Illustrative Texts Richard Wants a Change — КиберПедия 

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Illustrative Texts Richard Wants a Change

2017-10-16 513
Illustrative Texts Richard Wants a Change 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Richard West works in an office 5 days a week. He usually gets up at 7.30, has a shower and then has breakfast. He starts work at 9, lunch at I and then goes home at 5 30. In the evening he usually reads or watches television.

Richard wants a change. He often says: "Every day I do exactly the same thing1 Yesterday I got up at 7 30, had a shower and then had breakfast. I started work at 9 and ate lunch at 1. Then I went home at 5.30. In the evening I read a book and then watched tele­vision".

/. Listen to the text "Richard Wants a Change".

II. Read the text and analyse the use of tense forms.

III. Tell about Richard's daily routine on weekdays.

IV. What did Richard do yesterday?

Julia Hurries to Work

. Julia often gets up late and she got up late this morning. She ate some cornflakes and drank some tea. She did not wash all the dishes. She washed only some of them. She did not have very much time this morning.

/. Listen to the text "Julia Hurries to Work".

II. Read the text and analyse the use of tense forms.

III. Answer the questions:

Did Julia get up early or late today? What did she have for breakfast? What did she do with the dishes and why?

IV. Say what Julia did this morning.

V What time did you get up today? Did you have a shower this morning? When did you have breakfast' What did you eat? Did you wash the dishes after breakfast? What did you do after breakfast? When did you come to work?

Mrs Mills Goes to London

Last week Mrs Mills went to London. She doesn't know Lon­don very well, and she lost her way. Suddenly she saw a man near a bus-stop. "I can ask him the way", she said to herself. "Excuse me", she said. "Can you tell me the way to King Street, please?" The man smiled pleasantly. He did not understand English! He spo­ke German. He was a tourist. Then he put his hand into his pocket and took out a phrase-book. He opened the book and found a phrase. He read the phrase slowly. "I am sorry", he said. " I do not speak English".

/ Listen to the text "Mrs Mills Goes to London". II. Read the text and analyse the use of tense forms.

HI. What happened to Mrs Mills in London? Why couldn't the man help Mrs Mills?

IV. Tell about Mrs Mills's visit to London.


/. Listen and repeat:

1. I saw your brother in the library yesterday afternoon. 2. We invited Margaret to the party. 3. Some days ago my mother fell down and broke her arm. 4. We wrote a test at our lesson. 5. Mr Baxter's son became a journalist. 6. I knew almost all the people at the party. 7. We sent the telegram on Tuesday. 8. I told Peter the news yesterday. 9. The boss went away on business on Monday. 10. We painted the floor in the kitchen some days ago. 11. Fortuna­tely I caught the 6 o'clock train and got to the office on time. 12.1 he­ard a very sweet melody yesterday. 13. 1 read an interesting ar­ticle this morning. 14. John brought his tape-recorder to the party. 15. We sat in the first row. 16. Mr Robinson flew to Mexico last month. 17. He ate and drank too much. 18. I found my glasses in the laboratory. 19. Jack came home late on Monday. 20. 1 finished work at 8 p. m. 21. We paid a lot for the house. 22. Mary did her ho­mework yesterday evening. 23. We stayed at the seaside for a month. 24. The lecture began at 10 a. m. 25. We sold our car a month ago. 26. Mary gave me her dictionary for some days and I forgot to give it back to her. 27. Helen lost her umbrella yesterday.

28. At the party Mike played the piano and Lucy sang beautifully.

29. I met Peter not long ago and had a talk with him. 30. I remem­ber I put the book into the bookcase. 31. She said something about it at dinner. 32.1 ran for the bus this morning. 33. We swam much in

summer. 34. We spent the weekend in the country. 35. Helen bo­ught a beautiful ring some days ago. 36. Victor came home late and slept till 11 today. 37. My mother taught chemistry at school for thirty years. 38. I made a lot of mistakes in my dictation. 39. I un­derstood everything at once. 40. Mary stood up and went out of the classroom. 41. Somebody stole Peter's bicycle the day before yester­day. 42. I thought a lot about this problem. 43 Mr Short and Harry Turner spoke at the meeting. 44. The bell rang and the students left the room. 45. I drove 50 miles yesterday.

//. Respond to the following utterances. Do it as in the examples:

e.g. — Did the lift stop?

— Of course, it stopped.

1. Did you watch the match? 2. Did she talk to the boss? 3. Did she type the letter? 4. Did they discuss the plan? 5. Did the news surprise him? 6. Did your scheme work? 7. Did she cook the steak? 8. Did you laugh? 9. Did he look for his passport? 10. Did they invite Mary? 11. Did you wait for her? 12. Did they like the programme? 13. Did you listen to the news? 14. Did you visit uncle Jack?

e.g. — Let's invite the Thompsons to supper on Sunday, (last Sunday)

— Oh, no! We invited them to supper last Sunday.

1. Let's visit Uncle Peter, (last month) 2. Let's wash the car. (last week) 3. Well, let's cook a Chinese meal again on Saturday night, (last Saturday night) 4. Well, let's watch boxing, (the day before yesterday) 5. Let's ask Harry and Pat to come over, (only a few days ago) 6. Let's help your father with the garden again, (last weekend) 7. Let's play cards with Mike and Jane again, (last Saturday evening) e.g. — We usually rest at the seaside in summer.

— And last summer?

— Last summer we didn't rest at the seaside.

1. — We watch TV in the evening.— And yesterday evening?

2. — On Sunday we usually go to the cinema.— And this Sunday?

3. — Mike usually stays late at work.— And on Friday? 4. — She usually types many letters.— And yesterday? 5. — We often visit our parents on the weekend.— And last weekend?

e.g. — You watched TV yesterday, didn't you^ (in the evening)

— Yes, I did. I watched TV in the evening.

1. You studied German at school, didn't you? (for six years).

2. You translated the text, didn't you? (yesterday morning).

3. Jack finished the work yesterday, didn't he? (yesterday evening)

4. Jack stayed at a hotel, didn't he? (at the "Minsk Hotel") 5. You

passed your exam last week, didn't you? (on Monday) 6. Peter vi­sited his parents last week, didn't he? (on Friday) 7. It rained yesterday, didn't it? (for two hours) 8. You started early, didn't you? (at 5 a. m.) 9. Mrs Brown walked in the park in the morning, didn't she? (for an hour)

e.g. — You didn't watch TV yesterday evening, did you? (listen to the radio.

— No, I didn't. I listened to the radio.

1. You didn't start early, did you? (late) 2. Jane invited a lot of people to her birthday party, (few) 3. You didn't finish work until 6, did you? (at 8). 4. The teacher didn't ask Mary, did he? (John) 5. Bob phoned you on Friday, didn't he? (on Tuesday) 6. Mike didn't collect coins in his youth, did he? (stamps) 7. You didn't play cards yesterday evening, did you? (chess) e.g. — John didn't play football yesterday, did he? (for 2 hours)

— Yes, he did. He played football for 2 hours.

1. Harry didn't wait for you, did he? (for half an hour) 2. It didn't rain much last autumn, did it? (heavily) 3. The Smiths didn't travel last year, did they? (a lot) 4. Betty didn't invite her friends to her wedding, (all her friends) 5. Mike didn't receive any letters, (two letters) 6. You didn't start the work on time, did you? (at 9 sharp) 7. You didn't talk about Mary, (a lot) 8. She didn't ask for help. (Mary) 9. He didn't often change his job (very often) e.g. — I got up at 7 today.

— And yesterday? (at 6)

— I got up at 6 yesterday.

1. I did my homework this morning. And Helen? (yesterday evening) 2. Robert became a doctor. And his brother? (a teacher). 3. Alec went to work by car And Bob? (by bus) 4. We had breakfast at 9 today. And yesterday? (at 7) 5. We wrote a dictation on Friday. And on Saturday? (a grammar test). 6. He left the office at 7 today. And last Tuesday? (at 9) 7. We swam in the sea before breakfast. And you? (after breakfast) 8. I woke up at 6 yesterday. And the day before yesterday? (At 7) 9 I made a lot of mistakes in my last dictation. And you? (few) 10. We ate fish for supper. And for break­fast? (meat) 11. We spent our day off in town. And you? (in the country) 12. He slept till 7 today. And yesterday? (till 9) 13. She took two books in the library last week. And this week? (five bo­oks). 14. The Browns bought a car last year. And you? (two years ago) 15. I heard this opera last year. And you? (in 1990) 16. Mr Smith came to the office at 9. And Mr White? (at 8) 17. We saw the Greens a month ago. And you? (on Friday morning) 18. Mr White taught us English two years ago. And Mrs Smith? (French) e.g. — I met Peter yesterday.

— So did I, I also met him yesterday.

1. We began the work early. 2. Mary brought some records. 3. Helen came at 7. 4. She spo\e French at the reception 5. We went on a picnic at the weekend. 6. My father caugnt a lot of lish. 7. They sold their car last year. 8. I bought that dictionary. 9. I read much in summer. 10. We ate meat for dinner. 11.1 forgot Mary's address. 12. Mike made a lot of mistakes in his dictation. 13. We left at 9.00. 14. I had a big breakfast today. 14. We got home late. 15. Ann lost her umbrella yesterday. 16. Peter did well at maths at school.

16. We sat in the tenth row. 17. They sent him a letter. 18. We wrote a dictation. 18. I met Roger on Friday. 20. I woke up early today. 21. We flew to London. 22.1 gave Mary some books. 23.1 lost my gloves some days ago. 24. I read a lot during my holidays, e.g. — We didn't go out last night.

— Neither did we. We didn't go out last night either.

1. John didn't speak at the meeting. 2. Mike didn't buy any­thing. 3. We didn't read this book at school. 4. Jack didn't say anything. 5. We didn't swim yesterday. 6. I didn't ring him up on Friday. 7. We didn't write to Peter. 8. I didn't meet Jack there. 9. I didn't listen to the news yesterday. 10. Jane didn't do well at school.

e.g. — You usually buy your vegetables at your local green­grocer's, don't you? (the market)

— Yes, but today I bought them at the market. You usually..., don't you?

1. get out at Leicester Square (Piccadilly); 2. drink water (wine);3. buy apples (pears); 4. meet Paul at the office (at the club); 5. read the Daily Telegraph (The Times); 6. send the documents by post (by hand); 7. tell Peter first (Janet); 8. go with Peter (with Paul) 9. come by bus (by taxi); 10. say too little (too much); 11. sit downstairs (upstairs); 12. take two pieces of toast (three) 13. leave at eight (at nine); 14. write three lines (three pages); 15. ring her up at 7 (at 6); 16. spend a lot of money (little);

17. swim little (much); 18. do the housework in the evening (in the morning).

e.g. — Did Sheila sing at the party? (beautifully)

— Yes, she sang beautifully.

1. Did you find her house? (easily) 2. Did Peter speak Spanish? (fluently) 3. Did Mike drive the car? (carefully) 4. Did she do the work alone? (quickly) 5. Did it rain yesterday? (hard) 6. Did Betty learn the poem? (easily) 7. Did she send the telegram? (immediately) 8. Did John play the violin? (very well) 9. Did you enjoy the party? (very much) 10. Did it snow on Sunday? (hard) 11. Did Maradonna play? (very well) e.g. — Who did you give the books to? (Peter)

— I gave the books to Peter.

1. Who did he lend the hammer to? (Mr Williams) 2. Who did you send the parcel to? (my parents) 3. Who did you write that letter to? (my cousin) 4. Who did you sell your house to? (Mr Robinson) 5. Who did you speak to? (the chief engineer) 6. Who did you read the letter to? (Peter) 7. Who did she give the typewriter to? (her brother)

e.g. — When did you go to France? (last year) — I went to France last year.

1. When did he wear this tie? (a week ago) 2. When did you speak to the manager? (on Friday) 3. When did you see the Smiths? (last week) 4. When did Mike have a holiday? (in autumn) 5. When did it rain last? (on Tuesday) 6. When did they begin the experi­ment? (a week ago) 6. When did they buy the house? (two months ago) 7. When did you last go fishing? (on Saturday) 8. When did the train leave? (an hour ago) 9. When did Mike do the home­work? (yesterday evening) 10. When did you drive to the country? (on Sunday) 11. When did you have dinner? (an hour ago) 12. When did you get the telegram? (last night) 13. When did you make that bookcase? (last month) 14. When did you lose your umbrella? (the day before yesterday) 15. When did you pay the bill (an hour ago) 16. When did he sell his car? (two months ago) 17. When did she send the parcel? (last week) 18. When did you wake up? (at 7) 18. When did you write the letter? (yesterday afternoon)

e.g. — Did you make an appointment for Friday afternoon? (Saturday morning)

— No, I didn't, but I made an appointment for Saturday morning.

1. Did Jeff drink all my whisky? (all your gin) 2. Did you take that big parcel to the post-office? (all the letters) 3. Did you speak to Mr Johnson on the phone? (his secretary) 4. Did Tom ring you up at school? (at home) 5. Did you go to the movies? (theatre) 6. Did Jeff eat all the cheese last night? (ham) 7. Did you buy any ice-cream from the supermarket? (yogurt) 8. Did you spend a lot of money at the supermarket? (at the new dress-shop). 9. Did you swim in the sea? (in the lake) 10. Did you meet any Germans during the holiday? (Spaniards) 11. Did you write any letters? (postcards) 12. Did you eat bananas? (oranges) 13. Did Jack see Mary? (her sister) e.g. — Did Ann type the letter? (Mary)

— No, it was Mary who typed it.

1. Did you keep Bill? (Jack) 2. Did you send the telegram? (Mrs Smith) 3. Did Lucy complain? (Gemma) 4. Did Emma cook the cake? (Helen) 5. Did Robert bring the record-player1 (his brother) 6. Did Johnny break the vase? (his sister) 7. Did you phone

Paul? (Kate) 8. Did Tom help? (Dick) 9. Did Mike catch that fish? (Tom) 10. Did your father make that bookcase? (my brother) 11. Did John pay the bill? (Peter) 12 Did Mr Black teach you? (Mr Jackson) 13. Did you write that letter? (Betty) 14. Did Mike take the typewriter? (Victor)

Fluency The Blacks Go to London

The Blacks live in the suburbs of London Mr Black and his two sons Roger and David work in London and go to London five times a week Today they woke up a few minutes before seven o'clock. They got out of bed and went to the bathroom. They washed and shaved. David had a bath. Then they went to the bedroom and dressed At half past seven they went downstairs for breakfast.

At breakfast Roger and David sat opposite each other. Mrs Black sat opposite her husband. After breakfast Mr Black smoked a cigarette and read the newspaper. At twenty-five past eight Mr Black and the boys left the house. Mrs Black went to the gate and said good-bye to them. They walked to the station. They arrived there a few minutes before twenty to nine. Their train got to London at a quarter past nine.

/. Listen to the text "The Blacks Go to London" and answer the questions:

Do the Blacks live far from London? What time did the Blacks get up today? What did they do in the morning? When did they leave home for work? How did they get to the station?

// Say what the Blacks did Ms morning

III. What time did you get up today? What time did you have breakfast? When did you leave home for work? How did you get to work?

Jill's Old Diary

Jill: Look, Steve, Yesterday I found this old diary. It's eight years old. 1983, the year before we got engaged.

Steve: I remember. I paid a fortune for the engagement ring! It cost £ 200 I spent all my savings on it. Did you read the diary?

Jill: Yes, I read it all. 1983 was a bad year for me. Listen! On the 2nd of January I fell down and broke my arm. Two months

later, in March, I caught flue and was ill for weeks. In June I had a meal at a restaurant and was sick for days. Then in July I drove to Scotland with my sister and a man stole our car. My parents gave me a watch for my birthday and I lost it two days later. I didn't have a good time that year.

Steve: But in December you met me at a college party.

Jill: Yes, Steve, 1983 was a very bad year for me.

/. Listen to the text "Jill's Old Diary" and say whether 1983 was a happy year for Jill.

II. Why does Jill think 1983 was a bad year for her? What hap­pened to her in January? in March? in June? in July? in December?

///. Say why 1983 was a bad year for Jill.

IV. Was last year a good year for you? And what about this


Self check

/. Put the verbs into the correct forms:

An Englishman (come) to New York. He (stop) at a hotel and (decide) to send a telegram to his wife. He (go) to the post-office and (do) so. In the telegram he (send) his wife his address. Then he (go) to the cinema. In the evening he (want) to get back to his hotel, but he (remember, not) the name and the address of the hotel. Nobody could help him. So he (send) another telegram to his wife, "Please, send me my address".

//. Translate into English:

1. Вчера мне звонил Николай. Сегодня вечером он уезжает в командировку. 2. Две недели назад мы с женой слушали «Аиду». Опера нам очень понравилась. 3. Мой сын студент. Он окончил школу три года назад. 4. Вчера мы были в кино. Там мы встретили-своих друзей. 5. В воскресенье мы не ездили на дачу. Мы навести­ли своих родителей. 6. Я не купил вчера билет.— Я тоже. 7. Я за­был ее адрес.— Я тоже. 8. Мы пришли домой поздно.— Мы тоже. 9. Я вышла из дома рано.— Я тоже.


Illustrative Situations

/. Listen to the dialogues and learn them:

1. — Did you ask Kate to go to the pictures with you tonight?

— Yes, I did, but she refused.

— Did she really, why?

— She said she was very tired.

2. — When did you last see Doris Dry?

— On the twenty-ninth of October as far as I remember.

— Are you going to see her again soon?

— No, I don't think so.

3. — What did you do last weekend?

— I went to Oxford.

— Really' How did you go?

— I went by car.

— How long did it take?

— It took about two hours.

4. — I had a very good time last night.

— Did you watch television?

— No, I didn't. I had a chat with Aunt Emily.

5. — Jack is very fond of dancing.

— But why didn't he go to the dance last night?

— Because he went to the cinema.

— What a pity!

6. — I saw a friend of yours yesterday.

— A friend of mine?

— Yes. Joe Green.

— Did he leave a message for me?

— No, he didn't.

7. — I'm surprised at what Henry did last night.

— But what did he do?

— Don't you know? He gave up his job.

— Did he really?

8. — Did Dennis go to the club yesterday?

— He wanted but he couldn't.

— Couldn't he? Why not?

— Because he had to baby sit (he had to look after the baby).

9. — Excuse me... I lost my handbag this morning.

— Where did you lose it?

— On the bus... I left it on the number 28.

— Well, you are lucky. The conductor found it.

— Thank goodness! I was worried.

— Here it is. He gave it to me an hour ago.

10. — Hello, John! I thought you were in Brighton!

— I was. I drove there on Friday.

— Yes?

—... and I came back on Saturday morning.

— Oh, why did you come back?

— Well, I went to a casino and spent all my money.

— How did you do that?

— Well, I won a little at first... and then I lost everything.


/. Ask questions: e.g. — Jill often runs for the bus in the morning, (yesterday


— Did she run for the bus yesterday morning? 1. Jack usually goes to work by car. (today) 2. Steve often stays in his office till 8 p.m. (last night) 3. Jill usually goes shopping on Fridays, (last Friday) 4. Mary usually comes home late on Mon­day, (last Monday) 5. Victor often takes a taxi to get to work, (today) 6. Mike often phones us. (yesterday) 7. He often visits his parents, (last week)

e.g. — Mary bought a lot of things, (what) — What did she buy? 1. I paid a lot for the computer, (how much) 2. Mrs Robinson taught foreign languages at the University, (what foreign langua­ges) 3. We often went to the cinema last month, (how often) 4. Mike chose several books, (which books) 5. We caught a lot of fish, (how much) 6. Jack said something about the accident, (what) 7. Mary made some spelling mistakes, (how many) 8. We had dinner early today, (what time) 9. I came early today, (when) 10. Mary took somebody's notebook by mistake, (whose) 11. We heard this opera, (when) 12. I last met Peter in January, (where) 13. Mike left early, (what time) 14. This type-writer cost a lot. (how much) 15. I found my umbrella, (where) 16. I read several books in summer, (what books) 17. We began the work early (when). 18. John lent me some money, (how much) 19. Jack wrote this composition for a long time, (how long) 20. I told Kate about you. (what) 21. He did a lot of work, (how much), e.g. — They went to the British Museum, (where).

— Where else did they go?

1. Mary bought some perfume, (what) 2. Alice and Tim went with Mike, (who) 3. Betty saw that film. (who). 4. I invited Janet to the party, (who) 5. John did the housework, (what). 6. We rested in Yalta several times, (where) 7. I met George at the library, (who) 8. She had coffee for breakfast, (what) e.g. — Jane usually writes a lot of letters in the morning. She wrote a lot yesterday.

— Why didn't she write a lot today?

1. Peter usually catches the 8.30 bus. He caught it yesterday. 2. We usually see Jane on the bus. We saw her yesterday. 3. The boss usually reads all his letters in the morning. He read them yesterday morning. 4. The bell usually rings at 10. It rang at 10 yesterday. 5. The milkman usually brings the milk early. He brought it early yesterday. 6. Jane usually does a lot of work in the morning. She did a lot yesterday morning. 7. Peter usually reads the paper in the morning. He read it yesterday.

Questions with "How long ago?"

A. Arthur thought the London express left at 11.10. In fact it left at 11.05. It left before he got to the station. "How long ago did it leave?" he wants to know. "Five minutes ago, at 11.05" is the answer.

Questions: What time is it now? What happened before Arthur got to the station? When did he think the train left? When did the train leave? How long ago did it leave?

B. It is 10 o'clock in the morning. Richard West is at work. He got up at 6 this morning. He had breakfast at 7 and came to work at 8. Richard got up four hours ago, he had breakfast three hours ago and came to work two hours ago.

Questions: What time is it' How long ago did Richard come to work? How long ago did he get up and have breakfast?

/. Ask questions with "how long ago". Answer the questions.

Prompts: Mike/get to the party; you/have lunch; Richard/re­turn; she/send the letter; the boss/come to work; the ship/start; they/begin the experiment; the shop/close; Jack/leave; you/get home; she/get up; you/turn on the television.

//. Study the situations. Make sentences with "only... ago" for them:

Situation: The lesson started at 9 and it is now 9.01. "You're late again" the teacher says. What does the student answer?

Answer: But the lesson started only a minute ago!

1. Peter wants to leave the cinema. He and Jane came at 7, and it is 7.30 now. What does she say? 2. A friend invites you to lunch. You had lunch at 12 and it is 1 now. What do you say? 3. Mary's little boy is hungry again. He had a sandwich at 5. It is 5.15 now. What does she say? 4. The plane for Moscow left at I, and it is 1.05 now. Can you still catch it? Why not? 5. A customer telephoned the manager at 12. He was not there. At 12.35 he came back. What did his secretary say? 6. Your friend went out at 2. At 2.05 you got to his hotel. What does the hotel clerk say when you ask for him (your friend)? 7. Tony's shoes are worn out. He bought them in January and it is only February now. Why is he angry? 8. Jill met a soldier at a dance on Friday. Now it is Sunday, only 2 days later and she wants to marry him. What does her mother say?

///. Listen to the texts. Ask and answer questions.

A. Julia and her boy-friend are in a hurry. The film started fifteen minutes ago. They do not want to miss too much of it. It is

one of Charles Kay's old horror films. It was made 10 years ago. Julia doesn't remember but she saw the film on television a few

months ago.

B. It is 6 o'clock now. The store closed half an hour ago. All the shoppers left the store half an hour ago. The detective watched them. Then the salespeople counted their money and went home, too. The last one left fifteen minutes ago. That was at 5.45.

IV. Ask each other questions with "how long ago?"

Questions with "When did you first (last) see him?"

A. Yesterday Mike was at the theatre. He heard "Carmen". It wasn't the first time he heard it. Peter knows about it. He asks: "When did you first hear it?" "Three years ago", Mike answers.

Questions: When was Mike at the theatre? What opera did he hear? When did he first hear it?

B. Jane used to come to the library very often last month but she doesn't now. Mike asks Peter: "When did you last see her?" "A week ago", is Peter's answer.

Questions: Did Jane often come to the library last month? What does Mike ask Peter?

/. Make your own dialogues. Do it as in the example.

e.g. see Peter/ on Sunday/yesterday

— I last saw Peter on Sunday. When did you last see him?

— Yesterday.

1. speak to the boss/a week ago/this morning;

2. phone Richard/yesterday/on Tuesday;

3. write to him/two weeks ago/the day before yesterday;

4. go to the cinema/a month ago/on Sunday;

5. meet Mary/on Tuesday/on Friday, e.g. go to Paris/in 1987/in 1990

— 1 first went to Paris in 1987. When did you first go to Paris?

— In 1990.

1. see this film/five years ago/in 1985;

2. read "War and Peace"/at school/at the Institute;

3. fly/at the age of 20/when I was 10;

4. hear this opera/in my childhood/5 years ago;

5. visit the art museum/last year/two years ago;

6. go to Rome/in 1986/in 1981.

//. Answer the questions:

When did you last go to the theatre? When did you first fly? When did you last see your friend? When did your friend last write to you? When did you last miss your English class? When did you first travel by ship?

"Who did that?" type questions

A. Richard West is going to get a new job. He wants to keep it secret for a time but yesterday one of the secretaries told him she knew he was leaving.

"Who told you?" he asked her.

Questions: What is Richard going to do? What did one of the secretaries tell him? What was his question?

B. Mary thinks sweets are very bad for children's teeth. She never gives her son any. Yesterday her son came home with some chocolate. "Where did you get that?" she asked. "Someone gave it to me", he answered."Who gave it to you?" She asked.

Questions: Why doesn't Mary give her child sweets? What happened yesterday? What did Mary ask her son?

/. Ask questions for these situations:

1. Someone said Peter and Mary got married yesterday. 2. So­meone ate your sandwiches while you were out. 3. Someone gave Jill a beautiful diamond ring. 4. Someone got into your car a moment ago and drove it away. 5. Someone saw you at the theatre yesterday. 6. Someone phoned James.

Questions "Who phoned Mary?" contrasted with "Who did Mary phone?"

A. Some minutes ago a man phoned Mary. You ask: "Who pho­ned you?"

B. Some minutes ago Mary phoned someone. You ask: "Who did you phone?"

/. Ask questions for these situations:

1. She sent a lot of books to someone. 2. Someone sent her a lot of flowers. 3. She went out with someone last night. 4. He went to dinner with someone 5. Someone waited for her. 6. He waited for someone. 7. She talked to someone this evening. 8. Someone met her after work. 9. Someone saw her with a man. 10. Someone gave her a lot of money. 11. She gave her dictionary to someone. 12. Someone broke the window.

"What did you do that for?" questions

It was very hot in the office yesterday. One of the other secreta­ries got up and closed the window. Jane could not understand this.

"What did you do that for?" she asked.

/. Make questions of this type:

1. You/go there. 2. Mike/say that. 3. Betty/bring them. 4. Ja­mes/do that. 5 You/send that letter. 6. You/invite him. 7. He/buy that car. 8 They/kill him.

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