, nothing, no.

Nurse: Right. And do you have any allergies?

Patient: No.

Nurse: When did you last have something to eat or drink?

Patient: Lunchtime. I had a burger for my lunch… well, a couple, actually… three, in fact. And French fries, large fries… and a couple of milkshakes.

Nurse: I see.

Patient: And an ice cream dessert… two of those, in fact.

Nurse: Yes.

Patient: And a large Cola… two large Colas.

Nurse: Right. Well, it sounds like you’ve eaten rather a lot, haven’t you?

Patient: Hmm, yes, I suppose so.

Nurse: The best thing you can do is just have a lie down for a couple of hours. And if you have any further trouble, just give us a ring.

Patient: Yeah, maybe you’re right…





Translate the sentences from Russian into English. Use the Active Vocabulary.

1) Осенью и ранней весной очень легко заболеть гриппом или простудиться.

2) Когда моя сестра была маленькая, ей всегда становилось плохо во время полета на самолете.

3) Что случилось? – Кажется, я сломал палец. Он очень болит.

4) Что мне нужно делать, если я простудился? – Оставайся дома, пей много горячего чая, принимай таблетки. Тебе надо побольше отдыхать.

5) Я думаю, что очень важно вести здоровый образ жизни. Что это значит? Это значит держать себя в форме, питаться здоровой пищей и быть в хорошем настроении.

Imagine you have one of these health problems. Think why/ when/ how you could get it. Ask your partner to give you some advice. Make notes.

- You’ve got a flu.

- You’ve hurt your back.

- You feel sick on car journeys.

- You always feel nervous and stressed.

- You’ve got a stomachache.


Use these phrases to help you:

It hurts a lot.

I feel sick.

You need to take medicine/ pills.

You should take …

You need to rest.


Prepare a dialogue and learn it by heart. Present it to your group mates.


Write your own list of tips for a healthy lifestyle.


Health problems have a flu have a headache/ earache/ stomachache/ toothache/ backache break an arm/ a leg have/ catch a cold have a sore throat have a pain in the chest feel sick have a food poisoning have a high temperature/ a fever have a high/ low blood pressure have an illness have an injury have symptoms be unconscious oversleep/ overeat hurt one’s back feel nervous/ stressed hurt a bruise a burn a cut   Additional vocabulary healthy lifestyle get into a fight scratch healthy/ unhealthy food follow tips regime regular meals relax get rid of … bad habits vice versa keep fit be in good shape feel energetic go jogging heal bring benefit for … call an ambulance take medicine contain … consist of … wrap serve Food fatty/ sugary/ spicy/ salty food local/ staple/ organic/ takeaway/ fast/ junk food dish cuisine pickled delicacy speciality/ specialty a well-balanced/ low-fat diet recipe curry order fibre rich in vitamins cereal raw fish boiled rice a bowl of … noodles


Work in small groups. What associations with Great Britain do you have? Write them down, then compare with your group mates.

Work as a whole class on the ABC of Great Britain.

Example: A – Abbey Road

B – Baker Street

C – Cambridge

How much do you know about the British royal family? Answer these questions.


1) What is the family name of the present royal family?

A Stuart B Windsor C Tudor


2) When did Queen Elizabeth II become queen?

A 1945 B 1952 C 1960


3) Who was her father?

A George VI B Henry VIII C Prince Philip


4) Which of these places is NOT used as a royal home?

A Buckingham Palace B Balmoral C the Houses of Parliament


5) What are the Queen’s favourite animals?

A birds B cats C dogs

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