II. Лексический минимум по темеThe Diseases of the Alimentary Tract — КиберПедия 

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II. Лексический минимум по темеThe Diseases of the Alimentary Tract

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II. Лексический минимум по темеThe Diseases of the Alimentary Tract 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Запомните чтение следующих слов. Найдите их перевод ниже:

ulcer ['лЬэ], neurogenous [nju3'rod3inas], spastic ['spasstik], trophic ['trofik], erosion [i'rou3n], remission [ri'mijh], pathogenesis ['pas9o'd3enisis]

спастический, судорожный; трофический, питательный; эрозия, разъедание; язва; патогенез (механизм и развитие болезненного процесса в организме); неврогенный, нервного происхождения; ремиссия, ослабление болезни, затихание болезни; затихание болезненных явлений

Выучите следующие слова:

influence ['influans] п влияние, воздействие, действие; v влиять, оказывать влияние

majority [ma'd3Driti] п большинство

contribute [kan'tnbju:t] у способствовать (to), содействовать nausea ['noisja] п тошнота

perforate ['paifareit] v перфорировать, проникать (into, through); perfo-rated (perforating) ulcer прободная язва

intermittent [.inta'mitant] а перемежающийся; прерывистый rare [геэ] а редкий; разреженный (неплотный)

IV. Базовый текст

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Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers

The Soviet scientists N. Burdenko, L. Koreisha, A. Speransky and B. Mogilnitsky proved the existence of an association between a lesion of the central and peripheral nervous systems and the development of ulcer.

The neurogenous theory of the pathogenesis of ulcer was developed further into the corticovisceral theory by K. Bykov and I. Kurtsin. According to this theory gastric and duodenal ulcers were found to result from disturbances in the central nervous system, i. e. the brain cortex.

The brain cortex under the influence of external and internal stimuli sends impulses to the stomach and the duodenum, which cause a spastic contraction of vessels. Such a spastic contraction results in local trophic disturbances followed by erosion of the affected area by the gastric juice.

In the majority of cases ulcer is observed to develop in particularly nervous persons, often after emotional overstrain. But an irregular diet in combination with an emotional overstrain is often observed to contribute to the onset of ulcer development.

Gastric and duodenal ulcers are found to develop more frequently in men than in women, mainly at ages of 25 to 40 years. This disease is characterized by pains, haemorrhages, nausea, vomiting, etc. At the onset of the disease pain is usually dull in character. In gastric ulcers pain is found to grow worse after meals. Acute pain in the stomach is known to be characteristic of perforated ulcers. Pain due to ulcer is well known to occur periodically and be intermittent in occurrence.

The course of ulcer has proved to vary with age and sex, location of ulcers, etc. At a young age its course has no characteristic clinical manifestations. Inold persons the incidence of ulcers is known to be rare. But they are often complicated by considerable haemorrhage resulting from sclerotic changes in the stomach.

Ulcers are known to have a chronic, cyclic course, with remissions from 6 to 12 months. Exacerbation (обострение) of ulcers, particularly that of duodenal ulcers, has been found to occur in spring and autumn.


Закончите данные предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста:

1. Patients with perforated ulcers are known to complain of... (a) an acute pain in the stomach; 6) a sharp pain in the substernal area radiating to the shoulder) 2. In old persons ulcers are complicated by haemorrhage which is due to... (a) sclerotic changes in the stomach; 6) an irregular diet in combination with a nervous overstrain) 3. According to corticovisceral theory the development of ulcer is associated with... (a) disturbances in the blood supply of the brain; 6) the lesions of the central and peripheral nervous systems)

Закончите предложения согласно содержанию текста:

1. The corticovisceral theory of the pathogenesis of ulcer was a further development of.... 2. Male patients at the ages of 25 to 40 are known to suffer from ulcers more.... 3. At the onset of the disease the patients with ulcer complain of pain which is.... 4. According to corticovisceral theory it has been proved that gastric and duodenal ulcers are due to.... 5. It is known that an irregular diet as well as emotional overstrain may.... 6. In young patients the course of ulcer may have no.... 7. The scientists consider that the lesions of the central and peripheral nervous systems lead to....

Вопросы для обсуждения:

1. What does salt consist of?

2. How much gastric juice is secreted in the stomach within 24 hours?

3. What substances do milk products contain?

4. How many hours may the movement of food in the intestines of a healthy person last?

VI. Домашнее задание к следующему занятию.

1. Выучить грамматический материал урока 11.

2. Выучить лексику по теме The Diseases of the Alimentary Tract

VII. Контроль.

Устный опрос


Список основной литературы


1. Маслова, Алевтина Макаровна. Английский язык для медицинских вузов: учебник / А. М. Маслова. - 5-е изд.,испр. - М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2014. - 336 с.

2. Кондратьева, Виолетта Александровна. Немецкий язык для обучающихся-медиков: учебник / В. А. Кондратьева, Л. Н. Григорьева. - 2-е изд., испр.. - М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2012. - 400 с.: ил.

3. Евсюкова, Т. В. Английский язык [Электронный ресурс]: учебник / Т. В. Евсюкова, С. И. Локтева. - 2-е изд,. стереотип. - М.: ФЛИНТА; МПСИ, 2011. - 358 с.

4. Гильфанова, Ф. Х. Немецкий язык [Электронный ресурс]: учебное пособие / Ф. Х. Гильфанова, Р. Т. Гильфанов. - 2-е изд., стереотип. - Б. м.: ФЛИНТА, 2012. - 320 с.

5. Муравейская, М. С. Английский язык для медиков [Электронный ресурс]: учебное пособие / М. С. Муравейская, Л. К. Орлова. - 11-е изд. - М.: ФЛИНТА, 2011. - 384 с.

6. Английский язык. English in Dentistry: учебник / Л. Ю. Берзегова [и др.]; ред. Л. Ю. Берзегова. - 2-е изд., испр. и доп. - М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2013. - 360 с.: ил.


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